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山水大自然风景诗词? 风景画山水大自然文案?英文双语对照


山水大自然风景诗词? 风景画山水大自然文案?英文双语对照


1. "登高" - 杜甫



2. "静夜思" - 李白



3. "江雪" - 柳宗元



4. "登山" - 王之涣



5. "桃花源记" - 陶渊明






6. "山行" - 杜牧



7. "望岳" - 杜甫








1. 因为风景画山水能够通过绘画形式表达大自然的美丽和壮丽,以及人与自然之间的和谐关系。


2. 风景画山水文案可以通过精确描述和细腻的词语,向读者传达出大自然的神奇之处,激起观赏者的感官和情感共鸣。


3. 进一步延伸,风景画山水文案也能够引发人们对环境保护的思考与行动。








出自 出自唐代杜甫的《绝句二首其一》,这是极富诗情画意的佳作。诗一开始,就从大处着墨,描绘出在初春灿烂阳光的照耀下,浣花溪一带明净绚丽的春景,用笔简洁而色彩浓艳。




















风和日丽、湖光秋月、山清水秀、四季如春、青山绿水、层峦叠嶂、山水一色 、水月洞天、鸟语花香、百花齐放、风驰电掣、桃红柳绿、春色满园、春意盎然 、微风和面、清风细语、银装素裹、万里无云、碧空如洗、天高云淡、乌云密布、晴空万里 、姹紫嫣红、万紫千红、惊涛骇浪、崇山峻岭、悬崖峭壁、连绵起伏、峰峦雄伟、危峰兀立



One, word of poem of landscape nature scenery?

1." uprise"- Du Fu

 Bairi depends on hill to use up, the Yellow River enters ocean current.

 Desire eye of poor a thousand li, further upward.

2." static night is thought of"- Li Bai

 The bright moon before the bed is smooth, doubt is the frost on the ground.

 Lift a head to look at the bright moon, lower his head to consider home.

3." Jiang Xue"- Liu Zongyuan

 1000 hill bird flies absolutely, footprint of person of 10 thousand diameter destroys.

 Old man of large bamboo hat of Gu boat Suo, angle alone cold Jiang Xue.

4." mountain-climbing"- Wang Zhi melt

 Bairi depends on hill to use up, the Yellow River enters ocean current.

 Desire eye of poor a thousand li, further upward.

5.Source of " peach blossom is written down"- Tao Yuan bright

 I Qing Dynasty that wash a basin and white, yin Qingguang sits since evening unexpectedly.

 Adjacent person Tian She is in wall, the tree opens small section of a vegetable plot to suffer from a bed first.

 Spring of Li of extensive of perillaseed in pairs, yi person color does not see oneself.

 Spring come peony Qing Yurun, willow weighs Mian of Qing Qiancui shadow.

 Lv Xian is long say Yangzhou is good, use up all one's resources of a day of fame and gain is public plain.

6." hill goes"- Du Mu

 Far go up diameter of cold hill stone is inclined, there is a family in Bai Yun.

 Jockey sit love maple Lin Wan, red leaves is red spent in Feburary.

7." Wang Yue"- Du Fu

 Husband of an administrative unit in Xizang of another name for Taishan Mountain how? Qi Luqing unfinished.

 Look of good luck bell is elegant, yin and yang cuts dawn.

 Swing a bosom to give birth to Ceng Yun, definitely corner of the eye is entered put in a bird 's charge.

 Can become approach is zenithal, general view numerous hill is small.

Above is a few archaic poem words about landscape nature scenery, these poetic words convey the gallant beauty that gives water from a mountain with beautiful language, bring people far-reaching reflection and comprehend.

2, landscape landscape nature article table?

Absolutely yes.

1.Because landscape landscape can adopt painterly form,the beauty of expressive nature is mixed gallant, and the harmony between person and nature concerns.

This is a kind of distinctive artistic form, because this is in article table design very charming with value.

2.Table of landscape landscape article can carry accurate description and exquisite term, communicate the magical point that gives nature to the reader, evoke the sense organ of the person that view and admire and affection resonance.

Such article table can attract more person to admire and pay close attention to a landscape painting, transmit the beauty of nature.

3.Farther outspread, table of landscape landscape article also can cause people to environmental protection think with the action.

Through showing the gallant picture of nature, people can realize the value of the precious sex of rich and ecological balance more, make people take seriously more thereby environmental protection and can develop continuously.

3, the sentence of nature of scenery picture landscape?

The horizontal stroke regards as mountain side becomes a peak, discretion of far and near differs each, do not know a the truth of sth. , it is along the body only in this hill

4, the line that describes water of nature hill landscape to resemble picture?

1, after empty Shan Xinyu, weather comes late autumn. Illuminate between bright moon pine, qing Quanshi is genteel.

Out " Shan Juqiu sets " , the poem represented the view of charming and gentle of village of time of the dusk after the fine at the beginning of Qiuyu. It resembles a pure and fresh and beautiful landscape painting, resemble the lyric composition with a beautiful peaceful again, reflected the creation characteristic that there is a picture in Wang Weishi.

2, Chi Rijiang Shan Li, spring breeze flowers and plants is sweet. Flying swallow of slimy be in harmony, sha Nuan sleeps an affectionate couple.

Of Du Fu of out out Tang Dynasty " a poem of four lines 2 firstly " , this is an excellent work of meaning of picture of extremely rich poetics. Poem at the beginning, wear from large part Chinese ink, depict piece in bright early spring sunshine beamed below, wash spends a brook to take bright and clean and flowery Chun Jing, with the pen concise and colour rich and gaudy.

5, wallpaper of computer occurrence landscape painting how purify?

1, computer open change wallpaper function automatically.

2, the virus in possible computer.

Settle way: One, computer open change wallpaper function automatically

1, individuation of pitch on of right on the desktop key.

2, the desktop setting that chooses lower level.

3, inside setting choice serves as setting, won't change. 2, the virus in computer

1, undertake be checkinged in the round killing to computer.

2, through killing poison to restart computer still appears this is planted the word of the circumstance, the dot can be maintained to undertake detecting after go off with makes work

6, the profit that the landscape painting makes mobile phone wallpaper?

Reply: The profit that the landscape painting makes mobile phone wallpaper is good-looking have poetic flavour again.

Mobile phone wall paper chose a landscape painting! Cut idle cloud one brook month, one Cheng landscape one time. Generation float gives birth to one instant, one tree bodhi mists and clouds in the twilight. Life suffering is short, days is infinite. One hill one water, a very short time contains tobacco. Enjoy Bai Lamei's philosophy of life, life terminus, do not use up in landscape when; Life happiness, should be in put however Yu Sai. Benevolence person Le Shanzhi person happy water, the landscape painting is more the position that hold the balance is being held in style of Chinese style adornment.

7, our country with a vast territory, does the landscape in nature resemble picture?

Our country land is extensive, shan Meishui is beautiful, natural scenery is picturesque, high mountain running water, there is the Yangtse River south, north has the Yellow River, common someone goes in scene, with respect to the view of picturesque middle reaches, the landscape that says nature so resembles a pair of picture.

8, does the landscape in nature resemble picture same?

Our country land is extensive, shan Meishui is beautiful, natural scenery is picturesque, high mountain running water, there is the Yangtse River south, north has the Yellow River, common someone goes in scene, with respect to the view of picturesque middle reaches, the landscape that says nature so resembles a pair of picture.

9, which have good-looking desktop wallpaper, want landscape kind?

Like what pat with oneself to do wallpaper? ?

10, praise the term of landscape praises the 4 words term of nature, ? Praise the 4 words term of nature?

Wind He Rili, lake Guang Qiuyue, picturesque scenery, the four seasons if spring, rows of mountains of hill of green hill green water, layer, landscape day of hole of month of monochromatic, water, charactizing a fine spring day, let a hundred flowers blossom, like greased lightning, pink Liu Lu, spring scenery is full garden, the awaken of spring is abundant,

These are

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