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不要去买那个灵兽神丹10元宝才100经验 每元宝才10点经验。。。很不划算。。。

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精灵分为金木水火土五行元素,对应白绿蓝红黄各色的上百种五行精灵,更有双属性和全属性精灵 原始五行灵兽: 金灵兽、木灵兽、水灵兽、火灵兽、土灵兽 现在基本种类: 金刚猿、翱翔鹰、刺比兽、毒牙兽、铠角兽、哮天兽、墨脚兽、零丝兽 合成: (主体的名称在前,次要的接后):刺比金刚兽、金刚刺比兽、墨脚哮天兽、刺比毒牙兽…… (相同灵兽):双铠角兽…… 对战战爪: 雷霆战爪、黑焰战爪、凌风战爪、炎阳战爪、白霜战爪、机械战爪


  初始灵兽“灵影”是远古精灵的化身,身为灵兽,它是PVP良伴,也将会在陪伴你修行的岁月中,不断成长,通过灵兽消耗进阶丹,可进阶为高阶灵兽,忠诚地守护在你身边。下面一起来看看《创世封神》灵兽系统的详细介绍吧,看看灵兽几级开启?灵兽怎么进阶吧。    开启等级:16级  系统规则:  1、灵兽进阶需要消耗灵兽进阶丹。  2、在灵兽进阶操作失败时为您增加的下次进阶成功几率,也即祝福值。  3、祝福值越高,灵兽下次进阶操作时成功几率越高。  4、祝福值于每晚00:00整清零,建议一次性完成进阶以免因为错过进阶时间,造成祝福值损失。  封神之战后,仙佛表面和气相安,实则暗斗不断。《创世封神》作为神魔类SRPG网页游戏将在近期横空出世!回合制战斗场景精美绝伦,立体逼真的人怪,华丽炫酷的技能特效、为你精彩呈现神魔大战。暴击、反杀、闪避流血等独具特色的天赋属性,让你纵横三界,独领风骚!










One, how is clever animal developmental in pocket clever animal?

Do not need what thing, need only multi-purpose clever animal fights can, every clever animal is 30 class evolution, first rank spirit animal is OK evolution 2, if you just used a clever animal,be prep above of 30 class, so need to fight with it only achieve,

2, what clever animal is egg of Ling Jianzun clever animal?

The clever animal egg of silent of middle period of Lingjian honour novel is the egg of animal of ground of empty empty escape.

Silent of leaf of the leading role in Lingjian honour novel is in long be cultivate oneself according to a religious doctrine of celestial being bound arrives together with billows father's younger brother when reaching sage place, subsequently Xie Mo and billows father's younger brother arrived together the hole government office of cultivate oneself according to a religious doctrine of silver-colored beautiful grandmother,

3, is clever animal close justice word?

Of clever animal close justice word is divine animal. Because clever animal and divine animal are the animal that mysterious force or divine property have in pointing to fokelore,this is. The child that divine animal is considered as fairy tale, folklore or religious belief to wait commonly, it is a kind of numinous existence that is different from common animal. Besides clever animal and divine animal, still have the term of a few other similar definitions, animal is magical, for instance magical cultivate.

4, does clever animal of be handed down from ancient times upgrade the red of clever animal god of experience?

Do not go buying red of god of that clever animal 100 experience of ability of 10 a shoe-shaped gold or silver ingot used as money in feudal China every a shoe-shaped gold or silver ingot used as money in feudal China just at 10 o'clock experience. . . Very not be to one's profit. . .

You enter game to be able to appear now the icon of celestial being Ling Dan is nodded in the right of shortcut key. The dot goes in, put panther, feed panther, one a shoe-shaped gold or silver ingot used as money in feudal China can buy experience of 50 bits of clever animal.

Very be to one's profit. Perhaps go mobile old man buys nourishing red then 5 a shoe-shaped gold or silver ingot used as money in feudal China adscititious immediately gives experience of 150 bits of clever animal property. Be in now in city announcement column is OK and free 2 turn.

5, can you receive those who take clever animal and call clever animal to move free?

" strange region of celestial being spirit " it is You Kunshan limited company of medium of Yu Qilin culture manufactures, surprise by rice power hold the 52 collect cartoon that guide.

Small lives in celestial being clever mainland, dreaming to be able to be mixed all the time the descendant of celestial being is same, make the clever division of super celestial being that has clever animal. One day, it is under good luck coincidence, small and Lin of Yuqi of antediluvian spirit animal encounter, 2 people become a good friend, make an appointment to be entered together swing all corners of the country, enter celestial being clever contest. In journey, they fight ceaselessly and close took various bizarre spirit animal, also knew phoenix, the celestial being clever division such as Long Ma is companionate, everybody is trying hard for respective target, and small and Yu Qilin, also discovered oneself true mission gradually.

6, can you receive the caricature that takes clever animal and call clever animal?

The god imprints throne

" does the god imprint throne " brief introduction: ? Does  of Lu of Hu of unreal of  of lip of dead Su of a surname of exhausted  of ё near thirsty stretch tight does tomahawk of  bed サ circle Mu Yan of Shan of Li of ∽ of cut down of dead Suo of Pai of Man of Se   does obituary of forgive of  of Bu of a keeper of domestic animals of  of dysentery R unreal sincere especially spade thirsty サ brown bear of  of # of farsighted  Jie?

7, how does the king of beasts contend for animal of sharp edge spirit to synthesize clever animal to synthesize a strategy?

Demon separates element of the five elements of earth of extreme misery of the wood that it is gold, the demon of about a hundred kinds of the five elements of corresponding white green blue red yellow of all kinds, have double attribute and complete attribute spirit more clever animal of primitive the five elements: Clever animal of clever animal of animal of golden clever animal, wood clever animal, fresh and juicy, fire, earth is basic now phyletic: King Kong is simian, hover synthesis of 0 animal of animal of eagle, thorn comparing, poison fang animal, armor horn animal, roar day animal, Chinese ink foot, animal: (The name of main body is advanced, the less important) after receiving: Thorn compares animal of day of roar of foot of animal, Chinese ink, thorn to compare poison fang animal than thorn of King Kong animal, King Kong... () of same spirit animal: Animal of double armor horn... ungual to war war: Mechanical battle is claw of claw of claw of thunderbolt battle claw, black blaze battle, approach wind battle, phlogistic in relief battle, hoarfrost battle claw, ungual

8, " the apotheosis that start a life " how is clever animal of introduction of clever animal system entered rank?

Initiative spirit animal " quick picture " be ancient demon is reincarnate, as clever animal, it is PVP fine companion, also will be in the years that accompanies your cultivate oneself according to a religious doctrine, grow ceaselessly, use up through clever animal into rank red, can enter rank for high-ranking spirit animal, guard loyally beside you. Look together below " the apotheosis that start a life " the detailed introduction of clever animal system, see clever animal open of a few class? How is clever animal entered rank. Open grade: 16 class system is regular: 1, clever animal is entered rank need uses up clever animal to receive rank pellet or powder. 2, enter in clever animal rank when the operation fails, enter next time for what you increase rank successful odds, also bless a value namely. 3, beatific cost is higher, clever animal is entered next time rank successful probability is higher when the operation. 4, the blessing is worth at every night 00:00 whole to clear, the proposal is one-time finish into rank lest because miss,be entered rank time, cause a blessing to be worth a loss. Of apotheosis afterwar, surface of celestial being Buddha and gas phase are installed, actually infighting is constant. " the apotheosis that start a life " as divine evil spirit kind SRPG webpage game will be in near future horizontal stroke is born for nothing! The bout makes battle setting elegant unsurpassed, stereo and living person is strange, the skill specially good effect of luxuriant dazzle cruel, for you wonderful present big fight of divine evil spirit. Cruel attack, kill instead, dodge bleeds the connate attribute that waits to have distinguishing feature alone, let your freely 3 bounds, outshine the rest!

9, journey clever animal, is animal of holy animal demon clever animal of assorted Zuo journey respectively?

Domesticate catchs clever animal to be able to catch 7 kinds of clever animal: Ling Jinpeng of fire of goatsucker of dark spirit of chelonian of spirit of blueness of horse of dragon of spirit of green jade of rhinoceros of dark green clever iron coming back on Xiong Yi 7 kinds of clever animal are in fine long hair of spirit of bare of Mo Lingxuan leopard habitat, all be attack nearly, besides spirit of dark clever goatsucker, green jade Long Ma is demon to attack, other all attack domesticate to catch demon animal to be able to catch demon animal for content (content of 125 class short range is attacked) in wet ground of general haunt marsh. Every half hours brush 3. Domesticate catchs holy animal to be able to catch green dragon of animal of 4 kinds of emperor, bai Hu, rosefinch, xuan Wu. Qing Long (160 class) : Long-range demon attacks hole of flood dragon dragon 2 white tigers (150 class) : Long-range content attacks hole of flood dragon dragon one rosefinch (140 class) : Long-range demon attacks marsh wet ground (133 class can catch) Xuan Wu (130 class) : Long-range content attacks marsh wet ground

10, what is clever animal?

The animal of the meaning auspicious sign of clever animal, qing Long, bai Hu, rosefinch, xuan Wu. Antediluvian 4 big clever animal.

1, one of spirit of the day in myth of ancient time of green dragon China, antediluvian constellation adores traceable.

2, white tiger is in China is Taoism west in traditional culture one of 4 elephants of 7 Su Xingjun, the god of the god of the west that be called and battle cut down.

3, one of spirit that rosefinch is the day in myth of Chinese ancient time, result from ancient constellation adores, it is delegate phlogistic emperor and south the southern god of 7 constellation, it is at the Eight Diagrams from, at the five elements advocate fire, indicative the old this world in 4 elephants, the summer in the four seasons.

4, one of spirit that Xuan Wu is the day in myth of Chinese ancient time, result from ancient constellation adores, it is 28 constellation the northward Xuan Wu in be 4 elephants by southeast northwest cent 7 constellation.
