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1. 你觉得下面哪种长相的男生,最有可能是PUA者?

A 颜值高,身高180以上的暖男

B 长得丑的猥琐男

C 颜值一般,看起来很老实

D 颜值中等偏上,看起来有钱

答案 C



2. 你觉得下面哪种职业的人,最有可能是PUA者?

A 一般上班族

B 自由职业者

C 公务员

D 教师



3. 在朋友圈经常发下面哪种内容的男生,最有可能是PUA者?

A 晒各种名牌炫富

B 健身,做饭等日常

C 转发分享各种链接

D 关于宠物的内容


理由:PUA 的第一步就是,塑造一个高大上的人设,引起大家的兴趣。



4. 说出下面哪句话的男生,可能不是PUA?

A 我很小爸妈就离婚了,没有人关心我,爱我,我只有你了。

B 从来没有人像你一样,这么了解我,认识你真是我这辈子最大的幸运。

C 我被前女友伤害了以后,本来再也不相信爱情了,直到遇见了你。

D 我读书的时候,其实被校园暴力过,得过抑郁症,和你在一起之后,我感觉自己变好了,所有你不能离开我。


理由:PUA 的第二步,就是颠覆之前塑造的形象,向对方示弱。





5. 下面哪种类型的女生,最不可能遇到PUA?

A 有钱的白富美

B 之前谈过恋爱,和前男友发生过性关系的女生

C 有稳定的工作,没什么恋爱经验的普通女生 (是处女)

D 长得特别好看的女生


理由: 注意是“最不可能”。






6. 在下面哪个场景,最容易碰到PUA?

A 相亲

B 酒吧

C 学校图书馆

D 公司聚餐




7. 下面哪些表现的人,最有可能是PUA者?

A 在你们发生性关系后,对你开始冷淡了

B 第一次吃饭的时候,对你说:“你吃相也太难看了吧?!”

C 突然告诉你,他父母不同意你们在一起

D 在暧昧时期对你说:“你看起来很坚强,但我看得出来,你是个内心脆弱的女孩。”


理由: 这句话是PUA的万用必杀技了。

刚听到这种话的时候,可能会给对方一种 “只有你懂我的脆弱”的错觉,然后好感蹭蹭蹭上涨。






8. 在热恋期的时候,男朋友突然对你忽冷忽热,然后你委屈的去问他原因。


A 你想多了。

B 抱歉啊,宝宝,我最近家里遇到了一点事,可能忽略你了。

C 我之前不是和你说过了,我们在一起后,你要学会提升自己啊。结果过了这么久,你怎么还是这么胖,有好好减肥吗?

D 我最近工作有点忙,我怎么可能不理你呢。


理由: PUA套路很重要的一点,就是推拉和打压。

在你真正爱上他以后,指出你的缺点,比如你不够好看,你不够聪明,你身材不够好.... 一步步打击你的自信。







1. 你觉得下面哪种长相的男生,最有可能是PUA者?

A 颜值高,身高180以上的暖男 — 1分

B 长得丑的猥琐男 — 0分

C 颜值一般,看起来很老实 — 3分

D 颜值中等偏上,看起来有钱 — 2分

2. 你觉得下面哪种职业的人,最有可能是PUA者?

A 一般上班族 — 1分

B 自由职业者 — 3分

C 公务员 — 1分

D 教师 — 1分

3. 在朋友圈经常发下面哪种内容的男生,最有可能是PUA者?

A 晒各种名牌炫富 — 3分

B 健身,做饭等日常 — 2分

C 转发分享各种链接 — 0分

D 关于宠物的内容— 1分

4. 说出下面哪句话的男生,可能不是PUA?

A 我很小爸妈就离婚了,没有人关心我,爱我,我只有你了。— 0分

B 从来没有人像你一样,这么了解我,认识你真是我这辈子最大的幸运。— 3分

C 我被前女友伤害了以后,本来再也不相信爱情了,直到遇见了你。— 0分

D 我读书的时候,其实被校园暴力过,得过抑郁症,和你在一起之后,我感觉自己变好了,所有你不能离开我。— 0分

5. 下面哪种类型的女生,最不可能遇到PUA?

A 有钱的白富美— 0分

B 之前谈过恋爱,和前男友有羞羞的女生 —0分

C 有稳定的工作,没什么恋爱经验的普通女生 (是处女)— 3分

D 长得特别好看的女生 —0分

6. 在下面哪个场景,最容易碰到PUA?

A 相亲 — 1分

B 酒吧 — 3分

C 学校图书馆 — 1分

D 公司聚餐 —1分

7. 下面哪些表现的人,最有可能是PUA者?

A 在你们羞羞后,对你开始冷淡了 — 1分

B 第一次吃饭的时候,对你说:“你吃相也太难看了吧?!” — 0分

C 突然告诉你,他父母不同意你们在一起 — 0分

D 在暧昧时期对你说:“你看起来很坚强,但我看得出来,你是个内心脆弱的女孩。” — 3分

8. 在热恋期的时候,男朋友突然对你忽冷忽热,然后你委屈的去问他原因。


A 你想多了。— 0分

B 抱歉啊,宝宝,我最近家里遇到了一点事,可能忽略你了。— 0分

C 我之前不是和你说过了,我们在一起后,你要学会提升自己啊。结果过了这么久,你怎么还是这么胖,有好好减肥吗? — 3分

D 我最近工作有点忙,我怎么可能不理你呢。— 0分



3-6分:被 PUA 概率90%

6-12分:被 PUA 概率70%

12-18分: 被 PUA 概率30%

18-24分:被 PUA 概率0%




1.You feel below the schoolboy of which kinds of appearance, be PUA likely most person?

A Yanzhi is tall, height of 180 above warm male

What B grows uglily is wretched male

C Yanzhi is general, look very frank

D Yan Zhizhong slant on, look rich

Answer C

Reason: Such appearance has beguiling sex most, let a person easily loosen vigilance.

Mix probably green tea Biao is mostly the sort of length general, does the Xiaobai that looks very pure spend a truth?

2.You feel below which kinds of occupational person, be PUA likely most person?

A average office worker

B free profession person

C officeholder

D teacher

The answer: B

Reason: PUA person the profession compares freedom normally, such he just has a lot of time to cheat a schoolgirl.

3.In the friend the circle often is sent below the schoolboy of which kinds of content, be PUA likely most person?

A basks in all sorts of famous brand dazzle is rich

B fitness, cook etc daily

C transmit shares all sorts of links

D the content about pet

The answer: A

Reason: The first pace of PUA is, model lofty the person that go up is set, arouse everybody's interest.

And rich 2 generation are the most commonly used person is set, good after all material condition can attract a woman student quickly.

Nevertheless, the possibility of B and D is not little also. Besides money person is set, this kind " have deep love for the life, sunshine is active, have love " the person is set, very congenial also.

4.Speak below the schoolboy of which word, may be PUA?

A I am very small pa Mom divorced, care me without the person, love me, I have you only.

B never figure you are same, understand me so, knowing you is my this all one's life really the biggest lucky.

C me by before after cummer was harmed, also do not believe love again originally, until encountered you.

D when I read, be crossed by campus force actually, had gotten depressed disease, after be together with you, I feel I ameliorated, all you cannot leave me.

The answer: B

Reason: The 2nd pace of PUA, before overturning namely fictile figure, to give the impression of weakness of the other side.

Tell rich of oneself unbeknown a few miserable classics all through the ages to sympathize with, for instance childhood shadow, the injury waits affection a moment.

This kind of moment may let show effect of your goddess heart, feel oneself are the which person that can save him exclusively.

And B, the likelihood is the schoolgirl understands him particularly really, it is true love.

Or the schoolboy is how had not talked about love, what be died to death by what the schoolgirl eats is foolish foolish. . .

5.Which are planted below the schoolgirl of the type, encounter PUA possibly least of all?

A has the Bai Fumei of money

Love has talked before B, before mixing, male friend has produced the woman student of sexual relationship

C has steady job, the average woman student of experience of love of it doesn't matter (it is maiden)

The schoolgirl that D grows particularly good-lookingly

The answer: C

Reason: The attention is " likely least of all " .

The main purpose of PUA is to cheat money to cheat color, a and D the first selection target that the schoolgirl of this kind of type is PUA. And the woman student that B has sexual life so is stared at very easily also to go up.

Because in PUA the circle has do not become the regulation of article, do not touch namely maiden.

Censure " you are not maiden " , it is a very common PUA covers a region.

You can look " Beijing University schoolgirl includes beautiful suicide episode " , broken bits male catching this namely, destroy her independent consciousness step by step, undertake those who accuse affection is held.

If your hunter, be in after knowing you are not maiden, more active to your pursuit, so you are about to take care.

6.Below which setting, come up against PUA the most easily?

A dates

B bar

C school library

D company dines together

The answer: B

Reason: Bar is opposite at other 3 places, more confused.

Below this kind of environment, encounter and your viewpoint of value, the person probability that each respect such as living conditions has difference is bigger, the probability that the other side is PUA is bigger also.

7.Below the person of what expression, be PUA likely most person?

A has sex in you hind, begin to you cool

When B first time has a meal, say to you: "Do you eat is the photograph too ugly also? ! !!

C tells you suddenly, his parents does not agree with you to be together

D says to you in ambiguous period: "You look very firm, but I see, you are the girl with a flimsy heart. You are the girl with a flimsy heart..

The answer: D

Reason: This word is PUA 10 thousand with reduce ability surely.

When just hearing this kind of word, may give opposite party a kind " what only you know me is flimsy " illusive, next loiter of loiter of good impression loiter rises.

I was checked, on psychology, this concept cries " cold read " , must the person that do I reckon the likelihood is every PUA want the technology guessing a heart of adroitness control?

Actually its essence is a kind of high probability namely guess.

E.g. , if appeared to be described about the faintness on disposition, and this description is of the front, can use appearance everybody.

So fall in such circumstance, everybody can think this is the nature that describing this.

The word of B, this is not PUA, estimation is mouth cheap.

8.In be passionately in love period when, the boy friend is opposite suddenly you ignore cold heat up suddenly, next you subdue go asking him the reason.

Below which answer, is the possibility of PUA the largest?

You think A much.

B is feel sorry, darling, I encountered a bit trouble in the home recently, likelihood oversight you.

C is not before me had said with you, after we are together, you should learn him promotion. The result passed so long, how are you still so fat, have reduce weight well?

D I work recently a bit busy, I pay no attention to you how possibly.

The answer: C

Reason: PUA covers a region a bit very important, it is push-pull is mixed hit pressure.

After falling in love with him truly in you, point out your defect, you are not quite for instance good-looking, you are not quite clever, your figure is not quite good. . . . Hit your self-confidence step by step.

Deserve to go up again abrupt cold force, letting you feel is him not quite good, err what thing, the other side just does not consider reason your.

It is next before blind love, with respect to the angst that can change.

To please the other side, the likelihood can change him according to his be fond of, change slowly cannot leave him.

The mark is analytic

(add cent to get a result according to his option)

Choose pair of right answers to get 3 minutes, pick the cent cost of other option, the option that every inscribe below correspondence.

1.You feel below the schoolboy of which kinds of appearance, be PUA likely most person?

A Yanzhi is tall, height of 180 above warm male, 1 minute

What B grows uglily is wretched male, 0 minutes

C Yanzhi is general, look very frank, 3 minutes

D Yan Zhizhong slant on, look rich, 2 minutes

2.You feel below which kinds of occupational person, be PUA likely most person?

A average office worker, 1 minute

B free profession person, 3 minutes

C officeholder, 1 minute

D teacher, 1 minute

3.In the friend the circle often is sent below the schoolboy of which kinds of content, be PUA likely most person?

A basks in all sorts of famous brand dazzle is rich, 3 minutes

B fitness, cook etc daily, 2 minutes

C transmit shares all sorts of links, 0 minutes

D the content about pet, 1 minute

4.Speak below the schoolboy of which word, may be PUA?

A I am very small pa Mom divorced, care me without the person, love me, I have you only. , 0 minutes

B never figure you are same, understand me so, knowing you is my this all one's life really the biggest lucky. , 3 minutes

C I by before after cummer was harmed, also do not believe love again originally, until encountered you. , 0 minutes

D when I read, be crossed by campus force actually, had gotten depressed disease, after be together with you, I feel I ameliorated, all you cannot leave me. , 0 minutes

5.Which are planted below the schoolgirl of the type, encounter PUA possibly least of all?

The Bai Fumei with rich A, 0 minutes

Love has talked before B, the schoolgirl of male friendly be ashamed having be ashamed before mixing, 0 minutes

C has steady job, the average woman student of experience of love of it doesn't matter (it is maiden) , 3 minutes

The schoolgirl that D grows particularly good-lookingly, 0 minutes

6.Below which setting, come up against PUA the most easily?

A dates, 1 minute

B bar, 3 minutes

C school library, 1 minute

D company dines together, 1 minute

7.Below the person of what expression, be PUA likely most person?

A is after be ashamed of your be ashamed, begin to you cool, 1 minute

When B first time has a meal, say to you: "Do you eat is the photograph too ugly also? ! " , 0 minutes

C tells you suddenly, his parents does not agree with you to be together, 0 minutes

D says to you in ambiguous period: "You look very firm, but I see, you are the girl with a flimsy heart. " , 3 minutes

8.In be passionately in love period when, the boy friend is opposite suddenly you ignore cold heat up suddenly, next you subdue go asking him the reason.

Below which answer, is the possibility of PUA the largest?

You think A much. , 0 minutes

B is feel sorry, darling, I encountered a bit trouble in the home recently, likelihood oversight you. , 0 minutes

C is not before me had said with you, after we are together, you should learn him promotion. The result passed so long, how are you still so fat, have reduce weight well? , 3 minutes

D I work recently a bit busy, I pay no attention to you how possibly. , 0 minutes

Full marks 24 minutes

0-3 cent: By PUA probability 100%

3-6 cent: By PUA probability 90%

6-12 cent: By PUA probability 70%

12-18 cent: By PUA probability 30%

18-24 cent: By PUA probability 0%

You by the probability of PUA how much be?

This test checks to be not professional psychology.

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