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心理健康综评填写? 综评系统怎么填写?英文双语对照


心理健康综评填写? 综评系统怎么填写?英文双语对照









1. 登录综评系统。一般来说,您需要输入账号和密码来登陆综评系统,然后进入填写界面。

2. 选择评估对象。在综评系统中,您需要选择具体的评估对象,例如某个项目、某个部门或某个员工等等。选择评估对象后,您可以开始填写具体的评估内容。

3. 填写评估内容。根据综评系统的提示,您可以填写各种评估内容,例如项目进度、员工绩效、团队合作等等。在填写评估内容时,需要根据实际情况进行客观、准确的评估,避免主观臆断、盲目批评等问题。

4. 确认提交。填写完毕后,您需要确认评估内容并提交给管理员审核。管理员审核通过后,评估结果将被保存到系统数据库中,供后续参考。








1. 登录综评系统。一般来说,您需要输入账号和密码来登陆综评系统,然后进入填写界面。

2. 选择评估对象。在综评系统中,您需要选择具体的评估对象,例如某个项目、某个部门或某个员工等等。选择评估对象后,您可以开始填写具体的评估内容。

3. 填写评估内容。根据综评系统的提示,您可以填写各种评估内容,例如项目进度、员工绩效、团队合作等等。在填写评估内容时,需要根据实际情况进行客观、准确的评估,避免主观臆断、盲目批评等问题。

4. 确认提交。填写完毕后,您需要确认评估内容并提交给管理员审核。管理员审核通过后,评估结果将被保存到系统数据库中,供后续参考。




必备条件: 本选科组合在考试成绩排名要求:四星级高中前30%,三星级高中前5%;

认可的理科竞赛: 数学、物理、化学、生物、信息学五大学科竞赛省三级以上级别奖项,部分省属院校还会认可省级初赛奖项,具体认可情况以高校公布简章为准;

认可的文科竞赛: 叶圣陶杯、新概念作文、北大培文杯、语文报杯、创新作文、创新英语、英语能力、21 世纪演讲大赛、外语素养大赛等;

优选条件: 获得省市三好学生、优秀学生干部等奖项;

辅助条件: 获得其他奖项、荣誉、社会活动、研究性学习、体育成绩等;











1. 语文:(填写具体成绩)

2. 数学:(填写具体成绩)

3. 英语:(填写具体成绩)

4. 物理:(填写具体成绩)

5. 化学:(填写具体成绩)

6. 生物:(填写具体成绩)

7. 政治:(填写具体成绩)

8. 历史:(填写具体成绩)

9. 地理:(填写具体成绩)


1. 社会实践:(填写实践项目名称并简要说明)

2. 体育锻炼:(填写锻炼方式、频率等)

3. 艺术实践:(填写实践项目名称并简要说明)


1. 学习态度:(填写具体描述,如配合度、主动性等)

2. 学习方法:(简述学生的学习方法以及效果)

3. 作业完成情况:(简述完成情况)


1. 独立自主:(填写相关表现)

2. 诚实守信:(填写相关表现)

3. 尊重他人:(填写相关表现)

4. 团结协作:(填写相关表现)

5. 礼貌待人:(填写相关表现)



One, is mental health put together judged fill in?

Mental health writes an opinion:

1. understanding ego, admit ego (self-awareness)

Understand oneself, evaluate oneself objective and appropriately, have particular proper pride. Learn the value of ego existence, accept oneself.

2. ego study, independent life (the life and study ability)

Have learn from inside experience, obtain the capability of knowledge and skill, can solve common problem; Can treat the activity of major basic necessities of life in daily life independently.

2, how does put together judge a system to fill in?

Fill in put together judges a system to need to follow the following move commonly:

1.Entry put together criticizes a system. Generally speaking, you need to input Zhang date and password to land put together to criticize a system, enter next fill in interface.

2.The choice evaluates an object. The system is criticized in put together in, you need to choose specific assessment object, for example a certain project, a certain branch or a certain employee is waited a moment. After the choice evaluates an object, you can begin to fill in specific assessment content.

3.Fill in evaluate content. Judge systematic clew according to put together, you can fill in all sorts of assessment content, for example collaboration of performance of project plan, employee, group is waited a moment. Filling in when evaluating content, need undertakes objective, accurate assessment according to actual condition, avoid the problem such as subjective assume, blind criticism.

4.Affirm refer. Fill in after ending, you need to affirm evaluate content and refer administrator examine and verify. After administrator examine and verify is passed, evaluate a result to will be saved in systematic database, offer follow-up reference.

What put together criticizes a system is specific fill in means may differ because of the system and somewhat difference, undertake filling in according to specific requirement please.

3, is new put together judged how to fill in?

The relevant and directive document that referenced school or branch offer, join the case such as service of the education of oneself, scientific research, society, fill in in detail relevant content, ensure accord with cognizance standard. New put together judges fill in need accurate, detailed ground to mirror an individual to serve the outstanding achievement that waits for a respect and contribution in education, scientific research, society. The working personal details of different type needs specific aim ground to fill in, for example the implementation that education field needs to describe goal of schoolteaching circumstance, education in detail, scientific research respect needs to emphasize studying achievement is mixed publish a paper, social service respect needs to comb the job of the respect such as conference of network of the communication collaboration with the society, service, learning. In the meantime, need pays attention to the preparation of the statistic of data and data, ensure the content that fill in is reliable, have conviction.

4, is Shandong put together judged fill in pattern plate?

Do not have Shandong put together to judge at present for the format of 1 below fill in unifiedly pattern plate. The comprehensive assessment of Shandong each district is put in area difference, in the evaluation the respect such as standard, basis and flow differs somewhat. When accordingly each district is undertaking be evaluatinged integratedly, may have fill in differently pattern plate. For the person that to wanting to fill in Shandong put together criticizes, best method is the provision that understands place place put together to judge first and flow, undertake filling in next. Besides, still can search each district the pattern plate that announces on the net or it is oneself arrange those who unite to fill in format.

5, is Guangdong put together judged how to fill in?

Fill in put together judges a system to need to follow the following move commonly:

1.Entry put together criticizes a system. Generally speaking, you need to input Zhang date and password to land put together to criticize a system, enter next fill in interface.

2.The choice evaluates an object. The system is criticized in put together in, you need to choose specific assessment object, for example a certain project, a certain branch or a certain employee is waited a moment. After the choice evaluates an object, you can begin to fill in specific assessment content.

3.Fill in evaluate content. Judge systematic clew according to put together, you can fill in all sorts of assessment content, for example collaboration of performance of project plan, employee, group is waited a moment. Filling in when evaluating content, need undertakes objective, accurate assessment according to actual condition, avoid the problem such as subjective assume, blind criticism.

4.Affirm refer. Fill in after ending, you need to affirm evaluate content and refer administrator examine and verify. After administrator examine and verify is passed, evaluate a result to will be saved in systematic database, offer follow-up reference.

What put together criticizes a system is specific fill in means may differ because of the system and somewhat difference, undertake filling in according to specific requirement please.

6, how does unripe put together of Jiangsu high school judge a system to fill in?

Fill in according to following projects.

Essential condition: Choose division combination to rank a requirement in exam achievement originally: Before high school of 4 stars grade 30% , before SamSung grade high school 5% ;

Admissive science department event: Contest of 5 colleges division saves maths, physics, chemical, biology, informatics award of level of 3 class above, partial province belongs to a school to still can be approbated provincial award is surpassed first, specific approbate a circumstance to announce general rules to be with the college accurate;

Admissive liberal art event: Composition of cup of foliaceous emperor contented, new idea, Beijing University earths up article cup, Chinese to sign up for cup, innovation contest of accomplishment of contest of speech of ability of English of composition, innovation, English, 21 centuries, foreign language;

Actor chooses a condition: Win the award such as cadre of 3 good students of province city, outstanding student;

Assist a condition: Win other award, achievement of be used to of sexology of activity of honorary, society, research, sports;

7, how does put together judge state report to fill in?

Fill above all bright outside the fundamental condition of speaker, mention expressly to state the specific content of the report integratedly next, what thing needs a record, have what verdict, what lesson is there?

8, does put together criticize a student how does end fill in?

The student is carried the student can fill him fundamental condition, the study result of each class that is in the school next. And oneself are put in inadequacy, please the teacher is great give advice or comments, must correct oneself weakness.

9, how does high school put together judge the parent to fill in?

Evaluate integrated assess as high school ego, such the parent coming that fill. My child learns level in high school, study result is in medium position to be stabilized quite, recently the care of teacher of many thanks of this paragraph of time, it is certain to learned achievement to have rise, but from take an examination of superior university to still have very far space, still need to try hard to thank the teacher's help further, I can supervise and urge certainly his.

10, tall are 3 put together judged fill in pattern plate?

3 tall the put together of semester is judged include expression of course result, practice, school work expression, moral character expression to wait normally.

It is below fill in possibly means:

One, course result

1.Chinese: (fill in concrete result)

2.Maths: (fill in concrete result)

3.English: (fill in concrete result)

4.Physics: (fill in concrete result)

5.Chemical: (fill in concrete result)

6.Biology: (fill in concrete result)

7.Politics: (fill in concrete result)

8.The history: (fill in concrete result)

9.Geographical: (fill in concrete result)

2, carry out expression

1.Social practice: (fill in carry out project name and brief specification)

2.Physical training: (fill in exercise means, frequency to wait)

3.Artistic practice: (fill in carry out project name and brief specification)

3, school work expression

1.Study an attitude: (fill in specific description, if cooperate to spend, initiative)

2.Study a method: (the study method that summarizes a student and effect)

3.Exercise in finished state: (summarize in finished state)

4, moral character expression

1.Paddle one's own canoe: (fill in relevant expression)

2.Honest be as good as one's word: (fill in relevant expression)

3.Esteem other: (fill in relevant expression)

4.Unitive cooperation: (fill in relevant expression)

5.Courtesy needs a person: (fill in relevant expression)

According to the requirement of the school and particular case, the put together that involves other side possibly still reviews content, need undertakes filling in according to actual condition. When the proposal fills in, pay attention to objective, just, accurate.
