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在步伐走动之前,先做热身和适当的伸展运动,特别是下肢的适度伸展非常重要。天冷时,热身时间要长,并多穿些衣服。在步伐走动前后测一下自己每分钟脉搏数并记录下来供参考。长时间锻炼后,心肺耐力会增加,心率会降低,运动后心跳恢复正常较快。初学者以每周两三次、隔日为宜。然后可适当增加次数,直到自己感觉适量为止,绝对不要勉强。2。卫生与健康 健身操运动后,要及时更换汗湿的衣服,避免着凉,特别是在空调房内运动后应做些伸展运动再行淋浴。经常做有氧健身操者,要留心自己的脚部,常修剪脚趾甲。热天运动出汗较多,汗留在趾缝中容易让细菌孳生,所以应时常保持脚部皮肤干燥。3。适当的服装 做健身操时,应穿合身透汗的健身操服,不要赤脚穿普通皮鞋。健身鞋应有较厚的护垫,以减缓足部与地面撞击而造成的震荡。鞋身不宜太软,可采用半高筒式,以保护脚踝。其实时间上都差不多,不过饭后不要做,相对来说下午五点左右好点。有氧健身操是一种富有韵律性的运动,它通过长时间(30分钟以上)持续的运动,不仅使心肺功能增强,而且还锻炼了大肌肉群。有氧健身操主要分为两类:高冲击和低冲击。高冲击健身操是传统式的健身操,经常做单脚或双脚的跳跃,能量消耗大,心肺锻炼效果佳。但是对一些平时很少运动和过胖的人士及初学者,可能会因运动量过大和过分刺激心肺而接受不了。低冲击动作较缓和,但由于持续运动15~30分钟,因此能保持运动的强度可提供足够的刺激来锻炼心肺。但是,练有氧健身操还需注意以下事项:




健美操运动源于20世纪70年代末,英文原名“Aerobics”,意为“有氧运动”、“健身健美操”。 进入21世纪后,人们逐步将在室内进行的有氧健身运动搬到室外,这就形成了广泛流行的行进有氧健身操。




我是健身教练,适当的做有氧健身操是可以减肥的,至于会不会反弹是要因人而异的,如果要是停下来之后,不注意饮食的调节反弹的情况是会出现的,还有一点就是看你是不是每天运动是否过量,如果要是想在短时间减肥而去尝试大量的运动每天排汗过量,那么如果此时突然停止有氧操,很可能体重会有反弹现象.如果想要避免此种情况需要我们注意的是一定要遵循循序渐进原则,不要突然的停止运动,要有大强度高负荷运动转为低强度底负荷运动,锻炼的次数也要由多变少慢慢调整,饮食也要控制,不能暴饮暴食,注意生活的规律性节奏性,如果能做到这几点,应该可以遏制你运动后的反弹的现象. 建议:如果是长时间从事运动的人建议你最好不要停止运动,这样对你的心率有所影响,对你的健康也不利;如果不是意味追求快速减肥,也可以尝试瑜珈等低负荷的运动,这样既可以减肥也可以塑型,但是从事这样的运动长时间才可见效,但是停止后的反弹不会明显.














How fast thin arm, is there oxygen motion setting-up exercise reducing weight?

The double arm each other that thin arm preserve one's health moves is pulled

Stand at attention stands still, both hands hangs down at the body two side, girth is erect. Reach both hands favour sb before the bosom, photograph of both hands the centre of the palm to, finger each other ticks off each other. Use the power of double arm, help the arm to opposite way move, hold this action when reaching the limit 30 seconds, after that slow restorable.

Effect of motion of preserve one's health: Practice changing kinetic energy to make the arm gets drawing repeatedly, the arm that allows you more show fine, achieve thin body goal thereby.

The double arm converging attack that thin arm preserve one's health moves

double arm forward unbend carries to the bosom before, the power that uses an arm thereafter photograph of will double arm to forcibly converging attack, meanwhile the palm is shut, 10 point to crisscross, maintain this pose after 15 seconds, slow extensive recovers from an illness pose, till double arm feels acid is tired,practice this motion repeatedly.

Effect of motion of preserve one's health: This movement can make your arm muscle becomes close solid, chang Lian reviews this movement can make you have thin arm easily.

Go quickly and have oxygen setting-up exercise is that effect reducing weight good?

Jump everyday setting-up exercise having oxygen can have certain effect reducing weight, but should see you strength is great, sweat leaves Deduobuduo, the expert has said, when person motion reduces weight, should jump the least half hour above, adipose ability begins to burn

Does setting-up exercise there is oxygen do 40 minutes of results reducing weight how?

Should achieve use up adipose effect, the time need of limits of heartbeat having oxygen achieves 30 minutes of above, adipose quantity is used up to begin to increase after 30 minutes. But the original poster your setting-up exercise having oxygen is impossible to do not have warm up and final relaxation, calculate each 5 minutes, right time having oxygen has 30 minutes only, as it happens is to be able to begin to increase adipose wastage, you stopped. Proposal you need not morning and evening each. Do in the late evening only, 60 minutes. The mat tumbling that still can increase the left and right sides 10 minutes has model look.

Do setting-up exercise there is oxygen and shuttlecock excuse me which reduce weight more effective?

Have oxygen setting-up exercise.

Because of among them outbreak power development is compared little, and systemic power development is more balanced.

And the behavioral standard of badminton is rigidder, run move inadequacy from time to tome the part of oxygen is little, often should have however instead erupt strength effect.

Behavioral mistake, sufficient without warm up word causes meniscus loss possibly still.

Think affirmation reducing weight chooses to oxygen is held, but badminton can enhance body nerve muscle to control capacity, reaction ability, this has oxygen to hold place to cannot be achieved.

When to do setting-up exercise there is oxygen best?

Before pace ambulates, do warm up and proper extend exercise first, especially the measurable extend of lower limbs is very important. When the weather is cold, warm up time should grow, wear some of dress more. Ambulate in pace around measures him minutely pulse is counted and the record comes down to offer reference. After taking exercise for long, heart lungs endurance can increase, the heartbeat can be reduced, the heartbeat after motion returns to normal faster. Abecedarian with every week 3 two, tertian and advisable. Can increase a number appropriately next, feel right amount till oneself till, do not want reluctance absolutely. 2. After sanitation and healthy setting-up exercise move, should change in time the dress with wet sweat, prevent catch a cold, should do some of extend to move to go again after the motion inside air conditioning room especially shower. Often do the person that have oxygen setting-up exercise, want to take care oneself crural ministry, chang Xiu cuts toenail. Hot weather motion perspires more, sweat stays in foot to seam in let bacterial breed easily, should maintain crural ministry skin constantly so dry. 3. When suitable costume does setting-up exercise, should wear formfitting the setting-up exercise that perspire all over is taken, do not want barefoot to wear common leather shoes. Gymnastical shoe is due thicker protect mat, with the shock that slow down sufficient ministry and ground are bumped and creates. Shoe body shoulds not be too soft, can use half expensive barrel type, in order to protect an ankle. Go up between its real time about the same, nevertheless meal hind is not done, opposite for the left and right sides is bit better at 5 o'clock afternoon. Setting-up exercise having oxygen is the motion of a kind of rich and metrical sex, it is passed long (30 minutes of above) persistent motion, make heart lungs function increases not only, and still exercised big muscle group. Main component is setting-up exercise having oxygen two kinds: High impact and low concussion. High impact setting-up exercise is the setting-up exercise of traditional pattern, often make the leap of thin leg or double foot, energy is used up big, heart lungs exercises effect beautiful. But reach abecedarian to a few very few at ordinary times motion and too fat personage, it is beyond the mark to because motion is measured,may pass to be mixed greatly stimulate heart lungs and be not accepted. Low concussion movement relatively alleviation, but because move continuously 15 ~ 30 minutes, because this can maintain,athletic intensity can offer enough stimulation to exercise heart lungs. But, experienced setting-up exercise having oxygen still needs to notice the following item:

Does the university have have an easy time of oxygen setting-up exercise?

Of feel well.

Setting-up exercise having oxygen is one kind heats up club standard setting-up exercise and contemporary popularity dance photograph the body building having oxygen of a kind of of union brand-new concept, can let you be in quite what you burn happily below relaxation spirit is adipose, and have what oxygen setting-up exercise combines low intensity, high strength normally integratedly oxygen is held and strike oxygen holds content, gross 60 minutes of time.

Strong and handsome hold motion to result from 20 centuries 70 time end, english original name " Aerobics " , meaning for " motion having oxygen " , " fitness is strong and handsome hold " . After entering 21 centuries, people moves the body building having oxygen that has indoors stage by stage outdoor, this advances with respect to what formed wide popularity setting-up exercise having oxygen.

Is setting-up exercise motion there is oxygen?

Setting-up exercise is a kind when attribute movement having oxygen. Setting-up exercise is a kind of motion kind that tied dance movement and gymnastical training. Training of flexibility of the dance movement that it includes to have rhythm normally, body, muscle strength training and training of heart lungs function. Because the movement of setting-up exercise is relatively successive,mix have rhythm, can make the heartbeat is accelerated, breath is deepened, improve heart lungs function thereby. The characteristic of this kind of motion having oxygen makes setting-up exercise can enhance circulation of heart lungs function, stimulative blood, combustion effectively adipose chime moves the body the muscle of each place. Accordingly, can say explicitly, setting-up exercise is a kind of motion having oxygen. In addition, setting-up exercise still has a lot of other benefit. It can enhance the flexibility of the body and harmonious sex, improve the pose of the body and balance ability. In the meantime, setting-up exercise still can raise the metabolization rate of the body, increase sarcous endurance and power. In addition, the people that participates in setting-up exercise still can pass the rhythm that follows music to wave, release pressure, promotion mood, increase the chance of socialization communication. Anyhow, setting-up exercise is a kind of motion having oxygen not only, still be a kind of movement way that exercises in the round. Through participating in setting-up exercise, people can improve heart lungs function, enhance muscle strength, improvement flexibility chime moves a gender, what still can enjoy motion to bring at the same time is cheerful and loosen.

Can setting-up exercise there is oxygen rebound?

I am gymnastical coach, doing setting-up exercise having oxygen appropriately can reduce weight, as to can rebounding is to want because of the person different, if if stop later, carelessly the circumstance that dietary adjustment rebounds can appear, still a bit see you move everyday namely whether excessive, if short time reduces weight and try much exercise to discharge sweat excessive everyday, if balk right now,so oxygen is held, probable weight can have rebound phenomenon. If want to avoid this kind of circumstance to need us to notice is,must follow successive principle, do not want to suspend campaign suddenly, want to motion of great strength high load capacity turns to move for bear of low intensity bottom, the frequency that take exercise also wants by changeful little adjust slowly, food also wants to control, cannot eat and drink too much, notice the regularity rhythm sex of the life, if when can accomplish this, should OK keep within limits the rebound phenomenon after you move. Proposal: If be to be engaged in athletic person for long suggesting you had better not suspend campaign, affect somewhat to your heartbeat so, adverse also to your health; If not be imply,pursuit reduces weight quickly, also can try the exercise of the small negative charge such as yoga, it is OK also to can reduce weight already so model, but be engaged in such motion just seeing effect for long, but after stopping rebound won't apparent.

Setting-up exercise there is oxygen and strike it which result reducing weight do is better to which result reducing weight do?

Same, setting-up exercise having oxygen is a bit better, she is to exercise the whole body, strike although also exercise the whole body,hold but pay attention to hand ministry force.

Is doing setting-up exercise there is oxygen strength has been jumped over greatly more?

Either, I show a few note under:

Reduce weight hold a note one:

Hold time and days to reduce weight hold do simple, but should hold good time and time, want those who suit to jump in suitable time that is to say reduce weight hold, want the time that according to his figure theory the case chooses to suit his. Show according to numerous data, first-rate jumps reduce weight doing athletic time reducing weight is evening hour, jump everyday reduce weight hold time not to exceed 30 minutes.

Reduce weight hold a note 2:

Choose to reduce weight formfittingly hold a choice to reduce weight hold reduce weight to also want to choose those who suit oneself, because the body situation of everybody is different, the body state that wants him foundation will choose those who suit his to reduce weight hold. Some reducing weight momentum drill work is very big, and reduce weight do time too long do not suit initial stage to learn to jump reduce weight held person, say to choose motion to reduce weight to need to choose according to the characteristic of oneself so.

Reduce weight hold a note 3:

The dress with appropriate dress reduces weight motion reduces weight to hold and move reducing weight is same, need to wearing appropriate dress, appropriate dress reduces weight to jumping for drill person exceedingly important, wearing appropriate dress only, ability lets reduce weight held action reachs the designated position, also can use better optimal strength to make a motion, just also can achieve the goal that reduce weight truly so.

Reduce weight hold a note 4:

Adjust the rhythm of good breath wants to use reduce weight hold achieve the goal that reduce weight, jumping reduce weight the rhythm of good with respect to need adjustment breath in doing a process, such ability let every cell inside the body move rise, accelerated the athletic frequency of the cell of human body, allow system inside adipose get better blaze, such ability reducing weight are the most effective.

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