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郑多燕属于有氧运动,运动强度为中高强度,如果每天能跳一小时就能瘦。 跳郑多燕小红帽减肥操每小时可以消耗513大卡热量,跳10天能消耗5130大卡约能减掉1.3斤。









韩国最火健身女皇,身高162公分、体重49公斤的她是2个孩子 (14与15岁) 的母亲。婚后从原本48公斤的苗条身材一路增加到超过70公斤的臃肿身材,不过在医生建议与教练指导下展开瘦身运动,经过一连串尝试之后,又恢复到49公斤的健美身材,因而被喻为是“奇迹的肉体”、“健康肉体美辣妈”。


郑多燕,韩国演员。被称为韩国辣妈,韩国最火49岁健身女皇,出生于1966年11月27日,目前身高162公分、体重49公斤的她是2个孩子 (14与15岁) 的母亲。婚后从原本48公斤的苗条身材一路增加到超过70公斤的臃肿身材,不过在医生建议与教练指导下展开瘦身运动,经过一连串尝试之后,又恢复到49公斤的健美身材,因而被喻为是“奇迹的肉体”、“健康肉体美辣妈”。



韩国健身明星。被称为韩国辣妈,韩国最火健身女皇,出生于1966年11月27日,目前身高162公分、体重49公斤的她是2个孩子 (14与15岁) 的母亲。婚后从原本48公斤的苗条身材一路增加到超过70公斤的臃肿身材,不过在医生建议与教练指导下展开瘦身运动,经过一连串尝试之后,又恢复到49公斤的健美身材,因而被喻为是“奇迹的肉体”、“健康肉体美辣妈”。









杨子格 YUki郑多燕中国首席打大弟子











Is Zheng Duoyan to oxygen still moves without oxygen?

Zheng Duoyan attributes movement having oxygen, athletic intensity is in high strenth, if can jump one hour everyday can thin. Jump Zheng Duoyan is small red cap reduces weight hold can use up 513 kilocalorie quantity of heat hourly, jump 10 days to be able to use up 5130 kilocalorie to be able to decrease 1.3 jins about.

Is Zheng Duoyan dumbbell is held to oxygen still does not have oxygen?

Have oxygen campaign.

Zheng Duoyan C reducing weight, basically can divide to have oxygen C, dumbbell C, model body C, on C of the C) on C(mat, big ball, from whole in light of the process that reduce weight, it is a kind of motion having oxygen, but actually, can be a kind to have oxygen and the campaign that join without oxygen, this kind of means also is to reduce weight at present relatively scientific combination, than having oxygen purely motion has the effect more.

Zheng Duoyan current situation?

The current situation:

Zheng Duoyan also slowly disappear in public line of sight, her setting-up exercise also begins slowly unmanned make inquires, the Zheng Duoyan nowadays or conference appear on program of a few fitness, right now nevertheless she is not that explodes at the outset any more red actor, say well and truly probably, she nowadays has been a net living energy of life red.

Zheng Duoyan any of the twelve animals?

Zheng Duoyan was born 1966, the any of the twelve animals belongs to a horse, korea hot Mom, actor

Korea most igneous fitness empress, height 162 centimeter, weight she 49 kilograms is 2 children (14 with 15 years old) mother. After marriage from originally the overstaffed figure that 48 kilograms slim figure increases to more than 70 kilograms all the way, be in next doctor proposal and coach are directive spreading out nevertheless thin body moves, after passing a chain of trial, regain 49 kilograms strong and handsome stature again, be to be by analogy consequently " miraculous body " , " hot Mom of healthy body beauty " .

Zheng Duoyan what stalk?

Zheng Duoyan, korea actor. Hot Mom of the Korea that be called, korea most fire empress of 49 years old of fitness, be born in on November 27, 1966, eye predecessor is tall 162 centimeter, weight she 49 kilograms is 2 children (14 with 15 years old) mother. After marriage from originally the overstaffed figure that 48 kilograms slim figure increases to more than 70 kilograms all the way, be in next doctor proposal and coach are directive spreading out nevertheless thin body moves, after passing a chain of trial, regain 49 kilograms strong and handsome stature again, be to be by analogy consequently " miraculous body " , " hot Mom of healthy body beauty " .

Original name of Zheng Duoyan?

Zheng Duolian

Korea fitness stars. Hot Mom of the Korea that be called, korea most igneous fitness empress, be born in on November 27, 1966, eye predecessor is tall 162 centimeter, weight she 49 kilograms is 2 children (14 with 15 years old) mother. After marriage from originally the overstaffed figure that 48 kilograms slim figure increases to more than 70 kilograms all the way, be in next doctor proposal and coach are directive spreading out nevertheless thin body moves, after passing a chain of trial, regain 49 kilograms strong and handsome stature again, be to be by analogy consequently " miraculous body " , " hot Mom of healthy body beauty " .

Does Zheng Duoyan reduce weight is holding oxygen moves or move without oxygen?

The rhythm of this setting-up exercise not intense and the start is slow. Should belong to what one sort seems gem gal style to reduce weight hold. However gem gal is to attribute movement having oxygen. Motion having oxygen, it is to point to in moving, the person's inspiratory oxygen and demand are equal. Gem gal unlike is other oxygen makes let the gas on your feeling receive in that way do not enrage below the move. Go quickly, also be motion having oxygen, more lay particular stress on is used up at integral quantity of heat. So I suggest, what you can undertake 40 minutes right-and-left first is fast go, come home next, have the practice of this setting-up exercise again.

Is much swallow thin be of Zheng much Yan Faming?


Jelly of marvellous ferment of much swallow thin Soso is product of a when by the thin body queen of Korea Zheng Duoyan rolls out thin body, make noodles or vermicelli made from bean or sweet potato starch of vegetable protein ferment according to saying jelly of this kind of ferment uses modern technology, curative effect publicizes the poison that it is a platoon, clear intestines and stomach, in order to achieve thin body result.

Jump does whole body of small red cap have Zheng Duoyan does oxygen reduce weight after holding how drawing?

Say next my results reducing weight, I will begin to do in October from last year, basically make small red cap and small grey cap two are held, hip circumference is more apparent 91 → 88, stomach is apparently much less, the mainest is through taking exercise, healthy, before me if fall ill, get dozen of a bit every time almost, get half many month gift is nice, begin to do this to cover the time that holds small now half an year, had fallen ill, take medicine 3, 4 days good. I am main the purpose is model form, a week makes 5-6 day now, everyday 30-60 minute, the 2 small fortune after my meal are moved, do a few mat work, be aimed at form of model of below half body (notice physiology period is not done) . If want to reduce weight, do cap of small ash of small red cap and the drill that distribute equipment the effect is better, small red cap is to oxygen is held, move in the light of the whole body, just began to do ache slightly of meeting feeling whole body, general it is good that 5 days are controlled, those who do Zheng Duoyan hold of kubla khah dripping wet, the likelihood is concerned this with individual constitution, finish hold not be eager to sitting down or drink water, loosen first loosen, silent heart.

Does Zheng Duoyan send child in person?

First Chinese child of Zheng Duoyan of Asian fitness empress: Yang Xin case

China of much swallow of Zheng of YUki of Yang Zi case is presiding hit big child

National profession qualification is private coach certificate

Oxygen holds attestation of coach profession qualification

Certificate of qualification of coach of advanced belly dance

International registers trainer of advanced belly dance (13 countries attestation)

Footplate holds attestation of coach profession qualification

Attestation of qualification of profession of coach of Ha Tayu gal

Political instructor of sports of society of certificate of adviser of Oriental dance international (gymnastical coach)

Attestation of qualification of Spinning coach profession

AFCC Shanghai system is comfortable can gymnastical institute diploma

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