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成都车展礼仪? 成都车展介绍?英文双语对照


成都车展礼仪? 成都车展介绍?英文双语对照


成都车展,即成都国际汽车展览会(Chengdu International Auto Expo),是中国西南地区规模最大、影响最广泛的汽车展览盛会之一。在成都车展上,参展商们通常会展示各种新车型、新技术、新理念等,吸引消费者关注和购买。在参加成都车展时,礼仪是非常重要的,以下是一些建议:

1. 着装得体:在成都车展上,男士可以穿着西装、衬衫和领带,女士可以穿着职业套装或连衣裙。避免穿着过于休闲或暴露的衣物。

2. 礼貌待人:与参展商、观众和其他参观者交流时,要保持礼貌和尊重,遵循基本的社交礼仪。

3. 遵守秩序:在成都车展现场,请遵守秩序,不要随意穿越展位,不要大声喧哗,不要随意触摸展品。

4. 注意卫生:在参观过程中,请保持个人卫生,不要乱扔垃圾,注意自己的言行举止。

5. 尊重知识产权:在成都车展上,请注意不要拍摄或盗用展品、广告等涉及知识产权的内容,尊重参展商的知识产权。

6. 遵守规定:成都车展期间,可能会有一些现场规定,如禁止吸烟、禁止携带宠物等。请遵守相关规定,共同维护良好的展览秩序。

7. 保持安全:在参观成都车展时,请注意自身安全,避免靠近易燃、易爆物品,并注意人身和财产安全。

8. 尊重他人:在成都车展上,请尊重其他参观者的感受,避免过于拥挤、争抢展品等不文明行为。
















一、 提前规划:

   1. 在车展开始前,通常会有官方网站或宣传材料发布展会的日程、参展品牌、活动安排等信息。提前了解这些信息可以帮助你规划参观的重点。

   2. 购买门票:如果需要购票,请提前在线购买,以免现场排队浪费时间。

二、 穿着舒适:

   1. 车展场地通常较大,建议穿着舒适的鞋子和衣服,以便于长时间行走和站立。

三、 到达现场:

   1. 尽量选择公共交通工具前往,因为车展期间周边交通可能会比较拥堵。

   2. 如果是开车前往,提前了解停车场的位置和费用。

四、 领取资料:

   1. 在入口处或咨询台通常可以领取到展会指南或地图,上面会有展馆布局、参展品牌位置等实用信息。

五、 制定路线:

   1. 根据你感兴趣的品牌和车型,制定一个参观路线,高效地覆盖所有目标展区。

六、 深入了解:

   1. 在每个品牌的展台前,可以听取工作人员的介绍,了解更多车辆的信息,包括性能、价格、配置等。

   2. 如果对某款车型感兴趣,可以预约试驾,亲身体验车辆的性能。

七、 参与活动:

   1. 车展期间通常会有一些论坛、发布会或互动活动,可以根据兴趣参与。

八、 注意安全:

   1. 展会中人多,注意个人财物安全。

   2. 遵守展会规则,不要触摸或损坏展出的车辆。

九、 适时休息:

   1. 展会现场可能会有休息区或餐饮服务,可以适当安排时间休息和用餐。

十、 留意优惠:

   1. 车展期间,一些汽车品牌可能会提供特殊优惠或折扣,如果你正好有购车计划,可以留意这些信息。















Is Chengdu car exhibited formal?

Chengdu car is exhibited, namely exhibition of Chengdu international car (Chengdu International Auto Expo) , it is Chinese southwest dimensions the car with the biggest, the most extensive influence shows one of grand meeting. Exhibit in Chengdu car on, ginseng postpone business people can reveal all sorts of new models, new technology, new concept to wait normally, attract consumer pays close attention to and buy. When attending Chengdu car to exhibit, formal it is very important, it is a few proposals below:

1.Move outfit is decent: Exhibit in Chengdu car on, the man can wear business suit, shirt and tie, the lady can wear professional suit or dress. Avoid dress too recreational or the clothings that expose.

2.Courtesy needs a person: With ginseng exhibit business, audience and other when the person that look around communicates, want to retain courtesy and respect, abide by basic socialization formal.

3.Abide by order: The spot is exhibited in Chengdu car, abide by order please, do not pass through at will exhibit, do not make a racket, do not feel item on display at will.

4.The attention is wholesome: In visiting process, maintain individual sanitation please, do not throw rubbish in disorder, notice oneself words and deeds behaves.

5.Esteem intellectual property: Exhibit in Chengdu car on, notice not to film please or embezzle the item on display, advertisement content that involves intellectual property, esteem enters the intellectual property that exhibits business.

6.Abide by a regulation: Between Chengdu car exhibition period, may have regulation of a few spots, if prohibit smoking, prohibit carrying pet to wait. Abide by relevant provision please, uphold favorable exhibition order jointly.

7.Keep safe: When visiting Chengdu car is exhibited, notice oneself is safe please, avoid to stand by explode combustibly, easily article, notice person and belongings safety.

8.Esteem other: Exhibit in Chengdu car on, respect please other the feeling of the person that look around, avoid too crowded, contend for grab the uncivilized behavior such as item on display.

Anyhow, exhibit in Chengdu car on, retain courtesy, respect please other, abide by order, build a civilization, orderly, safe exhibition environment jointly.

Does Chengdu car postpone the introduction?

It is the introductory Chengdu car that Chengdu car exhibits is exhibited below, exhibition of car of international of full name Chengdu, be western the automobile industry fair with the largest area, hold every year, basically exhibit the product related the car such as all sorts of car brands, model, spare parts, tire, the participation of the car manufacturer that attracted countrywide each district and consumer the development with all previous old classics, chengdu car is exhibited before if want,already becoming the important grand meeting with Chinese automobile indispensable industry, go to attend Chengdu car to exhibit, can understand ahead of schedule exhibit the time of the meeting and place, choose traffic way according to individual circumstance, the way that perhaps can buy entrance ticket through making an appointment at the same time arranges good route ahead of schedule

Does Chengdu car extend time?

2020 (the 23rd) Chengdu car is exhibited hold time to change for on July 24, 2020 - on August 2

Is Chengdu car is exhibited A class car is exhibited?

Chengdu car is exhibited is China western area scale is the largest force is the largest internationally car exhibition, attracted ginseng of brand of numerous domestic and international famous car every year to exhibit. According to these information, can concluding Chengdu car is exhibited is not class A car exhibit. Be being exhibited because of class A car is to show scale is larger normally force is more extensive internationally the car is exhibited, if Shanghai car exhibits Beijing car,exhibit etc. Although Chengdu car is exhibited,be in China western the area has very tall force, but will look inside countrywide limits, its dimensions and influence are relatively minor.

Does the where after is Chengdu car exhibited still have a car to exhibit?

There still is Beijing car to exhibit after Chengdu car is exhibited, shanghai car is exhibited, etc.

It is reported, chengdu car exhibits the history that has had 24 years, after beginning, time-out is held still belong to first. The car is exhibited annual by a definite date 10 days, chengdu car was exhibited 2022 began on August 26 formerly, concluded on September 4. 2020, chengdu car is exhibited as in those days the oldest international car exhibits first dimensions that the whole world holds after epidemic situation to kicked off on July 24. 2021, suffer epidemic situation to affect Chengdu car to exhibit kick off than planning to defer one day surely formerly. Statistical number shows, 2021 the 24th Chengdu? Exhibit, are 10 days of sales new? Thirty-seven thousand seven hundred, exhibit meeting total sales 6.516 billion yuan.

When is Chengdu car exhibited close?

Chengdu car is exhibited the left and right sides closed at 5 o'clock afternoon. The car of countrywide each district is particularly much, see the person that make an on-the-spot investigation much, brand diversity

Introduce in the staff member, the function of car how, see these cars have those advantages and drawback. According to the color brand of the individual that likes a car, suggest the vehicle that chooses economic material benefit comes. No matter be to drive,deal going to work perhaps travels, it is to oneself traffic goes to the lavatory so.

Is Chengdu car exhibited how to ramble?

Chengdu car is exhibited, namely exhibition of Chengdu international car, it is China western the car with area older dimensions is exhibited one of, connect regular meeting to attract numerous car manufacturer and car fan to attend. Ramble Chengdu car exhibits can follow the following move:

One, plan ahead of schedule:

 1. Exhibit in the car before beginning, can have official website normally or publicize material to release exhibit arrangement of card of item on display of the program of the meeting, ginseng, activity to wait for information. Understand these information to be able to help the focal point that you plan to look around ahead of schedule.

 2. Buy entrance ticket: If need to buy a ticket, shift to an earlier date please online buy, lest the spot queues up,waste time.

2, dress is comfortable:

 1. The car exhibits field normally bigger, the proposal is wearing comfortable shoe and dress, walk for long in order to facilitate and stand.

3, reach the spot:

 1. Choose public traffic tool to head for as far as possible, because circumjacent traffic may be embraced quite between car exhibition period,block up.

 2. If be,go to, know the position of the parking lot and cost ahead of schedule.

4, the data that get:

 1. Be in in the entrance or seek advice from a stage to be able to be gotten normally exhibit meeting guideline or map, there can be buy of memorial tablet of item on display of the layout that exhibit a house, ginseng to wait for economic news above.

5, make a line:

 1. According to the brand that you are interested in and model, make a visiting line, enclothe all targets efficiently to exhibit an area.

6, thorough knowledge:

 1. In every brand before exhibiting a stage, can listen to the staff member's introduction, know the news of more car, include function, price, configuration to wait.

 2. If be interested in some model, can make an appointment try drive, experience the function of car personally.

7, participate in an activity:

 1. There can be a few forums, news briefing or interactive activity normally between car exhibition period, can participate in according to interest.

8, the attention is safe:

 1. Exhibit meeting go-between much, notice individual property is safe.

 2. Abide by extend meeting regulation, do not want the car that feeling or attaint exhibit.

9, timely rest:

 1. Exhibit meeting site to may have rest area or meal service, time of OK and proper arrangement rests and have dinner.

10, advertent privilege:

 1. Between car exhibition period, brand of a few cars may offer special privilege or discount, if your as it happens has the plan that buy a car, OK and advertent these information.

Anyhow, enjoy the fun that the car exhibits, experience the glamour of car science and technology and newest tide.

Is Chengdu car exhibited how to attend?

Chengdu car is exhibited is exhibition of a car, hold every year in Chengdu commonly. Want to attend Chengdu car to exhibit, you can undertake according to the following measure

1. understands a car to exhibit information to search the official website that Chengdu car exhibits or relevant medium, the time place ginseng that understands an exhibition exhibits the information such as the model.

2. is registered ginseng if you are car manufacturer or relevant enterprise,exhibit, can contact a car to exhibit an organization to just undertake joining exhibiting apply for and be registereded. General need offers relevant data and fare.

If you are average viewer,3. buys entrance ticket, can exhibit in the car exhibition spot is headed for to buy entrance ticket during holding. Also can be in ahead of schedule official website or appoint channel to buy electronic entrance ticket.

The time that car of basis of 4. arrangement journey extends and ground are nodded, plan good journey and traffic kind, ensure can punctual reach exhibition spot.

5. visiting car is exhibited after arriving at a car to exhibit the spot, enter exhibition area according to the directive, admire all sorts of models and item on display. Can with the communication that postpone business, understand more car pertinent information.

Above is the common step that attends Chengdu car to exhibit, the hope is helpful to you.

Is Chengdu car exhibited how to buy a ticket?

The way that buys Chengdu car to exhibit entrance ticket has a variety of, it is a few proposals below: Official website buys a ticket: The official website that Chengdu car exhibits can provide the online service that buy a ticket normally. You can visit official website, search the entrance that buy a ticket, choose you to want bought entrance ticket kind and amount, complete the technological process that buy a ticket according to the directive of the website next. Ensure in the government the website buys a ticket please, in order to ensure your rights and interests and security. tripartite platform buys a ticket: Besides official website, platform of a few tripartite also can offer the entrance ticket that Chengdu car exhibits to sell a service. These platform include a few famous ticket Wu websites or applied program normally. You can search Chengdu car to exhibit entrance ticket on these platform, the platform that chooses you to trust undertakes buying. Ask an attention, when choosing tripartite platform to buy a ticket, ensure please the credit of platform and dependability, suffer in order to avoid con or buy false ticket. The spot buys a ticket: If you did not shift to an earlier date online buy a ticket, you also can exhibit the spot to buy entrance ticket in the car. Normally, the car shows a meeting to set booking office, you can be headed for directly buy entrance ticket. However, ask an attention, the spot buys the limitation that the ticket may be supplied by entrance ticket, because this suggests you inquire the entrance ticket sale status that the car exhibits ahead of schedule, lest arrive at the entrance ticket when the spot,had made work exhaust. No matter you choose which kinds of way that buy a ticket, need to notice the following: Know the entrance ticket kind that the car extends and value ahead of schedule, so that the choice suits your entrance ticket. When buying a ticket, ensure please your disbursement tool on the safe side, avoid to undertake disbursement below insecure network environment. After buying a ticket, ask appropriate to keep your entrance ticket, avoid to lose or be embezzled. If encounter the problem that buy a ticket or misgive, contact a car in time to extend the government or branch of relevant customer service please, in order to get help and solution. Hope above information can help you buy Chengdu car successfully to exhibit entrance ticket, wish you are exhibited in the car on spend pleasant time!

Does Chengdu car extend gift strategy?

Chengdu car is exhibited may offer a few little gift, for example souvenir, key is buckled, cup of umbrella, water. Specific gift sort and amount can exhibit an organization to just differ because of the car and somewhat difference. The activity that suggests you show an attention to exhibit a stage individually in the car and gift draw regulation, so that get more little gift.
