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浙江财经大学东方学院(Zhejiang University of Finance & Economics Dongfang College)是一所以经济、管理学科为主体,经、管、文、艺、法、理、工多学科协调发展的应用型本科院校,是1999年经浙江省人民政府批准、2004年经国家教育部确认的全日制本科独立学院。2010年9月从杭州市文华校区整体迁址至浙江省海宁市连杭经济开发区长安新校区。是全国高等学校创业教育研究与实践先进单位、浙江省应用型建设试点示范本科高校、浙江省应用型高校联盟副理事长单位、全国财经院校创新创业协作组理事单位。






     1、 浙江财经大学是一本、二本专业招生,浙江财经大学东方学院在浙江省内是二本招生,省外是三本招生。

     2、 浙江财经大学是教育厅下属的公立学校,浙江财经大学东方学院是独立学院。

     3、 学费收费不同,浙江财经大学专业学费在6000-8000元/年,浙江财经大学东方学院专业学费在15000元/年

     4、 办学规模不同。浙江财经大学位于杭州,学校现有下沙、文华、翠苑和长安4个校区,占地2300亩,总建筑面积98.5万平方米。浙江财经大学东方学院坐落在著名的历史文化名城、现代皮衣之都海宁,占地近千亩,建筑面积31万余平方米。

     5、 师资力量不同。浙江财经大学共有在校教职工1492人,其中专任教师1080人,正高级职称162人,副高级职称345人,具有博士学位专任教师542人。浙江财经大学东方学院现有专任教师500余人,44%以上具有高级专业技术职务,86%以上具有硕士及以上学位。 

      6、 浙江财经大学东方学院是一所以经济、管理学科为主体,经、管、文、艺、法、理、工多学科协调发展的应用型本科院校,是1999年经浙江省人民政府批准、2004年经国家教育部确认的全日制本科独立学院。

     7、 浙江财经大学坐落在浙江省杭州市,是一所由浙江省人民政府举办的,中国高等教育学会创新创业教育分会会员单位,以经济、管理学科为主体,多学科协调发展的全日制普通高等学校,入选第二批浙江省重点建设高校,具有博士、硕士、学士学位授予权和外国留学生、港澳台学生招生权。毕业生薪酬水平位列全国第75位浙江省属高校第一。




2022浙江财经大学东方学院学费:金融学、国际经济与贸易、跨境电子商务、会计学、财务管理、审计学、税收学、财政学、工商管理、电子商务、英语专业学年学费24750元/生,数据科学与大数据技术专业学年学费20000元/生,计算机科学与技术专业、艺术类本科专业学年学费27750元/生,其他普通本科专业学年学费18000元/生;住宿费:四人间2500元/生·学年,六人间1800元/生·学年 。




















One, area of institute of east of university of Zhejiang finance and economics?

Institute of east of university of Zhejiang finance and economics (Zhejiang University Of Finance&Economics Dongfang College) be one so course of economy, management gives priority to body, classics, canal, article, art, school of the law, manage, application that is versed in much discipline coordinates development undergraduate course, was 1999 the approval of government of people of classics Zhejiang province, full-time undergraduate course that affirmed via national Ministry of Education 2004 is independent institute. From Hangzhou city location of change of whole of Wen Hua campus saved Hai Ning to Zhejiang in September 2010 new campus of Chang'an of developing zone of city Lian Hang economy. It is research of poineering education of countrywide colleges and universities and practice application of province of advanced unit, Zhejiang construction is pilot innovation of school of finance and economics of unit of vice-president of alliance of application of province of college of demonstrative undergraduate course, Zhejiang college, whole nation does poineering work unit of synergic group director.

The institute is located in Zhejiang sea peace, cover an area of 938 mus, floor area 300 thousand square metre,

2, a few is institute of east of university of Zhejiang finance and economics?

University of Zhejiang finance and economics is Zhejiang province belongs to key university, in finance, , management, the respect such as information has powerful advantage, the talent comes forth in large numbers, oriental institute is university of finance and economics has the adult that contains Troy to teach a college most, have advanced title to teach 40 much people, associate professor 60 much, the institute is opened course and in school this class is unripe basic and identical, curricular cent finishs education for the education on the line and line, the total class hour that finish can obtain record of formal schooling of undergraduate course of university of finance and economics 205 minutes. If English level is achieved during read,take an exam 4 class, can obtain bachelor's degree.

3, urgent! The distinction of university of Zhejiang finance and economics and institute of east of university of Zhejiang finance and economics?

   The distinction of these two schools basically has the following.

   1, university of Zhejiang finance and economics is, 2 professional recruit students, institute of east of university of Zhejiang finance and economics is in Zhejiang provincial it is 2 recruit students, 3 recruit students are outside the province.

   2, the public school that university of Zhejiang finance and economics is educational office subordinate, institute of east of university of Zhejiang finance and economics is independent institute.

   3, tuition collects fees different, major of university of Zhejiang finance and economics is tuitional in 6000-8000 yuan / year, tuition of major of institute of east of university of Zhejiang finance and economics is in 15000 yuan / year

  4, managerial dimensions is different. University of Zhejiang finance and economics is located in Hangzhou, the school has next sand, Wen Hua, emerald green Yuan Hechang to install 4 campuses, cover an area of 2300 mus, total floor area 985 thousand square metre. Institute of east of university of Zhejiang finance and economics is located in the famous historical culture famous city, Dou Haining of contemporary fur clothing, cover an area of nearly 1000 mus, floor area 310 thousand more than square metre.

   5, force of persons qualified to teach is different. University of Zhejiang finance and economics is mutual in school teaching worker 1492 people, its technical secondary school holds the post of 1080 people of pedagogic, advanced title 162 people, deputy advanced title 345 people, have a doctor's degree 542 people of full-time teacher. Institute of east of university of Zhejiang finance and economics has full-time teacher 500 more than person, 44% above have advanced and professional technical position, 86% above have Master and above degree.

     6, institute of east of university of Zhejiang finance and economics is one so course of economy, management gives priority to body, classics, canal, article, art, school of the law, manage, application that is versed in much discipline coordinates development undergraduate course, was 1999 the approval of government of people of classics Zhejiang province, full-time undergraduate course that affirmed via national Ministry of Education 2004 is independent institute.

   7, university of Zhejiang finance and economics is located in Zhejiang to visit Hangzhou town, by Zhejiang province people government is held one, chinese higher education learns unit of member of branch of innovation poineering education, with economy, management course gives priority to body, the full-time that much discipline coordinates development is common colleges and universities, selected province of the 2nd batch of Zhejiang builds a college mainly, have doctor, Master, baccalaureate to grant recruit students of student of authority and international student, Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan right. Level of graduate firewood fulfil province of the 75th Zhejiang of row whole nation belongs to a college the first.

4, is college of east of university of Zhejiang finance and economics good?

Good, institute of east of university of Zhejiang finance and economics is the full-time of run by the local people that holds water via approval of Ministry of Education of People's Republic of China application of province of institute of independence of ordinary undergraduate course, Zhejiang construction is pilot pilot school, Zhejiang saves institution of certificate of 1+X of college of demonstrative undergraduate course, Ministry of Education school of classroom education innovation, Zhejiang saves colleges and universities provincial produce religion.

5, is institute of east of university of Zhejiang finance and economics tuitional 2021?

Institute of east of university of 2022 Zhejiang finance and economics is tuitional: Finance learns, international economy and commerce, cross condition electron business affairs, accounting, financial management, audit to learn, taxation learns, school year of major of business affairs of cameralistics, industrial and commercial management, electron, English is tuitional 24750 yuan / unripe, data science and tuition of school year of major of big data technology 20000 yuan / unripe, computer science and technical major, artistic school year of kind of undergraduate course major is tuitional 27750 yuan / unripe, school year of major of other and ordinary undergraduate course is tuitional 18000 yuan / unripe; Accommodation cost: 4 worlds 2500 yuan / unripe · school year, 6 worlds 1800 yuan / unripe · school year.

6, how does institute of east of university of Zhejiang finance and economics turn set?

In acquire year greatly paragraph the student of before 10% , application offers to the institute when ending greatly

7, does east of university of Zhejiang finance and economics learn school example to unscramble?

East of university of Zhejiang money gold learns school example is " enter heart study at school, with when in the company of goes " , it is a choice " The Book of Changes " in " enter heart study at school, with when in the company of goes " these 2 words are school example, basically be based on the following consideration.

Above all, it reflected the ethos with solid culture inside information and big gain, showed money courtyard person carry forward the cause and forge ahead into future, with when the mental view that all takes.

Next, it mirrorred the main characteristic of higher education and historical mission well and truly, summed up the successful experience of money courtyard well, point to the development direction of clear future.

Again, " The Book of Changes " regard China as culture yuan the great place of allusion and extensive influence, can promote money the culture value of courtyard education concept and social effect, will win the good echo of social all circles, be helpful for be being publicized external, especially the influence in overseas Chinese, become the mental fortune of money courtyard and intangible assets.

Institute with " enter heart study at school, with when in the company of goes " for school example, not be the pursuit of a kind of formally, want to reflect the managerial thought of money courtyard and mental view with school example however, condense popular feeling, make clear direction, development innovation, drive the success that the institute works each. Can say, school example is decided really, it is pair of money courtyards nearly 20 years the abstraction of managerial thought, also be pair of higher education understanding deepen, it is in to institute of Zhejiang finance and economics the incentive effect that the development of new century has and direct import will grow day and day.

8, is institute of east of university of Zhejiang finance and economics fair do?

Institute of east of university of Zhejiang finance and economics is the full-time of run by the local people that holds water via approval of Ministry of Education of People's Republic of China application of province of institute of independence of ordinary undergraduate course, Zhejiang construction is pilot pilot school, Zhejiang saves institution of certificate of 1+X of college of demonstrative undergraduate course, Ministry of Education school of classroom education innovation, Zhejiang saves colleges and universities provincial produce religion. [1]

School predecessor is to found the Zhejiang finance and economics 1999 to learn courtyard east institute, run by the local people is when 2 class institute; 2004, the independent institute of full-time undergraduate course that affirms via national Ministry of Education; In April 2013, along with university of Zhejiang finance and economics more the name is institute of east of university of Zhejiang finance and economics. [1]

Up to in October 2021, the school covers an area of a face to accumulate 938 mus, floor area 300 thousand square metre, total value of equipment of instrument of education scientific research more than yuan 5300; Set education courtyard department 11, start undergraduate course is professional 36; Have full-time student 10932 people, 465 people of full-time teacher; Books of holding paper quality 1.152 million. [2]

9, how does institute of east of university of Zhejiang finance and economics turn set?

Oriental institute is private 3 institutes, cannot turn set

10, does institute of east of university of Zhejiang finance and economics turn fair do?

Turn for fair run a school.

1. establishs school of public this institution punishing general with peaceful campus of sea of university of Zhejiang finance and economics, but because the school is located in fine the Hai Ning city of the subordinate that start city, and still have had had campus of peaceful international of Zhejiang university sea, so this kind turns set means to need Hai Ning city to give massive effort.

2. close down of institute of independence of the 2nd kind of means, after existing old boy graduates entirely, the school is removed make up, follow a rational line to do some work well becomes peaceful campus of sea of university of Zhejiang finance and economics here, after all Hangzhou of Hai Ning distance is not quite far, not quite far also from Shanghai, area the condition is very advantageous, sea peaceful campus also can undertake interacting effectively with Hangzhou cadre. This kind turns setting pattern is best.

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