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眼睛健康知识? 保护眼睛小知识十条?英文双语对照


眼睛健康知识? 保护眼睛小知识十条?英文双语对照

























1. 饮食健康:选择新鲜、天然的食物,尽量少吃加工食品和含有添加剂的食物。适当摄入蔬菜、水果、全谷类、蛋白质和健康脂肪等食物,以保持身体所需的营养和能量。同时,饮食要注意适量,避免过度进食或过度饥饿。

2. 运动锻炼:适当的体育锻炼可以帮助增强身体的免疫力,改善心肺功能,减轻压力和焦虑等。建议每周进行至少 150 分钟的中等强度有氧运动,例如快走、慢跑、游泳等。此外,还可以进行力量训练和拉伸运动,以增加肌肉力量和柔韧性。

3. 睡眠充足:睡眠对身体健康至关重要。建议成年人每晚睡眠 7-8 小时,以确保身体得到充分的休息和恢复。要尽量保持规律的作息时间,避免过度使用电子设备和过度兴奋的活动,创造安静、舒适的睡眠环境。




1规律饮食 : 要保证一日三餐适时适量的正常进行,根据自身的能量需求与饥饱情况来进行适量地饮食,避免暴饮暴食。

2、饮食多样 : 不同的食物可以带来各种营养物质,满足机体的营养摄入需求。比如摄入水果和蔬菜,满足机体对维生素的需求;摄入各种富含蛋白质的食物,以补充机体所需蛋白质的含量等等。注意,饮食多样但并不是多吃就有益,要注意适量地摄入。































Eye fitness knowledge?

The shift of the eye and focusing change. Tipple green tea, chrysanthemum tea, medlar tea, have spinach more, carrot, green pepper, leek, cucumber, spend dish, pluck, grandma kind with egg product. Thank!

The eye is to be one of human body facial features average everyday our eye should use 12 hours, the information that eye institute receives seized human body one day the contacts information 4/5 inside, because this has protected our eye, can say, nowadays is the most important thing.

Protective eye little knowledge 10?

, regular examination eyesight: Staff of close quarters office is larger to the influence of eyesight, adorn degree inaccurate glasses also can bring about eyesight to drop, make eyesight inspection every year at least, degree has change to be able to in time undertake adjustment.

2, the glasses that Dai Kuo adds up to: To wanting the crowd that handles official bussiness before the computer all the time, the glasses that Dai Kuo adds up to is apparent very be necessary. Screen seeing Qing Dynasty may need the three visceral cavities housing the internal organs or progress step by step much more anxious lens, this lens part of one's job becomes 3 area, area is used above in light of remote, among relatively large-scale area is used take a fancy to a distance, area is used below see close quarters.

3, often blink when a lot of people are using the computer, the eye blinks the frequency that use to meet than ever a lot of less. And blink of the frequency reduce the lubricant effect that can drop tear cross-eye ball, cause an eye to often feel dry, unwell. But if must grow again when: The computer is used between, can make Kang Shiya protects eye fluid gush one gush.

4, make an eye much rest: When people is operating the computer, should every other 40 - rest 50 minutes 10 minutes. And every 10 minutes answer removed the look from screen, time of on the flower 10 seconds looks at distance.

5, hold good sitting position: Good sitting position can prevent neck and back muscle ache, lest had been been apart from,cause an eye nearly at the same time excessive exhaustion.

6, note illuminant position: The position that the computer sets, should let the strongest illuminant be located in side, and the brightness that should not exceed screen by environmental brightness. Because screen glances,can cause an eye unwell, bring about an eye finally more myopic.

7, precautionary eye is traumatic: In no matter be in the life,still working, our eye hour is sufferring harm, for example element of ministry of substandard of illuminant, air temperature can make the eye is harmed. So, we ought to use Kang Shiya correctly to protect eye fluid measure to defend our eye.

8, eat the food that contains vitamin A more: Vitamin A is the important nutrition material that manages eye health, once lack vitamin A,the eye can give disease of lose face ministry. And the light that wants to guard us, be about to change the dietary habit of partiality for a particular kind of food, balanced diet nutrition, liver of spinach, tomato, green pepper, red jujube, medlar, animal, carrot or yam are very right choice.

9, attend physical training actively: Physical training can promote haemal circulation and metabolism, supply more nourishment and oxygen to the eye, the eyesight that lets an eye rises. In addition, through exercising an eye but beyond looks, cilia shape flesh is flabby, the eye also can get active rest.

10, see greenery more: Green is the color that is beneficial to glasses health, because the color of all sorts of objects is opposite nature,radial absorption and reflection level are discrepant, greenery can reduce the direct stimulation that eyeball of intense light cross-eye produces not only, still can relatively substantially the absorption of the ground harms huge ultraviolet ray to the eye. See green more, can make the eye produces a kind of very cozy feeling, eye health is very good.

Healthy little knowledge?

1, rise in the morning everyday, should prepare a cup of tepid water, will immerse raise already dry the internal organs of the body of one night, and be since morning when the habit of nurturance defecate.

2, in defecate when do not see a mobile phone, do not see a book perhaps read a newspaper, want contemplative, absorption before today old eduction, hold a good convention.

3, after washing gargle to pass, can return a sitting room in, do a few simple pull out to play sport.

4, these can consult indoor gem gal is easy perhaps muscle classics, 8 traditional perhaps paragraphs bright and beautiful, can accomplish pull effectively pull, maintain the active of airframe, maintain everyday the vigorous state of early morning.

5, still have should remember eating breakfast in the morning, everyday the meal of early morning, it is the beginning of a day of energy, breakfast does not eat, the injury that gastric bowel can be gone against for a long time.

So, eat breakfast, motion, deep breathing, pull pull and defecate and a cup of water, it is everyday early morning is the mainest.

About healthy little knowledge?

Come home the person that spend the New Year, come from different place, some people are to take a car to come home, and some people are he drive come home, drive to oneself the old drivers that come home, have some of healthy knowledge, be necessary to understand, often drive after all, also can cause adverse effect to health. Especially the waist is healthy, want to reduce loss, let the waist better off, might as well understand relevant knowledge.

The little knowledge of healthy preserve one's health?

1.Dietary health: Choose fresh, natural food, eat treatment food and the food that contain additive less as far as possible. Absorb vegetable, fruit, complete corn, protein and health appropriately adipose wait for food, in order to maintain the nutrition that body place needs and energy. In the meantime, food should notice right amount, avoid excessive take food or excessive hunger.

2.Motion takes exercise: Proper physical training can help the immune power that enhances the body, improve heart lungs function, reduce pressure and angst to wait. Suggest the moderate strength that has at least 150 minutes every week has oxygen to move, go quickly for example, canter, swim etc. In addition, still can undertake force training and drawing move, in order to add muscle strength and flexibility.

3.Sleep is enough: Morpheus is right healthy crucial. Proposal adult every night Morpheus 7-8 hour, restore in order to ensure the body gets sufficient rest is mixed. Want to hold time of work and rest as far as possible, avoid overspend electron equipment and excessive and feverish activity, create quiet, easy Morpheus environment.

Protect little knowledge of the river?

Protective river needs to build river course, conformity of attune of punish building control is comfortable, if build spur dike, longitudinal dike place needs the protective river such as mouth of fish of revetment fund partner to build river course, conformity of attune of punish building control is comfortable, if build spur dike, longitudinal dike place accompanies revetment money piscine mouth, some returns the favorable opportunity in capturing wadi to evolve into a process to single river course with circumfluent building to undertake river power control improves adverse river bay to secure river situation to shed a route, stay with sand in how, still can use the structure that show water, make silt precipitates, foul branch of a river. Anyhow, wadi processing is new, austere task.

Healthy diet little knowledge?

1 rule food: Want to assure the on the rails with 3 timely and right amount eat one day, according to the energy demand of oneself and be hungry full case has food and drink of right amount ground, avoid to eat and drink too much.

2, food is diversiform: Different food can bring all sorts of nutrition matter, the nutrition of contented airframe absorbs demand. Absorb fruit and vegetable for instance, contented airframe is right the demand of the vitamin; Absorb all sorts of food that contain a lot ofprotein, wait a moment with what compensatory airframe wants protein content. Attention, food is diversiform but not be to eat more beneficial, want to notice right amount ground is absorbed.

Inferior healthy little knowledge?

 Want to maintain the health of the body, want to notice food above all, make sure diet is balanced, eat some of fruit, vegetable, coarse food grain to wait be beneficial to healthy food. Next, want right amount movement, those who assure the body take exercise, increase a constitution, enhance immune power. In addition, it is very important also that science undertakes work and rest reasonably, the work and rest that assures enough Morpheus time and rule can prevent effectively inferior the occurrence of health.

Finally, be in at ordinary times in the life, we notice mood adjustment even, maintain active and hopeful state of mind, do not give oneself too much pressure and responsibility, can let us answer all sorts of life pressure better so, decrease inferior the occurrence of health.

Healthy and safe little knowledge?

Safe Xiaochang knows:

1 safety uses electric knowledge

(1) does not use good thing, especially electrical outlet of metallic content dig or dig out with a finger or sth pointed inserts aperture.

(2) learns to see safe sign. Gules, express to prohibit, inactive information, encounter red

Color patch annals notices not to feel; yellow, express to note risk, be like " be careful to get an electric shock " etc; is blue

Lubricious, express the instruction, formulary; green that must abide by, represent directive, security condition, current.

(3) metal is electric conduction, must not contact with power source directly with these tools.

Water also is electric, electric equipment things should notice not to want a station to sail upstream, children notice to be not used wet

The hand feels electric equipment, need not brush electric equipment with wet cloth.

(4) knows the action of battery main switch and place, the society closes below emergency always

Power source. When discovering somebody gets an electric shock. Want to try to involve power supply in time, must not save directly with the hand

Person, should exclaim adult photograph is aided.

(5) is in classes are over, go to school on the road, special attention whether does the electrical wiring of roadside have fall off, see must sheer.

(6) thunder wet is angry, must not stand in take shelter from rain below the tree, lest suffer be struck by lightning.

2, life safety knowledge

(1) is not on stair amuse oneself, must lean when corridor is crowded especially right go.

(2) is forbidden the armrest baluster in stair slips continuously downward or angle runs, walk empty or strike a person

Cause serious harm possibly.

(3) is forbidden climb or the explore on column is protected to take a thing in the balcony, when brushing a window especially, do not want

Little knowledge of health thin body?

1. Nurturance is daily and time the habit of defecate, can make the toxin inside body successful so eduction. Occasionally the accumulation of toxin, also be the reason that weight does not fall tardy.

2. Be far from fry, take steam as far as possible or be the food that water cooks, because the stodge contains N not only second square super quantity of heat, and the number one killer that also is health.

3. Must not watch TV at the same time (read a book) at the same time snack, because such meetings make a person imperceptible eat the food of below 3 times above, must not nurturance such bad habit.

4. Fasten him reluctance the cate of not feel like eating, because hate to part with,very much beautiful eyebrow is desertion the cate that cannot eat and him reluctance eats next overmuch food, accordingly, must not feel to desertion regrettablly.

5. Do not take food absolutely after 9 o'clock in the evening everyday, if you have the habit that eats a late food all the time, try with fruit, green vegetables or it is tall fine biscuit is replaced. The quantity of heat that remembers feed eats late at night stores the summation that is equal to a day of your 3 eat.

上一篇:骑单车是有氧运动吗? 健身气功是有氧运动吗?英文双语对照