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过黄河收费标准? 黄河停车收费标准?英文双语对照


过黄河收费标准? 黄河停车收费标准?英文双语对照











门 票:5元



  地 址:黄河泺口浮桥北岸路西济南黄河森林公园位于济南市黄河北岸的黄河森林公园,到处春意盎然.公园占地1500亩,拥有各种林木30万株;绿树嫩叶郁郁葱葱,森林气息自然清新,浸润肺腑清香诱人,令游客心旷神怡.电视剧《甘十九妹》、《武训》、《孔子》、《孙子兵法》在此拍摄外景。  

  济南市黄河森林公园是繁华都市人休闲娱乐度假游玩的绝佳境地。公园有济南市唯一的3华里的森林环圈跑马场,可使你一展骑士的风采,带给你惊心和 刺激。公园新辟5000平方米的大型烧烤区,烧烤设施齐全,令你尝试野炊乐趣。公园种植无公害特种蔬菜,鲜嫩可口,风味独特。公园有1800平方米的钓鱼 池;还设有森林跑车、旱冰场、台球、乒乓球、射箭、射击、儿童游乐厅等娱乐项目。

公园有许多可观赏的各种花卉草木;浪漫林荫道;名贵美国茶花基地;五一节期间,园内槐花盛开,可适当摘作美味佳肴。公园有草原风情的蒙古包及乡村特色的小 木屋,是家庭、情侣尽情潇洒的好去处。公园新建设大型乐园,内设转伞、写意大渡河、训练荡板、迷宫、云梯、吊床等项目。公园南临黄河,北靠齐烟九点鹊山, 近期河水彭湃,莫错过壮观景色的最佳时节。风景这边独好,快到黄河森林公园走一回。


黄河科技学院收费标准:;根据河南省物价局核定收费项目及标准:对外合作办学本科14000元/生.年,专科理工类12000元/生.年,文史类11000元/生.年,艺术类14000元/生.年;艺术本科类12000元/生.年,艺术专科类9500元/生.年; 文史本科10000元/生.年,文史类专科8500元/生.年;理工、医学、体育类本科11000元/生.年,理工、医学类专科8900元/生.年,其中,体育教育7200元/生.年、社会体育6400元/年.生。





















One, pass Yellow River rate?

General Yellow River big bridge and railway bridge do not collect fees, and big bridge of completely state-owned very much Yellow River. Where is what do not know you to say.

2, does the Yellow River jockey rate?

The Yellow River jockeys rate jockeys 1 hour that day (contain 1 hour) inside free park; Jockey more than 1 hour and be not worth 2 hours (before containing 1 hour) by fiducial price 5 yuan collect fees; Add since the 3rd hour receive 1 yuan / hour (collect fees 24 hours highest do not exceed 20 yuan) ; Park car presses 0.5 yuan after more than 24 hours / the hour collects fees (5 into 1, arrive accurately yuan) ;

3, rate of channel of Shandong Yellow River?

The rate of channel of Shandong Yellow River: Time of small passenger car of Jinan book car, bus, area is public transportation and free current. Van of 1.6 axes above, collect fees in 6 axes van every time on 10 yuan foundation, every increase 1 axis increase 5 yuan / number.

4, unseal rate of Yellow River pontoon?

Minibus, medium-sized passenger car 7 20 one (contain 20) reach 21 40 one (contain 40) two archives syncretic, adjust for minibus, medium-sized passenger car 8 40 one (contain 40) every number collects fees 15 yuan. Practical loading capacity the freight traffic of 20 tons of above and tractor (12 horsepower above) , clear according to car goods total mass plan collect fees again, every tons 5 yuan of standards are changeless.

motor-driven tricycle rate falls 5 yuan by every number it is 3 yuan, autocycle, it is each number gently with electric tricycle rate by bike 2 yuan.

5, rate of barbecue of Jinan Yellow River?

Entrance ticket: 5 yuan

Barbecue tool: Rent or provide for oneself

Draw a line oneself: Road of hill of edge Jinan hero all the time north goes, classics abb 2 road, day becomes way of road, aid the name of a river in Shaanxi and Henan provinces, road of pontoon of mouth crossing Luo arrives namely on the west.

Address: Park of forest of the Yellow River austral Luxiji is located in bank of north of pontoon of mouth of Yellow River Luo the park of Yellow River forest of bank of north of Jinan city Yellow River, everywhere the awaken of spring is abundant. The park covers an area of 1500 mus, have all sorts of forest tender leaf of greenery of; of 300 thousand individual plant is lush and green, silvan breath nature is pure and fresh, faint scent of infiltration the bottom of one's heart is inviting, your tourist relaxed and happy. Teleplay " Gan Shijiu younger sister " , " Wu Xun " , " Confucius " , " grandchildren strategics " film here exterior.   

Park of forest of Jinan city Yellow River is flourishing urbanite recreational recreation goes vacationing the superexcellent condition of amuse oneself. The park has the silvan ring turf of Jinan city's only 3 unit of distance, can make you exhibit chivalric elegant demeanour, bring you Jing heart and stimulation. The park monarchs newly the large barbecue area of 5000 square metre, barbecue establishment is all ready, make you try picnic fun. The park is cultivated without vegetable of special type of social effects of pollution, fresh and tender and goluptious, local color is distinctive. The park has the fishing pool of 1800 square metre; Still set ice stadium of silvan racing bike, drought, billiards, ping-pong, archery, fire, children the recreational project such as You Le hall.

The park has a lot of all sorts of flowers wood that can view and admire; Romantic lynx; Base of camellia of rare United States; 51 during, flower of the pagoda tree inside garden blooms, can pick cooperate flavour cate appropriately. The park has the cabin of the yurt of prairie amorous feelings and rustic characteristic, it is family, sweethearts to the top of one's bent cheesy good place. Park new construction is large Eden, set inside turn umbrella, freehand brushwork in traditional Chinese painting crosses river, training to swing greatly board, the project such as labyrinthian, scaling ladder, hammock. The Yellow River is faced south the park, north relies on Qi Yanjiu to nod magpie hill, pai of Peng of water of near future river, mo Cuo spends the optimal time of grand scenery. Scenery here alone good, walk along bout quickly to park of Yellow River forest.

6, " institute of Yellow River science and technology " what kind of is rate?

Rate of college of Yellow River science and technology: ; Does according to Henan check and ratify of province prices bureau collect fees project and standard: ? Yun Piao displays Da forge П investigate?4000 yuan / unripe. Year, specialized subject manage is versed in kind 12000 yuan / unripe. Year, literary history kind 11000 yuan / unripe. Year, artistic kind 14000 yuan / unripe. Year; Artistic undergraduate course kind 12000 yuan / unripe. Year, artistic specialized subject kind 9500 yuan / unripe. Year undergraduate course of; literary history 10000 yuan / unripe. Year, literary history kind specialized subject 8500 yuan / unripe. Year; Grain industry, medicine, sports kind undergraduate course 11000 yuan / unripe. Year, grain industry, medicine kind specialized subject 8900 yuan / unripe. Year, among them, sports teachs 7200 yuan / unripe. Year, social sports 6400 yuan / year. Unripe.

Accommodation is expended: 1000 yuan / unripe. Year, other generation collects fees: 500 yuan / unripe, book cost: 500 yuan / unripe (explain:

The ① , means that pay fee has two kinds:

It is cash makes a money, 2 it is to delimit card makes a money (must be card of Yin Lianyin travel)

② , pay the tuition fee only since the 2nd year, accommodation cost, book cost, without other charge;

3, the school executes apartment to turn management, the new student is entered do not need to carry baggage when school;

4, apartment things includes: Quilt 2, by cover, sheet, mat, mattress, pillow towel, pillowcase, towel each 1, pillow 1, cup of vacuum flask, washbasin, mouth, bedding wraps each 1, tableware 1;

5, other charge includes: Check-up cost, dress (contain summer, autumn outfit each 1, culture unlined upper garment 1, travel bag 1, cap 1) , earphone, the meal gets stuck, check-up cost. )

7, rate of college of the science and technology that make prosperous?

Rate 1, tuitional: Comprehensive executive country avoids tuitional policy (student tuition avoids 3 years completely) .

2, book cost: Hand in 400 yuan beforehand, retreat more fill less. Accommodation cost: 300 yuan, the dormitory has changes in temperature amphibious air conditioning. 2, note 1, this year's unripe hold advice note, standard textual criticism, medium action report, registered permanent residence this or Id arrives school report for duty (toward be born to need to take registered permanent residence only this or Id) ; Ask a student to must handle individual id card during summer vacation

8, big bridge of Jinan Yellow River rate?

Big bridge of Jinan Yellow River collects fees no longer from 2017, pass through already freely.

9, does the Yellow River receive guesthouse rate?

The Yellow River greets guesthouse

Address: The road that welcome guest 1

Referenced price: ¥ 1288

Hotel advantage: The predecessor that Henan saves the Yellow River to greet guesthouse is provincial Party committee of Henan of the Communist Party of China the 3rd hostel, only then built 1959. The politics that is Henan province recieves center, meeting Wu center, recreational go vacationing center, guesthouse covers an area of a face to accumulate 1200 mus, the greenery inside the house shady, attractive scenery. Conference center: Have recieve a building 10, bed more than pieces 1100, the hall of two different styles (conference center) , the assembly room of all sorts of different specifications 44, the report office that the conference center that builds among them has a modernization (can hold videophone meeting, carry on professional show) , a meeting hall that can hold 800 people is had inside the hall that welcome guest, can satisfy the requirement of conference of high quality scales. Recreational go vacationing center: Card pulls hall of OK singing and dancing, KTV to wrap swimming-pool of room, indoor hot spring, tennis court to wait.

10, does channel of Jinan Yellow River build rate?

Channel of Jinan Yellow River is helpful for new old kinetic energy starting the construction of the area, it is implementation north those who cross the strategy is important one annulus, new old kinetic energy starts district future is to make a new Jinan, turn the Yellow River into the city zone the river, make sightseeing tourist attraction. So, after Yellow River channel builds, won't collect fees.

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