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健康饮食小知识? 饮食养生健康小知识?英文双语对照


健康饮食小知识? 饮食养生健康小知识?英文双语对照


1规律饮食 : 要保证一日三餐适时适量的正常进行,根据自身的能量需求与饥饱情况来进行适量地饮食,避免暴饮暴食。

2、饮食多样 : 不同的食物可以带来各种营养物质,满足机体的营养摄入需求。比如摄入水果和蔬菜,满足机体对维生素的需求;摄入各种富含蛋白质的食物,以补充机体所需蛋白质的含量等等。注意,饮食多样但并不是多吃就有益,要注意适量地摄入。







1. 夏季天气炎热,人们出汗多,身体需要更多的水分和营养物质来保持健康。

2. 夏季很多新鲜的水果和蔬菜上市,这些食物富含多种维生素和纤维素,可增强身体免疫力、调节肠道功能等。

3. 合理的烹调方法也可以让夏季的饮食更健康,如采用清蒸、煮、炖等低脂低热量的烹饪方式,避免高油高糖的食物。






1. 良好的平衡饮食:采用均衡的饮食,确保每餐包含碳水化合物、蛋白质、健康脂肪、维生素和矿物质,以及足够的纤维。避免偏食和依赖超加工食品。

2. 多样化的水果和蔬菜:摄入五颜六色的水果和蔬菜,以获取丰富的维生素、矿物质和抗氧化剂。不同颜色的水果和蔬菜代表着不同的营养成分。

3. 限制加工食品和垃圾食品:尽量减少高糖、高盐和高脂肪的加工食品和垃圾食品的摄入。选择真正的食材,烹饪自己的食物,以更好地控制营养摄入。

4. 控制饮食份量:意识到合理的饮食份量是重要的。使用小盘子、碗和杯子来控制食物和饮料的摄入量,避免暴饮暴食。

5. 注意水分摄入:保持足够的水分摄入,酸奶、纯果汁、茶、水等都是良好的选择。避免过量摄入含糖饮料和咖啡因。

6. 注意食物安全:遵循正确的食物储存、处理和烹饪方法,确保食品安全。

7. 适度限制酒精摄入:适度饮酒对大多数成年人来说是可以接受的,但要限制饮酒量,注意酒精的负面影响。

8. 规律饮食和适量运动:建立规律的饮食习惯,与适量的身体活动相结合,有助于维持身体健康。

















1. 多吃蔬果,增加营养:秋季是蔬果丰收的季节,新鲜的蔬菜和水果含有丰富的维生素、矿物质和纤维素,有助于增强免疫力和维持身体健康。

2. 注意进食温热食物,保暖养身:适宜食用温热的食物,如煲汤、炖肉、热粥等,可以增加身体的体温,缓解寒冷带来的不适。

3. 适度食用坚果和杂粮,补充能量:例如核桃、杏仁等坚果富含不饱和脂肪酸和蛋白质,有助于维持心血管健康和肌肤弹性。




Healthy diet little knowledge?

1 rule food: Want to assure the on the rails with 3 timely and right amount eat one day, according to the energy demand of oneself and be hungry full case has food and drink of right amount ground, avoid to eat and drink too much.

2, food is diversiform: Different food can bring all sorts of nutrition matter, the nutrition of contented airframe absorbs demand. Absorb fruit and vegetable for instance, contented airframe is right the demand of the vitamin; Absorb all sorts of food that contain a lot ofprotein, wait a moment with what compensatory airframe wants protein content. Attention, food is diversiform but not be to eat more beneficial, want to notice right amount ground is absorbed.

Little knowledge of fitness of dietary preserve one's health?

It is little common sense of food of preserve one's health of a few lives below:

Diet is balanced: Assure to eat 3 food everyday, every eat wants a variety of food such as tie-in staple food, protein, vegetable, fruit, get nutrition in order to assure the body balanced.

Reasonable carbohydrate absorbs: Overmuch carbohydrate is met by translate into energy, if energy cannot be used up in time, can be accumulated adipose, bring about fat. Because this wants right amount absorb, mix with contented head ministry overcome tired.

Little knowledge of summertime food fitness?

Summertime food has a lot of little knowledge to be able to help people keep healthy.

1.Summertime weather is torrid, people perspires much, the body needs more moisture and nutrient material to keep healthy.

2.The summer is very much fresh fruit and vegetable appear on the market, these food contain a lot ofa variety of vitamins and cellulose, can enhance body immunity power, adjust alvine line function.

3.Reasonable cook method also can make summertime food more healthy, if use,steam, boil, stew wait for means of cooking of low fat low caloric, avoid the food of high oily high in syrup.

Besides afore-mentioned methods, still other food little knowledge can help people keep healthy in the summer, drink some of scented tea and green tea for example, can cater to cool and refreshing mouthfeel of the summer already, can let a person carry good intention condition again; Choosing fruit side, want to choose to abound the fruit with juice, delicious mouthfeel, wait like watermelon, muskmelon, strawberry, will complement the moisture of the body and energy.

Little knowledge of fitness of Spring Festival food?

The Spring Festival came, round reunion circle takes every family together to spend good year. Very fish, seafood, flesh of flocks and herds a few feed capable person. What everybody does not eat is too full. Had better eat some of blueness but dot. The thing of raw or cold food takes less still. Do not drink too much.

About healthy little knowledge of food?

When the healthy little knowledge that speaks of food, it is a few important facets below be worth to pay close attention to:

1.Good balance food: Use balanced food, ensure every eat includes carbohydrate, protein, health adipose, vitamin and mineral, and enough fiber. Avoid partiality for a particular kind of food and depend on exceed treatment food.

2.The fruit of diversification and vegetable: Absorb the fruit of multicoloured and vegetable, the vitamin that abounds in order to get, mineral with antioxidant. The fruit of different color and vegetable are representing different nutrient part.

3.Limitation processes food and rubbish food: Decrease as far as possible high in syrup, tall salt and tall of adipose treatment food and rubbish food absorb. The choice feeds capable person truly, him cooking food, absorb with controlling nutrition better.

4.Control dietary deal: Realizing reasonable dietary deal is important. Use small plate, bowl and cup to control the intake of food and beverage, avoid to eat and drink too much.

5.Notice moisture absorbs: Maintain enough moisture to absorb, yoghurt, pure fruit juice, tea, water is good choice. Avoid excessive to absorb the beverage that contain sugar and caffein.

6.Notice food is safe: Abide by correct food to store, processing and cooking method, ensure provision is safe.

7.Measurable limitation alcohol absorbs: Drinking moderately can be accepted to most adult, but should limit drinking amount, note the negative effect of alcohol.

8.Regular food and right amount motion: Build dietary habit of the rule, be united in wedlock with right amount body activity photograph, conduce to maintain healthy.

This is a few basic little knowledge of dietary health only, specific dietary requirement still is met because of individual characteristic and healthy state differ somewhat. If have special demand or doubt, the proposal of proposal advisory doctor or nutrient division with obtaining individuation.

The healthy little knowledge of low card food?

General the healthy knowledge of low card food has, low sweet of weak salt of daily much edible is tasted, fruit of day of every daily much edible, vegetable, firm fruit food, for instance yam, tomato patch, milk, walnut, corn, biscuit of low fat coarse food grain, clear water cooks the food such as prawn!

Cannot mix with carbonic acid beverage fruit juice, cannot edible stodge, for instance flesh of braise in soy sauce, burn wait for food in vain!

The healthy knowledge of dietary preserve one's health?

The collocation of the food of balanced, degree of finish that prandial preserve one's health wants to achieve diet above all, much eat to have oil fresh vegetable and fruit, less kind food is main principle.

Above all what breakfast should eat is good, want midday satiate, dinner should eat little. The nutrition that breakfast is about to eat is rich, want to have staple food, protein, still can cooperate a few fruits vegetable perhaps. Satiate ability satisfies breakfast quite we work one morning the need of life study. And dinner, ought to eat less, want delicate food, reduce the burden that gastric bowel.

Next, eating sort wants varied, have a fish every week, chop, drink milk more everyday, compensatory protein reachs vitamin D.

Finally, have oil less kind food, little oil, little salt, little candy, eat treatment food less, control weight.

Does healthy diet knowledge gain ground?

Good healthy diet convention is healthy grow, the important facet of development, change us those bad food habits:

Above all, nurturance is not carried feed, the habit that impartiality feeds, eat all sorts of commissariat, fruit, vegetable, cruelly oppress, egg, grandma to wait more, achieve nutrition balanced absorb.

Next, slow pharynx of the to nibble when having a meal, chew more be helpful for alimental digestive rate, still can protect intestines and stomach.

Finally, do not eat rubbish food and tall grease food.

Common saying says " civilian it is a day in order to feed " , a bit commonner it is the person wants to eat and drink everyday, food is the basic material that human Lai Yisheng collects, pay close attention to healthy diet, care diet is healthy, balance nutrition is absorbed, let " small fat mound " " fat baby " no longer beside appear, only healthy, ability has motivation and spirit to realize our original dream.

Knowledge of autumn food fitness?

1.Eat vegetables and fruits more, increase nutrition: Autumn is the season of bumper harvest of vegetables and fruits, fresh vegetable and fruit are contained rich vitamin, mineral with cellulose, conduce to enhance immunity force and maintain healthy.

2.The attention eats tepid food, heat preservation raises a body: The food with appropriate tepid edible, the soup that be like Bao, stew, hot congee, can raise the temperature of the body, alleviate what chill brings is unwell.

3.Measurable edible nut and food grains other than wheat and rice, complementary capabilities: For example the nut such as walnut, almond contains a lot ofnot saturated fatty acid and protein, conduce to preserve cardiovascular health and skin flexibility.

Knowledge of nutrient health food?

Nutrient health should be made from food! Should notice above all delicate, little oil, little salt, little candy, breakfast drinks a sheep to suckle a cup, the egg that boil, add right amount breakfast again. Add energy for the body, lunch has rice and fried dish, dinner should eat 7 minutes full!
