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1. 心理学基础知识:学习心理学的各个领域的基本理论和研究方法,了解心理健康的基本概念和原理。

2. 心理健康教育理论与实践:学习心理健康教育的基本理论、模型和方法,掌握有效的心理健康教育策略和技巧。

3. 心理健康问题的识别和评估:学习心理健康问题的识别和评估方法,包括心理测量、评估工具和技术,能够准确判断个体或群体的心理健康状况。

4. 心理健康干预和治疗:学习心理健康问题的干预和治疗方法,包括认知行为疗法、谈话疗法、心理教育等,能够设计和实施有效的心理健康干预方案。

5. 心理健康教育策划与管理:学习制定和实施心理健康教育项目的策划、管理和评估方法,包括需求评估、资源整合、活动设计等。

6. 社会心理学和健康心理学:学习社会心理学和健康心理学的相关理论和研究成果,了解个体与社会环境之间的相互影响和健康相关因素。

7. 心理危机干预与紧急救援:学习心理危机干预和紧急救援技能,能够在自然灾害、事故等突发事件中提供心理支持和援助。








就业前景不错,主要就业方向  1、心理咨询师






心理学专业更好。 心理学专业专业培养具备心理学的基本理论、基本知识、基本技能,能在科研部门、高等和中等学校、企事业单位等从事心理学科学研究、教学工作和管理工作的高级专门人才。 心理健康教育专业是全日制双证教育硕士专业方向之一





















One, what does graduate student of mental health education learn?

1.Psychological ABC: Learn the basic theory of each psychological domains and research technique, understand the basic idea of mental health and principle.

2.Mental health teachs theory and practice: Study the basic theory that mental health teachs, model and method, master effective mental health to teach strategy and skill.

3.The identifying of mental health problem and evaluate: The identifying that studies mental health issue and evaluate a method, include psychology to measure, assess tool and technology, can accurate judgement individual or the mental health state of the group.

4.Mental health intervenes and treat: Study the interpose of mental health problem and remedial method, include education of cognitive behavior treatment, talk therapeutics, psychology to wait, can be designed and implement plan of effective mental health intervention.

5.Mental health teachs plan and management: The plan that study is made and implements mental health to teach a project, management and evaluate a method, include demand to evaluate, design of resource conformity, activity.

6.Social psychology and health are psychological: Study society psychology and the relevant theory with psychological health and research achievement, understanding is individual with the mutual influence between social environment and healthy and relevant element.

7.Psychological crisis interpose and aid of close emergency treatment: Learn psychological crisis interpose and skill of aid of close emergency treatment, psychological support and support can be provided in the sudden incident such as natural disaster, accident.

Besides afore-mentioned content, mental health education studies survival needs to undertake carry out and jackarooing, develop actual application and the ability that solve a problem, participate in project of community mental health for example, undertake mental health teachs an activity to wait.

2, does mental health teach a graduate student to want to learn maths?

Mental health teachs a graduate student to study maths in communal class, need not learn in major.

3, is graduate student of mental health education good take an examination of?

Mental health education is taken an examination of grind be had compared the major that take an examination of, enter oneself for an examination the number is less, it is the intellectual place that needs recital mostly next, do not involve mathematical knowledge.

Mental health education is the rule that develops according to student physiology psychology, use psychological educational method, foster the student's good psychology quality, the education that quality of stimulative student whole improves in the round. Is mental health education the main component: that quality teachs? Education of century of?1 of Chang of regretful of scabbard stool  revitalizes the action to plan " , fulfil " cross century quality to teach a project " , the important segment that education crosses talent of century high quality. In the meantime, a when the inevitable demand that undertakes to the student mental health education also is contemporary education effectively and place of broad school teaching staff are faced with collective urgent task.

4, foreground of obtain employment of graduate student of mental health education?

Obtain employment prospect is good,   of direction of main obtain employment 1, psychology seeks advice from division

Increase as social pressure, everybody appears easily a few psychology are bemused, seek advice from the dredge of division with respect to need psychology at this moment, make oneself breaks away from mistake and inactive thought thereby. Additional, at present each university officer sets psychology to seek advice from place, can solve psychology to baffle for the student, and income is considerable.

2, education grooms master

Besides undertake psychological dredge for other beyond, still can do groom master. This major is on-the-job grinding curricular content is rich, include theory already, set practice again, promote an individual professional competence in the round thereby. Come so, can impart learns knowledge student, its pay pay is rich and generous.

5, learn elder sister to learn to grow the graduate student that knows mental health is taught to learn?

Intentional manage health teachs major

Psychological major is better. Psychological professional and professional education has psychological basic theory, basic knowledge, basic technical ability, can be in scientific research branch, advanced and secondary school, enterprise or business the unit advanced and technical qualified personnel that pursues job of job of psychological scientific research, teaching and management. Major of mental health education is one of direction of major of Master of education of full-time double card

6, pedagogic can be the teacher become after the mental health inside teachs a graduate student to graduate?

1, national administration teachs a system, teach bureau and so on for instance.

2, do educational administration work to the college.

3, to a few normal school kind school, when the teacher of pedagogic communal class or professional class.

4, institute of a few education, perhaps teach kind magazine company.

5, become an assistant into the college.

6, educational referral center, groom of central what. .

7, this scientific English, the graduate student learns to mental health has been taught or teach management, preschool education, contemporary education skill? Adjust a help?

The individual values educational management and contemporary education skill quite, , reason very simple, hypothesis management and psychology 100 minutes (master and use rate) , so the side runs in education your development space is very large, what because be in,educational management field has developed is very good, very perfect word this not quite can, and if psychological education is mixed if be being compared with educational management, about the same one is high school degree, one is college degree, if you want to teach the progress with better side in psychology most at least wants above ability and the development that run in education 150 minutes to keep balance, the person that teachs this respect understanding in the heart is less, this is just like you to be had in this two respects have same height, the respect is taught in the heart in same place college you can be become only a senior lecturer, and you became educational management field however the president of this college, leader and the concern that are headed came out.

Although the education in the heart also can gain same height but paid pains is very more, if you use this pains to be used on educational management, your results still is met taller. The individual understands, offer reference only.

8, nurse what does pedagogic graduate student learn?

Nurse ethnics of anatomy of main somebody body, physiological, medicine, psychology, pathogeny learns the special training course of graduate student study, medication learn, diagnose learn a basics, protect foundation of a Confucian school of idealist philosophy of the Song and Ming Dynasties, urgent serious illness to nurse, division of inside and outside protects a Confucian school of idealist philosophy of the Song and Ming Dynasties, Fu. Nurse the pressing demand that the Master expands technical to nursing qualified personnel to get used to career of our country medicine, perfect nurse the talent develops a system, innovation nurses the talent develops pattern, rise nurse the talent fosters quality, ad hoc buy nurses Master major degree.

9, is mental health education a few grade begins to learn?

One grade should fly mental health class. Open healthy class to have the following profit:

1, thinking characteristic: One grade student is forming an abecedarian view to the world of the life, they are good at the characteristic at distinguishing an object, judgement between the object identical with differentia, very can fast very easy ground masters the characteristic with any object inherent place.

2, the language conveys a characteristic: One grade student is happy to had done the business that pass to someone else him communication, this is the positive factor that encourages the diction habit that the student is conveyed systematically and develops science, culture on dug class.

3, the society interacts and cooperate with the person characteristic: One grade student is the effect that suffers a companion easily, it is it is a center with the individual. Cheeper sees what others has, oneself also want to have; What does people play, oneself also should play. The reason that suffers companion effect may be an individual expressional desire, individual is had desire, interest is easy such-and-such, be goot at arising associate.

10, what is mental health education?

Mental health education calls psychological quality education again, abbreviation is psychological education or heart Yo. It is the method that pedagogue uses psychological science, bring to bear on to be affected actively to teaching each level of object psychology, in order to promote its psychological development and suit, the education that maintains its mental health carries out an activity.
