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  我给你一个犬疫苗接种、驱虫时间表和注意事项,祝狗狗一生健康!  犬接种疫苗时间段:幼犬在保证身体健康的情况下,50天以后就可以打第一针,以后每隔20天注射下一针,一共3针,以后每年注射一针即可;在3个月以后就应该注射狂犬疫苗,以后每年注射一针。狂犬疫苗和疫苗的免疫期大概在11个月左右(进口的),过了免疫期要及时注射下一针。如果是国产疫苗,很可能免疫期不到一年,甚至只有半年左右,具体的疫苗要听从大夫的建议。而由于小狗抵抗力比较低,在没有打疫苗之前最好不要让狗出门。打疫苗要注意的事项:1、健康的狗狗才可以打疫苗  对于刚买的宠物狗,应该先好好喂养一个礼拜左右。等狗狗进食排便稳定后再去宠物医院检查一下,看看适不适合打疫苗。刚到新环境的未经免疫的狗狗,饮食休息都需要逐渐适应,并不能一下子就习惯新的环境。如果狗狗体内本来就有病毒,那么,盲目的去打疫苗只会让结果更糟糕。只有健康的狗狗才可以打疫苗。2、疫苗的注射需要有一定的延续性  如果确定要给狗狗打疫苗,那每年注射是必要的,而且一般来说次年的疫苗应该比上一年的注射时间提早半个月到一个月,避免在疫苗快要失效的时候发生意外。3、狗狗生病了要推迟疫苗的注射  如果到需要注射疫苗的时候,狗狗突然生病了,这个时候是不适合注射疫苗的,否则会伤害了它。应先对症治疗、调理身体恢复以后再注射,这样才有利于狗狗的健康成长。4、刚出生的狗狗不适合打疫苗  通常情况下,第一针疫苗应该在狗狗满45天以后打,第一针狂犬疫苗应该在狗狗满三个月后打。千万不要因为过于担心怕狗狗会生病而一出生就带去打疫苗,这完全没必要的,因为刚出生的狗狗会从母狗那获取一定的免疫力,喝母乳也有助于提高免疫力。刚出生的狗狗是不适合打疫苗的。5、饲养在家中很少出门的狗狗仍需要接种,因为主人外出,可能会把病菌带回家中。  驱虫:幼犬20日龄首次驱虫,然后每月驱虫一次,直至1岁。 成年犬每季度驱虫一次。 驱虫药可以买拜尔或是汽巴。体外驱虫每个月做一次就可以了,大宠爱、福来恩、中博绿亚都可以







小狗一般45天就可以疫苗了,疫苗前不要洗澡,第一次打疫苗分三次打,每次间隔不超过20天,疫苗前中后期不要洗澡,驱虫和疫苗都要选择狗身体健康的状态下才可以!否则很危险!疫苗分国产和进口,推荐进口,成功率高! 一般进口的 英特威,辉瑞,这些都可以,无论在哪打疫苗一定要去正规地点,疫苗要保真!国产的50左右,进口的100左右一针。各地价格会有些差异小狗从母体带来的抗体一般就到45天左右,所以建议45天左右疫苗!第一年做完疫苗后,往后每年提前一个月去注射一次疫苗即可!有很多宠物店在狗狗第一年第3次疫苗的时候同时给狗注射狂犬疫苗,不推荐!部分狗狗会因为两种疫苗一起打,而引起强烈反应!并且狗狗半岁前注射狂犬疫苗伤脑子!建议半岁后再注射狂犬疫苗!












你先带他上正规的宠物医院查查体,看看身体有无异样,并注射单克隆血清(抗体)和驱虫,经过10-15天的饲养观察(已过传染病潜伏期),确认无病后再注射疫苗! 疫苗有国产的和进口的,国产的一只管半年,一般30/只,进口的一只管一年,一般50/只 狂犬病疫苗一只管一年,一般50/只 (价格只作参考,各个城市有差异的) 你上医院,医生会告诉你具体情况!(注意:犬只每年注射一次,幼犬首次注射必须年满2个月以上。犬只在注射疫苗2~3周后才能产生出新的抵抗力,在此之前,不要带犬只外出,提防感冒和腹泻等疾病的发生。








猫免疫具体程序如下:;二月龄初次免疫: ;妙三多;三周后 妙三多;三周后 妙三多;一周后 狂犬 (狂犬注射需满三月龄;





One, golden wool, want to make vaccine of a few needles, what vaccine to make?

The first year 3 needles add stitch, add every year later one. Dog dog needs to make vaccine every year regularly, general dog dog is 45 day age above, bring back above of domestic a week, eat and drink relieve oneself and mental state just can make vaccine normally, preventing ill vaccine is head avoid hit 3 times, add vaccine of stitch wild dog, later annual every kinds want have an inoculation, opposite before have an inoculation shifts to an earlier date a month is vaccinal, namely every 11 months one.

A week of vaccinal and vaccinal around can eat treasure of bit of intestines and stomach, adjust intestines and stomach, those who reduce dog dog should stimulate response, enhance immune power, vaccination is safer.

2, does dog dog hit wild dog vaccine to want to a few needles hit first?

I give your dog vaccine schedule of bug of vaccinal, drive and note, lifetime of dog wishing a dog is healthy! Dog vaccination time paragraph: Young dog is in make sure healthy circumstance falls, stitch can be hit after 50 days, 20 days of inject leave every other after stitch, altogether 3 needles, inject every year later stitch can; Should inject later in 3 months wild dog is vaccinal, inject every year later stitch. Wild dog vaccine and vaccinal immunity period control in 11 months probably (the) of the entrance, crossed immune period to want the stitch below seasonable inject. If be homebred vaccine, probable immunity period be less than a year, have left and right sides of half an year only even, specific vaccine should comply with the doctor's proposal. And because doggie resistance is lower, the dog had better not let go out before making vaccine. Make the item that vaccine should notice: 1, healthy dog dog just can make vaccine to the pet dog that just bought, should first well a chapel controls feed. After dog waiting for a dog eats defecate to stabilize, be checked again, look comfortable do not suit to make vaccine. Just arrived the without immunity dog of new environment, food rests to need to suit gradually, can not be used to new environment at a draught. If there is virus originally inside dog dog put oneself in another's position, so, blind goes hitting vaccine to be able to make a result worse only. Only healthy dog dog just can make vaccine. 2, vaccinal inject needs to if want to make vaccine to dog dog certainly,have certain continuity, it is necessary that that injects every year, and generally speaking half month goes to the inject time shift to an ealier time that the vaccine second year should compare on one year a month, avoid to be about in vaccine invalidation when produce an accident. 3, if the inject that dog dog fell ill to want to defer vaccine arrives when need inject is vaccinal, dog dog fell ill suddenly, this moment does not suit inject vaccine, can harm it otherwise. Answer to restore to inject again later to body of disease cure, recuperation first, the health that just is helpful for dog dog so grows. 4, the dog dog that just was born does not suit to hit vaccine to connect general reason condition to fall, stitch vaccine should be hit 45 days later completely in dog dog, vaccine of stitch wild dog should be in dog dog is hit after 3 months completely. Because fear dog is afraid of a dog is met too,must not be born to take dozen of vaccine, this is done not have completely necessary, because of the dog that just was born the dog can get certain immune power then from bitch, the breast that drink a mother also conduces to enhance immune power. The dog dog that just was born does not suit to make vaccine. 5, raise the dog dog that goes out rarely in the home to still need have an inoculation, because host goes out, in may coming home bacteria belt. Drive bug: Young dog 20 day age first drive bug, next bug of every months of drive, till 1 year old. Grown dog bug of every quarter drive. Do obeisance to Er or anthelmintic can be bought is steam cling to. It is OK that every month does bug of the drive outside body, big favorite, Fulaien, medium Bo Luya is OK

3, vaccine of a few needles does young dog make?

After 1. young dog is ablactationing successfully 1 week or so, and OK below healthy circumstance vaccination. Generally speaking the health of 50 day age young dog can inject stitch 6 couplet are vaccinal. Later stitch of every 20 days of inject, it is 3 needles in all, hold to inject stitch each years later next (specific time still should comply with of vet enjoin oh) .

2. young dog should inject later in 3 months wild dog is vaccinal, and should hold to inject stitch every year later. Wild dog vaccine and the immunity with 6 vaccinal couplet period control in 11 months probably (the) of the entrance, crossed immune period to want the stitch below seasonable inject. Of course, dog dog injects next time vaccinal specific time still should comply with the arrangement of vet, inject of seasonable dog giving a dog is vaccinal.

3.PS: Before dog dog makes vaccine every time, should do the body to check first, after affirmatory pet dog is healthy ability vaccination. And, want to observe the condition of dog dog closely after vaccination, not informal belt goes out gad. After body of dog waiting for a dog returns to normal, ability takes it to go out stroll taking a walk is bent.

4. gives pet dog inject vaccine is must, and the code that raise a dog fixes a dog must wild dog of have an inoculation is vaccinal, this shows government is spent to hydrophobic heavy visual range. Basically have entrance and domestic vaccine at present. Importing vaccine basically is wild dog vaccine and 6 couplet vaccine, virus of shape of hepatitis of poison of fine ailment of heat of precautionary dog acute communicable diseases, dog, infectivity, bronchitic, deputy flu, coronal, parents can choose vaccine according to actual condition, be in next of vet enjoin to issue dog dog to make vaccine.

4, the doggie makes vaccine, want to hit a few needles, how many money?

The doggie is general 45 days OK and vaccinal, do not bathe before vaccine, make vaccinal component for the first time second dozen, every time interval does not exceed 20 days, before vaccine in later period does not bathe, it is OK that drive bug and vaccine should choose the gift below position! Otherwise very dangerous! Vaccinal cent is homebred with the entrance, recommend an entrance, successful rate is high! The Yingtewei of common entrance, brightness luck, these are OK, no matter vaccine is hit to must be nodded normally where, vaccine should be protected true! Homebred 50 the left and right sides, the 100 or so stitch of the entrance. Each district price can have some of antibody that difference doggie brings from the mother's body to arrive 45 days or so commonly, suggest 45 days to control vaccine so! Finish the first year after vaccine, in the future shifts to an earlier date every year a month goes injecting vaccinal can! Shop of a lot of pet is in dog dog the first year of the 3rd second vaccine when give dog inject wild dog vaccine at the same time, do not recommend! Because two kinds of vaccine are hit together,partial dog dog is met, and cause strong reaction! And wild dog vaccine injects dog dog is half years old ago hurt head! Suggest to wild dog vaccine injects again after year old partly!

5, vaccine of a few needles should dog dog make commonly?

The doggie is general 45 days OK and vaccinal, do not bathe before vaccine, make vaccinal component for the first time second dozen, every time interval does not exceed 20 days, before vaccine in later period does not bathe, it is OK that drive bug and vaccine should choose the gift below position! Otherwise very dangerous!

Vaccinal cent is homebred with the entrance, recommend an entrance, successful rate is high! The Yingtewei of common entrance, brightness luck, these are OK, no matter vaccine is hit to must be nodded normally where, vaccine should be protected true!

Homebred 50 the left and right sides, the 100 or so stitch of the entrance.

Each district price can have some of difference

The antibody that the doggie brings from the mother's body arrives 45 days or so commonly, suggest 45 days to control vaccine so!

Finish the first year after vaccine, in the future shifts to an earlier date every year a month goes injecting vaccinal can!

Shop of a lot of pet is in dog dog the first year of the 3rd second vaccine when give dog inject wild dog vaccine at the same time, do not recommend! Because two kinds of vaccine are hit together,partial dog dog is met, and cause strong reaction! And wild dog vaccine injects dog dog is half years old ago hurt head! Suggest to wild dog vaccine injects again after year old partly!

6, does pneumonic vaccine need to a few needles hit?

Pneumonic and vaccinal cent is 13 price pneumonic vaccine and 23 price are pneumonic and vaccinal etc, pneumonic vaccine applies to 13 price 5 years old the following infant, be in respectively darling the 2nd month, 4 months 6 months when undertake fundamental immunity 3 times, in the child 12 months arrive between 15 months undertake strengthening immunity, whole journey is vaccinal 4, 23 price are pneumonic and vaccinal need have an inoculation twice.

7, a few needles does vaccine of dog dog wild dog hit?

You take the normal pet hospital on him to check first examine system, see the body have kind of as good as, inject odd clone serum (antibody) with drive bug, through 10 - 15 days raise observation (already crossed contagion preclinical) , affirm to vaccine injects again after having disease! Vaccine has homebred with the entrance, homebred one simply half an year, general 30/ , of the entrance one simply a year, general 50/ is only hydrophobic vaccinal one simply a year, general 50/ (the price makes reference only, each urban discrepant) the hospital on you, the doctor can tell you particular case! (Attention: The dog injects only every year, young dog injects first must year full 2 months above. The dog is injecting only vaccinal 2~3 Zhou Houcai can generate a new strength, before this, do not take a dog to go out only, beware of catchs a cold to wait for the happening of the disease with diarrhoea.

The dog should observe the dog is only healthy above all before inject is vaccinal only the case is good, answer before inject one week pioneer divides helminth.

Inject of the avoid by all means when sicken and healthy situation are bad is vaccinal.

Do not make young dog organic can swallow gallinaceous bone, chop or fishbone, can stop because of them in pharynx and larynx, next disintegrate, if do not stay in pharynx and larynx, can slip into body inside, piercing stomach wall and bowel.

Do not let young dog eat the ort leftover of people, because love a dog to differ to nutrient demand and mankind, if use human cookbook to recuperate a dog to feed, not only take time gives or take a lot of trouble, and love dog absorbs complete and balanced nutrition very hard, answer to be given priority to with dog food. )

8, does wild dog vaccine need to a few needles hit?

The groovy and vaccinal program of wild dog vaccine has two kinds: 1, one kind is the program have an inoculation according to 2-1-1, the patient injects in whole and vaccinal periodic need 4 needles wild dog is vaccinal. 2, the program according to 1-1-1-1-1 is vaccinal, the patient injects in whole and vaccinal periodic need 5 needles wild dog is vaccinal. The immune effect of two kinds of vaccinal methods does not have big distinction.

9, is the cat triplex and vaccinal a few needles should hit after all?

Feline immunity is specific the program is as follows: ; In Feburary age the first time immunity: ; Clever more than 3; 3 week hind are clever more than 3; 3 week hind are clever more than 3; One week later wild dog (wild dog inject needs full March age;

? Strengthen immunity: Immunity of every 11 months one: The cat is triplex + wild dog. ; Namely vaccination of feline Mi first time calls a second immunity, first immunity needs to be in feline Mi is full in Feburary age when reaching above, successive have an inoculation 3 needles cat is triplex, the time-interval of every needle is 20-21 day. ; Additional, feline Mi is in feline Mi is full March age later, still need vaccine of wild dog of have an inoculation. General situation, cat of the 3rd needle is triplex and OK inject together with wild dog vaccine, after also can lying between a week, reentry injects all right. ; In the future needs every year strengthen stitch cat triplex with wild dog vaccine, call year avoid.

10, should pneumonic vaccine hit 23 price a few needles are appropriate?

Pneumonic vaccine attributes 23 price the vaccine that the infant often should inject, inject according to the age of darling. General 1 year old begins to hit below, want to hit 3 needles, 1 year old of above hit, it is OK to hit 1 needle only. The attention watchs the reaction after giving or take an injection, drink water to darling more at ordinary times, eat some of food that contains a lot ofvitamin B more, unusual reaction wants to check again, to disease processing.

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