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红楼(1、2号楼)的条件是福建路校区最好的,靠近东门, 6人间,有独立卫生间和阳台,上下铺;4号楼的条件也还行,虽然房间小,但是每层和每个宿舍的人少,有2/3/4人住,每层有个公共的洗漱间和厕所5号楼是8人间,但是是6人住的,每层有个公共的洗漱间的厕所,一半寝室有阳台,上下铺,空间相对比较小


福建路校区很小,周围环境还可以。南京财经大学(Nanjing University Of Finance & Economics)原名南京经济学院,南京财经大学源于1956年的南京粮食学校,1981年升格为南京粮食经济学院,1993年更名为南京经济学院。1999年南京物资学校并入南京经济学院,2000年,江苏财经高等专科学校、江苏经济管理干部学院并入。2003年4月,经教育部批准,南京经济学院正式更名为南京财经大学。南京财经大学是一所以经济管理类学科为主,经济学、管理学、法学、工学、文学、理学等多学科支撑配套、协调发展的江苏省属重点建设大学。南京财经大学设有仙林、福建路和桥头3个校区,占地面积3004亩,校舍建筑面积80余万平方米;固定资产总值近20亿元,教学科研仪器设备总值1.27亿元;建有200个多媒体教室,100多个各类专业实验室和微机实验室,7203台学生用计算机。普通本科在校学生15000余人,硕士研究生1200余人,红山学院在校学生8000余人,继续教育在籍学生6000余人。






南京市第二医院-南京鼓楼区钟阜路1-1号 ,南京医科大学第二附属医院东院-南京市鼓楼区中山北路262号,江苏省传染病诊疗技术中心 -下关区钟阜路1号-1 ,南京财经大学医院-洪庙巷10号 ,南京政治学院医院-察哈尔路10号,南京医科大学第二附属医院-中山北路262,南京市第三医院口腔科-中山北路262号。


南京财经大学福建路校区是一本类院校。 南京财经大学(Nanjing University Of Finance & Economics)是一所以经济管理类学科为主,经济学、管理学、法学、工学、文学、理学等多学科支撑配套、协调发展的江苏省属重点建设大学。 学校拥有仙林、福建路和桥头3个校区,占地面积3005亩,校舍建筑面积95余万平方米;设有教学学院18个,民办本科学院1个。 拥有应用经济学博士后流动站1个,“现代粮食流通产业发展与政策”博士人才培养项目1项,硕士学位授权一级学科12个,硕士专业学位授权点9个,本科专业46个。


在南京市鼓楼区铁路北街128号。 南京财经大学红山学院是1999年江苏省教育厅批准建立的民办本科学院。学院地跨两个校区:桥头校区和福建路校区。红山学院学生一、二年级在桥头校区,三、四年级在福建路校区生活和学习。福建路校区位于南京市铁路北街128号,占地220亩,建筑面积18万平方米,图书馆藏书71万册。桥头校区位于镇江句容市下蜀镇桥头。


理科 年份 最低 最高 平均 投档 录取人数 2007 567 606 589 -- 27 2006 561 609 592 -- 24 2005 563 584 569 -- 22 2004 540 -- -- -- -- 2003 491 -- -- -- -- 2002 485 -- -- -- -- 2001 -- -- 592 -- -- 文科 年份 最低 最高 平均 投档 录取人数 2007 554 601 584 -- 17 2006 590 608 597 -- 17 2005 571 579 575 -- 17 2004 553 -- -- -- -- 2003 534 -- -- -- -- 2002 467 -- -- -- -- 2001 -- -- 639 -- --








One, condition of accommodation of campus of road of Fujian of university of Nanjing finance and economics?

I understand quite have 3 only.

Red building (1, 2 buildings) the condition is Fujian road campus is best, rely on door of the Near East, 6 worlds, have independent toilet and balcony, spread up and down; The condition of 4 buildings still also goes, although the room is little, but the person of layer and every every dormitory is little, 2/3/4 person lives, every have a common to wash mix between gargle toilet 5 buildings are 8 worlds, but 6 people live, every have a common to wash the toilet between gargle, half dormitory has the balcony, spread up and down, dimensional photograph is comparative and lesser

2, environment of campus of road of Fujian of university of Nanjing finance and economics how?

Fujian road campus is very small, surroundings is OK still. University of Nanjing finance and economics (Nanjing University Of Finance&Economics) original name Nanjing economy institute, university of Nanjing finance and economics results from the Nanjing commissariat school 1956, promote was institute of Nanjing commissariat economy 1981, 1993 more the name is Nanjing economy institute. School of Nanjing goods and materials merged into 1999 Nanjing economy institute, 2000, economy of advanced schools, Jiangsu manages Jiangsu finance and economics cadre institute merges into. In April 2003, via approval of Ministry of Education, nanjing economy institute is formal more the name is university of Nanjing finance and economics. University of Nanjing finance and economics is one so economy manages kind of course to give priority to, a Confucian school of idealist philosophy of the Song and Ming Dynasties of economics, canal, law, labour learns, the Jiangsu province that the much discipline such as literature, a Confucian school of idealist philosophy of the Song and Ming Dynasties supports form a complete set, harmonious development belongs to a key to build an university. University of Nanjing finance and economics sets road of celestial being forest, Fujian and either end of a bridge 3 campuses, cover an area of a face to accumulate 3004 mus, school building floor area 80 more than square metre; Fixed assets total value is close 2 billion yuan, total value of equipment of instrument of education scientific research 127 million yuan; Build have 200 multimedia classroom, lab of 100 many of all kinds major and personal computer lab, 7203 students use the computer. Ordinary undergraduate course is in school student 15000 more than person, master graduate student 1200 more than person, red hill institute is in school student 8000 more than person, continue to teach in book student 6000 more than person.

3, is university of Shanghai finance and economics approbated in Fujian degree?

Special approbate, shanghai money is university of Chinese finance and economics greatly the first school, fujian classmate likes to take an examination of very much on money

4, how many student does campus of road of Fujian of university of Nanjing finance and economics have?

I am Fujian road campus, we are to have 150 people, have 4 year, add up probably 600 people, in all ten major estimate 779 people, still food major all enrols undergraduate course, 3 big 3 big 4 estimate in all with the graduate student 10 thousand the left and right sides

5, university of Nanjing finance and economics (Fujian road campus) around what hospital is there?

The 2nd hospital of Nanjing city - date of 1-1 of road of Zhong Fu of Nanjing drum-tower area, nanjing medical university the 2nd accessary hospital east courtyard - road of north of Zhongshan of area of Nanjing city drum-tower 262, center of technology of diagnosis and treatment of Jiangsu province contagion - roads of next Zhong Fu involving an area 1 - 1, hospital of university of Nanjing finance and economics - Hong Miao alley 10, hospital of Nanjing politics institute - examine Ha Erlu 10, nanjing medical university the 2nd accessary hospital - Zhongshan north road 262, the 3rd hospital of Nanjing city department of stomatology - Zhongshan north road 262.

6, university of Nanjing finance and economics, fujian road campus, be this 3?

Campus of road of Fujian of university of Nanjing finance and economics is kind of school. University of Nanjing finance and economics (Nanjing University Of Finance&Economics) be one so economy manages kind of course to give priority to, a Confucian school of idealist philosophy of the Song and Ming Dynasties of economics, canal, law, labour learns, the Jiangsu province that the much discipline such as literature, a Confucian school of idealist philosophy of the Song and Ming Dynasties supports form a complete set, harmonious development belongs to a key to build an university. The school has road of celestial being forest, Fujian and either end of a bridge 3 campuses, cover an area of a face to accumulate 3005 mus, school building floor area 95 more than square metre; Set education institute 18, institute of undergraduate course of run by the local people 1. Have applied economics postdoctoral flow stands 1, "Contemporary commissariat is current industrial development and policy " doctoral talent develops a project 1, master's degree accredit one degree course 12, accredit of Master major degree nods 9, undergraduate course is professional 46.

7, is campus of road of Fujian of institute of red hill of university of Nanjing finance and economics specific be in?

In street of north of railroad of area of Nanjing city drum-tower 128. Institute of red hill of university of Nanjing finance and economics was 1999 the institute of undergraduate course of run by the local people that approval of office of Jiangsu province education establishs. Academic ground crosses two campuses: Campus of either end of a bridge and Fujian road campus. Red hill colleger one, 2 grade are in campus of either end of a bridge, 3, 4 grade live in Fujian road campus and learn. Fujian road campus is located in street of north of Nanjing city railroad 128, cover an area of 220 mus, floor area 180 thousand square metre, the library collects books 710 thousand. Campus of either end of a bridge is located in Zhenjiang sentence the Sichuan below look city presses down either end of a bridge.

8, line of mark of the university entrance exam of past years of Fujian of university of Tianjin finance and economics?

Lowest of science department a particular year is highest and average cast archives to admit number 2007 567 606 589- - 27 2006 561 609 592- - 24 2005 563 584 569- - 22 2004 540- -- -- -- - 2003 491- -- -- -- - 2002 485- -- -- -- - 2001- -- - 592- -- - lowest of liberal art a particular year is highest and average cast archives to admit number 2007 554 601 584- - 17 2006 590 608 597- - 17 2005 571 579 575- - 17 2004 553- -- -- -- - 2003 534- -- -- -- - 2002 467- -- -- -- - 2001- -- - 639- -- -

9, than which are Fujian Normal University and university of Tianjin finance and economics strong?

University of finance and economics of Tianjin Normal University, Tianjin, each has his strong point. Want to watch specific major.

The major with Tianjin best Normal University (national level characteristic is professional) have: News of thought politics education learns to apply psychological elementary school to teach law politics and administration to learn the major with best university of Tianjin finance and economics (national level characteristic is professional) have: Accounting finance learns industrial and commercial managing statistical cameralistics

10, university of northeast finance and economics and Fujian Normal University which good?

University of northeast finance and economics is better than Fujian Normal University. Because watch college of northeast finance and economics from the name,be large area university and blessing division is the university that visit territory greatly.

Additional northeast money is next to university of central finance and economics greatly (985) finance and economics kind < 211) key university, fasten university of ministry directly under, in course of finance and economics kind it is very strong, and Fujian Normal University is every province some, course advantage is done not have so apparent. And admit a mark apparent also under northeast money big, the student is in officer strength, school dimensions also money of northeast of be not a patch on is big. University of northeast finance and economics is so better than Fujian Normal University.

上一篇:大自然实木地板价格? 大自然实木地板与徐家实木地板哪个好?英文双语对照