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1.为我国传统文化的集中代表,儒家思想对我国现代化建设有相当的积极意义,如其 理想人格对现代人格建构的启示作用、 “天人合一”思想及泛爱主义对生态保护的积极作用 等。深入挖掘、诠释儒家思想中蕴藏的适应和促进现代化建设的精神资源,使其在现代政治 社会秩序的建立中发挥作用, 不仅关系到儒家自身的生存发展, 更关系到我国社会转型的顺 利进行。

2.我国传统文化体系是以儒家为中心形成的, 儒家的理论从个人层面的修身开始, 层层扩 大到齐家、治国、平天下,成为一个无所不包的整体。它不仅仅是一种单纯的哲学或宗教, 而是一套完整的安排人间秩序的思想系统,通过几千年来政治、经济、社会教育等制度的建 立,渗透进国人日常生活的每个角落,形成一种“制度化”的生活方式。

3.进入 20 世纪以来, 在民族危亡、内外交困的大背景下,现代化艰难举步,儒家思想作为传统文化的集中代表, 一再被质疑、批判,陷入了前所未有的困境。不仅国内如此,西方部分学者如韦伯在其《儒 教与道教》中,也断言儒家伦理是阻碍现代化的主要因素。 但是,现代化发展到今天,尤其是 20 世纪六七十年代以来东亚经济的迅速发展引起世 界瞩目, 儒家思想的现代价值和意义也越来越为人们所认识和重视。 正如世界诺贝尔奖金获 得者巴黎集会的宣言中所预言:人类要在 21 世纪生存下去,必须要从两千五百年前孔夫子 那里去寻找智慧。

4.不管是不是新儒家的信徒,有一点是无须争辩的:儒家的“建制化”已经完全失败了, 无法再为中国社会提供一个较为稳定、 影响全面的政治社会秩序, 似乎也再无可能恢复那种 主宰地位, 这是分析儒家思想在现代化浪潮中前景的一个共识与基础。 但是即便是这个成为 “游魂”的儒家,凭其博大精深与两千年的底蕴,取精用宏,在现代化建设中所发挥的作用 还是不容小觑的。 现代化归根结底是人的现代化, 因此社会中个体现代人格的建构则处于重要的地位。




1. is the concentration of our country traditional culture to represent, confucianism has the active sense that comparative to our country modernization, the revelatory action that if ideal character advocates form to modern case, " day person syncretic " thought and the positive effect that condition of opposite of extensive love creed protects. The suit and promotes modernization spirit resource of the thorough mining, contain in explaining Confucianism, make its are in the action of the play in building of order of modern politics society, matter to Confucianist oneself not only live development, more the success that matters to transition of our country society.

System of traditional culture of 2. our country is formed for the center with the Confucianist, the theory of the Confucianist begins from the cultivate one's morality of individual level, layer upon layer enlarge neat home, manage state affairs, smooth the world, make the whole of an all-embracing. It is a kind of pure philosophy or religion not just, however a whole idea system that plans terrestrial order, through coming thousands of years politics, economy, society teachs those who wait for a system to build, permeate every corner that lives daily into compatriots, form a kind " the system is changed " lifestyle.

Since 3. enters 20 centuries, tired big setting is handed in to fall in ethical at stake, inside and outside, modern hardship steps forward, confucianism regards the concentration of traditional culture as the delegate, be oppugned again and again, critically, was immersed in unprecedented predicament. Not only home is such, western part scholar is in like Wei Bai its " confusianism and Taoism " in, also say or state with certainty the main factor that Confucianist ethics is block up modernization. But, modern development arrives today, especially the rapid development of East Asia economy causes 20 centuries since 669 time the world is fixed eyes upon, the contemporary value of Confucianism and meaning be known for people place and also take seriously more and more. The place of announce call the turn of assembly of Paris of gainer of gold of nobel prize of world of no less than is fatidical: The mankind should live in 21 centuries go down, must want from the aperture before 2500 go searching wisdom over there the master.

No matter 4. is the believer of new Confucian school, having a bit need not argue: Of the Confucianist " organizational system is changed " already come to nothing, can no more offer the political society order with a relatively stable, overall effect for Chinese society, also regain the sort of dictate position without the likelihood again it seems that, this is analytic Confucianism a consensus in the foreground in modern tide and foundation. But even if is this is become " You Hun " the Confucianist, by its broad and profound with the details 2000, take essence of life to use grand, the effect that produces in modernization still nots allow of small gaze. Modern in the final analysis is the person's modernization, the it is significant to build compose to be in position of because this society is medium individual contemporary character.

The Confucianist " know astronomy, sign drought is waterlogged " (Zhang Taiyan language) , it is the thought school with Chinese the most influential ancient time. It is carried " the first signs of the world Jiaohua " , have " with 100 " consequence. Be set " 6 art " point to " ceremony, happy, shoot, drive, book, number " these 6 kinds of skill, run a school actively at each district. Also be to safeguard a society morality, involute in the giantest culture core that condenses force.

The Confucianist is part of core of civilization of an ancient name for China, believe in upholds Confucianist doctrine of Zhou Li by what Confucius founds. Mencius, child summer, Yan Hui the ideology that work up is core with Jiaohua later. Village ever said true Confucianism person " know climate; Know terrain

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