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壁画墙纸的一般张贴方法:所用工具及材料有:胶水、毛刷、毛巾、海棉、砂纸、裁刀、刮板、卷尺、盛胶容器等。  (一)张贴的基本程序为: 1. 墙面处理:用刮板和将墙面杂质,浮土刮除,凹洞裂缝用石膏粉铺好磨平,如墙面质地松软或有粉层以及扫过乳胶漆的 ,则应先涂刷一次墙纸基膜(但个人认为还是清漆或光油会更好,但清漆之类不环保),使墙面牢固,墙纸才不会脱落。  2. 裁剪墙纸:先测量墙面高度,再裁剪墙纸长度,有二种情况:不对花墙纸依墙面高度加裁5到8公分左右长度, 作为上下修边用:对花墙纸则需考虑图案的对称性,故裁剪长度要依实际情况增加,通常会加长8到10公分。  3. 涂刷胶液:将墙纸胶液用毛刷涂刷在裁好的墙纸背面,特别注意四周边缘定要涂满胶液,以确保施工品质, 涂好的墙纸,涂胶面对折放置5-10分钟(注意,不得施加外力,以免壁纸出现折痕,特别是无妨布)使胶液完全透入纸底后即可张贴,每次涂刷数张墙纸,并依顺序张贴。  4. 墙纸施工:要注意 后遗症 是由于施工不当引起的。在门边或阴角由上向下张贴第一幅墙纸,用刮板由上向下,由内向外, 轻轻刮平墙纸,挤出气泡与多余胶液,使墙纸平坦紧贴墙面。  5. 修边清洁:将上下两端多余墙纸裁掉,刀口要锋利以免毛边,在裁剪一些壁布时最好用市面卖1.5元一张的日本进口刀片。再用海绵沾水将残留在墙纸表面的胶液完全擦干净,以免墙纸变黄,墙纸干燥后,若发现表面有气泡,用刀割开注入胶液再压平即可消除(用针筒更好)。  (二)施工中的注意事项:  1. 施工前,应仔细检查壁纸的色号、批号是否一致。并要了解待施工壁纸的种类,花色纸需对花,素色纸要正反方向施工。  2. 胶水的质量优劣将直接影响壁纸的整体效果和使用年限,因此需购买正宗品牌的胶水或墙粉。  3. 干贴,即直接在壁纸背面均匀涂上胶水的施工方法,主要针对胶面壁纸。十字布和无纺布底的壁纸不需要上胶。  4. 胶水调和的浓度大小以一支筷子是否能立在胶水中为判断标准。  5. 纯纸壁纸施工时,不可以使劲刮、擦纸面胶水,以免使壁纸表面受到污染。  6. 零星壁纸不要扔掉,以便日后修补使用。  7. 贴好壁纸后,要关闭门窗,24内不要开窗,让墙纸慢慢干。  8. 当墙面需要悬挂油画或其他饰物,应在钉有钉子处的壁纸上划一个“V”字形 ,以便以后修补用。


The general paste method of mural wall paper: Place has with tool and material: Sizy, wool is brushed, towel, sponge, sand paper, cut knife, scraper, tape measure, container flourishing gum into parts to wait. (one) the basic course of paste is: 1. Metope processing: Mix with scraper metope impurity, dust collected on furniture is blown except, sunken hole break is good with gesso shop grind smooth, if metope texture is soft or have bisque and those who had swept emulsioni paint, should besmear first brush film of wall paper radical (but it is better that the individual thinks or varnish or smooth oil are met, but varnish and so on not environmental protection) , make metope firm, wall paper just won't fall off. 2. Cut out wall paper: Measure metope height first, cut out again wall paper length, have 2 kinds of cases: Paper of incorrect tracery wall is added according to metope height cut into parts 5 control length to 8 centimeter, repair an edge to use as fluctuation: Need to consider the symmetry of design to tracery wall paper, reason cuts out length wants to increase according to actual condition, connect regular meeting lengthen 8 to 10 centimeter. 3. Besmear brushs glue fluid: Brush fluid of wall paper glue besmear with wool in the wall paper the reverse side that has cut into parts, special attention four circumjacent predestined relationships want fluid of Tu Man glue surely, in order to ensure construction quality, tu Hao's wall paper, gelatinize face is 50% discount place 5-10 minute (attention, must not bring to bear on outside force, lest wallpaper appears crease, especially cloth of just as well) make glue fluid complete after permeate paper copy can paste, besmear every time paper of the Zhang Qiang that brush number, depend on ordinal paste. 4. Wall paper construction: Want to notice sequela is caused. In door edge or shade horn by on be down paste the first wall paper, with scraper by go up downward, by introversion outside, gently strickle wall paper, squeeze a bleb and redundant glue fluid, make wall paper evenness clingy metope. 5. Repair Bian Qingjie: Will fluctuate two end are redundant wall paper is cut into parts, blade wants sharp lest Mao Bian, cutting out 1.5 yuan of a piece Japan had better sell entrance bit with market when cloth of a few walls. Reoccupy sponge touchs water to be in remain the glue fluid of wall paper surface is complete wipe up, lest wall paper becomes yellow, after wall paper is dry, if discover the surface has bubble, fluid of glue of infuse of the rift that use a knife again planish can be eliminated (the canister that use a needle is better) . (2) the note in construction: 1. Before construction, should the lubricious date of microscope wallpaper, lot number is uniform. Want to understand the sort that stays construction wallpaper, paper of design and color wants pair of flowers, plain coloured paper wants construction of direction of positive and negative. 2. The integral effect that sizy quality actors or actress bad will affect wallpaper directly and use fixed number of year, because this needs,buy the glue of authentic brand or wall pink. 3. Dry stick, be in directly namely wallpaper the reverse side is even the construction method of sizing, basically be aimed at glue face wallpaper. Crossed cloth and the wallpaper that do not have the bottom that spin cloth do not need to go up glue. 4. Whether can sizy and harmonic chroma bulk stand to be decision criteria in glue with a chopstick. 5. When construction of pure paper wallpaper, cannot blow in order to exert all one's strength, the face that brush paper is sizy, lest make,wallpaper surface is polluted. 6. Fragmentary wallpaper is not refuse, so that be repaired in the future,use. 7. After sticking good wallpaper, want to close door window, 24 inside do not open a window, let wall paper work slowly. 8. Need pensile canvas or other decorations when metope, the equalize on the wallpaper that there should be nail to be in in the hammer " V " glyph, so that be repaired later,use.
