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  1. 选择考试日期和地点:在教育部雅思考试官方网站上,选择合适的考试日期和地点。
  2. 注册账号:填写个人信息并注册账号,获取个人ID。
  3. 在线报名:使用个人ID登录官方网站,填写报名信息,选择考试科目(学术类或培训类)。
  4. 上传照片:按照规定尺寸上传清晰的个人照片。
  5. 支付报名费用:使用在线支付方式完成报名费用的支付。
  6. 打印准考证:报名成功后,下载并打印准考证。



  • 有效护照:必须使用有效的国际护照进行考试。
  • 个人照片:要求清晰、正面、白底的照片,符合规定尺寸。
  • 联系方式:填写准确有效的联系方式,便于接收考试相关信息。
  • 其他信息:根据个人情况,可能需要填写一些其他相关信息。




Ministry of Education is elegant consider exam guide signing up

Elegant thinking of an exam is the be accepted most extensively and approbates English ability inside global limits evaluates one of exams, it is the necessary language exam when a lot of student studying abroads apply for the school and visa. The article will introduce Ministry of Education for you elegant the flow signing up that considers an exam, include time signing up, charge, material to prepare to wait for the content of the respect.

Time signing up

Ministry of Education is elegant think of an exam to be divided every year for 4 exams quarter, it is respectively in January - in March, April - in June, in July - in September, October - December. The student can choose appropriate exam quarter to undertake signing up according to his demand. The proposal plans ahead of schedule good examination time, signing up the period of time before beginning prepares.

Charge signing up

Ministry of Education is elegant the charge signing up that considers an exam is a RMB 1750 yuan, the exam orgnaization website that can appoint through the government undertakes online pay. Cancel to need or the examinee of change the date, can apply for to retreat inside formulary time revise cost.

Sign up for distinguished personages Cheng

  1. Select exam date and site: In Ministry of Education elegant think of exam government website to go up, select likely exam date and site.
  2. Register Zhang name: Fill in individual information registers Zhang name, get individual ID.
  3. Online sign up: Use individual ID logs onto official website, fill in information signing up, choice exam course (learning kind or groom kind) .
  4. Upload a photograph: Upload clear individual picture according to set dimension.
  5. Pay fee signing up: Use online terms of payment to finish the disbursement of charge signing up.
  6. Print standard textual criticism: After success signing up, download and print standard textual criticism.

Material signing up prepares

Filling in when information signing up, need prepares the following data:

  • Valid passport: Must use valid international passport to have an examination.
  • Individual photograph: The photograph of requirement clarity, front, white bottom, accord with set dimension.
  • Contact means: Fill in accurate and efficient connection way, facilitate receive an exam pertinent information.
  • Other information: According to individual circumstance, the likelihood needs to fill in a few other and pertinent information.

Pass the introduction of the article, the hope can help extensive candidate for an entrance examination understand Ministry of Education elegant the flow signing up that considers an exam, time of reasonable arrangement examination, successful to take an examination. Wish each examinee can obtain exceedingly good result, him implementation study abroad dream!

Thank you to read the article, if doubt or need understand further, can contact us at any time, we will serve for you wholeheartedly.
