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One, what is fleshy meat searchs red meat greatly?

What red meat points to normally is the animal flesh such as beef, pork, hotpot kind, these flesh kind color basically is the content decision that by flesh oxide of red protein of red albumen and muscle pledges.

Muscle red protein is protein of a kind of ferreous, it can form oxygen to add up to muscle red protein with aerobic union, make the flesh kind appear piece vermeil. And oxide of muscle red protein is natural in musculature generation character, they can make the flesh kind appear piece cardinal or brown. Accordingly, red meat kind it is delicate and goluptious food not just, still contain a lot ofthe nutrient composition such as rich protein, iron, zinc, have a lot of profit to human body health.

2, how is fleshy meat searched greatly?

"Fleshy meat is searched greatly " it is rich of a cate advocate, basically pass small gain, shake sound, Bilibili, wait for platform of much each media to release video, video direction all the time advocate hit energy, publicized cate of a lot of characteristic.

He often samples to inn handling visit all sorts of cate, go introducing a lot of pure cate to everybody to countrywide each district. Special ground connection enrages video, very true, truly eats, also do not urge spit, humanness has gent demeanor, conversation is very tender also, receive a person to need thing very polite also.

He also can make individual topic very much, every defective goods tastes cate, the sense of reality that can speak oneself suffers, have distinctive individual point of view. The look that takes a thing also not feigned, let a person look at food to also have appetite very much. The content of video is very vivid also interesting, can draw the attention of a lot of people, it is a high grade cate rich advocate.

3, is fleshy meat searchs direct seeding greatly recorded broadcast?

Because fleshy meat searchs direct seeding to have fixed direct seeding time everyday greatly,be recorded broadcast, and at the same time also a lot of video can be watched in other time, these video are undertaken by transcribe later period is made next beforehand, repass network is released watch for the audience, because this meat meat searchs direct seeding greatly,be recorded broadcast. Farther outspread, the content that can make through recorded broadcast fleshy meat searchs direct seeding greatly more diversification and wonderful, at the same time convenient audience is watched at any time and place. But the distinction that also should notice direct seeding and recorded broadcast, direct seeding is more true with interactive sex strong, and recorded broadcast is paid attention to more make and present the result.

4, is fleshy meat is searched greatly to eat really?

Fleshy meat is searched greatly eat really. Fleshy meat is searched greatly is to pass fitness to carry a figure, low-key warm again the disposition of the heart, sunshine handsome appearance, flesh yielding the meat encircles powdery millions at top speed, inn of a year of ceaseless explore, not be to be on the way that eat even if having, what also make the figure of fleshy meat macroscopical is fruity rise. His footstep stepped the countryside of each cate of Chinese, vermicelli made from bean starch often also speaks in comment area, what want to rot 5 pairs of shoes and disclose cross throat can eat only is delicate.

5, does the thing that fleshy meat searchs greatly rely on chart?

The thing that fleshy meat searchs greatly relies on chart. The thing that searchs greatly because of fleshy meat searchs official examine and verify to pass greatly through fleshy meat, it is the normal product that offers by normal orgnaization just can enter fleshy meat to be searched greatly

6, does fleshy meat search the wool abdomen that sell greatly how?

Very delicious really very be to one's profit

Often come to home of college town kin here play, can take me go the wool abdomen chaffy dish that this community N brushs! 1000 abdomen are present and same Suo, do not love very hard! Go often still wanting late to queue up.

7, ostrich flesh cate?

Flesh of ostrich of decoct of black any of several hot spice plants: Preparation feeds material to be as follows: Ostrich flesh 500 grams, onion 50 grams, pointed any of several hot spice plants 50 grams, oily 1 spoon, salt 1 teaspoon, garlic 5 valve, black pepper is right amount, butter is right amount, red wine is right amount, white sugar 1 teaspoon, gallinaceous essence 1 teaspoon, amylaceous 1 spoon.

Particular way is as follows: Onion cuts bead, pointed any of several hot spice plants is mincing, garlic is abluent and mincing, butter is fused, issue onion bead, garlic bead to fry sweet, put black peppery essence of soup of broken, beef, salt, red wine, white sugar, chicken, the starch that use water ticks off Gorgon euryale, make juice of black any of several hot spice plants.

Ostrich flesh is abluent, cut first thick piece, reoccupy knife pats loose ostrich musculature, increase salt, amylaceous size, recrudesce pan, add butter cremate, put ostrich meat the simmer in water in boiler to next squashy, scatter a few salt and black pepper can, juice of black any of several hot spice plants is touched to eat again according to taste when eating can!

8, the compere where person that fleshy meat searchs greatly?

Peking Man, he is judged to be never make up but fat and lovely cate rich advocate, also do not accept ad, the activity that often does is explore inn, give everybody introduction a lot of pure cate. Going when everybody when direct seeding takes goods pattern, he walked out of a different way however, also attracted many vermicelli made from bean starch at the same time, there also are 160 much vermicelli made from bean starches on station of the vermicelli made from bean starch that he has 2.2 million on small gain, B up to now, saying to go up is big V.

9, the wool abdomen character that fleshy meat searchs direct seeding greatly how?

Character is first-rate, and those who have safeguard. The wool abdomen that fleshy meat searchs direct seeding greatly is first-rate, very nourishing, frying eat, mix this eats very delicious, be authentic wool abdomen

10, practice of flesh of chicken breast of 10 big cate?

With makings: 150g of pigeon breast flesh, tomato two, black pepper half spoon cooking wine is half spoon of 1 spoon, starch, unripe smoke 1 spoon salt Ding Kuo measures right amount, miscellaneous greens


The stripping and slicing after flesh of 1. chicken breast is abluent, put cooking wine, amylaceous, unripe smoke, salt of black pepper, half spoon, agitate divide evenly, souse is controlled 20 minutes.

2. tomato flay cuts small, little oil is put in boiler, fry into tomato after giving juice to appreciably, add the hot water that 100ml controls, small fire boils 6 minutes to let tomato become mushy.

3. joins the gallinaceous brisket with good souse to fry to become angry, join how right amount miscellaneous greens is fourth, half spoon salt, conflagration receives juice about 1 minute, do decided.
