3、从高压侧加注制冷剂:发动机不工作时,打开高压侧阀门加入制冷剂直到低压表到大约0. 98 MPa,加注后,关闭阀门。
汽车空调加氟表有三种颜色,分为黄色、红色和黑色,黄色为高压管,红色为低压管,中间黑色是添加制冷剂的。 汽车空调加氟过程
1. 打开氟利昂充装和抽排设备的阀门,连接氟利昂罐、抽真空泵和汽车空调系统的三个连接口。
2. 打开氟利昂罐和抽真空泵的电源,启动抽真空泵,使其开始工作。
3. 随着气体被抽排出来,系统的表压将逐渐下降,直到达到约27inHg(英寸汞柱)的负压。保持负压状态,等待大约15-20分钟,确认系统无泄漏。
4. 关闭氟利昂罐的阀门,继续保持真空抽排状态,以确保系统达到充分的真空状态。
5. 观察真空度计表盘,如果保持在27inHg左右的负压状态,表示抽排完毕。关闭真空抽排和氟利昂罐的电源,并关闭所有设备的阀门。
6. 反复检查所有连接口的紧密性,并用检测仪器检测系统是否有气体泄漏,以确保车辆氟利昂的泄漏检测工作顺利完成。
1、许多新车主为了保持车内的新鲜感,不愿意将车内的包装塑料都拆除,其实这个做法是大错特错的,如果包装塑料不及时清除的话,甲醛等有害物质就不容易释放出去,就会一直闷在塑料里面。并且塑料在温度高的情况下也会散发出有害物质,对汽车的车内的空气造成了二次污染。 2、空气净化器也是一个好的选择,对于净化甲醛等有害物质有一定的效果(
)3、车主们最好要养成常开窗通风的好习惯,在驾驶的时候车窗可以漏一点小缝,可以保持车内新鲜空气的流通。将车内的有害物质排放出去,而且有利于身体健康。 4、催化剂、
用专利黑科技利用催化剂把甲醛分解,没有二次污染,而不是掩盖,能做到除臭、净化空气的作用。 5、很多人都喜欢在车内喷香水或者空气清新剂,可以让车内弥漫着香气,但这种方法只是暂时的掩盖住其他难闻的异味,时间一长异味又能闻到了,而且对于去除车内的甲醛等有害物质是没有任何作用的。Condenser second half paragraph, in the join pipeline that condenser exit imports to evaporator, before half paragraphs of evaporator inside.
When mode of air conditioning refrigeration moves, cold intermediary flows circularly, the cold intermediary condition of each place in the pipeline of system of metabolic air conditioning as condition of working operating mode can produce change. If if pipeline of system of extortionary cent refrigeration is medium the cold intermediary capacity of which a few place is much, it is refrigeration system cold intermediary is in in pipeline " liquid state " partial pipeline, namely the second half of condenser paragraph pipeline, condenser exit imports reservoir of the cupreous join pipeline between, high pressure to evaporator, in before half paragraphs of pipeline of evaporator.
Pipeline of cold intermediary flow mixes all gaseous state in refrigeration system pipeline the cold intermediary absolute magnitude in the component very won't big, also won't put continuously inside gas fluid segregator have more cold intermediary
Car Freon is to point to the refrigeration agent that is used in system of car air conditioning, bases is freon gas. Freon is a kind of chemical material, also be called fluorine chloric carbide (CFCs) or hydrogenous fluorine chloric carbide (HCFCs) , its chemistry structure is included fluorine, chloric with carbolic element.
System of car air conditioning uses freon to regard refrigeration as the agent, use at absorb and releasing quantity of heat to offer comfortable temperature in order to be inside the car. Freon has low boiling point and higher heat to conduct function, make the refrigeration agent that they become ideal.
However, freon is thought to have a harm to the environment, be opposite especially the destruction of ozonosphere. In can releasing atmosphere because of the chloric atom in its structure, with ozone reaction, bring about the attenuation of ozonosphere finally, let more ultraviolet ray enter the world.
To protect an environment, international society is passed " Montreal protocol " the use that waited for code to restrict freon, ozonosphere of progressively taboo destroys the freon compound with higher potential. Automobile industry also gets lost use environmental protection gradually replace refrigeration agent, carbide of the fluorine that be like hydrogen (HFCs) with hydroxide fluorine carbide (HFOs) wait. These replace content to have inferior ozone to destroy latent capacity, and be in most country and area use legally.
1, watch of installation manifold pressure, what express the one termination pressure of green tube is mid, other one aspect of the matter receives vavuum pump, undertake vacuumize works next.
2, canister of installation refrigeration agent.
3, add from high-pressured side note refrigeration agent: When engine does not work, open high-pressured side valve to join refrigeration agent to be expressed till low pressure about 0. 98 MPa, add after noting, close valve.
4, leak check, with electronic leak hunting plan the circumstance with flat testing system.
5, add from low-pressure side note refrigeration agent: After closing high-pressured side valve, starting engine runs air conditioning, open manifold manometric, add the refrigeration agent of normal weight.
6, change add when noting coal tub, shut on any account to approach the valve of two side; After changing, open drive to enrage a powerful person from mid tube (green) air is given off in be being expressed with manifold pressure.
7, the pressure that expresses according to manifold pressure shows those who check refrigeration agent to add pour an amount. Add in refrigeration agent when noting a quantity to achieve normal weight, the pressure that manifold pressure expresses also should reach formulary value.
8, refrigeration agent is added after noting a quantity to accord with a requirement, close low-pressure side valve and shut engine.
Refrigeration agent says refrigeration work is simple again, it is the working medium that refrigeration circulates, the photograph that uses refrigeration agent changes will deliver quantity of heat, make cryogen be in in evaporator when vaporization already absorption of heat, radiative when condensing in condenser.
Colorless gas.
Car air conditioning adds fluorine watch to have 3 kinds of color, cent is yellow, red and black, yellow is high-pressured canal, red is low-pressure canal, intermediate black adds refrigeration agent. Car air conditioning adds fluorine process
1, start the car above all, open AC switch, open air-blower to a few bigger, the mouth that add fluorine puts the valve that add fluorine after awaiting 3 minutes.
2, guide refrigeration agent the mouth that add fluorine, always notice air conditioning provides the pressure inside! Air conditioning system and air conditioning canal are interlinked, say the pressure inside the canal is representing the pressure of air conditioning system so, make the how much with the outside temperature of cryogen, affect the pressure value inside air conditioning system directly.
3, if say value of force of systematic middling pressure became little, explain need complement makes cryogen, explain refrigeration agent is overmuch conversely. Additional, the temperature of the outside is very important also. When adding refrigeration agent, need to be sure to contrast thermometer will control the pressure inside the canal. Should provide internal pressure force and on when the list is uniform, explain complement of agent of refrigeration of air conditioning system is finished. L glyph right now small cap screws can.
3 years or so, car Freon changes without what secure time, when effect of refrigeration of car air conditioning becomes poor, undertake changing or add can, car air conditioning uses above of half an year, place of valve of the machine outside the pipe joint of the machine inside the car and car can have apparent leakage oil stains to resemble, show the machine has dissolve of each other of leak, oily fluorine, leakage oil leaks surely fluorine, leakage fluorine leaks surely oily, should have complement or change cold intermediary. Car air conditioning is to be used at spending cleanness of the temperature inside car railroad car, humidity, air to reach air to flow is adjusted and be controlled in equal status, it is the member that multiply to offer take an environment cozily, reduce journey fatigue, create good working condition for the driver, safe to ensuring drive a vehicle removes the drafting apparatus of main effect.
The need before car Freon leak detects fills the liquid first in fixing system of car air conditioning, undertake vacuum takes a platoon next, make air conditioning system achieves vacuum status, so that accurate detect aeriform leak. It is the step that car Freon vacuum takes a platoon below:
1.Open freon to fill outfit and the valve of the equipment that take a platoon, join Freon the 3 join mouth of coal tub, vacuumize pump and system of car air conditioning.
2.Open the power source of freon canister and vacuumize pump, the vacuumize that start pump, make its begin the work.
3.Be smoked as gas eduction comes, systematic gauge pressure will drop gradually, arrive to make an appointment with 27inHg continuously (inch mercuric column) negative pressure. Hold negative pressure position, await about 15-20 minute, affirm the system does not have leak.
4.Close the valve of freon canister, continue to maintain vacuum to take a position, in order to ensure the system achieves sufficient vacuum status.
5.Observation vacuum is spent plan dial, if hold the negative pressure position that controls in 27inHg, express to smoke a platoon to end. Shut vacuum to take the power supply of platoon and freon canister, close the valve of all equipment.
6.Check the close together sex of all join mouth repeatedly, whether to have aeriform leak with testing instrument testing system, work in order to ensure the leak of car Freon detects to be finished smoothly.
Those who need an attention is, want to prevent freon leak when operating system of car air conditioning, avoid to cause a harm to environment and human body. In the meantime, before undertaking freon vacuum takes a platoon, the requirement that needs to examine manufacturer of system of car air conditioning in detail and operation explain.
Yes. The pressure that can cause air conditioning system increases, system of air conditioning control detects pressure is exorbitant, can cut off compressor often to work, refrigeration effect is poor also, at the same time as a result of force of internal pressure of air conditioning conduit all the time on the high side, can cause the damage of air conditioning component.
The principle of air conditioning is compress gas for the liquid, again by gas of liquid translate into, heat energy is absorbed to give off air conditioning thereby in the meeting when gas of liquid translate into, if fluorine passed to take up more the space when translate into gas, cannot allow the translate into gas with sufficient liquid, refrigeration effect is so poor.
Have a dry bottle on board normally, can see fluorine is had inside dry bottle, bleb became much explain fluorine is little, do not see that commonly nevertheless, receive a blast tuyere feeling to know fluorine is little continuously, general refrigeration result is bad to just be added.
Car air conditioning adds the method of freon:
1, assorted pressure connect of tall, low-pressure side parts to overhaul join of a powerful person with the tall, low pressure of compressor, join central connect and refrigeration agent canister next; 2, open valve of open of refrigeration agent canister, loosen nut of intermediate tube connect, discharge clean air; 3, open high-pressured valve, handstand of refrigeration agent canister, charge refrigeration agent, till make cryogen reach formulary numerical value; 4, close high-pressured valve, tear open next pressure watches and refrigeration agent canister can.
The situation that car air conditioning needs to add fluorine has: 1, a blast tuyere short of of air conditioning 16 degrees the following, add refrigeration agent with respect to need; 2, give blast tuyere temperature to be able to arrive at 16 degrees the following, but need for a long time, if passed 5 it is not OK to be returned to 6 minutes, also be to need to add refrigeration agent.
The method can be adjusted and two kinds add fluorine to car sky.
A kind of means is high-pressured side adds fluorine, suit leak hunting vacuumize add after sky note. The attention does not open compressor certainly, engine stops machine, refrigeration agent box wants convert.
Another kind is fill is carried in low pressure, be full of gas. Its characteristic is to add fix rate slow, when suiting compensatory refrigeration agent normally, use
1, a lot of new cars advocate to maintain the new move inside the car, do not be willing the car inside pack plastic demolish, actually this practice is off base, if pack plastic if keeping clear of not in time, the harmful material such as formaldehyde is released not easily, can be in frowzily all the time plastic inside. And plastic also can send out below the case with high temperature a harmful material, caused pollution 2 times to the air inside the car of the car. 2, air purifier also is a good choice, certain to purifying the harmful material such as formaldehyde to have result (
Sharp wind air purifier
)3, car advocate people had better want nurturance Chang Kaichuang's ventilated good convention, when drive car window can leak small seam, what can maintain the fresh air inside the car is current. the harmful substance inside the car the platoon is emited, and be helpful for healthy. 4, activator,
Sharp wind air purifier
Use activator to decompose formaldehyde with patent black science and technology, do not have pollution 2 times, is not to mask, can accomplish deodorization, purify airy action. 5, a lot of people like to be inside the car delicious water or air is fresh agent, can let there is aroma inside the car, but this kind of method just masks other and unpleasant peculiar smell temporarily, time grew peculiar smell to be able to smell again, and waiting for harmful material to the formaldehyde inside purify car do not have any action.