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云顶之弈炼金科技可以通过以下方式给装备:1. 首先要有合成材料,炼金科技通常需要合成金色装备,而金色装备需要合成两个紫色装备。2. 将两个相同的紫色装备放在炉子中并等待合成完成。3. 一旦合成出金色装备,可以将它拖放到英雄头像旁的装备槽中。4. 装备在英雄身上后,可以通过点击英雄头像来查看装备效果。







































One, does the science and technology of gold of play chess refine of cloud top go out outfit?

The science and technology of gold of refine of play chess S6 of cloud top goes out outfit: Gun of Hai Kesi science and technology + destroy world person dead cap + bead light protects a hand

This suit basically is to be in fully magic arts, cruel attack and above life value apply. Because of the distinctive fetter of refine gold science and technology much interiorly is used, because this is in,give the protection that when installing, needs to consider pair of oneself to provide more helps for teammate thereby.

Fetter: In drop into 60% life after the value is the following, heroes of refine gold science and technology achieve rate of 25% harm derate, 50% attack, and every second replies its value of 4% the greatest life.

2, does the Wei Ke of science and technology of gold of play chess refine of cloud top hold equipment in the palm?

The play chess dimension of cloud top captures the equipment that hold drive in the palm: Counteractive shoe (or quicken a shoe) , cape of extremely cold storm, hag, bully person reshipment, turn over armour or ominous sign. Simple for, this play chess dimension that covers cloud top overcomes the equipment that hold drive in the palm to have add boat, match the cost protecting armour with high specified number, not easy by hostile cut dead, have extremely high economic value.

Flesh of this suit equipment is spent tall, and have certain output effect. And, because of ominous sign, result sticking a person is stronger, be mixed not easily to be aimed at by kite. And, cooperate violent with igneous armour, have certain clear arms efficiency.

3, does the werewolf of science and technology of gold of play chess refine of cloud top go out outfit?

Warwick: Electric knife + mercuric + Tai Tan / Yang Dao / homicide sword.

Warwick's equipment is the core place of the battle array, the equipment of lightning angel wolf of version is extremely similar before playing a law to follow. Core is electric knife + mercuric, the effect that uses electric knife hits group AOE harm, and mercury can assure early days Warwick is not controlled take off directly. Calm of last equipment peaceful is optimal, can rise double fight and harm, and second choosing can be Yang Dao fold attack fast, homicide sword folds attack.

4, how does the science and technology of gold of play chess refine of cloud top give equipment?

The science and technology of gold of play chess refine of cloud top can pass the following means to give equipment: 1. Want to have synthetic stuff above all, refine gold science and technology needs to synthesize aureate equipment normally, and aureate equipment needs to synthesize two purple equipment. 2. two same purple equipment is put in furnace and await synthesis to finish. 3. Once synthesis gives aureate equipment, can pull it in putting the equipment chamfer by heroic head portrait. 4. After equiping to go up in heroic body, can examine equipment effect through clicking heroic head portrait.

5, does the be stranded of science and technology of gold of play chess refine of cloud top add outstanding to install?

Piece outfit recommend: Endless blade (windstorm big sword + the fist is covered)

The violent blade that ghost alls alone (useless big stick-means of intimidation + the bend of retroflexion)

Be stranded adds acrobatics to be able to be divided completely offer exceed take by storm fast, every second atttacks 5/7/15 second, 2 stars every second sparks twice, on complete a diathermy, smash demon is fought.

The 2nd had better choose Yang Dao, skill suffers study fast effect, atttack every time cause (30% assault force) *(30% atttacks speed) physical harm. Attack fast taller, harm jumps over tall; boat of last optional add holds blade of double perhaps report.

6, what meaning is the alignment of science and technology of gold of play chess refine of cloud top?

The alignment of science and technology of gold of play chess refine of cloud top is the heroic battle array that comprises with fetter of refine gold science and technology, the composition of battle array of refine gold science and technology is: Gold of mice, refine, Ike, Za Ke, Li Sangzhuo, unconscious much, be stranded adds special, Victor, 8 population can shape.

The fetter of refine gold science and technology is life value falls 75% when enter musth, promotion is attacked during fast, avoid, answer blood to wait, continuously 8 seconds, fetter adds success more more stronger. And alignment of refine gold science and technology is offer the fetter effect of refine gold holder, playing a law to go up so with common refine gold playing a way is about the same, because play refine gold to open 5 refine gold at most commonly, unless have refine gold overload.

7, how the science and technology of gold of play chess refine of cloud top plays and to how the science and technology of gold of play chess refine of cloud top plays and go out outfit?

The battle array of science and technology of gold of refine of play chess S6 of cloud top is tie-in strategy

1, early days basically is to transfer, we can choose refine gold, mice, werewolf and green steel picture, come collect gives science and technology of 3 refine gold and the effect of 2 challenger, refine gold can assure add boat, challenger can increase bureau accrual and attack fast;

2, we are in metaphase the Li Sangzhuo that collect gives a 3 cost above the system of early days and Za Ke, achieve the fetter of 5 refine gold, can win more harm derate and battle force promotion, and can make werewolf preferential the Ad of hold core equips;

3, core outfit stock covers much day phlogistic, mad apprentice, return shell; Weikeduo's law fastens three-piece suit; Two birds aegis of Li Sangzhuo; The electric knife of werewolf, Tai Tan.

8, does the Xin Jide of science and technology of gold of play chess refine of S6 cloud top equip?

Equipment of laborious auspicious heart recommends the science and technology of gold of play chess refine of cloud top fleshy outfit: Mad apprentice, return shell, dragon tooth, day is phlogistic, board armour is waited a moment, because Xin Jide is in,the fixed position inside the play chess of cloud top is calm of a flesh, advocate if attract firepower to fight,make control, so the equipment of refine gold wants to go to fleshy outfit, general need not special gold giving refine prepares to equip, the flower of 3 stars has Xin Jide redundant fleshy outfit can throw him directly, refine gold science and technology has the effect that decrease an injury again, it is OK to should be carried for a long time only many dozens of a few second control

9, is the play chess of cloud top violent battle array of science and technology of mode refine gold?

The battle array of science and technology of gold of play chess refine of cloud top is the strongest battle array, need hero: Cheat much, Ka Sha, Victor, ice daughter, Za Ke, locust, werewolf, wind daughter, gem, what this battle array relies on refine gold science and technology is strong period hit Lian Sheng to accomplish population and astral class suppress.

The science and technology of gold of play chess refine of cloud top is the most powerful the battle array makes a way

The battle array of science and technology of gold of play chess refine of cloud top is recommended

Cheat much, Ka Sha, Victor, ice daughter, Za Ke, locust, werewolf, wind daughter, gem

Fetter system

5 refine gold, 3 mutation, 1 distinguished personages, 2 black demon, 2 fistfight, 2 challenges, 2 white demon, 2 scholars

The equipment of battle array of science and technology of gold of play chess refine of cloud top chooses

Ka Sha: Yang Dao, bead light protects gun of hand, science and technology

Unconscious much: Mad apprentice, turn over tooth of armour, dragon

Victor: Green Long Dao, bead light protects a hand

Glacial daughter: Ghost book

The operation of battle array of science and technology of gold of play chess refine of cloud top

1: Early days collect gives 3 refine gold the battle array of 2 assassin can be gotten the better of easily repeatedly, refine gold early days is strong do good person mouth to squelch with accrual.

2: Metaphase collect gives 3 empires to increase harm, whole of refine gold science and technology slants the flesh, defence outfit gives first unconscious much, output outfit is not moved staying to give Ka Sha.

3: Later period pulls 8 population not to have cerebral D Ka Sha, output equipment gives Rangkasha blocking Sha to take off completely, everything already protected Ka Sha to give priority to.

10, the play chess of cloud top of refine gold battle array?

The battle array is tie-in: Inferior all alone + unconscious much + cold ice + wind daughter + mice + graceful beauty + Dalike + Xin Jide

Battle array fetter: Division of 1 refine gold 3 virulent 2 Palladium 2 You Xia 2 gem 2 wind

The battle array of division of gold of play chess refine of cloud top

Battle array characteristic: This battle array has control and do not last of common harm ability, support is virulent weaken the effect to what skill releases, let adversary cannot release skill, at the same time mice uses his skill to penetrate ability causes AOE harm to reap battlefield; On equipment configuration mice uses the hurricane of 2 Lu An Na and lizard to be granted presbyterially, alchemist adorns blade of gun of science and technology of allusion of secret of the name of a river in Shaanxi and Henan provinces of the armature of Palladium, Mo Lei, Hai Kesi.

The battle array stands: Standing on make alchemist advanced discharge fast You Yi to be caused in battlefield weaken the effect, after admire wears the armature of Palladium, he also became a Palladium, have protect armour well, period of time can hold to on battlefield, discharge He Na of station mice, wind daughter, cold ice after that the United States auxiliary, let graceful beauty can use skill to affect all friendly forces in final platoon.
