Olga Belka, a Russian born diver and artist who now lives in Thailand, creates unique paintings which bring models and sea animals to life while under water. 在俄罗斯出生、现居泰国的潜水员兼艺术家奥尔加·贝尔卡,在水中创造出了独特的画作,让模特和海洋生物都跃然纸上。 Each of her unusual pieces of artwork requires between two and six two-hour dives to complete. 她与众不同的画作,每幅都需要进行2-6次两小时的潜水才能完成。 Olga started underwater painting because she wanted to capture the beauty of life under the waves, and has since created some truly unique pictures. 奥尔加开始在水下作画是因为想捕捉海底生物的美,此后她创作出多幅独树一帜的画作。
Olga has previously stated that she finds the sea a "constant source of inspiration" that she can share with the world. 奥尔加曾经表示,她发现大海提供了她可与世界分享的“源源不断的灵感”。 But if you want to purchase one of the bespoke items, it could set you back as much as $3,000. 但要想买一幅她的定制画作价格不菲,可能需要花费多达3000美元。 To spend the day painting with Olga underwater it would cost from $100. 而花一天时间和奥尔加在水下作画,则要收费100美元。 Earlier this year, Olga hosted an exhibition of her art work, where she presented her magical creations. 今年年初,奥尔加举办了她的艺术作品展,在那里她展示了她的魔幻作品。