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文化石具体材质如何?各有什么特点,一起来看下: 板岩文化石——天然版岩拥有一种特殊的层状板理,它的纹面清晰如画,质地细腻密致,气度超凡脱俗,大自然的沧海桑田跃然石上,表达出一种返璞归真的情绪。 砂岩文化石——砂岩的表面和纹理有一种原始的气息,似大漠起伏的沙丘,似海边平缓的沙滩。它是整体和谐与细部变化的完美结合。砂岩色彩分明,白如冰雪,黄若细沙,红胜岩浆,好比它磨砺亿年的沉稳性格,庄重、典雅。 人造文化石——人造文化石产品构成原料水泥,以天然石为产品模种,因此人造文化石不单摹仿天然石的外形纹理,而且绿色环保,人造文化石还具有质地轻、色彩丰富、不霉、不燃、便于安装、样色样式多、易于装饰墙体、运输方便、易于存储等特点。人造文化石发展至今已经全球化。


1. 文化石的贴法有很多种,但总的来说,贴好后可以达到美观、实用的效果。2. 文化石的贴法需要注意以下几点:首先,要选择合适的胶水,以确保文化石能够牢固地粘在墙上;其次,要注意文化石的排列方式,以保证整体效果美观;最后,要注意文化石的清洁和保养,以延长使用寿命。3. 如果想要更加深入地了解文化石的贴法,可以参考相关的教程或者向专业的施工人员咨询。同时,在贴文化石之前,还需要考虑到墙面的平整度和质量等因素,以确保贴出来的效果更加理想。

































One, ancient heart and fossil of green hill article which sign is good?

The word of hypostatic store big company is recommended elegant this, Tong Yao, bright red horse, ancient pithecanthrope

The commendation that cleans out what do on treasure to had been compared is stone of green hill culture, ancient heart, pretty of these two competition is intense.

In the times of informatization, network sale is very important. And it has an advantage quite on the price, very convenient also.

Culture brick of Gu De I am the sea had not used, I had bought the white brick of stone of green hill culture (goods comparing also is before buying 3) . Our home is Mediterranean style, do wall of good TV setting to have very much really with white brick model, contracted but not simple, this is wonderful really. The graph has the real situation!

2, culture stone is what material pledges, how Where is stone of culture of choose and buy?

Is culture stone specific is material qualitative how? Each have what characteristic, look together: Slate culture stone -- natural edition cliff has a kind of special layer state board manage, its grain face clarity is picturesque, quality of a material is exquisite send closely, bearing is transcendental and free from vulgarity, on the stone of appear vividly of time brings a great change to the worlds of nature, expression gives a kind to return uncut jade to put in true mood 's charge. Sandstone culture stone -- the surface of sandstone and grain have a kind of primitive flavor, be like the dune that big desert rises and fall, be like the beach with gently seaside. It is integral harmony and the perfect union that detail changes. Sandstone colour is trenchant, be like ice and snow in vain, huang Re fine sand, gong Shengyan oar, be just like its go through the mill the composed disposition 100000000, grave, elegant. Man-made culture stone -- product of man-made culture stone makes raw material cement, plant for product model with natural stone, accordingly man-made culture stone imitates the appearance grain of natural stone not simply, and green environmental protection, man-made culture stone still has character light, color is rich, not mildew, do not light, lubricious form of facilitating installation, shape is much, decorate wall body easily, carry convenient, store easily wait for a characteristic. Man-made culture stone develops up to now already globalization.

3, how is culture stone stuck?

1.Of culture stone stick a law to have a lot of kinds, but as a whole, beautiful, economic effect can be achieved after been stick. 2. The need sticking a way of culture stone notices the following: Above all, want to choose appropriate glue, in order to ensure culture stone can be stuck firmly on the wall; Next, want those who notice culture stone to range way, in order to make sure integral effect is beautiful; Finally, the cleanness that should notice culture stone and maintain, in order to prolong service life. 3. If want what understand culture rock deep more to stick a way, can consult relevant tutorial perhaps seeks advice to professional construction staff. In the meantime, before sticking culture stone, still need to consider the factor such as the flatness of metope and quality, stick the effect that come out in order to ensure more ideal.

4, is culture stone poisonous?

Natural making culture stone is to belong to concrete products, pollute without radiation, you can be at ease stone of use man-made culture serves as adornment with. If be indoor,decorate do not use natural culture stone, natural culture rock has radioactivity pollution. Man-made culture stone already the whole world blossoms, and in product of stone of all man-made culture, should belong to the product of man-made culture stone that introduces floatstone to make highest grade, hope my answer is helpful to you.

5, characteristic of blue culture stone?

Characteristic: Blue culture stone is having natural appearance grain, have very lightsome quality, color is rich, won't mildewy, won't burn, very on the safe side. Because the appearance is artistic, so by name with culture stone.

The advantage of material of this kind of stone has a lot of, quality of a material is for instance light,

6, does culture stone check and accept a standard?

Bonding strength accords with a requirement, integral level off, perpendicular, 10 size, appearance, color combines photograph adjacent proper. The surface is clean, without extensive alkaline, corrupt mark, without prominent damage place, without empty beat

Direction of level, upend all is not had longer of the distance seam, make sure the level is connected seam do not exceed 4 culture stone, perpendicular to seam do not be more than 4 skins, corner issues wrong Jian join on place

Culture stone aperture is ticked off after going out, want close-grained, width is level off, even, even, depth is consistent, achieve the visual result of primitive, natural, thick Chinese hackberrya

On running water slope correct, drop waterline is suitable straight

Place accords with the regulation of active state level with material

7, culture stone how conserve?

Hello, need conserve commonly, maintained OK and waterproof, prevent dirt, more gorgeous.

1, above all the dirt that we need pair of culture stone surfaces undertakes cleanness is cleaned (the dirt of broom broom surface that be washed with Shui Xianchong or uses clean) . The material that treat stone is dry

2, likelihood culture stone is dry the surface or meeting recrudesce ash perhaps continue pink. At that time we need what have rock of a culture to him to nurse maintain, general the culture stone varnish that we want besmear to brush 1-2 to all over (also someone calls material of culture stone protective agent, stone repellent, culture stone varnish, net. Go up some, of our family expenses is art complete - culture stone protective agent, useful also Shang Du - Shi Caiqing lacquer) the proposal uses currents and other characteristics of a river, I should emphasize falling here, the varnish that uses currents and other characteristics of a river as far as possible or protective agent, because a lot of feedback with the basin friend that pass the skin since oily meeting, and osmotic the performance that also protects stone not by force is very poor! ! Be sure to keep in mind! This kind of protective agent or varnish is transparent, everybody should know.

3, besmear brushed culture stone protective agent (varnish) , cannot use immediately, the proposal connects airing dry to let its solidify 1 day above. Such culture resembled getting on to protect like covering, won't drop dirt again. And material of OK and waterproof, stone is more gorgeous also wear-resisting.

8, does culture stone go all out stick a method?

Methodological measure:

1, mix the flatness of metope first horizontal it is clear to measure, partition distance plays a root horizontal.

2, the optimal modelling that discharges listed culture stone on the ground, begin to go up wall installation.

3, hit in culture stone the reverse side full sticky stick an agent, press culture stone forcibly again press in metope to fit the position.

4, with trigonometry bag tick off the fill that seam an agent to arrive aperture is in-house, after working partly, eradicate spare part with scoop.

9, classification of man-made culture stone?

Man-made culture stone is wait by cement, ceramists, dye for raw material, course mould treatment is pouring and into. Because its have color rich, appearance the aesthetic characteristic such as each different, reason its are wide on the building for application, producing main effect on villatic building especially.

Man-made culture stone imitates the appearance grain of natural stone, have character light, color is rich, not mildew, do not light, the characteristic such as facilitating installation.

The substantially on the classification in culture stone is similar, have a rock commonly, biscuit stone, city wall stone, the stone of stone of efflorescent stone, cobble, mixture grain, archaize brick, island, brick that open system.

10, a few does culture stone stick?

The answer is as follows: Of culture stone it is OK to stick a way will decide according to the individual's be fond of and actual condition. Normally for, culture stone can stick multilayer perhaps, specific depend on the size of metope and the requirement that design the effect.

Some people like to stick culture stone full whole metope, can create a grumous natural atmosphere so, make whole space has distinctive color. Can choose to stick stone of a culture right now.

And some people are likely more apt regards an illuminative as an ornament culture stone, be in only partial metope perhaps affixes culture stone on post, perhaps emphasize specific design element in order to highlight specific area. Can consider to stick below this kind of circumstance multilayer culture stone.

Anyhow, of culture stone it stick a few is OK to stick a few will decide according to the individual's be fond of and design effect, important is the real need that wants the adornment effect that considers whole and space.
