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准备材料: 两个大小相同的宝特瓶、8号实心橡皮塞(可由化工材料行购得)、球针一支、巧拼垫一块、打气桶一个

1. 首先将其中一个宝特瓶切成三等份。

2. 留下瓶口及中段部分;将第二个宝特瓶倒过来。 3. 将第一个的瓶口接在第二个宝特瓶的瓶底;再将第一个的中段瓶身接在第二个宝特瓶的瓶口。

4. 接上去之後﹐从各个方向确定整个火箭的箭身完全是直的﹐确定之後﹐用胶带将两个接口粘紧。

5. 再将巧拼垫剪成机翼﹐机翼的数目可以是3或4片﹐至於图中尺寸仅供参考﹐也可以根据个人喜好设计外型。太大的机翼很容易被风吹掉且较重;太小的机翼发挥不了稳定的作用。 (制作图4)

6. 机翼完成後﹐利用胶带将其平均分配黏贴在火箭後段身上﹐若分配不均﹐火箭会向一边偏航。机翼装上之後要确定是否牢固

7. 弹头的部份是否要做都可以,可选择保丽龙或泡棉来做弹头。利用剪刀将保丽龙或泡棉剪裁成尖头圆柱体後,直接用胶带固定在火箭上端

8. 将球针直接穿过实心的8号橡皮塞,再将橡皮塞塞进瓶底口(火箭底部瓶口

9. 先架设一个斜板,让宝特瓶瓶口向下,球针装上打气桶开始灌气,直到宝特瓶射出去。

10. 宝特瓶本身不会喷很高,掉下来时仔细看瓶子,可发现瓶中有许多白雾,手压瓶身,烟会冒出来,这就是水蒸气。

11. 将宝特瓶中装三分之ㄧ的水,放在斜板上,并将橡皮塞紧塞在瓶口。

12. 球针装上打气桶开始灌气,直到宝特瓶射出去)。可看到火箭飞的比之前更高、更远。


1. 空气可以包含水蒸气,温度越高,可以包含的量就越多。当空气的温度变低时,如果它所含的水蒸气太多,就会把多馀的水蒸气释出而产生云或雾。

2. 如果把空气压缩,它的温度会增高,反过来,空气在膨胀时温度就会降低。在宝特瓶中灌气,等於把外面的空气压进宝特瓶中,这时它的温度会升高,会增加所含有的水蒸气。也因为温度升高,有一部分热量会散到外面。等压力大到脱离橡皮塞时,瓶中空气瞬间膨胀,温度急速下降,多馀的水蒸汽凝结,而使瓶中充满白雾。也由於空气膨胀而喷出时的反作用力,将瓶子瓶底推出。并因膨胀的振动而产生”爆声”。如果瓶中装了一些水,水喷出的反作用力更大,瓶子会飞的更高。


Extreme misery arrow, without the uniform method that make, the material that make is two coke bottle or bottle of snow green jade, size all but (the plastic bottle of other brand is no good, because nozzle does not have method installation, whorl can not is opposite on) , empennage everybody can be made with bolster plate. Dimension and size, each classmate can look to white cloud hall, there is the water rocket that a classmate makes 4 years when section of science and technology last over there, experiment as to the flight of extreme misery arrow, need to blast off frame, so classmates need not have trial fire, should make the appearance of the model only can, think test-fire really, can the hand casts test-fire, examine flight condition, if fly condition not beautiful, the centre of gravity that shows extreme misery arrow is incorrect, classmates can deserve to weigh in arrowhead position, but deserve to should not be overmuch again, it is no matter those who deserve to weigh still do not deserve to weigh, him test-fire or hand cast treat flight condition, want to seek the ground of hollowness, shoot the meeting on person to have risk otherwise. One makes excellent water rocket fly about a hundred Mi Yuan is be nothing difficult. There is the making data of extreme misery arrow on the net, I looked for two here, OK and referenced move makes everybody.

Handle measure and appearance:

Prepare data: Rubber of 8 the treasure spy bottle with two same size, sincere fills in (can buy all right by chemical material) , ball needle, go all out opportunely mat together, encourage bucket

1.Above all will among them bottle of a treasure spy cuts third class share.

2.Leave opening and middle share; Come over bottle of the 2nd treasure spy. 3. Receive the first opening the bottom in bottle of the 2nd treasure spy; Receive the first middle body the opening in bottle of the 2nd treasure spy again.

4.Receive the after that go up. The arrow body that and decide whole rocket from each direction is straight completely, affirmatory after, with adhesive plaster general two interface cling.

5.Will go all out opportunely again mat cut wing, the amount of wing can be 3 or 4, offers reference only to the dimension in Wu Tu, and also can design exterior according to individual be fond of. Too big wing is blown off very easily by wind and heavier; Too small wing cannot produce stable effect. (The graph that make 4)

6.Wing finishs after, uses adhesive plaster to allocate its on average sticky stick in rocket after paragraph on the body, if allocate not all, the rocket is met to at the same time crab. The after of wing mount should decide firm

7.It is OK whether should be the part of warhead done, optional choose protects Li Long or bubble cotton does bullet. Use scissors to become Bao Lilong or bubble cotton cut out unwanted material cusp cylinder after, secure with adhesive plaster directly carry on the rocket

8.8 rubber that cross ball needle sincere directly fill in, take rubber stopper a place of strategic importance bottom mouth again (rocket floor opening

9.First erect inclined board, let opening of treasure spy bottle be down, ball needle mount encourages the bucket begins fill energy of life, shoot till treasure spy bottle.

10.Itself of treasure spy bottle won't gush is very tall, bottle of scrutiny of the young when falling down, can discover to there are a lot of white fogs in bottle, the hand presses body, smoke can appear come, this is vapor.

11.traditional Chinese clothes of treasure spy bottle the water of three ㄧ , put in inclined board on, fill in rubber stopper closely in opening.

12.Ball needle mount encourages the bucket begins fill energy of life, shoot till treasure spy bottle) . Can see the rocket flies before comparing taller, farther.


1.Air can include vapor, temperature is higher, the amount that can contain is more. When airy temperature becomes low, if what it contains vapor is too much, meet the vapor of many Yu commentate go out and produce the cloud or mist.

2.If compress air, its temperature is met heighten, conversely, the temperature when air is expanding can be reduced. In treasure spy bottle fill is enraged, wait at in pressing the air outside into treasure spy bottle, at this moment its temperature will be elevatory, can increase contains vapor. Also lift because of temperature, one part quantity of heat can come loose outside. Wait for pressure to arrive greatly when breaking away from rubber to fill in, instant of the air in bottle expands, temperature quickness drops, the water vapour of much Yu condenses, and make Bai Wu is full of in bottle. Also expand by Wu Kong gas and ejective the counterforce when, roll out bottle bottom. Arise because of bulgy vibration " explode sound " . If bottle traditional Chinese clothes a few water, the counterforce with ejective water is bigger, bottle volant is taller.

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