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1. 安全使用电器:电气火灾危险性大,应定期检查和替换老化的电线和电器。冬季使用电暖设备时,不要用床单或被子等物品覆盖;使用前要检查设备是否正常,不在无人看管的情况下长时间使用。

2. 保暖设施使用安全:使用火炉取暖,要确保火炉周围三尺内无可燃物;不在床上或沙发上使用电热毯;确保煤气、煤炉、火炉等燃烧完全,做好通风换气工作。

3. 安全使用厨房:做饭时,切勿离开厨房;烹饪完成后,要关闭灶具开关。不要在厨房存放过多的易燃物品。

4. 安全使用烛火:点燃蜡烛后要小心火源,避免将烛火放在靠近书籍、窗帘和其他可燃物品的地方。有小孩的家庭要特别注意不让其玩弄火源,避免发生意外。


5. 安全烟火:吸烟后的烟蒂要确保熄灭后再扔掉,避免将热烟蒂丢在易燃物品上。

6. 配备消防器材:家中应配备灭火设备,如灭火器,了解其使用方法。在显眼位置张贴消防电话。

7. 掌握逃生知识:清楚了解家中的逃生路线和逃生方法,在火灾发生时能快速、有效地进行自救。












1. 平衡膳食:冬季饮食要均衡,多摄入高蛋白、高钙食物,同时满足清淡、营养、易消化等条件,如冬瓜莲子猪排汤、百合银耳瘦肉粥等。

2. 适当运动:每天坚持有氧运动,如骑自行车、跑步、散步、游泳等,消耗体内热量和卡路里。

3. 多晒太阳:冬季阳光稀少,需每天晒20~30分钟太阳,补充维生素D。




1. 坚持锻炼身体:锻炼可以增强肌肉和骨头的强度,并改善心血管系统、呼吸系统等身体机能。同时,运动还可以促进新陈代谢,有利于消耗多余脂肪和保持体型。

2. 坚持饮食健康:饮食健康是非常重要的。女性应该多吃水果、蔬菜、全谷类等富含营养的食物,避免高热量、高盐、高脂肪的食品。此外,也要注意饮食的平衡,适量摄取蛋白质、碳水化合物、脂肪等营养素。

3. 坚持保持良好的睡眠习惯:睡眠对于身体健康和美容都非常重要。女性应该坚持每晚睡眠7-8小时,并保持规律的作息时间。这可以让身体得到充分的休息和恢复,同时有利于皮肤、头发等的健康。

4. 坚持保持良好的心态和情绪:情绪稳定对于身体健康和美容同样重要。女性应该学会积极面对生活中的困难和压力,减少负面情绪的影响。同时,也可以适当进行调节,比如听音乐、看电影、旅游等方式缓解压力。

5. 坚持定期保养皮肤和头发:女性应该注意保养自己的皮肤和头发。应该选择适合自己的护肤品和洗发水,并养成每天清洁、保湿、防晒等基本护理习惯。此外,还可以定期进行深层清洁、补水、美白等护理程序,让皮肤更加亮丽健康。



1. 糙米饭:糙米富含纤维素、维生素和矿物质,有助于调节血糖和胆固醇水平,预防便秘和心血管疾病。

2. 杂粮饭:杂粮包括燕麦、小麦、玉米、高粱等,含有更丰富的膳食纤维、蛋白质、维生素和矿物质,有益于消化、促进新陈代谢。

3. 面包:选择用全麦粉制作的面包,可以提供更多的纤维素和营养物质,有利于控制血糖和体重。

4. 豆类:豆类食品如豆腐、豆浆、黄豆、绿豆等,富含优质蛋白质、纤维素和维生素,有助于减少胆固醇、保护肠道健康,同时还可以提高饱腹感。

5. 蔬菜:蔬菜是女性健康饮食的重要组成部分,尤其是深色蔬菜如菠菜、西兰花、胡萝卜等,含有大量的维生素和矿物质,有助于增强免疫力和预防疾病。










Does Xiaochang know hygiene of nursery school winter?

Answer: Xiaochang knows hygiene of nursery school winter:

One, sleep reasonably appearance

1, avoid parent cuddle is worn the child sleeps.

The carbon dioxide of adult expiration can affect cheeper the chroma of inspiratory oxygen, go against health. Have more very person, be afraid that the child is freezing, in covering the child's ability to walk to be conceived in his, or press between leg of two different matters, can imagine, press on child leg with the weight of adult leg, if time grew, what cause child leg probably is local be short of blood to cause undesirable consequence or duration of some kind of pose is too long and cause unwell feeling. Accordingly, the child had better be divide with the adult by or cent bed sleeps.

2, avoid Fu lies situation.

Cheeper physiology development is not perfect, especially heart brain function is diseased, if long Fu lies, can increase heart burden, the ejaculation that affects blood goes out and circumfluence, make decrease relatively circularly all over thereby, breath is not smooth also, when Fu lies, be the head slants more a side, ache of the neck after awaking, very fatigue, remove those who be less than Morpheus to rest, restore function.

3, avoid covers head situation.

Winter air temperature is low, some parents are when cheeper Morpheus the whole body even woman's head-ornaments ministry is covered, or leave narrow seam, think such OK and some warmer. Little imagine overspreads woman's head-ornaments ministry Yan Yan is solidly, oxygen is not easy and inspiratory, and cheeper metabolization is more exuberant than growing up, oxygen demand is much also, cause aerobic inadequacy easily in that way, cheeper can feel unwell. Some cheeper lift a quilt with the hand, use crural spurn quilt even, easy also catch cold catch cold, this was just the opposite to what one wished; Some cheeper are covering dripping wet of meeting kubla khah, breath is hurried, the person that weigh is choked to wait.

4, avoid lies on his back situation.

The body and two legs unbend, two arms are put before the bosom, oppressed inadvertently lung and heart, can cause breath not free, blood circulation not free, muscle cannot be loosened completely, and daydream easily, somniloquy, cry for aloud, after waking, feel very fatigue, also go against cheeper health.

2, reasonable heat preservation

1, reasonable and clad, at any time increase and decrease.

Some parents dress to children overmuch, the child has an activity a bit, sweat underwear drenched, and children won't express to need to change underwear, can warm wet garment by the temperature of oneself only dry, every day such, easy catch a cold catchs a cold, adverse to health. Along with climate change increase and decrease answers in the meantime, be before the activity or enter appearance should be shucked off when having central heating room.

2, go out had better wear guaze mask, prevent catch a cold.

The temperature outdoor is compared normally low, when children goes out, had better adorn guaze mask. Had avoided much more inspiratory cold air, bring about other a serious illness to happen, be like sex of myositis of pneumonic, heart, great part of a historical period nephritis of pneumonic, acute.

3, indoor environment

The attention maintains the ambient conditions with favorable place of cheeper dormitory activity, maintain indoor airiness, live for long in the door window lock, child that central heating and air conditioning environment fall especially, air is not current, the health of adverse children. In the environment of available attune, should inspect the humidity with circumstance indoor adjustment.

Does Xiaochang know cheeper winter?

One, education of winter fire prevention

Winter little rain, climate is dry, incidental fire accident, ask parents to teach the child to cannot play with fire, do not want the dangerous article such as amuse oneself lighter, match, do not let the child use the likelihood such as furnace of hearth, coal to produce the appliance of fire, should special attention is of all kinds warm oneself the use of equipment is safe, do not make the child alone use, the furniture such as sofa, bed is far from please when using, do not enclothe tinderbox warming oneself on equipment, need not when plug should unplug in time.

2, winter defends education getting an electric shock

Getting an electric shock is the commonner accident harm in daily life, get an electric shock to prevent the child, want to tell the child above all, cannot informal play electric equipment, not drag electrical wiring, need not scissors cuts wire, need not penknife score electrical wiring, do not wait for iron wire insert in power source electrical outlet to wait. Once encounter accident getting an electric shock, ten million cannot feel the person that already got an electric shock with the hand, and should seasonable dump, perhaps carry wire with not electric article.

3, winter defends gas and toxic education

Educational child does not use kitchen range burning gas when the home alone, also do not use natural gas device in disorder, indoor should seasonable and ventilated breathe freely, the furnace that parents want to bring safe issue damaged, possibly to classics of the oneself in the home is provided, tracheal undertake be maintaininged in time or change, avoid to happen gas and toxic.

Does Xiaochang know winter fire prevention?

The tall hair that winter is fire period, accordingly we should pay attention to little common sense of a few fireproof:

1.Safety uses electric equipment: Sex of electric fire hazard is big, should be checked regularly and replace the electrical wiring of ageing and electric equipment. When winter uses electric warm device, do not wait for article to enclothe with sheet or quilt; It is normal that before using, facility should be inspected, do not use for long below the circumstance of unmanned guard.

2.Heat preservation establishment uses security: Use burner warms oneself, should ensure all round burner combustible is not had inside 3 feet; Do not go up in the bed or electric heat blanket is used on sofa; Ensure the combustion such as furnace of gas, coal, burner is complete, had done work of ventilated take a breath.

3.Safety uses a cuisine: When cooking, do not leave a kitchen; After cooking is finished, want to shut kitchen to provide switch. Do not deposit overmuch combustible article in the kitchen.

4.Safety uses candlelight: Igneous cause should take care after igniting the candle, avoid to put candlelight in the place that stands by book, curtain and other combustible to taste. The family that has a child wants special attention not to let its dally with igneous cause, avoid to produce an accident.


5.Safe fireworks: The stub after smoking should ensure to after going out, throw away again, avoid to lose hot stub go up in combustible article.

6.Provide fire control material: Facility of put out a fire should be provided in the home, be like fire extinguisher, understand its to use a method. In phone of fire control of conspicuous position paste.

7.Master flee for one's life knowledge: Clear understanding home flees for his life mediumly course and flee for one's life method, undertake effectively saving oneself.

the melt into inside these common sense daily behavior is used to, reduce the risk of fire happening effectively.

Does winter protect skin little common sense?

Often fill water.

Winter air is dry, not only it is the body water is lacked on physiology, the skin also is very easy lack water, and the meeting that lack water poses various skin problems, want so the skin ameliorates, must want to often fill water.

Prevent frequently bask in.

Winter though sun is not very intense, but should having sunshine ultraviolet ray only still is very strong, so winter also cannot forget to prevent bask in. Ultraviolet ray often eats cutaneous word, make the skin easily dark yellow ageing, grow furrow easily, so winter is prevented basking in also is a very crucial step, than reinstate a few fight consenescence protect skin to taste, as from go up at all the cause that solves skin consenescence.

Complete discharge makeup.

The schoolgirl loves the United States, go out to make up surely so, but wipe while the cosmetic on the face is becoming beautiful, still harming the skin. Return the home usually so must first discharge makeup, and accomplish discharge makeup want quite complete, prevent cosmetic to be concealed in pore, block up cutaneous breathes, let the skin get sufficient rest then.

Choose those who suit oneself to protect skin to taste.

Protecting skin to taste is not Yue Guiyue good, the ability that suits oneself however is the most effective, want to observe oneself skin more usually, be in especially winter, the skin is changed according to the change of climate easily, must be clear that oneself skin is what property, choose those who suit oneself to protect skin to taste next. Protect skin to taste best choice a bit gentler, harming the skin just is true protect skin.

Does Xiaochang know winter preserve one's health?

1.The balance is prandial: Winter food wants balanced, absorb high protein, fast calcic food more, digest contented and delicate, nutrition, easily at the same time wait for a condition, wait like congee of lean lean of tremella of soup of pork chop of wax gourd lotus seed, lily.

2.Move appropriately: Hold to motion having oxygen everyday, if ride a bicycle, ran, take a walk, swim etc, use up the quantity of heat inside body and calorie.

3.Bask more: Winter sunshine is exiguous, need to bask 20~30 everyday minute, compensatory vitamin D.

Knowledge of health care of teenage winter health?

"Teenage children should assure enough sleep in Qiu Dong season, can get up later than the summer in the morning half hour. " enough sleep, good nutrition is crucial to enhancing child immunity power.

Does Xiaochang know health care of female preserve one's health?

1.Insist to exercise: Exercise the strength that can enhance muscle and bone, improve the body function such as cardiovascular system, respiratory system. In the meantime, motion still can promote metabolism, be helpful for using up redundant and adipose and carry bodily form.

2.Hold to dietary health: Dietary health is very important. The female should eat the fruit, vegetable, complete corn food that contains a lot ofnutrition more, avoid high fever quantity, tall salt, tall adipose food. In addition, also want to note dietary balance, right amount absorb protein, carbohydrate, adipose wait for nutriment.

3.Insist to hold good Morpheus convention: Morpheus to healthy with hairdressing very important. The female should hold to every night Morpheus 7-8 hour, hold time of work and rest. This can let the body get sufficient rest is mixed restore, what be helpful for the skin, hair waiting at the same time is healthy.

4.Insist to maintain good state of mind and mood: The mood is stable to healthy with hairdressing likewise important. The female should learn to face the difficulty in the life and pressure actively, reduce the effect of negative sentiment. In the meantime, also can undertake modulatory appropriately, hear music for instance, see a movie, the means such as travel alleviates pressure.

5.Insist to maintain regularly the skin and hair: The female should notice to maintain oneself skin and hair. Should choose those who suit oneself to protect skin to taste with shampoo, and nurturance everyday clean, protect wet, prevent bask in wait to nurse basically habit. In addition, still can undertake deep-seated cleanness, filling water, beauty wait in vain regularly nurse program, make the skin more bright Li Jiankang.

The dietary small habit of a few proposals:

The female needs to notice to absorb enough nutrition and energy in dietary respect, also want to avoid overmuch quantity of heat and insalubrious food at the same time. It is the staple food of preserve one's health that suits a female to eat below:

1.Unpolished rice meal: Unpolished rice is contained a lot ofcellulose, vitamin and mineral, conduce to adjust blood sugar and cholesterol level, prevent constipation and cardiovascular disease.

2.Meal of food grains other than wheat and rice: Food grains other than wheat and rice includes oaten, wheaten, corn, broomcorn to wait, contain richer prandial fiber, protein, vitamin and mineral, be beneficial to digest, stimulative metabolism.

3.Biscuit: Choose the bread that makes with wholemeal, can provide more cellulose and nutrient material, be helpful for controlling blood sugar and weight.

4.Legume: Legume food is like bean curd, soya-bean milk, soya bean, gram to wait, contain a lot ofhigh grade protein, cellulose and vitamin, conduce to reduce health of path of bowel of cholesterol, protection, still can enhance full abdomen sense at the same time.

5.Vegetable: Vegetable is the main component of female health food, especially brunet vegetable if spinach, on the west orchid, carrot, contain many vitamin and mineral, conduce to enhance immune force and precautionary disease.

Anyhow, the female should maintain the food of diversification, absorb right amount carbohydrate, protein, health adipose with prandial fiber, avoid excessive the food that counts high fever volume and treatment food.

Is healthy Lu Xiaochang known?

Rise every morning should prepare Wen Shui. And be in in the morning when the habit of nurturance defecate. In defecate when, the mobile phone does not see a mobile phone, do not see a book perhaps read a newspaper, hold a good convention.

Can return after washing gargle a few simple activities that draw a look are done in the sitting room. These can consult indoor gem gal, maintain everyday the vigorous state of early morning. Still have should remember breakfast eating breakfast. Everyday the beginning that the meal of early morning is energy of a day, breakfast does not eat. Intestines and stomach gets for a long time not traitorous harm.

Is wholesome and healthy Xiaochang known?

Everyday active and active do cleaner of good room inside and outside to make, do not let off any wholesome blind angle, do not drop about carapace of wastepaper, fruit, do not spit everywhere, do not throw dirty thing to cistern, pour rubbish in time to appoint a place. Such ability prevent a bacterium to cause, prevent disease happening from fountainhead.

Does Xiaochang know healthy knowledge?

Present youth does not have breakfast for the most part, good look outfit is arranged to go to work after getting up, arrive when Chinese meal full eat, such habits and customs is insalubrious, in the morning body of a few hours is need energy, energy inadequacy can drain the reserve inside body, long-term for it is harmful to the body. Additional, do not have breakfast to cause cystic stone easily. Bigger to the influence of the body. So, we should insist to rise early have a meal. What common saying says is good, had eaten early, in satiate, eat late little, this is the experience that our nation accumulates for a long time, still have real sense very much.
