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6 ponder over a cap is method of a kind of thinking, it can help people more comprehensive ground considers an issue, avoid to appear in thinking process at the same time confused. What this method emphasizes is the reflection that differs through introducing angle, member of diplomatic corps team can be shared better and understand message, reach finally more comprehensive decision-making. A concrete case analysis is below, how does the specification use 6 to ponder over a cap to solve a problem.

Assume we are the meal ministries of a hotel, need resolves the question that how raises meal service. We can apply 6 to ponder over cap method, will analyse this problem from different point of view.

Bai Maosai takes an examination of (fact and information) :

Above all, we need to gather the information that serves a state about current meal. For example, feedback of the sale data that can examine the past, client, employee feedback. These information can help us understand meal to serve good side and the field that need to improve.

Red cap thinks (affection and intuition) :

After gathering fact and information, we can undertake red cap thinks. In this phase, what we consider is an individual experience and instinctive. For example, a few employee may think our meal service rate is too slow, and another some of employee may think our meal taste is insufficient diversification. These feedback can regard red cap as reflection one part.

Black hat thinks (critically sex thinking) :

It is black hat ponders over level next. In this phase, we want to undertake be assessmented in the round to existing meal service, find out the problem that exists possibly and risk. For example, we may discover our meal cost is higher, at the same time our taste also does not have what characteristic, this may cause client prediction of a person's luck in a given year.

Huang Maosai takes an examination of (positive factor) :

After black hat thinks, we undertake the cap thinks fizzling out. In this phase, what we should consider is how to carry forward meal service. For example, we can be tasted through rolling out new course, the step such as the service standard that makes activity of a few sales promotion perhaps increase staff will promote meal the service.

Green cap thinks (innovation sex thinking) :

After Huang Maosai is taken an examination of, we undertake green cap thinks. In this phase, what we should consider is the meal service that how innovate and improves us. For example, we may roll out formula of a few especially other meal, perhaps change the position of dining-room, make the client is in have dinner when the feeling is more cozy.

La Maosai takes an examination of (systematization thinking) :

Finally is La Maosai checks level. In this phase, what we should consider is the systematization that whole meal serves and integral sex. For example, we can consider how to coordinate good dining-room interior the job between departmental door, how to coordinate the relation between good dining-room and supplier to wait.

Pass above the reflection of 6 phase, we can reach more comprehensive the solution with innovation, serve a level in order to raise our meal. In the meantime, this kind ponders over means to also can help us reach when facing other issue more comprehensive with effective solution.
