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宝洁公司简介? 建筑公司简介?英文双语对照


宝洁公司简介? 建筑公司简介?英文双语对照


宝洁(英文名称:Procter & Gamble)创于1837年,是全球最大的日用消费品公司之一。公司性质:股份制。公司总部位于美国俄亥俄州辛辛那提,全球员工近110,000人。宝洁在日用化学品市场上知名度相当高,其产品包括洗发、护发、护肤用品、化妆品、婴儿护理产品、妇女卫生用品、医药、食品、饮料、织物、家居护理、个人清洁用品及电池等。

















GE— 梦想启动未来,是一家多元化的科技、媒体和金融服务公司,致力于为客户解决世界上最棘手的问题。GE的产品和服务范围广阔,从军火、飞机发动机、发电设备、水处理和安防技术,到医疗成像、商务和消费者金融、媒体,客户遍及全球100多个国家,拥有30多万员工。















韩国SM娱乐有限公司(S.M.Entertainment)的S.M是Star Museum的缩写,意为“明星博物馆、名人殿堂”。在韩国有“造星梦工厂”之称的SM公司高层李秀满20世纪70年代初涉歌坛,是当时非常著名的歌手。退居幕后之后,凭借其敏锐的眼光,于1995年2月创办了韩国SM娱乐有限公司,开创了韩国企划公司的新时代。1998年,SM公司把旗下的HOT、SES介绍到中国、日本,掀起了亚洲“韩流”热潮。

2000年4月,SM公司登记注册了韩国高斯达克市场,发行股票,成为韩国第一个娱乐文化股份公司。现旗下代表艺人有东方神起、Super Junior、少女时代、SHINee、f(x)、EXO等。公司全称:S.M.Entertainment官方简称:SM town中文全称:韩国SM娱乐有限公司中文简称:SM公司、SM媒体称呼:造星梦工厂、明星博物馆、名人殿堂








远东机械在台北工具机展『研究发展创新产品』竞赛上屡屡获奖,比如:2003年车床类佳作奖的HL-55SP、2005 年优等奖的HL-25DM、2007年工具机类特优奖的WVL-F24A和综合加工机类佳作奖的BMC-110FT2数控卧式镗铣床,以及2009年 工具机类特优奖的BMC-250T数控卧式镗铣床等。




广州王老吉药业股份有限公司 始于 1828 年,生产包括王老吉凉茶饮料和王老吉润喉糖等食品产品和王老吉冲服凉茶颗粒、小儿七星茶冲剂、保济丸等药品产品, 2006 年公司获得国家商务部颁发的首批“中华老字号 ” 证书, 2009 年,“王老吉”成为全国驰名商标。

王老吉药业一贯重视技术创新与技术进步, 2009 年 3 月被评为高新技术企业,根据国家对高新技术企业的相关税收优惠政策,公司可享受 15% 的企业所得税优惠政策。

王老吉药业一贯致力于严格的质量管理,是国内首批获澳大利亚 TGA 认证的制药企业。 2003 年,公司全面通过了国家药监局的 GMP 认证 。 2007 年,获得由国家质量监督检验检疫总局颁发的《全国工业产品生产许可证》。同时,公司被广州市卫生局评为食品卫生等级的 A 级单位。

近年来, 借助凉茶成为国家级“非物质文化遗产”的有利形势, 王老吉已发展成为凉茶行业的领袖品牌。盒装王老吉凉茶单品的年销售额超过 10 亿元,成为广州医药行业销售额最大的产品。公司的经济效益也持续快速增长, 连年成为广州市白云区名列前茅的重点纳税大户。

王老吉公司以 “ 济世、科学、爱国 ” 为企业理念,自觉履行企业的社会责任,积极资助民生建设。 企业的 未来发展 愿景是 : “ 食品做中国植物饮料的领头羊,药品做 OTC 中成药的领先者” , 将王老吉的产品推向全国市场



成立十年多以来,腾讯一直秉承“一切以用户价值为依归”的经营理念,始终处于稳健发展的状态。2004年6月16日,腾讯公司在香港联交所主板公开上市(股票代号700)。 通过互联网服务提升人类生活品质是腾讯公司的使命。


截至2011年9月30日,QQ即时通信的活跃帐户数达到7.117亿,最高同时在线帐户数达到1.454亿。腾讯的发展深刻地影响和改变了数以亿计网民的沟通方式和生活习惯,并为中国互联网行业开创了更加广阔的应用前景。 面向未来,坚持自主创新,树立民族品牌是腾讯公司的长远发展规划。目前,腾讯50%以上员工为研发人员。腾讯在即时通信、电子商务、在线支付、搜索引擎、信息安全以及游戏等方面都拥有了相当数量的专利申请。

2007年,腾讯投资过亿元在北京、上海和深圳三地设立了中国互联网首家研究院—腾讯研究院,进行互联网核心基础技术的自主研发,正逐步走上自主创新的民族产业发展之路。 成为最受尊敬的互联网企业是腾讯公司的远景目标。腾讯一直积极参与公益事业、努力承担企业社会责任、推动网络文明。


愿景: 最受尊敬的互联网企业。 使命: 通过互联网服务提升人类生活品质。 价值观: 正直,进取,合作,创新。 经营理念: 一切以用户价值为依归。 管理理念: 关心员工成长。 


One, brief introduction of treasure clean company?

Bao Jie (English name: PRocter&Gamble) achieve 1837, it is one of companies of daily expense consumable with the biggest whole world. Company property: ? 9  of Pi of evil spirit Qia to shirk of brandish of chew exemplarying class bars Dang of anchor of  Che ザ lists?10 of exhausted そ of flood dragon of  of  of Liao Qiao curtain, 000 people. Bao Jie is famous on market of daily expense chemical degree quite tall, its product includes to wash hair, protect the hair, things that protect skin, cosmetic, baby to nurse things of sanitation of product, woman, medicine, food, beverage, fabric, household nurses, individual cleanness things and batteries.

2, construction company brief introduction?

XXX company held water on January 14, 2011, it is to have national housing project to always contract the enterprise of X class aptitude, register capital XXX10000 yuan. Company scope of operations is given priority to with industry and civil building, market structure adornment decorates project of municipal and installation of equipment of design and construction, Electromechanical, public project, steel structure, conduit to install project and service to separate contractor Cheng business at an organic whole, have Cheng Jiancheng city of a variety of projects such as workshop of large and building complex, public facilities, high level, large industry always contract ability.

The company has Yu Ren of XXXX of personnel of of all kinds and professional technology, the person of technical personnel close XX that has title of high school class among them, have a state one class is registered make division XXX person, have 2 class to build division XX. Project technology personnel and administrator seasoned, technology is adept. Construction equipment complement is perfect, can contented bear the demand that builds professional construction and each service. Develop the industrial, development target that promoting a business is an enterprise, not arrogant not the consistent work style that impetuous, rigorous sureness is a company, come a few years, the company is guided in what legal person represents XXX below, on the base that already had result, indefatigable effort, development enterprising, in the province inside and outside built the market to occupy position, those who won broad client and qualitative check branch reputably.

The company got the attestation of orgnaization of tripartite authority and affirmation with good market public praise and rigorous interior management, it is one of businesses that carry ISO9001-2000 certificate of quality, still passed OHSAS18001 profession safety at the same time attestation of healthy system attestation, ISO14001 environment system.

The company is carried out all the time " it is with the person this, service at the society " management concept; " high grade high speed, sincere be as good as one's word praise, develop continuously " quality guiding principle, and " 100% fulfil a contract, make a client satisfactory " quality target, actively is devoted into at " with process high-quality goods, start high-quality goods project " in the center.

Since the company holds water project quality percent of pass 100% , admirable article lead 80% . X

The company is held to " , can establish a body " , " amount to, but aid world " humanitarian concept serves a society, offer high grade product for social all circles, high-class service. With " solidarity respects course of study, development innovation, pursuit outstanding " spirit of enterprise, wholeheartedly with social all circles hand in hand, meet new challenge, creation is new brilliant.

3, brief introduction of long rainbow company?

Long rainbow does poineering work 1958, it is the main base of for military use of production of our country development, civil radar, it is our country founds a state primary emphasis builds one of projects.

Through abidance of nearly 50 years stability develops, long rainbow established company of Chinese home appliance by small to big, by the outstanding example that reachs world of strong, rapid trend infirmly. The long rainbow nowadays, had been color television king of China not just, and still became in global group of industry of the oversize that enjoys high reputation, diversity, internationalization. The enterprise formed plane of TV of product of for military use, number, number

Show, power source of parts of an apparatus of network of seeing and hearing of IT, healthy air conditioning, number, number, mould, number, environmental protection, technology equips, the 13 big industries such as material of electronic project, chemical industry group.

1994, long rainbow stock hangs out his shingle in Shanghai stock exchange appear on the market. 2005, value of long rainbow brand amounts to thirty-nine billion eight hundred and sixty-one million yuan, make China's most valuable famous brand.

End at present, product of number of long rainbow set already was sold as far as to global 90 many countries and area. In imports and exports value, exit is worth 200 strong ranks in, two index all reside long rainbow first of enterprise of domestic person of the same trade, enter customs total office exclusively " sincere letter honour board " .

Digital long rainbow, innovation did not come. Jerk as the fast of global number tide and technology of information home appliance into, long rainbow is held to " science and technology is banner, speed get victory " management concept, benefit pulls motivation and technical progress to be diagnostic impetus with what be a feature with market demand, optimize resource configuration, through conformity of technical innovation, system technology of digital technology, IT, network and flat demonstrate a skill, transform and promote traditional industry, utmost ground satisfies the material that people grows ceaselessly and culture need.

The industry technology center that depends on persistent technical innovation and national level, combination is abroad lab of many famous cartel, along giant digital industry chain, long rainbow transverse extend to the domain such as crucial integrated circuit, important parts of an apparatus, software; Fore-and-aft to business of systematic equipment, appreciation, network service, content is offerred etc business is outspread, sth resembling a net of business of development of software of vendor of the provider of information home appliance that makes long rainbow into the whole world quickly, crucial part, system, wide electrified wire netting serves business, business to use information system compositive business, long rainbow of amount to word again model is new brilliant lay solid foundation.

4, Ge company brief introduction?

GE, the dream starts tomorrow, the science and technology that is a diversity, media and finance serve a company, devote oneself to to solve the world to go up for the client most a Gordian knot. The product of GE and service range are wide, from engine of ammunition, aircraft, generate electricity equipment, water treatment and how to defend a technology, become to medical treatment picture, business affairs and consumer banking, media, the client pervades the whole world 100 many countries, have 30 much stuff.

5, marriage celebrate company brief introduction?

Marrying is the most important grand ceremony in person lifetime, and wedding is the very divine ceremony in life more! "The marriage with one picket perfect happiness begins from a successful and satisfactory wedding! " believe in is worn a such words, the faculty that be deeply attached to each other was full of confidence, was full of passion.

Our service tenet is: the world the the most popular, most fashionable, bridal information that suits new personality most brings all newlywed person, sincere letter serves for new personality, the in realizing a heart for them with all one's strength dream that uses up us!

Our praise highly is achieved formerly, the old practice that uses you creates your wedding;

Our pursuit is distinctive, the originality that uses us lets your bridal extraordinary.

We are happy listen respectfully, listen respectfully your story and opinion;

We like to discuss, reach in be discussed satisfactory result.

We are good at learning, study is domestic and international the most advanced industry concept;

We are long at introducing, introduce domestic and international the most advanced bridal equipment.

Love, it is best language forever; Genuine, can move each person. Beautiful cubic predestined relationship achieves bridal group to write wedding with love, serve wedding with sincerity.

6, quark company brief introduction?

Quark (China) advisory market considers to serve limited company is service of research of adviser of a be in harmony, market, market the major that is an organic whole company. Hold water up to now 10 years, study way by right of the rigorous market that comes from P&G, win the client's reliance, each other establish close advisory collaboration relationship. The company has been in at present and other places of Fuzhou, Guangzhou, Beijing, Shanghai, Kunming, Chongqing, Xi'an, Changchun builds wholy-owned branch, established quark enterprise to consult advisory firm, quark sale company and company of quark information product in succession 2000.

The research organization that company and whole nation evaluate strictly many times 100 through quark establishs long-term cooperation relationship, survey network pervades countrywide each district. 1999-2002 year, quark company studies before the body 10 3 years to the business income of the industry ascends in home market continuously (contain international company) , become " China runs a newspaper " , " sale and market " , " handler " the long-term adviser that waits for periodical of major of domestic senior sale and contributor.

7, Sm company brief introduction?

Limited company of Korea SM entertainment (S.M.Entertainment) the abbreviate that S.M is Star Museum, meaning for " hall of star museum, celebrity " . Have in Korea " factory of the dream that make a star " the Li Xiuman of SM company high level that say 20 centuries musical circle of the experience at the beginning of 70 time, it is very famous at that time singer. After retreating house behind the curtain, depend on the eye of its acumen, established in Feburary 1995 limited company of Korea SM entertainment, initiated the new era of Korea layout company. 1998, SM company introduces subordinate HOT, SES to China, Japan, lifted an Asia " Han Liu " upsurge.

In April 2000, SM company registration book Korea gauss amounts to gram market, issue a share, become Korea joint-stock company of culture of the first recreation. There is Oriental god to rise on behalf of actor below the banner now, Super Junior, girlhood, SHINee, F(x) , EXO. Company full name: S.M.Entertainment government abbreviation: Full name of SM Town Chinese: Abbreviation of Chinese of limited company of Korea SM entertainment: Appellation of media of SM company, SM: Build hall of museum of astral dream factory, star, celebrity

8, brief introduction of far east company?

Is what you ask Taiwan far east?

Inc. of industry of machinery of Taiwan far east is one encircles machine, numerical control with milling machine of boring of numerical control horizontal, numerical control annulus the production enterprise that 5 treatment opportunity gives priority to battalion. Seminary at Taiwan fine justice, the product that place of subordinate unit of estate of 6 important matters makes more be applied extensively to be in diversiform commercial market. We offer product and service to give broad international the client, its level is included make, building and golf career.

Come more than 60 years, from win a prize tool machine is in charge of in sending success golf lever, we devote oneself to to be full of the product that starts a gender and service continuously, to innovation hold to with appeal to beg those who make us ceaseless to offer the client's good quality and value.

In Taiwan from 1949 Jia Yicheng stands at the beginning of, act on " promotion character and productivity " this one tenet, product of technology of ceaseless research and development, innovation, develop new field at the same time.

Enginery product includes: Door of 5 treatment opportunity, dragon machines machine of circle of milling machine of boring of numerical control horizontal, numerical control annulus, numerical control lathe of vertical of center lathe of machine, numerical control, numerical control and of all kinds major are mechanical with entire plant equipment.

The far east that has machine tool of numerical control of more than 60 years of professional birth is mechanical, be in leadership position all the time in course of study of machine tool of Taiwan numerical control, the product with excellent reasonable price spreads all over quality world each district, FEMCO can weighs the expert that is promotion character and productivity. The product has the honor to win ISO9002, CE and standard of Taiwan top quality " Taiwan high-quality goods " mark.

Far east machinery is exhibited in Taipei tool machine " product of research development innovation " on the contest time and again bear the palm, for instance: 2003 lathe kind the HL-25DM of the HL-55SP of award of an excellent work, classy 2005 award, 2007 tool machine kind actor or actress especially the WVL-F24A of award and comprehensive treatment opportunity kind the milling machine of boring of horizontal of BMC-110FT2 numerical control of award of an excellent work, and 2009 tool machine kind actor or actress especially the milling machine of boring of horizontal of BMC-250T numerical control of award.

Center lathe of lathe of vertical of milling machine of boring of horizontal of its numerical control, numerical control, numerical control applies extensively at project machine equipment treatment, mould treatment, motivation generates electricity the domain such as treatment of part of report of treatment of engine of shipping of equipment treatment, car, wind.

As far east machinist the mechanical product of Inc. of course of study is in China the stability of outback service system is perfect, believe regular meeting brings the greatest benefit for you

9, brief introduction of Wang Laoji company?

Inc. of industry of drug of Guangzhou king old auspicious only then 1828, production includes Wang Laoji grain of cool tea of the food product such as cool tea beverage and candy of Wang Laoji wet one's whistle and Wang Laoji take medicine with water, children the drug product such as the medicine to be taken after being mixed with boiling water of 7 stars tea, bolus that guarantee benefit, the company obtained national Department of Commerce to issue 2006 first " China old name " certificate, 2009, "Wang Laoji " make countrywide celebrated trade mark.

Industry of Wang Laoji drug always values technical innovation and technical progress, was judged to be company of new and high technology in March 2009, control favourable policy to the photograph custom duty of company of new and high technology according to the country, the company can enjoy the policy of privilege of enterprise income tax of 15% .

Industry of Wang Laoji drug always devotes oneself to rigorous quality management, it is home first pharmacy business that wins Australian TGA attestation. 2003, the company passed the GMP attestation of bureau of national medicine inspect in the round. 2007, obtain supervise by national quality examine quarantine total bureau issues " countrywide industry product produces licence " . In the meantime, the company is judged to be the class A unit of food sanitation grade by Guangzhou city health bureau.

In recent years, cool tea of have the aid of becomes national form " immaterial culture bequest " favorable situation, wang Laoji already developed the cacique brand that makes cool tea trade. Year of sale that sheet of cool tea of old auspicious of box outfit king tastes more than 1 billion yuan, make the product with the biggest sale of Guangzhou medicine industry. The economic benefits of the company also grows quickly continuously, in successive years makes Guangzhou city Bai Yun division the large family of key pay taxes of be among the best of candidates.

Company of king old auspicious with " aid world, science, patriotic " for business concept, perform the social duty of the enterprise self-consciously, subsidize construction of the people's livelihood actively. The prospective development of the enterprise wishs scene be: "Food does the leading sheep of Chinese herb drink, medicines and chemical reagents does the person that precede officinally in OTC " , promote Wang Laoji's product to countrywide market

10, Tecent company brief introduction?

Tecent company held water in November 1998, it is China's at present biggest Internet serves one of providers integratedly, also be one of Internet enterprises with Chinese service most user.

Since holding water more than 10 years, tecent is held to all the time " everything returns to depend on with user value " management concept, be in the condition of steady progress from beginning to end. On June 16, 2004, tecent company reachs place in Hong Kong couplet advocate board appear on the market publicly (700) of stock code name. Through Internet the service promotes human life character the mission that is Tecent company.

Current, tecent offer for the user " one-stop online life serves " as strategic goal, provide Internet appreciation service, shift and telegraphic appreciation service and network advertisement service. Through search of space of game of net of instant communication QQ, Tecent, Tecent, QQ, wireless portal, search, pat pat, money pays a network that waits for China to precede platform, tecent made China's biggest network community, contented Internet user is communicated, the demand of the respect such as information, recreation and electronic business affairs.

Up to on September 30, 2011, the active account number that QQ corresponds immediately is achieved 711.7 million, highest at the same time online account number is achieved 145.4 million. The development of Tecent is affected deeply and changed number with 100 million plan communication means of the netizen and habits and customs, initiated more wide application perspective for Chinese Internet industry. Face future, hold to own innovation, establishing ethical brand is the long-term development program of Tecent company. Current, 50% above employee is Tecent personnel of research and development. Business affairs of the communication when Tecent shortly, electron, online pay, the respect such as safety of search engine, information and game was had quite patent application of the amount.

2007, tecent investment is in Beijing, Shanghai and Shenzhen 100 million yuan too 3 ground established Chinese Internet first academy, Tecent academy, have the own research and development of technology of Internet core base, be on the way that the ethical industry of own innovation develops stage by stage. Become most the distant view target that the Internet business that gets respect is Tecent company. Tecent takes an active part in commonweal career, effort to assume enterprise society responsibility all the time, promote network culture.

2006, tecent established Chinese Internet foundation of first beneficent commonweal, foundation of Tecent charity commonweal, built Tecent company, dedicated develop at assisting teenage education, impoverished area, group of care weak force and provide disaster relief the job that help deficient up. Current, tecent had developed multinomial commonweal project in succession in countrywide each district, responsibility of citizen of company of travel of active carry out, for " harmonious society " construction make contribution.

Wish scene: Most the Internet business that gets respect. Mission: Through Internet the service promotes the mankind life quality. Viewpoint of value: Just, enterprising, cooperate, innovate. Management concept: Everything returns to depend on with user value. Manage a concept: Care staff grows.

上一篇:美食主播面试技巧? 粉丝最高的美食主播?英文双语对照