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香山公园(Fragrant Hills Park),位于北京市海淀区买卖街40号,北京市区西北郊,占地188公顷,是一座具有山林特色的皇家园林。景区内主峰香炉峰俗称“鬼见愁”,海拔575米。早在元、明、清时,皇家就在香山营建离宫别院,每逢夏秋时节皇帝都要到此狩猎纳凉。咸丰十年(1860年)和光绪二十六年(1900年)先后两次被英法联军、八国联军焚毁,1956年开辟为人民公园。[1]香山公园有香山寺、洪光寺、双清别墅等著名旅游景点。


公园门票 门票淡季票价(11月16日至3月31日):

成人5元 半价2.5元






这里有燕京八景之一“西山晴雪”, 这里有集明清两代建筑风格的寺院“碧云寺”,这里有国内仅存的木质贴金“五百罗汉堂”,这里有迎接六世班禅的行宫“宗镜大昭之庙”,这里有颇具江南特色的古雅庭院“见心斋”,这里有世纪伟人毛泽东和中共中央进驻北平最早居住和办公的地方——双清别墅。这里还有世纪伟人孙中山先生灵柩暂厝地——碧云寺金刚宝座塔、碧云寺孙中山纪念堂及孙中山衣冠冢。


























Park of Beijing sweet hill is amused, tourist attraction of park of Beijing sweet hill?

Quite amused.

Scenery of sweet hill park is beautiful, the autumn can admire red autumnal leaves, sweet hill revolution commemorates the ground also opened to the outside world, suit to like the friend of gules travel.

Sweet hill park (Fragrant Hills Park) , be located in market of business of Beijing Haidian division 40, outskirt of Beijing area northwest, cover an area of 188 hectare, it is a royal park that has mountain forest distinguishing feature. Common of peak of censer of the highest peak in a mountain range inside scene area says " ghost sees anxious " , altitude 575 meters. Be in early yuan, bright, when Qing Dynasty, royal fasten a courtyard from palace in sweet hill build, whenever emperor of summerly autumn season should come here,chase enjoy the cool. Xian Feng 10 years (1860) He Guangxu 26 years (1900) early or late two by burn down of flower law allied forces, the Eight Power Allied Force, open up was people park 1956. [Park of 1] sweet hill has the famous travel tourist attraction such as sweet hill temple, Hong Guangsi, double clear villa.

Entrance ticket of park of Beijing sweet hill?

Price of weak season ticket of entrance ticket of park entrance ticket (will come on November 16 on March 31) :

Grow up 5 yuan of half price 2.5 yuan

Fare of entrance ticket busy season (came on April 1 on November 15) .

Sweet hill park is located in Beijing on the west outskirt, relief is arduous, verdant and continuous, cover an area of 188 hectare, it is a royal park that has mountain forest distinguishing feature. Common of peak of censer of the highest peak in a mountain range inside scene area says " ghost sees anxious " , altitude 575 meters.

Is park of Beijing sweet hill in a few annulus?

Sweet hill park is located in Dong Lu of mountain range of small west hill of Beijing northwest outskirt, north outside 5 annulus, the address is market of business of Beijing Haidian division 40, be apart from a city 20 kilometers, it is a park of famous large mountain forest that has royal gardens distinguishing feature. Historic site of cultural relic of sweet hill park is rich and precious, booth stage pavilion is like stars between dispersed mountain forest. Complete garden covers an area of an area to be 160 more than hectare. Sweet hill is located in the west hill inside garden east the true thoughts and feelings of slope, also be west hill ridge east the hub of end, cascade of its ridges and peaks, crisscross of gully big pool. The highest peak in a mountain range (common says ghost sees anxious) altitude 575 meters, two sides of north and south all has side mountain eastwards outspread, to side mountain extend arrives directly at red hilltop south, side mountain reachs green dragon either end of a bridge in.

The sentence of park of Beijing sweet hill?

There is Yan Jing here one of 8 scene " snow of west hill fine " , there is market here two generation build bright Qing Dynasty the fane of the style " green jade Yun Si " , the woodiness gild that there is home to be put only here " 500 arhat hall " , there is the make imperial palace for short stays away from the capital that welcomes 6 worlds Panchen here " the temple of Zong Jing big clear " , there is the quaint court that has Changjiang Delta distinguishing feature quite here " fast seeing a heart " , there are Mao Zedong of century great person and Central Committee of Communist Party of China to garrison here north makes the same score the place that live the earliest and handles official bussiness -- double Qing Dynasty is villatic. There still is laying land of of short duration of coffin of century great person Mr Sun Zhongshan here -- memorial hall of Sun Zhongshan of temple of cloud of tower of throne of King Kong of temple of green jade cloud, green jade and Sun Zhongshan a tomb containing personal effects of a deceased but missing the corpse.

Is park of Beijing sweet hill amused?

Park of Beijing sweet hill is clear generation fasten a courtyard from palace, belong to royal gardens to build a style, very amusing. Fast seeing a heart watchs a fish, watch building distinguishing feature, ghost sees anxious more exercise a person, uprise looks far, happy person beautiful scenery stops eye ground.

Entrance ticket of park of Beijing sweet hill how many?

Entrance ticket of park of Beijing sweet hill is 20 yuan of RMBs, sexagenarian above old person, soldier, deformity soldier, free of charge. Sweet hill basically is to climb, over there air is fresh, suit to exercise, especially morning is experienced.

Are Beijing Zhongshan park and sweet hill park comparative?

Sweet hill is bigger, zhongshan park place is better, other contrast is as follows:

One, beijing Zhongshan park

Be located in Tian An Men on the west side, area 22 more than hectare. It is the temple allowing a country when distant, gold formerly, yuan era is incognito 10 thousand Shou Xingguo temples. When palace of Beijing of build of Ming Chengzu Zhu Di. According to the system of " of " Zun Zuyou company, rebuild for altar of the god of the land and the god of the grain-the state. It is here bright, clear emperor is sacred gnome and the place with magical food crops.

The main body building of the park is altar of the god of the land and the god of the grain-the state, be located in axes center, altar shows a square, for the three-layer platform that white marble build by laying bricks or stones becomes, there are 5 kinds of grounds that come by pay intribute of countrywide each district on altar. Short wall also enclothes 4 kinds of glazed tile by direction all around. The park still is protecting the foundation of wood of name of very ancient tree to go up, undertook many afforest beautification, gardens views and admire tree to already amounted to more than 100 kinds, preliminary formed the big garden that makes photograph reflect for flowers and plants of fill of main body, tall with Gu Bai. Hothouse flower a depressed place, a species of orchid fragrant garden exhibits all the year round the four seasons is in season flowers, among them the large flowers exhibition of the special subject flower show such as orchid, wintersweet, cuckoo, chrysanthemum, Chinese rose and complete garden sex gets of tourist of numerous China and foreign countries reputably. The goldfish of more than 30 kinds of rare breed still can be viewed and admire in cheerful garden; Come today restaurant of pluvial a small room can sample red building dish.

Main tourist attraction has world of the god of the land and the god of the grain-the state, defend peaceful lane, gnomic booth, hothouse flower as fortified building, lan Ting 8 column booth, a species of orchid fragrant garden, waterside pavilion is waited a moment.

2, sweet hill park

Be located in Beijing on the west outskirt, relief is arduous, verdant and continuous, cover an area of 188 hectare, it is a royal park that has mountain forest distinguishing feature.

Common of peak of censer of the highest peak in a mountain range inside scene area says " ghost sees anxious " , altitude 575 meters.

Sweet hill park has the famous travel tourist attraction such as sweet hill temple, Hong Guangsi.

Sweet hill park was judged to be a civilized unit 1993, was judged to be AAAA scene area by national tourism bureau 2001, was judged to be park of first Beijing high-quality goods 2002.

Ridges and peaks of high of relief of sweet hill park rising abruptly folds Lin Mao of abundant of emerald green spring. Inside garden of all kinds tree 260 thousand more than individual plant only the 1/4 forest that Gu Shuming wood amounts to 5800 much individual plant to occupy Beijing the city zone about is enclothed rate be as high as 98% to be concerned in recent years the branch determines to lose one of areas with oxygen highest ion for Beijing.

Main tourist attraction has, east palace door, jing Yiyuan, sweet hill temple, double Qing Dynasty is villatic, censer peak, tablet of snow of west hill fine, village of jade Mount Hua, glasses lake, sweet hill restaurant, sun Zhongshan memorial hall, know Song Yuan, etc. The famousest is annual sweet hill red autumnal leaves.

Park of Beijing sweet hill when the most beautiful, does optimal travel time reach travel strategy?

General when it is October bottom comes at the beginning of November, red autumnal leaves is viewed and admire after Frost's descent best.

Circumference counts Gong Yan of mu of smoke tree of the maple on sloping field to be like fire, view and admire the beautiful scenery such as this to 10 manage optimal site: Yu Huaxiu, see the cloud rise, hole of peak of peak of Sen Yuhu, double clear villa, toad, Jing Cuihu, censer, sweet mist, with slope of suitable door, reindeer. Optimal view and admire at alcove of Sen Yuhu peak.

How much is the fare with telpher now park of Beijing sweet hill? Beijing sweet hill?

Busy season: Adult ticket 10 yuan, student ticket 5 yuan of; are off-season: Adult ticket 5 yuan, student ticket monthly ticket of 2.5 yuan of; : 10 yuan. Fare of sweet hill cableway: Ferial and one-way 50 yuan / person; holiday is one-way 60 yuan / person; children is one-way (height under 1.2 meters) 20 yuan / person 6: 00-19: 00, when present season gets on for appreciation red autumnal leaves

Which door does temple of sweet hill of park of Beijing sweet hill leave close?

Temple of sweet hill of park of Beijing sweet hill is closer from boreal door. . Sweet hill temple is located in double clear villatic upper part, only then build at Jin Dading 26 years, it is the west hill takes the cloister with the largest scale with long history formerly. Old name always installs a temple, also call manna the temple. When Yuan Mingqing Ceng Kuo proposes repair. The Gu Miao with this culture, artistic extremely high value, by the Eight Power Allied Force of flower law allied forces early or late two loot one sky, plinth of column of lane of the Shi Bing before putting main hall only now, stone, stone rank, stone. Before cultivating song tablet, pine audition a law, temple for the Suo collect inside the temple know Le Hao to wait to still be saved in good condition, make strong testimony of the history.

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