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One, the flashlight that how puts out digital camera?

Digital camera wants to shut flashlight, enter above all take a picture condition, press menu of function of v of wrong way key. Choose flashlight mode. Shut flashlight. Come back to take a picture again next with respect to OK!

2, how does flashlight of digital camera red close?

Why should you put out it that?

He closes to be not dropped, because focusing range finding uses that, he is not started when the light is good, once take a picture below weak light,it was started automatically, did not have him to be below weak light cannot range finding focusing, cannot take a picture more.

3, how is the flashlight of digital camera opened?

If choose glitter, with respect to the pushbutton that marks by lightning. Appear onefold lightning marks, it is compulsive glitter. Appear label of a lightning is inside circle, shut glitter forcibly namely. If appear,AUTO symbol flashs automatically namely, enough light shines, insufficient light does not shine.

Appear a label that resembles an eye, prevent red-eyed and flashy mode namely. Every mark by lightning, label of this a few appearance can change, with respect to the need that can press yourself, the flashy mode that him choice wants! This is the use that is aimed at card machine, if be odd,oppose a machine, the left lower part that can press coping commonly has a button, can play flashlight by!

4, how does Ipad open flashlight? How does Ipad open flashlight?

1, open in IPad camera [camera] application, click page top left corner [lightning] design;

2, the meeting after clicking is played piece [automatic] , [open] and [shut] 3 option. Choice [open] junior travel takes a picture, at this moment the flashlight by postposition camera lens can shine;

3, we are OK also will [camera] flashlight setting is [automatic] , film in what the light is not worth flashlight of camera of the IPad below the environment is met so automatic open.

5, how doesn't camera of can old number open beautiful flashlight?

The reason with not flashy flashlight of the buy inside 70d:

1: Shut inside buy flashlight. Press MENU button, in the setting 2 pages fall, choose flashlight control, press SET, anthology enable- - SET.

2: If use inside buy flashlight films continuously with brief interval, to protect flashlight component, flashlight may quit the job. Wait for flashlight of reuse of period of time please.

3: In P/Tv/Av/M/B/ mode, want to use flashlight, play pushbutton by flashlight please.

4: Examination flashlight is in a hand to use flashy pattern and set for lowest glitter is outputted, the setting is lowermost output, it is when when the light is better the likelihood cannot be aware of. If already open flashlight, also did not use flashlight continuously, and flashlight already bounced, ambient light line darker, and flashlight does not have glitter, the proposal sends the closest from you beautiful to be able to write central self-criticism quickly.

6, how does the flashlight of camera of Ni Kang number close?

One, the meeting below automatic mode promotes a flashlight, usually flashlight won't bounce automatically, unless you are used, is automatic mode, e.g. what figure mode, scenery mode, oneself had been installed, this kind of mode, if the light is insufficient good, camera can play a flashlight automatically.

2, appear to prevent such situation, still use half hand is moved or manual mode can have been compared, e.g. TV archives, e.g. M archives such mode.

3, if you are automatic,mode had been opened, change semi-automatic pattern now, but if flashlight does not know how to be shut, and play the place that give, press with the hand it is good to go back.

4, how does the hand move flashlight open, if you need to open flashlight, see the word of the feeling that flashlight films, also can be on the side of camera lens, find the open pushbutton of this flashlight, there is the sign like a similar lightning on the side.

7, how to open camera to open flashlight?

Watch for an opportunity is distinct, the method is different also. Want to decide whether flashlight has a problem first. Generally speaking inside the word of buy flashlight, you seek watch for an opportunity a mark is worn the key-press that lightning indicates, press after going, general meeting has option, according to your need, the selection went.

8, how does flashlight of Ni Kang camera leave? How does flashlight of Ni Kang camera leave?

There is a button on camera airframe, press, shine to bounce inside came. Use very simple also

If be outside shine, use compare relatively complex, need reads a manual, the manual of airframe and flashlight must read ability travel well.

Sheet turns over flashlight how to move:

1, if film person make flashlight flashy according to his effective demand, should choose M hand to move so block.

2, if use, is inside buy flashlight, what if use,can press flashlight pushbutton; directly is outside receive flashlight, can be its installation so on hot boots, and tone is moved to M hand block.

3, later adjust aperture, shutter, speed, small aperture is OK empty changes setting, big aperture can make foreground setting all closes anxious. Low shutter comfortable in harmony photographs mobile, and tall shutter suits to film fixity body. Speed is lower the place of a confusion of voices of a photograph is less.

4, to inside buy flashlight, press directly flashlight pushbutton, choose last " flashy exposure is compensated " , but to outside receive flashlight, need to adjust batch of Niu Jin to be installed all right.

5, later readjust other option, balance in vain for example, click next click screen to choose to be opposite focus, wait by shutter partly, press shutter pushbutton undertakes taking a picture completely later

9, is digital camera flashlight not flashy how to return a responsibility?

My beautiful also can give this issue.

If be in,guarantee inside, had better be maintained directly. It is OK still to guaranteed more than go beautiful can maintain a dot to let them help you wipe flashlight.

If think oneself are done,decide, you are OK foretaste, audio of Da of noisy after pressing a flashlight Da removing Da at the same time, the dig or dig out with a finger or sth pointed that use a hand removes flashlight. If be in Da Da Da while cannot dig or dig out with a finger or sth pointed rises, that can close only machine is new open succeed add comes again. After dig or dig out with a finger or sth pointed rises, the autograph that use a face wipes flashlight bedspring the spoil dirt of that position. Taking flashlight to move up and down with the hand next (but do not let flashlight close) , at that time bedspring may give out the sound that creak creaks, continue to move up and down, after moving N for many times, the squish sound bit that feels spring, continue to move again, arrive all the time flashlight can oneself bounce come till.

10, how does the flashlight of 4600 pass watch for an opportunity of Ni Kang number?

One, the meeting below automatic mode promotes a flashlight, usually flashlight won't bounce automatically, unless you are used, is automatic mode, e.g. what figure mode, scenery mode, oneself had been installed, this kind of mode, if the light is insufficient good, camera can play a flashlight automatically.

2, appear to prevent such situation, still use half hand is moved or manual mode can have been compared, e.g. TV archives, e.g. M archives such mode.

3, if you are automatic,mode had been opened, change semi-automatic pattern now, but if flashlight does not know how to be shut, and play the place that give, press with the hand it is good to go back.

4, how does the hand move flashlight open, if you need to open flashlight, see the word of the feeling that flashlight films, also can be on the side of camera lens, find the open pushbutton of this flashlight, there is the sign like a similar lightning on the side.
