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有三口子可以去往到的东北面,一个在丛林的右上角,一个在刚才提到的中间的海滩的右上角,有两个。丛林那的口子通向一个还湾,有两条路,一条是低潮时往右走通向鳄鱼岛收集一种果子,不要吃,往右走到底,低潮时到达池塘中心获得锤子,在这里要多准备些箭(树枝要多拣些)。在池塘北边还有一个口子通到错综复杂的小道上,小道也可以回到原来的那个海湾。我建议锤子可以最后再取,可以先走海湾的口子到小道上,这里就比较复杂了,反正往右走可 以到达好几个地方,有个地方有很多棉花,北面的海岸可以找到一个钩子,在摘棉花的时候可以看到一个物品通过小道找到,不记得是什么工具了,反正那里有豹子。好,海湾的口子往左可以通到岛正北面的海滩和回到中间海滩的那个口子,在丛林的北面,还有一个小丛林被小道包围,在中间海滩的那个口子往右下方走可以看见通向那个小丛林的口子,在那里找到地图。 5 小岛的地形和要找到的工具大概就是这样,其他的要靠自己去探索了。要记住在找到了一个重要工具后存档,否则死了又要重新开始。可以多储存食物,有些食物要用来做工具,不要吃,有些东西不是越多越好,收集东西的时候会耗费体力,要有区别的收集,不同食物补充的力不一样,要区别。羊和猪可以多打些,豹子和鸟什么的只能吃不能做工具。本人觉得钓鱼竿和网钓不到很多鱼,没什么用,不用急着做。在玩的过程中多察看一下那些东西的属性会对你有帮助。 以上是我的回答,希望能对你有所帮助。如仍有疑问,可以反馈问题给我,我会及时给您回复。您提出的宝贵意见和您的关注是对我莫大的支持!我会更加努力的答复大家的问题,力求获得您的满意。感谢支持!



1 沉船

2 鲁滨逊漂流到海岛上

3 堡垒

4 地震

5 在海岛上探险、创造属于自己的家园

6 在沙滩上看见奇怪的脚印

7 发现吃人的野人

8 拯救“星期五”

9 教育“星期五”

10 与野人战斗

11 发现一只英国船

12 鲁滨逊得救,重返“人间”


第一章 父亲的警告

第二章 遭遇暴风雨

第三章 遇上海盗

第四章 出逃

第五章 巴西

第六章 海难

第七章 唯一的幸存者

第八章 最初的日子

第九章 日记:食物和住所

第十章 日记:自然灾害

第十一章 日记:疾病

第十二章 日记:康复

第十三章 日记:考察海岛

第十四章 日记:制作瓦罐与独木舟

第十五章 日记:静静反思

第十六章 逃不出海岛

第十七章 生存技艺进一步改善

第十八章 脚印

第十九章 骨头

第二十章 恐惧与庇护

第二十一章 失事的船

第二十二章 碰上野人

第二十三章 观察“星期五”

第二十四章 教导“星期五”

第二十五章 新的计划

第二十六章 野人又来了

第二十七章 重获自由的俘虏

第二十八章 叛乱者

第二十九章 收复大船

第三十章 回到英国

第三十一章 和“星期五”一起冒险

第三十二章 回到小岛



该作主要讲述了主人公鲁滨逊·克鲁索(Robinson Crusoe)出生于一个中产阶级家庭,一生志在遨游四海的故事。一次在去非洲航海的途中遇到风暴,只身漂流到一个无人的荒岛上,开始了一段与世隔绝的生活的故事。他凭着强韧的意志与不懈的努力,在荒岛上顽强地生存下来,经过28年2个月零19天后得以返回故乡。



● 小说版:鲁滨逊和星期五躲过追杀回到树屋时,发现那里变为灰烬,在废墟中,他发现了那本被烧毁的圣经,并找到了他父亲的遗嘱。

● 电影版:海盗救醒了鲁滨逊,想要从他那里得到这些值钱的东西。海盗们围着鲁滨逊,听他讲自己在海岛上的遭遇。最终,船长答应收留鲁滨逊和麦克,但他并不会把鲁滨逊带到英格兰,而是要他留在船上做一个海盗。鲁滨逊当然不愿意,然而船长并不给他选择的余地。无奈之下,鲁滨逊准备偷一只小艇,却被海盗们发现,他们对他大打出手。鲁滨逊勉强跳上一个木筏,才离开了海盗船,海盗们依然对他穷追猛打。机智的麦克学着船长的声调说话,为鲁滨逊的逃脱争取了时间。


清清楚楚 坚持不懈 千辛万苦 称心如意 蔚然成荫 生机勃勃 平静如镜 巧舌如簧 胆战心寒 破烂不堪 无与伦比 微不足道。


《鲁宾逊漂流记》原著作者是丹尼尔·笛福(Daniel Defoe,1660年5月6日—1731年4月24日),17—18世纪英国作家。







鲁滨逊漂流记(中文导读英文版) 目录第一章 父亲的警告/

Chapter I A Warning 1

第二章 遭遇暴风雨/

Chapter II The Storm 7

第三章 遇上海盗/


(1) 住——用木头和船帆搭理一个简易的帐篷 (2) 吃——打猎、捕鱼、蓄养山羊、种粮食 (3) 安全——防御 (4) 孤独——救助星期五1是第一段 写从前有个英国人叫鲁滨孙喜欢冒险和航海2-8是第2段 写鲁滨孙流落荒岛在岛上生活了26年9是第三段 些鲁滨孙回到英国





One, does Lu Binxun of mobile phone game write down hammer to be in adrift?

Have the northeast side that 3 cuts can be gone to, a top right corner in forest, a top right corner in the among beach that a moment ago mentioned, have two. That cut leads to forest one returns a bay, have two ways, one is go to when low ebb right go lead to crocodilian island to gather a kind of fruit, do not eat, toward right go after all, pond center arrives to obtain hammer when low ebb, should prepare some of arrow more here (branch should be chosen more some) . There still is a cut to connect daedal canal to go up in pond northern part, canal also can return that original bay. I suggest hammer is OK and final reassume, can the cut of foregone bay arrives on canal, here is more complex, go to anyway right go OK to reach several places, a place has a lot of cotton, the coast in can find a hook, can see when picking cotton an article is found through canal, be not being written down is what tool, anyway over there have panther. Good, thalassic cut arrives with connecting toward Zun Ke island the beach in and that cut that return the beach intermediate, it is in jungly, still a small forest is surrounded by canal, that cut of inter beach goes OK to see the cut that leads to that small forest toward right lower part, the map is found over. The landform of 5 isles and the tool that should find are probably such, want otherly to rely on oneself to was explored. Want to remember filing after finding a main tool, died to want to begin afresh again otherwise. Can store more food, some food should use charge for the making of sth. to provide, do not eat, some things are not more better, physical power can be consumed when collecting a thing, want distinguishing to collect, different food is additional force is different, want to distinguish. Sheep and pig are OK many dozens some, panther and bird of what can eat only cannot make a tool. Oneself feel fishing pole and net do not angle a lot of fish, it doesn't matter is used, need not wear urgently do. The attribute that watchs those things more in the process that employ will be helpful to you. Above is my answer, hope to be able to be helped somewhat to you. If still have doubt, can feedback the problem gives me, I can reply in time to you. The precious opinion that you offer and your attention is greatest to me support! The answer that I can make greater efforts everybody's problem, do one's best gains your satisfaction. Appreciate support!

2, does Lubinxun write down catalog adrift?

Lu Binxun drifts the catalog that write down is as follows:

1 heavy boat

2 Lu Bin abdicate arrive adrift on island

3 fort

4 earthquakes

5 expeditionary on island, creation belong to his home

The 6 footmark with see strange on the beach

7 discovery eat the person's savage

8 save " on Friday "

9 education " on Friday "

10 fight with savage

11 discovery a limejuicer

12 Lu Bin abdicate get rescued, return " the world "

3, Lubinxun is written down adrift, catalog?

The warning of father of the first chapter

The 2nd chapter encounters a rainstorm

The 3rd chapter receives Shanghai steel

The 4th chapter runs away

Brazil of the 5th chapter

Shipwreck of the 6th chapter

The survival with the 7th only rule

The time with the 8th first order

Diary of the 9th chapter: Food and abode

Diary of the 10th chapter: Natural disaster

Eleventh chapter diary: Disease

Dozenth chapter diary: Rehabilitation

Thirteenth chapter diary: Inspect island

Diary of the 14th chapter: Make made of baked clay canister and canoe

Diary of the 15th chapter: Silent think over

The 16th chapter does not escape to give island

The seventeenth chapter lives craft is improved further

Footmark of the 18th chapter

Bone of the 19th chapter

Fear of the 20th chapter and shelter

The boat that the 21st chapter crashs

The 22nd chapter is touched on savage

The 23rd chapter observes " on Friday "

The 24th chapter is taught " on Friday "

The 25th Zhang Xin's plan

Savage of the 26th chapter came again

The captive of freedom of recovery of the 27th chapter

The 28th chapter is revolting person

Large ship of recover of the 29th chapter

Thirtieth chapter returns England

One chapter mixes thirtieth " on Friday " take a risk together

2 chapters return thirtieth isle

Patulous data:

" Lu Bin inferiors to be written down adrift " it is British writer Daniel a novel of · flute blessing. This book is published first on April 25, 1719.

Should decide should tell about a hero Ke Lu of · of Lu Bin abdicate alls alone (Robinson Crusoe) be born in family of a middle class, lifetime annals is in the story of roam the four seas. Encountering storm, go up to island of an unmanned barren adrift alone, began the old practice of a paragraph of insular life. He with coriaceous volition and indefatigable effort, live tenaciously come down, through 28 years 0 19 day hind are able to return 2 months birthplace.

4, does Lubinxun note final result adrift?

" Lu Bin inferiors to write down adrift " the final result that has two version:

● novel edition: Lu Bin inferiors and escape on Friday chase after kill when returning tree house, turn into over there discovery cindery, in remains, he discovered that by the Bible of burn down, found the will of his father.

● film edition: Pirate is saved woke Lu Bin inferiors, want from these worthy things get over there him. Pirate people inferior round Lu Bin, listen to him to say the lot that him gets on in island. Final, the captain promises abdicate of Lu Bin of take sb in and Mack, but he can not take Lu Bin abdicate to England, want him to leave aboard to do a pirate however. Lu Bin inferiors to not be willing of course, however the leeway that the captain does not choose to him. But under, lu Bin abdicate prepares to steal a cockboat, however by pirate people discovery, they strike him violently. Pop-up of reluctance of Lu Bin abdicate a raft, just left corsair, pirate people still strike to his pursuit. Quick-witted Mack is learning tonetic conversation of the captain, escape for what Lu Bin inferiors strove for time.

5, does Lubinxun remember good word adrift?

Clear unremitting innumerable trials and hardships is gratified flexibly Wei Ran is shady vibrant be bitterly disappointed of battle of bravery of the quiet have a glib tongue that be like lens is worm-eaten unapproachable negligible.

6, Lubinxun is written down adrift, origianl work?

" Lubinxun is written down adrift " origianl work author is blessing of Daniel · flute (Daniel Defoe, on May 6, 1660, on April 24, 1731) , 17, writer of 18 centuries England.

On May 6, 1660, be born in London emperor Gai Ersi street.

7, how does Lubinxun drift the Lubinxun in writing down domesticates goat?

Will beat dead on December 27 a lamb, call a leg of another lamb again lame. Lu Bin abdicate captured the kid of lame, pull with cord come home.

The Lu Bin after arriving home inferiors of a goat broke a leg to bind rise, still went up splint.

Below the makings of understand without being told of essence of life that inferiors in Lu Bin, wounded lamb came down alive, the leg also has grown, and grow very strongly. Because be brought up for a long time, the lamb is gradually domestic rise, full day browses on the meadow before his abode door, do not agree to leave. This caused Lu Bin to inferior a thought: Can raise a few easily domestic animal, once play,medicine gives out in the future also not nothing has worry.

8, " is Lubinxun written down adrift " a few chapters to share?

Lu Bin inferiors to be written down adrift (edition of Chinese introduction English) catalog the admonitory / of father of the first chapter

Chapter I A Warning 1

The 2nd chapter encounters stormy /

Chapter II The Storm 7

The 3rd chapter encounters Shanghai pilfer /

9, " is Lubinxun written down adrift " is section wraparound?

(1) live -- respond a simple and easy tent with wood and ship sail (2) eat -- hunt, fish, harbour raises a goat, kind commissariat (3) safe -- defence (4) loneliness -- deliverance on Friday 1 be write the first paragraph had once upon a time

10, does Lubinxun write down crosshead adrift?

" Lu Bin inferiors to be written down adrift " generalize with crosshead can generalize 6 crosshead, it is character brief introduction, maritime respectively die, build a house resident, raise herd to cultivate, encounter savage and return England.

" Lu Bin inferiors to be written down adrift " it is British Daniel the writing of a fiction of · flute blessing, basically told about a hero to die because of going to sea, arrive adrift unmanned isle, insist to live on the island, return the story of the society that lives so finally.

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