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有关大自然的对联? 有关大自然的谚语?英文双语对照


有关大自然的对联? 有关大自然的谚语?英文双语对照








绿水本无忧 因风皱面

青山原不老 为雪白头



重重叠叠山 曲曲环环路

丁丁冬冬泉 高高下下树





































1. 什么是生态系统?


2. 什么是气候变化?


3. 什么是可持续发展?


4. 水循环是什么?


5. 太阳能是什么?


6. 什么是生物多样性?


7. 什么是生态足迹?


8. 什么是灾害风险管理?




1、 西虹云,东虹雨。意为彩虹在西边天空出现只是多云,如果出现在东边天空就会下雨。

2、 西南雷,大雨随。意为雷声出现在西南方向的话,紧跟着大雨就会来临了。此谚流行于甘肃。

3、 夏至东北风,腊月下大雪。意为夏至那天如果刮东北风,到腊月就会下大雪。

4、 稀种玉米稠种麻。告诉人们,玉米要种得稀,麻要种得密,这样才能提高产量。

5、 夏至点雨值千金。意为夏至是农作物最需要雨水的时候,所以此时的雨水格外珍贵。

6、 夏北春南,大雨成潭。意为夏天刮北风,春天刮南风,就意味着天将下大雨。


《凉州词》其一 (唐、王之涣 )













































One, the couplet of concerned nature?

Spring breeze will spend evergreen, north wind blows snow in succession

Spring breeze waves wave smoke green tooth, qiu Yu breathes out breathe out dozen of Huang Xie

Two cliff stand like the sword, one Jiang Shi cloth is dangerous

Fish of the lotus leaf in the pool umbrella, shade of swallow of the cobweb on bridge.

Mist locks up hilltop hill to lock up mist, the day connects reaching the sky of water tail water.

Bridge bridge is ceaseless; Incomplete snow snow not incomplete

Green water creases a face because of wind without care originally

Green hill often is not snow-white head formerly

Hill landscape water everywhere obviously beautiful

Rain of fine fine rain surprises well constantly

Heavy jackknife folds road of annulus of annulus of hill music music

Spring of winter of fourth Ding Dong leaves next trees high

2, the adage of concerned nature?

1, swallow is low fly should fall rain.

2, Slight Heat thunder, contrary to reason or one's expectation does Huang Mei.

3, south scintillation opens the door, boreal Shan Youyu is faced.

4, loach jumps, rain comes.

5, loach is static, weather fine.

6, frog cries, heavy rain arrives.

7, the cloud is downhill, the ground does not work.

8, go in sunset cloud, rain is after midnight.

9, nebula is received drive, not shade falls.

10, the cloud is small want rain, cloud tall fair.

11, colour of sky is bright, river water goes up one a unit of length.

12, Gong Yun blackens the cloud, have big drench surely.

13, ethereal beans Ying Yun, the the dead is basked in on the ground.

14, sunset black clouds goes up, hear pluvial sound in the middle of the night.

15, sunset rouge is red, be not rain is wind.

3, the idiom of concerned nature?

Charactizing a fine spring day

Picturesque scenery

A variety of colour

The natural beauty of lakes and mountains

Very beautiful flowers

Let a hundred flowers blossom

Chun Nuanhua leaves

Careless long warbler flies

Wind He Rili

4, the picture of concerned nature?

Is Wei Ke much? Yalishandeluoweiji? Bei Kefu is well-known Russia Zuo view picture painter. He is goot at the affection of good He Shu of singing Russia nature. His picture makes confluence mix realistically Tong Qu's atmosphere. Concise tonal, clear air, light and pure and fresh make Wei Ke much? Bei Kefu's picture is made and be welcomed in Russia and abroad and private collector by huge.

Polish artist tower of thin pieces of wood used for writing on in ancient China of Ma Er case? Assorted cuts Qin Sika is aquarelle painter. Her picture wind is gentle, her creation resembles be in pour out oneself to be opposite natural beautiful ceremony support. Her body realized forest, breeze, green grass, flowers, light and colorific confluence, use paintbrush to depict its.

5, about the adage at nature?

Chicken not steam again, toad cries, ant moves, anguine corridor, heavy rain comes immediately.

Those who freeze 3 feet are not a day is cold.

Issue ox hair first, without heavy rain, ox hair falls after not sunshine.

Gas of this world of the Beginning of Spring turns, by the side of river of rainwater wild goose.

6, the issue that concerns with nature?

Good, it is a few issues that concern with nature and answer below:

1.What is ecosystem?

Answer: Ecosystem is by biology and blame biology is comprised, between amid biology and blame biology the dynamic system of interaction.

2.What is climate change?

Answer: Climate change is the change that the climate that points to the earth produces inside period of time, this kind of change may be natural, also may cause by human activity.

3.What is can you develop continuously?

Answer: Can developing continuously is to point to in encounter current need while, do not endanger prospective for generations to satisfy the development means of the capability that he needs.

4.What is boiler circulation?

Answer: Boiler circulation is to point to water the process that flows circularly in atmosphere, upper, underground. It includes water to evaporate, condense, a variety of processes such as the flow direction of rainfall, assemble, groundwater and river.

5.What is solar energy?

Answer: Solar energy is a kind of energy that shows from the sun radiation comes out, this kind of energy can be changed into the sources of energy of other form, for example electric power, heat energy.

6.What is biology diversity?

Answer: Biology diversity is the diversity that points to the interactive relation between all biology sort on the earth and them.

7.What is zoology footmark?

Answer: Zoology footmark points to the influence of system of state of human activity opposite, what it measures is the balance relation between human consumption and the resource that ecosystem provides and service.

8.What is calamity risk management?

Answer: Calamity risk management is to point to the loss that causes to the mankind and environment to reduce calamity and adopted step, get used to different calamity situation in order to ensure the mankind and environment are capable.

7, the adage that concerns with nature?

The adage that concerns with nature has a lot of, it is the wisdom that the ancients stays. For instance:

1, Xi Hongyun, dong Hong rain. Meaning in the west for rainbow the sky appears is cloudy only, if appear in the eastern side,the sky can rain.

2, southwest thunder, heavy rain is followed. Meaning if appearing in southwest direction for thunder, immediately afterwards heavy rain can come. This saying is popular at Gansu Province.

3, solstitial northeaster, the twelfth month of the lunar year issues heavy snow. Meaning for the Summer Solstice that day if blow northeaster, can issue heavy snow to the twelfth month of the lunar year.

4, rare kind of corn is stiff kind of hemp. Tell people, corn should be planted rarely, hemp should be planted closely, such ability raise yield.

5, summerly solstice rain is worth a thousand pieces of gold. Meaning be a Summer Solstice is crop when needing rain most, right now rainwater is so precious all the more.

6, south Xia Beichun, heavy rain becomes a pool. Meaning blow north wind for summer, spring blows south wind, mean a day to will rain heavily.

8, about the line at nature?

" cool city word " firstly (the Tang Dynasty, Wang Zhi melt)

The Yellow River is far go up between Bai Yun, city of a Gu hill of 10 thousand an ancient measure of length equal to seven or eight chi.

Why must Qiang flute complain willow, spring breeze does not spend jade door to close.


1, cool city word: Renown " give a place of strategic importance " . For a popular at that time melody (" cool city word " ) the libretto that match. 2, inscribe 2 formerly, this firstly, guo Maoqian " collect of an official conservatory in the Han Dynasty for collecting and composing folk songs and ballads " roll 79 " latter-day Qu Ci " carry " cool city song " , bring " Le Yuan " the cloud: "" cool city " , music of modes of ancient Chinese music, open cool government office of yuan of Chinese and Western Guo of superintend and director knows carry to enter " . Cool city, cool administrative division of Tang Long right way treats place aunt to good county (today division of cool state of city of Wu Wei of the Gansu Province) . 3, the Yellow River is far go up: Far the fountainhead that looks at the Yellow River. Far go up: Far Xiang Xiwang goes. "Far " make " straight " . 4, Gu city: Point to the castle by the side of lone defend. 5, an ancient measure of length equal to seven or eight chi: Length unit of ancient time, one an ancient measure of length equal to seven or eight chi is equivalent to 7 feet or 8 feet (be equal to 231cm or 264cm, approximate 2.3m or 2.6m) . 6, Qiang flute: Ancient the Qiang nationality basically distributings in pleasant, blueness, plain one belt. Qiang flute is musical instrument of the Qiang nationality, belong to the unexpected pipe that play style happy. Belong to a kind of musical instrument. 7, willow: " fold willow " music. Middling of ancient poetry article sends affection off with willow analogy thing. " small elegant · collects poetic · osmund " : "I go former time, willow is supple. " an official conservatory in the Han Dynasty for collecting and composing folk songs and ballads of the Northern Dynasties " horizontal stroke bosomy horn plays music " have " fold willow branch " , libretto says: "Mount a horse does not catch whip, turn over branch of willow of bend so as to breakstubborn. Discontinue fife, anxious kills a passenger. " 8, do not spend: Do not blow. Spend: Had blown. 9, jade door shuts: Buy of Chinese fierce emperor, because the Western Regions inputs jade by way of hereat and get a name. Reason location is in today small Fang Pancheng of northwest of Gansu Province Dunhuang, it is the thoroughfare that ancient time leads to the Western Regions. Site shuts when 6 face east move up to now near fort of An Xishuang tower. 10, why must complain: Grouse why. Why to need: Why. 12, willow: The wicker of poplar, what point to again is " willow music " .


The Yellow River is like the cataract between Cong Baiyun and come, jade door shuts alone alarm stand erect to be in the high mountain.

Blow that with Qiang flute why piteous " willow music " go blaming spring scenery not to come tardy, spring breeze does not blow jade door outside Shanghaiguan at all.

9, the word that concerns with nature?

The Chinese character that concerns with nature has:

One, mist

When 1. air temperature drops, the urine that the vapor that contains in air condenses is nodded, float go up in the ground.

2. resembles the thing of mist: Atomizer.

2, thunder

1. belt gives off lightning when the two cloud photograph of opposite sex report is adjacent, the high temperature that lightning causes makes air expands, water vaporization and the intense detonation that happen.

2. a kind of volatile weapon: Mine. Landmine.

3, rain

1. rains.

2. descends, fall.

3. moist, moist.

4, river

1. is natural or man-made big lode: Jiang He. River. Inland river. The canal. Moat. A river.

2. points to a galaxy: The galaxy outside the river.

3. (H é ) refer in particular to the Yellow River: River on the west. The bend of a river.

5, lake

1. is laky, terrestrial vast water area is all around: Lake of hole front courtyard. Kunming lake.

2. points to Hunan, Hubei: The lake is wide.

3. points to Zhejiang lake city: Writing brush produced in Huzhou.

10, the adage that concerns with nature?

1, the extensive in water is lichenous, the day has harships to come.

2, water jar wears skirt, heavy rain dripping.

3, black dragonfly is random, weather wants on land.

4, fish give water to jump, harships comes.

5, the bee puts in nest 's charge late, some day fine day is angry.

6, ant moves, morning and evening should fall.

7, swallow is low fly should fall rain.

8, chicken enters overcast and rainy of basket evening million.

9, south scintillation opens the door, boreal Shan Youyu is faced.

10, Slight Heat thunder, contrary to reason or one's expectation does Huang Mei.

11, Lei Hong is zenithal, although rain is not fierce.

12, star bright, some day fine.

13, do not blow east wind not rain, do not blow west wind not fine.

14, a kind of green tea has wind and rain before long, rain of the calm after rain is ceaseless.

15, black clouds bars east, no less than rain also have wind. Nimbus zenith is wrung, harships comes not small.

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