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长沙附近旅游景点? 长沙南站附近的旅游景点?英文双语对照


长沙附近旅游景点? 长沙南站附近的旅游景点?英文双语对照















宁乡市花明楼景区 55.5

湘潭韶山风景名胜区 73

江西萍乡武功山景区 187

湖南衡阳衡山景区 161

湖南张家界武陵源风景区 80

娄底-曾国藩故里 85

岳阳市岳阳楼-君山岛景区 100

岳阳市平江石牛寨景区 173.6

江西宜春明月山温泉风景区 195.4
















































Does the tourist attraction travel near Changsha?

The the Changsha City spends area of bright building scene: City of peaceful country of Hunan governor sanded city, famous tourist attraction: House of square of Liu Shaoji former residence, memorial hall, bronze, cultural relic, Hua Minglou

Orange of · of hill of Yue Lu of the Changsha City continent travel area: Area of Yue Lu of Hunan Province the Changsha City, famous tourist attraction:

Area of travel of hill of the Yue Heng austral Heng Yang city: Na Yue district of city of Hunan Province Heng Yang, famous tourist attraction: Big temple of hall of classics of Na Yueheng hill, Zhu Rongfeng, Tibet, Na Yue

: of area of scene of island of hill of Yue Yang building of Yue Yang town Mr · ? Discharge of carbonyl of Lao of  bright ≡ grants ケ not? famous tourist attraction: Liu Yi well, ancestral temple of Hunan the wife of a prince, temple of hole front courtyard, fly bell, grave of 2 the wife of a prince, dragon saliva well,

Does the travel tourist attraction around stand south Changsha?

Of Changsha south the travel tourist attraction near the station basically is Hunan forest arboretum. Hunan forest arboretum is the travel tourist attraction with famous Hunan, here not only flowers and plants is much, spring when oriental cherry blooms special beauty.

How does the Huaihe River save city what to travel tourist attraction there is near city?

Have Hangzhou west lake.

Of Shanghai enlighten person Buddhist nun Eden.

The lion of Suzhou lonelies forest, hu Qiu, cold hill temple, the Yun Longhu of Xuzhou, the beautiful fruit hill of the harbor that connect the cloud, join an island.

The thin west lake of Yangzhou.

Temple of Zhenjiang ∽ golden hill, jiao Shan is worth to swim

Is urban travel tourist attraction recommended near Changsha?

Area of Hua Minglou situation of peaceful country city 55.5

Xiangtan Shaoshan scenery scenic spot area 73

Area of scene of hill of gest of Jiangxi duckweed countryside 187

Area of scene of Hunan Hengyang Hengshan 161

Beauty spot of source of hill of fierce of bound of Hunan Zhang Jia 80

A surname bottom - Ceng Guofan native place 85

Yue Yang building of Yue Yang town - area of scene of Jun Shan island 100

Area of scene of camp of ox of stone of smooth river of Yue Yang city 173.6

Jiangxi appropriate spring beauty spot of hot spring of bright moon hill 195.4

Travel of hot spring of peaceful countryside grey boiling water goes vacationing area

Is town visited near Guangdong province are those travel tourist attractions amused?

Province city's amused near Guangdong province travel tourist attraction has south water of Lin Shan of Shan Hegui of bay island, Baiyun.

Is travel tourist attraction recommended near Changsha Gao Tie?

Near Changsha travel tourist attraction has near Gao Tie the following:

1: ? Uglying children's hair?

2: ?  of  of act of contraction of vomit   ?

3: ? ね ?

4: ? Li?

5: ? Heart of a person adept in martial arts and given to chivalrous conduct of  of Yan put down?

These a few are the travel tourist attraction near Changsha tall iron

Near Jiangsu what province city?

Jiangsu saves the province city of photograph adjacent to have Shandong, Anhui, Zhejiang, Shanghai.

Jiangsu: Abbreviation " revive " , provincial capital Nanjing, be located in chinese mainland the eastpart part coastal center, the Christian era because of Changjiang Delta cloth politics made manage the thing divides buy and build a province 1667. Jiangsu east face Yellow Sea, Pacific Ocean, with Shanghai, Zhejiang province, the Anhui province, Shandong saves border on. What Jiangsu belongs to tropics of temperate zone Xiang Ya is transitional climate, climate is friendly, rainfall moderate, climate of the four seasons is trenchant, irrigate with river of the Huaihe River, North Jiangsu always canal a gleam of is a bound, belong to warm temperate zone with north climate of wet, half wet monsoon, with south belong to climate of semi-tropical wet monsoon. Jiangsu is one of birthplace of civilization of Chinese ancient time, have " " " Jin Ling " " raise of the Huaihe River " " Central Plains " 4 big yuan of many culture and terrain feature, since ancient times economy booms, education develops, culture is prosperous, have famous city of culture of 13 countries history in all.

The province city near Tibet?

The the Xizang Autonomous Region is located in our country southwest to border area, the bigger city inside the the Xizang Autonomous Region has city of Lhasa city, prosperous city, Lin Zhi, day criterion of noise made in coughing or vomiting, that. The province near Tibet has Sichuan province, Yunnan province, Qinghai province, The Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region, these a few provinces with the the Xizang Autonomous Region it is adjacent province. Around big city has Chengdu, Chongqing, Kunming, Xining, Urumqi. Tibet still has neighbour of India, Nepalese photograph waiting for a country. Tibet is a ground that is full of the magical, mystery that makes a person yearning.

Does travel visit town near Lanzhou?

One, Dunhuang Mo Gao hole

Mo Gao hole, common calls 1000 Buddha the hole, be located in the Dunhuang that river westing corridor carries on the west. It only then be built at 16 countries before Fu of Qin Tian king firm period, hind the Northern Dynasties of all previous classics, the Sui Dynasty, the Tang Dynasty, the Five Dynasties, the Western Xia regime, yuan the build that waits for past dynasties, form vast scope, have cavern 735, mural qualitative painted sculpture of 45 thousand square metre, mud 2415 honour, be existent scale is the largest on the world, the Buddhist and artistic ground with the richest content.

2, area of scene of glow of red of Zhang Yeqi color

Glow of red of Zhang Yeqi color is located in a surname to connect Shan Beilu, be located in face lustre county with south 30 kilometers, it is country's only red glow landforms and color upland landscape is compound area, it is development one of areas with the richest modelling of the biggest, best, landforms, it is the typical delegate of glow of Chinese color red, division take an examination ofing and travel view and admire value extremely tall.

3, area of scene of Dunhuang elegant red

Area of elegant red scene is located in geological park carry on the west, be apart from Dunhuang urban district 160 kilometre, area 346.35km. Elegant red landforms is the representative landforms type of region of climate extreme drought, it is to make an appointment with the result that wind, water gives priority to force wanting camp to erode deposit of the Quaternary Period since 100000. Main landscape is dimensions the shape of hillock of large ridge in a field of baronial, of great momentum, wall shape and tower are columnar wait for elegant red body, their personification seems thing, lifelike, became our country western of be worthy of the name " devil city " , supplement each other with the desert of vast boundless, desert landscape.

4, groove guard of nature of Zhu Lin channel

Groove guard of nature of channel of Lanzhou Zhu Lin is located in the Gansu Province to always ascend prefectural churchyard, 33.61 square kilometer, altitude is 2100-3500 rice, temperate zone climate of high mountain of sex of half arid mainland. There is a plant inside the area 61 divisions 85 belong to 109 kinds. Wild animal has beasts more than kinds 20, avian more than kinds 40, belong to what national emphasis protects to have musk deer of white buttock deer, horse, lynx and La Ma among them pheasant of hazel grouse of end of chicken, spot, blood, Cang Ying, sparrow hawk, loose sparrow hawk.

5, beauty spot of nature of health county in relief dam

In relief dam is semi-tropical area of zoology travel scene, be located in south Gansu of the Gansu Province the town of in relief dam south city health county, be apart from 84 kilometers of county, churchyard group hill is all green, forest exuberance, the environment is beautiful. The much inside scene area is former zoology forest, have the Guo Liezhen such as ormosia fir, sweet camphor tree, lacebark pine rare tree plants nearly 40 kinds.

6, decide Xi Fenghuang city

Decide Xi Fenghuang city, decide namely on the west Gu Cheng, be located in upper reaches of river of the Zu Li in Gansu, close plain river affluent east, two rivers are handed in on the west collect bank. Decide now mouth of of city stable district presses down thirty lis to spread Zhou Jiazhuang on the west. Child city only then build at Zong Shaosheng of sagacious of Northen Song Dynasty 3 years (1096) , it is bright river road be defence army summer via making Li Xian and build rise, heretofore is close already history of 900 years.

7, sunshade hill

Sunshade hill is located in the Gansu Province to decide on the west churchyard of countryside of beach of big straw of city Zhang county, it is area of scene of travel of stage of AAAA of national forest park, country, country landlord of Pan Yan radical wants one of scene areas, because of " sunrise and the place that it is hill is my " get a name. Be located in Qin Ling end and Min hill are handed in on the west collect a region, height above sea level reachs 2800 meters in 2200 meters between, gross area 36 square kilometer, 120 is in a tourist attraction more.

Does the tourist attraction travel near area of the Changsha City?

1. orange continent head

Orange continent head is one of mark sex tourist attractions of Changsha, be located in Hunan river center on an isle. The natural view that there is beauty here and full-bodied culture atmosphere. You can stroll here, admire Jiang Jing, sample local cate, still can visit memorial hall of orange continent head, understand the history of Changsha and culture.

Hill of 2. Yue Lu

Hill of high mountain the foot of mountain is another tourist attraction of Changsha, it is one of mountain peak of Changsha. Here is having rich rich and historical culture bequest, include garden of science and technology of university of hill of temple of academy of classical learning of high mountain the foot of mountain, high mountain the foot of mountain, high mountain the foot of mountain to wait. You can experience the happiness of nature here, know the culture inside information of Changsha.

3. orange continent big bridge of the Yangtse River

Big bridge of orange continent the Yangtse River is construction of a proper motion design, proper motion, proper motion management is large fair iron is amphibious bridge, also be one of mark sex buildings of the the Changsha City. This bridge is full-length 4.7 kilometers, it is join Changsha urban district and the main thoroughfare of hill of high mountain the foot of mountain. You can admire beautiful scenery of the Yangtse River here, those who experience bridge is grand.

Museum of 4. Hunan Province

Hunan Province museum is the omnibus museum of Hunan Province, also be one of culture marks of Hunan Province. Many cultural relic and history were collected here vestigial, include silver of crockery, bronze ware, gold, jade article, painting and calligraphy to wait. You can understand the history of Hunan and culture here, those who experience China civilization is broad and profound.

Academy of classical learning of 5. Yue Lu

Academy of classical learning of high mountain the foot of mountain is one of 4 big academy of classical learning on Chinese history, also be one of advanced institution of higher learning of Chinese ancient time. Here once trained numerous scholar and famous person, include Zhu Xi, Zhang Zai, plum gift presented to a senior at one's first visit as a mark of esteem, Yang Shi. You can understand the education of Chinese ancient time and culture here, experience the glamour of traditional culture.

Square of 6. Changsha citizen

Changsha citizen square is a the Changsha City lively public one of, also be one of buildings of ground mark sex of Changsha. Here is having various recreational activities and commercial establishment, include shopping centers, cinema, dining-room to wait. You can shop here, view shadow, sample cate, the vigor that experiences a city and flourishing.

7. Hunan great theater

Hunan great theater is establishment of a of the the Changsha City large culture, also be one of culture marks of Hunan Province. Here is having various shows and show, include operatic, concert, Thespian etc. You can enjoy the literary performance of high quality here, experience the glamour of culture and artistic glamour.
