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南京最大的宠物市场? 南京宠物市场?英文双语对照


南京最大的宠物市场? 南京宠物市场?英文双语对照















1、苏南花卉交易中心   二楼有几家大型的宠物店















One, Nanjing's biggest pet market?

Market of pet of 7 bridges earthen jar.

The market of Nanjing's biggest water flea of master shrine painting of flowers and birds in traditional Chinese style that should be before, move stone poplar way now park of wet ground of zoology of earthen jar of the 7 bridges there east side, cat of dog of flowers, pet, aquatic animals, antique, annatto, jade have.

2, Nanjing pet market?

Inside the big market of the opposite of park of 7 bridges porcelain that Nanjing pet already moved to area of the Huaihe River of the Qin Dynasty now, pet market is managed have a puppy, kitten, xiaowu, tortoise, small avoid, the pet such as mice, and goldfish still is managed in Pang content market, the project such as plant of flowers and plants.

3, the pet market with the biggest Yichang?

The pet market of Yichang, there is a garden only now all the way market of painting of flowers and birds in traditional Chinese style, in orchard of exterminate hill highway all the way, breed is a bit much, still have market of a Na Huchong content, before south on the side of the lake, basically be dog of dog of sale cat cat.

4, the pet market with the biggest Hunan?

In Changsha

The pet market with the biggest Changsha is to be located in torch of area of lotus of the Changsha City road and metals market make the market of Na Huchong content that collects place north on the west. In addition, house of life of pet of Changsha love musical instrument and Changsha pet market also are one of famouser pet markets.

5, the pet market with the biggest Shenyang?

Market of tower bay pet

Shenyang is the biggest now the normallest pet market is market of tower bay pet. The pet market of tower bay is dog city not just, there still is those who sell a cat inside, the archives mouth that just sells a cat is a bit less just. In tower bay two handcart trade on market edge, if be,sell pet suggests to go on the weekend, because can have on the weekend,sell ab extraly the home and buy the home to gather,

6, the pet market with the biggest Suzhou?

1, Su Na flowers trades center 2 buildings have a few large pet store

2, market of handicraft of painting of flowers and birds in traditional Chinese style of leather city market

3, flower and market of piscine flowers painting of flowers and birds in traditional Chinese style

4, Suzhou art market of antique painting of flowers and birds in traditional Chinese style

7, Beijing's biggest pet market?

"Market of water flea of painting of flowers and birds in traditional Chinese style of 10 lis of rivers " , be located in sunny area east 3 annulus horn of northeast of bridge of 10 lis of rivers, have China north area the biggest view and admire a fish to trade the market. The archaize of all of one suit inside the market is built, fasten the culture of folk of old Beijing crossover at 600 old histories in order to have to give priority to body, fish of bug of painting of flowers and birds in traditional Chinese style, the characteristic product pattern such as antique of calligraphy and painting is various, set pet area, cry division of picture of back up of bug area, aquatic animals area, antique area, kite and hook provide a bird to provide an area to wait. Can buy the pet such as bird, fish, bug, cat, dog here, and pet appliance and food.

8, Zhao Qing's biggest pet market?

Zhao Qing still does not have large pet market, in Jiang Bin bank road has store of a few small-sized pet.

Pet market is to be aimed at the pet that pet lover develops technically to trade, the mobile phone client of the function such as pet hybridization is carried, our target is to make each pet lover OK find his at any time and place on the mobile phone the about pet market information of need, let you be raised in joy favorite bestow favor on.

9, the pet market with the biggest Baoding?

Baoding city is the biggest be in east market of water flea of 2 annulus painting of flowers and birds in traditional Chinese style, in east go up by the side of 2 annulus Dong Jinzhuang, the comparison that sells Qu of Guo of fish, flower, bird, insect, Guo, Qu, chelonian, hamster and so on is much more all ready, aquarium, flowerpot, flower wearing has a few pet store that specialize in feline dog, there is dog city on the weekend, still can have those who sell dove, bunny, sheep, chicken, duck live birds, particularly lively.

10, the pet market with the biggest Liaoning?

       The pet market with the biggest Liaoning is the market of pet flourishing Beijing that is located in area of aunt of Shenyang city emperor. This market was built 2000, cover an area of an area to amount to 12 thousand square metre, it is northeast area dimensions the biggest, establishment one of pet markets with the most advanced, the most overall commodity.

     Market of pet flourishing Beijing offerred all sorts of pet, include dog, cat, avian, reptile and water breed to wait.
