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宠物摄影口号? 宠物摄影文案?英文双语对照


宠物摄影口号? 宠物摄影文案?英文双语对照








































1. 设备成本:宠物店摄影需要专业的相机、镜头、闪光灯、背景板等设备,这些设备的价格可能很高。

2. 人力成本:除了设备成本,宠物店摄影还需要专业的摄影师、模特、化妆师等人力资源,这些人员的工资和福利也是一笔不小的开支。

3. 时间成本:宠物店摄影需要花费大量的时间和精力来准备、拍摄和后期处理,这些时间成本也需要计算在内。

4. 场地成本:如果需要在特定的场地进行拍摄,场地租赁费用也需要计算在内。






One, pet photography catchword?

1, esteem life, do not leave do not abandon.

2, the life that has you ability is wonderful.

3, it is in order to bestow favor on this.

4, raise a dog each Le Le.

5, heart heart photograph is, pet love reason, joy is shared, baby home.

6, enjoy romantic fun, learn pet love reason.

7, reason of love of photograph companion pet, enjoy romantic life.

8, accompany pet, I am happy my cruel.

9, I love GDPET, pet community holds the post of your WET.

10, for pet consider, for love navigation.

2, table of pet photography article?

1, beside the feline Mi that sits in your blame to often be familiar with when you, press the hand on its body, try to adjust oneself, go getting used to it when that and you disparate life frequency, sometimes it can raise a head to follow the gentle noise with other time different all to present its compliment to you with a kind, state it knows you enter its life in effort.

2, grandmother home raised a lovely kitten Mi, it, the wool of a suit whiteness, adorning the stain of yellow and black.

3, small black cat grows long tail to resemble small lash like, the left and right sides sways.

4, I am batting rubber ball, great lay an opportune moment, attack quickly, a bite into, reave my rubber ball, in the check that holds it, press closely with claw, I come to for fear that snatch.

3, how does pet photography accept the order?

Should accept the order undertake pet photographs, can take the following step.

Above all, build the part of pet photography work of a major, show your technology and color.

Next, use gregarious media platform and website to establish a professional image, release your work and service information, attract potential client.

The 3rd, cooperate with the relevant business such as beauty parlour of pet shop, pet, provide pet photography service.

The 4th, enter the relevant activity such as activity of pet exhibition, pet, show your photography skill, attract a client.

Finally, provide excellent client service, maintain good public praise and client relationship, more public praise travel and duplicate professional work in order to obtain.

4, the advantage that pet photographs?

The photography advantage of pet depends on, freedom is natural.

5, the feature that pet photographs?

Choose equipment:

What is the first problem to be used to pat? A lot of people are met apt sheet is turned over, only report, draw after all qualitative better, rate is rapidder. And nature is random not truer person (it is lazy actually) prefer a mobile phone, because go to the lavatory. It use what material actually is OK to use what material actually, basically depend on film environment and circumstance.

Indoor film deft material is better

Indoor perhaps in the home, sheet turns over camera to have space of put to good use hard, "Foolish big black thick " big strong modelling destroyed pet very easily the condition of random nature, need not raise the shutter voice with disturbing Ca of Ka Ca Ka more. This moment is contained retroflexion screen, the picture is qualitative likewise outstanding and the only report camera with deft bulk, nature is good choice. Additionally the mobile phone photographs now at every turn ten million starts like element volume level, simple to filming this plants dog of feline cat dog vivid natural be nothing difficult. And no matter be odd,still be only report camera instead, besides photography enthusiast nobody can be put every day at hand. The gain with mobile phone the biggest photography is followed namely pat everywhere to manage, small letter, small Bo Xuanyao can be sent later.

6, pattern of pet photography profit?

1. for drainage, pet photography house augment is pet cafe, can let a client be inside inn at the same time Lu dog, can chat at the same time drink coffee.

2. and pet nurse Ga of inn, cat made a piece together " pet gets stuck jointly " , should be in only a consumption can obtain 3 random this calories, pass next " pet gets stuck jointly " go other when two cosignatory businessmen are consumed, still can enjoy absolutely discount.

After 3. cameraman saw the feasibility of the market, they take next storefront in downtown, the means operation pet that changes formally with the brand photographs. Pet photographs this industry enters masses field of vision so, attracted one numerous raise bestow favor on an user.

7, the advantage analysis that pet photographs?

Youth more be willing to part with or use spends money on pet body

Pet market dimensions already amounted to 170 billion yuan

8, cost of pet shop photography?

Be known according to me, the cost that pet shop photographs can include the following:

1.  Facility cost: Pet shop photography needs the facility such as professional camera, camera lens, flashlight, setting board, the price of these equipment may be very high.

2.  Manpower cost: Besides facility cost, pet shop photography still needs the manpower resource such as professional cameraman, model, makeup girl, the salary of these personnel and welfare also are the expenditure with not small brushstroke.

3.  Time cost: The time with many expenditure of need of pet shop photography and energy will prepare, film and later period processing, these time cost also need consideration inside.

4.  Field cost: If need to undertake filming in specific place, field rents charge to also need consideration inside.

9, prospect of pet photography market?

Very capacious. Because now is the change of modern lifestyle,follow life rhythm accelerate, the mental respect of a lot of people is short of somewhat break, a lot of people like to see those pet be relied on as his spirit, and from media pet operation direction of this one obtain employment is exceedingly burgeoning, belong to instantly to compare popularity, have an outlook quite so.

10, overview of project of poineering pet photography?

The commercial specification that pet photographs is around the bud that how pats a pet voice and lovely and with surroundings harmonious, beautiful wait for an element to spread out a design to form written material.

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