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但凡汉中人,时不时都会为了浆水面而魂牵梦萦。只要吃上一口,浑身舒坦,做事就更有力气了! 汉中的浆水面,其味酸,辣,清香,别具一格,相传该名是由汉高祖刘邦与臣相萧何在此吃面时所起。它一直是汉中人民喜爱的面食。










Answer this question, to me of this tunnel Chinese for go-between, it is cole dishful simply, pure pure can take you to eat whole Chinese medium fastfood, that is not a thing.

1, first selection is fastfood -- face skin + bean corrupt

Chinese in face skin, be weighed for

"Breakfast of 10 great classical place " one of

"Chinese in 10 be seleted culture symbol greatly " one of

"Chinese apoplectic flavour is fastfood 4 absolutely " one of

Chinese in city class is immaterial culture bequest directory

Shaanxi is provincial directory of immaterial culture bequest

And of a tunnel Chinese go-between, need Yu Guang to glance sideways only, conveniently alarm two nose, although had not had the mouth, just saw next oily hot pepper, can know clearly, assemble of skin of this bowl of face is strong not assemble is strong.

Face skin, it is in outer person eye Chinese medium characteristic food; Be in Chinese in go-between eye, it is domestic flavour, tibet move and grow the greatly small warm memory in concerned time.

2, oar surface

Go-between of Chinese of in every case, meet from time to time for oar surface fetch pulls dream encompass. Want to eat on one only, all over at ease, work to have effort more! Chinese medium oar surface, its taste is sour, hot, faint scent, having a unique style, according to legend is You Hangao this the place when why Zu Liubang and official photograph desolate take a side here rises. It is all the time Chinese the cooked wheaten food that go-between civilian likes.

Hot chicken of steamed bun of 3 peaceful strong walnut, hemp

Steamed bun of peaceful strong walnut, cooked wheaten food of Shaanxi Ning Jiang's famous characteristic of the Han nationality, will wait to make stuffing mashed vegetable or fruit together with a condiment made of roast prickly ash and salt, sesame seed after walnutmeat flay, after fermenting fat face through 3 again, wipe on walnut mud, put oven in roast hind make. Smell of steamed bun of peaceful strong walnut is sweet, mouthfeel crisp, suit old people and children edible particularly. This steamed bun is small the small cup that be like porcelain, lubricious town god, flavour is full-bodied, the entrance is sweet crisp, after feeding, every are recalled, become aware lingering fragrance is caused in the tongue oneself. Especially god-given person put to be able to bear or endure, although tired day evens more a period of ten days still with give hall as good as newly, this can say be win universal praise in old age. Because if make distinguishing feature,its are had, so the Xi'an on north, the traveler of Chengdu leaves south, mu Jiming person should buy on a few, or gift relatives and friends or oneself sample, in order to increase the beautiful interest in the life.

Hemp hot chicken is the Ning Jiang in the Western Han Dynasty of short for Shaanxi Province local color of a kind of the Han nationality that has distinguishing feature alone is fastfood, belong to cold dish. High-grade party is little not it; When going up, the table of common people often sees it; The friend will must eat it; Gift giving a person often also chooses it.

4, rat-tat rat-tat face

Chinese in rat-tat rat-tat face is Shaanxi tradition of the Han nationality of the area in province Chinese is fastfood, use classy flour to pink refines and be become. Appear on the market because of carrying a load in night more, knock rat-tat to peddle and get a name. Acerbity hot delicacy is sweet, benefit is wet warm stomach, it is a kind of tall carbohydrate, the current cooked wheaten food that contains B of certain and adipose, vitamin and calcium, phosphor, iron again is fastfood.

5, fried dumpling

Do not think by accident Chinese the breakfast of go-between has corrupt of face skin bean only, fried dumpling of cooked wheaten food also is firstly. And Chinese medium fried dumpling says to go up surely unique. Chinese in fried dumpling already was ascended " breakfast China " , is severe killed? So you come Chinese in must taste, I this has Quan Hanzhong many 20 delicious fried dumpling list, want to eat not to know a place, I can recommend everybody.

Chinese medium fastfood very much really, each has different taste, be in Chinese in need a convention, you can fall in love with the flavour in big fellow.

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