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2、清凉寺:位于芮城县西陌镇寺里村,创建于元大德七年(1303年),清凉寺除了保存有元、明、清各代价值颇高的数十幢石碑外,现存的大雄宝殿也历经岁月沧桑,仍是原汁原味的元代建筑,殿宇设计气势磅礴,造型巍峨壮观,斗拱古朴壮美,梁架粗犷豪放。为扩大殿内实用面积而使用“减柱造”手法,大爬梁自前檐斗拱后尾直接挑承在平梁以下, 减轻了横梁净跨负荷,是元代建筑结构上的重大创举,为研究元代建筑的形制提供了珍贵的实物资料。

3、广仁王庙:位于芮城县中龙泉村,现仅存正殿和清代戏台及碑刻四方,大殿建于唐文宗太和五年(831年),五开间四架椽进深三间,平面呈长方形,单檐歇山顶 ,柱头斗拱为五铺双抄偷心造,各种斗欹部的幽度极深,拱瓣棱角显明,内部搁架铺作斗拱硕大,叉手长壮,侏儒柱细短,构成极平缓的厦坡,只有五台山南禅寺可相比拟。殿内无柱,梁架全部露明。整个建筑结构简练,古朴雄浑,显示了唐代建筑风格。















1, always Le Gong: Because reason location is in always happy press down and name, the name is big pure Yang Moshou palace. Former address is located in county of a surname city always happy town Zhao Xiancun, came 1959 between 1964, because build 3 gorge reservoir, be removed to reach county of a surname city by whole near the dragon spring village of boreal outskirt.

Always Dai Dingzong of happy Gong Yuyuan is expensive by 2 years (the Christian era 1247) begin construction build, yuan generation comes 18 years (the Christian era 1358) complete, construction period is amounted to 110 old. Yuan in all 3 years (1261) enlarge is " big pure Yang Moshou palace " . Existent main building is a 3 halls, one is dragon tiger hall, do not have namely extremely the door, 3 halls are 3 clear halls, pure Yang Dian, heavy Yang Dian.

Always mural suffusion of Le Gong is inside 4 audience hall, mural gross area amounts to 960 square metre. " Chao Yuantu " those who depict is call on of group of celestial being face yuan only then the scene of day honour: Two gods are Qing Long, Bai Hu bellwether, old man of antarctic and macrobian celestial being and king mother waits for 8 on the west advocate magical all around, clustered round the many god gentleman such as mother of Thunder God, report, each square constellation god and dragon, snake, monkey, have fierce general, force person, jade daughter additionally beside serve, total figure is close 300 immortals forward same direction advances, formed the onrush of a pilgrim. On coloring, the heavy variety that used a convention points fill way.

2, cool and refreshing temple: Be located in county of a surname city road presses down the village in the temple on the west, found at Yuan Dade 7 years (1303) , cool and refreshing temple besides store yuan, bright, Qing Dynasty takes the place of each value is quite high tens of outside monument, existent big male Bao Dianye vicissitudes of life of years of all previous classics, still be yuan of acting building of former juice raw ingredient, dian Yu designs an of great momentum, modelling lofty is grand, dougong of primitive simplicity is strong beautiful, bridge wears straightforward bold and unconstrained. Inside the audience hall that it is enlarge practical area and use " decrease column to build " gimmick, the end after climbing dougong of Liang Ziqian brim greatly is carried directly bear fall in smooth Liang Yi, reduced negative charge of crossbeam clear span, it is yuan of major pioneering work on acting building construction, to research yuan of generation architectural form is made provided valuable objective data.

3, temple of An Ren king: Village of spring of the dragon in be located in county of a surname city, put main hall and clear acting stage and tablet to engrave all directions only now, audience hall builds Yutangwen Zong Taihe 5 years (831 years) , 4 rafter enter 5 the standard width of a room in an old-style house deep 3, plane shows a rectangle, chan Yan rests the summit, post dougong is 5 shops double copy steal a heart to build, of all sorts of ministries that fight Qi deep and remote degree extremely deep, arch valve edges and corners is distinct, interior puts aside a shop to make dougong huge, forked hand is long strong, gnomish column is fine short, form extremely gently mansion slope, only comparability of 5 Shan Nachan temples drafts. Column is not had inside the hall, bridge wearing is shown entirely bright. Whole structure construction is succinct, of primitive simplicity is vigorous and firm, showed Tang Dynasty builds a style.

4, town god's temple of a surname city: Be located in town of county of a surname city always Le Na street, only then build at Northen Song Dynasty big in auspicious accord with year (1008-1016 year) , yuan, bright, Qing Dynasty takes the place of to all have each be repaired again and rebuild. Cun Xiangting showing involuntary discharge of urine is yuan of acting building, display a hall to found clear Dai Chongxiu for bright generation, audience hall is building of Northen Song Dynasty, bright Qing Dynasty for many times repair, bedroom palace and display a hall the thing wing-room of two side is built for clear generation.

5, tower of brick of temple of emperor of alley mouth birthday: Be located in northeast of town of county of a surname city the alley mouth village that 0.5 kilometers are in on the west, this tower is founded at Northen Song Dynasty bright peace 8 years (1075) , yuan, bright, clear past dynasties all has repair again. Old say " Rui Cheng 8 scene " one of " bell of tower temple morning " point to this namely.

The tower is 13 8 pavilion type towers (among them bottom three-layer with copy Mu Efang bear fight to give brim, upside is folded each layers acerbity give brim, its form makes as substantial as the exterior mind between pavilion type tower and tower of close brim type - ) , use timber structure of copy of bricky build by laying bricks or stones, 46 meters tall, rock-bottom south monarch door, above sets door of adornment sex each layers on four sides, tower Buddhist templeput on the brakes is type of earthen bowl of iron qualitative Fu. Former stair already was destroyed inside the tower, now inside empty, additional remaining Song Daifo teachs character mural about 20 square metre.

6, river relics: Location is located in hill of Rui Cheng wind to cross river village to be taken, north comes always aid city alone gully of head village north, the channel austral mouth of gully of county of a surname city reachs south, be as long as 13.5 kilometre, by 17 the ground nods composition, form a relics group. The takes the place of to be made an appointment with today to be apart from 600 thousand years Pleistocene when geology is inchoate.

Came 1960 1980, disentomb 5 times early or late, the animal fossil that come up out of land basically has swollen bone deer, wrap around deer of Mao Xi, flat horn, right horse of elephant of Ma of stegodon of family name of 2 buffalo of family name of Li Bang, heart, horses, boar, division, Oriental stegodon, accept, sanderling, bison. Stone implement came up out of land in all 138, with big stone piece make chop hack implement, Shi Qiu and written complaint of 3 arris big top implement for characteristic, its raw material is quartz of arteries and veins except few number outside, the majority is made for quartzite, basically attack with hammer the law hits next rock with the law that touch anvil piece machine and become, as a result of technical inexperience, make coarse.

Relics of river of a surname city is the relics of the earliest culture of one place paleolith that at present China north area already discovered, because the certain combination characteristic of stone implement represents certain culture property, reason adds up to river relics to be named to be " river culture " .

7, Hou spends relics on the west: Be located in county of a surname city Hou spends a village on the west. Side of river of relics tower above makes an appointment with 170 meters old terrace to go up. Hou Du relics is China on the west one of typical delegates that involuntary discharge of urine of culture of inchoate pithecanthrope phase keeps, the belt in relics cuts the antler of mark and animal to burn the discovery of bone, declare publicly gives them already will " igneous god " conquer falls in the foot, show piece " the spirit of 10 thousand spirit " verve.

Hou spends relics to be the relics of the oldest one place the Old Stone Age with Chinese at present foregone churchyard on the west, it is China's at present earliest mankind uses igneous evidence.

8, slope head relics: Be located in village of head of slope of the town austral road of county of a surname city, it is relics of The Neo-lithic Age, inchoate channel of the bottom that belong to temple 2 period culture, terminal belong to the Longshan Culture. Slope head relics discovers 1955, gross area is close 5000 square metre. 2004, disentomb clear grave 262, come up out of land in all the jade stone implement such as Yu Bi, Yu Yue, Yu Cong more than 200. Of graveyard disentomb be judged to be 2004 Chinese archaeology one of 10 big discovery.

9, Jin Shengzhuang relics: Be located in gold of country of king of county of a surname city to get the better of Zhuang Cun, accumulation of layer of culture of Jin Shengzhuang relics is large 1, 3 meters, section is exposed have three-layer interval 7, 14 centimeters white grey face. The ground is exposed have arenaceous Tao Pian of many ancient painted pottery, red pottery and clip, collect the implements relic such as bottle of bottom having a tip, earthen bowl, basin, canister, beans, Ge. Ever came up out of land 1987 a canister of complete abdomen of music of ancient painted pottery. Grain of triangle of arc of dot of cent of grain act the role ofing, rope grain, delimit grain reachs add caboodle grain. Still collect shovel of zax, Shi Dao, stone waits. To admire culture of type of channel of beautiful temple bottom, relics is saved complete.

10, Dong Zhuang relics: Be located in Rui Cheng always south Le Zhenyue village, was discovered 1955, 1958 5 come to disentombed in June. Vestigial location of hole having ash, kiln, room location and grave, come up out of land the mud with inchoate Yangshao culture pledges red pottery, grey Taoji places arenaceous red pottery piece, grain act the role ofing has grain of add caboodle grain, strain line, bowstring, Hei Caikuan to take grain, dot grain to wait, implement model earthen jar of canister of earthen bowl of bottle of bottom having a tip, n, ear, deep abdomen, stone implement has axe, knife, adze to wait. At this moment human society is in maternal and clannish society prosperous period. Differ in Yangshao culture in the type, village village type already transcended half slope genre east, transferring to type of temple bottom channel.

11, on the west Wang Cun relics: Be located in county of a surname city on the west Wang Cun, it is the ancient relics of the The Neo-lithic Age, the Rui Cheng that disentombed 1960 on the west king village relics, discovery has the animal skeleton such as manufacturing tool and pig, dog, the ancient mankind of here already can raise the possibility, domestication animal. Still discover the crockery of coloured drawing or pattern, grain appearance is comprised by plant decorative pattern and reticulation more. The representative life appliance that the bottle end music abdomen bowl, basin and double lip are small needle is this relics. Have adornment of 124 Tao Zhihuan form, cent circle, hexagonal, ninogan 3 kinds of appearance, on Tao Huan quarter have fourth grain of grain of decorative pattern, plait, breast, this shows ancient mankind to be being strengthened to beautiful pursuit and consciousness, also had the idea of simple geometrical form and structure.

12, relics of city of ancient the Kingdom of Wei: Be located in the area just outside a city gate of county of a surname city to press down north 2.5 kilometers place, the thing grows 1.5 kilometers, north and south is wide 1.3 kilometers. Gu Chengdong removes bavin gully village, Tie Jiazhuang, village of village of spring of the dragon after coming on the west, the channel austral the city, north comes always happy Gong Bei 0.5 kilometers, before door of Na Zhiyong happy palace, show square, circumference 4500 meters. Remain the L of ground of city wall tower above on the ground, 7 meters, city location width is in commonly 13, 15 meters between. City wall edition is built and become, it is better that 3 cities horn saves ancient city southeast, northwest, northeast, suburban the tamper earth station that side has crescent moon state. Come up out of land inside the city have period of the Eastern Zhou Dynasty south, the hangover such as beans, canister, tile, in the city Xi Chaijian village has the Western Zhou Dynasty terminal to the grave with inchoate age group, come up out of land count approves bronze ware.
