A five-year-old boy known as "Little Stone" has become a livestreaming star with over one million views -- thanks to the way he resembles Buddha, Jilin Daily reports. 据《吉林日报》报道,因为外表神似“坐佛”,一名叫做“小石头”的5岁男孩成为了直播明星,直播观看量超100万次。 Little Stone was born in Changchun, the capital of Northeast China's Jilin province. When he was 14 months old, he was diagnosed with nephrotic syndrome, a condition caused by kidney damage. 小石头出生在中国东北吉林省省会长春。他14个月的时候被诊断患有肾病综合征,这种综合征是由肾脏受损引发的。 In an effort to cover his mounting medical bills, Little Stone's parents spent their savings of 300,000 yuan ($43,195) and sold their house. 为了支付不断增长的医药费,小石头的父母花光了30万元(合43195美元)的积蓄,卖掉了房子。 The medicine that Little Stone was prescribed affected his hormones, leading him to grow to 35kg. Some say that Little Stone has now taken the appearance of a sitting Buddha. 因为服用的药物影响了激素,“小石头”的体重达到了35公斤。有人说他就是因为这才有了“坐佛”的样子。
Unable to attend kindergarten like other children his age due to fears of infection, Little Stone was left lonely at home, playing with toys by himself. He seldom spoke or laughed.
由于害怕感染,小石头不能像其他同龄孩子一样上幼儿园,只能独自一人在家玩玩具。他很少说笑。 But in 2017 his parents posted some video clips of him eating dinner, which caught people's attention. Seeing the online reaction, Little Stone felt that he had made friends and he decided to start livestreaming. 但在2017年,他的父母在网上发布了一些他吃饭的视频片段,引起了人们的关注。看到网友的评论,小石头觉得自己交到了朋友,于是决定开始直播。 Now his videos have hit one million views each and Little Stone can start earning money from them. 现在他的视频点击量已经达到了100万次,小石头可以开始从这些视频中赚钱了。 Although his condition has impoved, his medicine costs approximately 7,000 yuan per month, which places a strain on his family's finances. 虽然他的病情有所好转,但每月药物都要开支大约7000元,这给他的家庭经济带来了压力。 So Little Stone wants to help. "If I can earn money by livestreaming, I can share my parents' burden," he said. 所以小石头想帮点忙。他说:“如果我能通过直播赚钱,我就能分担父母的负担。”