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      3、空中魔毯(25元): 恩施 地心谷景区研发的全国首座魔毯云桥位于石门河地心谷景区问心谷悬崖绝壁之中,其建设借鉴悬索桥技术和魔毯设备结合,桥面空跨168米,跨高128米,宽2.1米,中间的传送带宽约6、70公分,两边的 富裕 距离都很小,不适合在传送带外停留。








The cent of main tourist attraction of cereal of the earth's core is 4 paragraphs: It is vitreous bridge landscape respectively; Cross between cereal; Blanket of the demon in sky; Hang mural elevator. Cross between cereal among them irregular change of time-consuming and the longest, most, scene is boundless... . Take no account of " step by step the activity such as Jing heart, float " play time is beautiful 5 hours with 3 ~ , this still is concerned with be fond of besides physical strength, 3 hours when give priority to with hitting card to visit should enough, had compared in order to loosen the preparation that appreciation ramble gives priority to 5 hours, what be fond of photographs is additional theory.

     Special clew: If you are to follow a group to swim, must not by tourist guide apply colours to a drawing of the journey " hard pinch " be frightened, blanket of the demon in listen to the tourist guide's proposal to buy what glass bridge, sky covers a bill with what hang mural elevator. Whole journey is far what say without the tourist guide is so terrible.

     1, vitreous bridge (80 yuan) : Walk into gate of area of scene of cereal of the earth's core, it is suspension bridge of glass of first 9D of so-called whole nation head on, 268 meters long, bridge floor is 3.2 meters wide, make an appointment with 200 meters high. Not only catered to a lot of people to like expeditionary heart in, look down at from the bridge cereal of the earth's core does not have interest one time.

     If pedestrian interest is more than the interest of vitreous bridge, below proposal course " Bu Yunqiao " span defile. Important is in carry out ticket the hall can see vitreous bridge He Buyun the height of the bridge is differred and be apart from difference, after can looking completely on the spot, decide again.

     I am preexistence trailer coach handed in the money that cover a bill, saw vitreous bridge He Buyun on the spot in hall of carry out ticket the ticket fund that the tourist guide sought to retreat vitreous bridge on the height of the bridge and the wheeler that are apart from difference.

     Cereal of the earth's core has opening of two check ticket: One is on vitreous bridge the bridge is in; One is the mouth of a cave in Bu Yunqiao, right be in namely mouth of a cave. Along the road at the back of booking office slow down arrives before Bu Yunqiao check ticket, one is crossed after check ticket 2, 30 meters long " demon unreal hole " arrive at Bu Yunqiao.

     2, cross between cereal: Crossed vitreous bridge (Bu Yunqiao) , enter footpath of cereal of the earth's core. Footpath majority is the impending a plank road built along a cliff that builds along cliff, a meter many wide, winding lead to cereal bottom, total length makes an appointment with 5 kilometers allegedly.

     Defile deepness makes an appointment with 200 meters (height of basis glass bridge) , cliff overgrow arboreous fireweed, initial stage hears running water voice only, see cereal end hard, now and then Jing grand dekko, written in water. 4, a plank road built along a cliff of 5 kilometers drops about 200 meters height, so besides specific place, in general footpath is very gently.

     Along lag of a plank road built along a cliff of winding adventruous bluff, sample river of small gravelstone door is firm and indomitable in historical endless flow the ground makes a painted corridor of landscape of charming and gentle for you, imperceptible come to the end of cereal.

     3, blanket of the demon in sky (25 yuan) : The bridge of cloud of blanket of first demon of countrywide of research and development of area of heart cereal scene is located in Enshide area of scene of cereal of the earth's core of stone door river asks heart cereal cliff bluff in, its construction draws lessons from suspension bridge technology and union of demon blanket equipment, bridge floor sky crosses 168 meters, cross 128 meters tall, 2.1 meters wide, the deferent bandwidth among is made an appointment with 6, 70 centimeter, the rich space of both sides is very little, do not suit to stay outside conveyer belt.

     "Demon blanket " actual it is conveyer belt of a level, from the stone door of cereal bottom so Gu Qiao calculates case, the height that both sides mountaineers is same, about 100 meters or so. The blanket taking evil spirit that nonexistent tourist guide emphasizes saves physical strength. Of course, the scenery on demon blanket and ascend are different, so you need not to save physical strength, but can multiply demon blanket for scene of serve as a lookout.

     4, the elevator that hang a wall (35 yuan) : Height of ground of the elevator that hang a wall 98 meters, the adornment part above eliminate, its promote high estimation to be controlled for 80 meters. This elevator that hang a wall can save physical strength however, it is you were not necessary completely to shift to an earlier date only " cover a bill " try to win sb's favor, elevator falls to have booking office, decide again according to physical strength, scene and mood at the appointed time not better.

Cereal of the earth's core

   Su Ma swings the 3rd swim those who attend is cereal of the earth's core, Wang Jiazhai 2 days swim. Cereal of the earth's core is apart from Wang Jiazhai to make an appointment with 45 kilometers, actual travel dot is cereal of the earth's core, enter public house of cliff of bark home stockaded village in the evening.

     Area of scene of river of door of stone of original name of area of scene of cereal of the earth's core, the general configuration of the earth's surface of cereal of a screen-like mountain peak of karst of high mountain karst that forms gradually by the Triassic Period 250 million years ago, the uncanny workmanship of nature brought up scene area inside " deep and remote, ancient, danger, high " perfect nature is united in wedlock, it is area of travel of national 4A stage.

     Cereal of the earth's core is in magical north latitude on 30 degrees of lines, withholding the Tujia nationality thoroughly characteristic of pure former zoology; And numerous precious rare plant, the negative oxygen that is full of amply is ionic, form natural air conditioning, make scene area winter does not have severe cold, xia Mo intense heat of summer, it is one of environments that fit the mankind to live most, also be you go out the superexcellent condition that viatic pass the summer in a leisurely way is away for the summer holidays.

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