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元宵节又称为“上元节”,是中国的传统节日,她的由来有许多美丽的传说。 一种传说是汉文帝为纪念平吕而设;一种是明帝点灯敬佛之说;有传说是和吃元宵习俗有关的东方朔助元宵姑娘与家人团聚的故事;又有传说是天帝神鸟被猎人所射,人们为逃避天帝惩罚,户户张灯结彩、点响爆竹、燃放爆竹,做出人间起火假象成功欺瞒天帝来保护自己的生命和财产;还有传说是起源于道教的“三元说”:道教曾把一年中的正月十五称为上元节,七月十五为中元节,十月十五为下元节,合称“三元”;还在这上元节皓月高悬的夜晚,人们要点起彩灯万盏,以示庆贺。出门赏月、燃灯放焰、喜猜灯谜、共吃元宵,合家团聚、同庆佳节,其乐融融。种种传说都体现了人们对美好生活的向往、追求。





















我国大部分地区的元宵节最主要的活动是赏灯、吃元宵、舞狮子、耍龙灯、猜谜话诗,而一些地方元宵节还有不同的习俗。山东有到外踏青以求永葆青春的走老貌习俗,有希望驱病去灾的走百病,部分北方地区还有逐鼠、迎紫姑、祭门祭户等习俗。在这种种习俗活动中,最为有趣的要数四川的 “四偷”习俗:“一偷汤圆二偷青,三偷檐灯四偷红。”除了偷青是为了强身外,其余皆为求子的习俗。四川开县还有“对骂”的习俗,元宵节时人们搬板凳到户外去,将平日之怨气,尽皆骂出,被骂之人不得回骂。随着时间的推移,元宵节的活动越来越多,不少地方节庆时还有踩高跷、划旱船扭秧歌、打太平鼓、逛庙会等传统民俗表演。 这个传承已有两千多年的传统节日,不仅盛行于海峡两岸,就是在海外华人的居住区也年年欢庆不衰


Shallow talk about custom of festival of lanterns

Summary: The first month of the lunar year 15 days of festival of lanternses, also be the night with a year of renew, rejuvenescent earth, people tries to celebrate to this, also be the continuance that congratulates the 10 or 20 days following Lunar New Year's Day. Various come again fabulous, give people endless daydream, also added the mysterious color of the festival of lanterns at the same time; The civilian activity of rich and colorful, reflected people life place and hope, also brought rich and generous mental culture profit for people; The different custom of different district, reflected the difference of culture of demand of material of each district people, spirit, the much appearance that also reflected custom of festival of lanterns colorful, glamour is boundless. The festival of lanterns regards China as one of traditional festivals, with its the kind with unique oneself is existing, attracting us with its particular culture fascination, enlightenment is worn the life that we go to going after creation happiness light.

Key word: The festival of lanterns, custom, origin, activity

One, the origin of the festival of lanterns

The festival of lanterns is called again " go up yuan of section " , it is traditional festival of China, her origin has a lot of beautiful fokelore. A kind of fokelore is Han Wendi set to commemorate smooth Lv; One kind is bright emperor lights a lamp Jing Fozhi says; Having fokelore is to mix eat Yuanxiao consuetudinary the story that concerned Oriental new moon helps Yuanxiao girl and family reunite; Having fokelore again is bird of day emperor god is shot by hunter place, people is punished to escape day emperor, noisy cracker of a decorate with lanterns and streamers, dot, set off cracker, make false appearance of terrestrial on fire the life that emperor of successful and delusive day will come to protect his and belongings; Still having fokelore is traceable Taoism " 3 yuan say " : Taoism ever the first month of the lunar year in a year 15 call go up yuan of section, in July 15 in be yuan section, october 15 to play yuan of part, close say " 3 yuan " ; Return the night that in the Yuan Jiehao on this the month hangs high, people wants 10 thousand to nod a colored lantern, congratulate in order to show. Go out enjoy the glorious full moon, light the lamp to put blaze, happy event to guess riddles written on lanterns, eat Yuanxiao in all, add up to the home to reunite, Tong Qingjia section, be in harmony of its Le Rong. A variety of fokelore reflected the yearning, pursuit that people lives to happiness.

2, the festival of lanterns is consuetudinary

The festival of lanterns is a very lively day, congratulatory activity is very much, it is important to lift its person as follows:

1. Eat Yuanxiao

The first month of the lunar year 15 eat Yuanxiao, "Yuanxiao " as food, be in our country also long-standing. Song Dai, folk namely the new provision that a kind of festival of lanterns takes popularity. This kind of food, cry the earliest " float yuan child " hind say " Yuanxiao " , businessmen returns call it by a good name of " a shoe-shaped gold or silver ingot used as money in feudal China " . Have the background of Yuanxiao about the festival of lanterns, folk still has an interesting fokelore: A certain the first month of the lunar year 15, hunan clear king passes the Yangtse River, meet to have floater, for the one melting food of the Bai Neigong outside planting. Hunan clear king consults Confucius, confucius says " this float fruit also, those who get advocate revive " . From now on, the festival of lanterns ate Yuanxiao to become a kind of tradition. Yuanxiao namely " stuffed dumplings masse of glutinous rice flour served in soup " , wait with white sugar, rose, sesame seed, sweetened bean taste, Huang Gui, walnutmeat, nutlet, jujube paste for stuffing, with pink of polished glutinous rice the bag becomes a circle, but meat or fish but element, gust each different. Because of " stuffed dumplings masse of glutinous rice flour served in soup " and " reunion " word sound close, take the idea of reunion, reunion of group of indicative family person is round, harmonious and happy, people also yearns for parting family member with this, placed the good will that lives to future.

2. Admire festive lantern

Admiring festive lantern is the central activity of the festival of lanterns. What Yuanxiao puts the light is consuetudinary, in Tang Dynasty development becomes the lamp city of the exceptionally grand occasion. Advocate in the emperor personally below, yuanxiao the Lantern Festival does more and more luxuriously. When Tang Xuan an administrative unit in Xizang open yuan of flourishing age, the lamp city scale of Chang'an is very large, light the lamp 50 thousand, festive lantern pattern is various, imperial life person makes giant lamp building, wide amount to 20, tall 150 feet, golden light brights, very grand. The lantern show of Tang Dynasty is to go up yuan of around each day, the Yuanxiao lantern show of past dynasties develops ceaselessly after, the time of the Lantern Festival is longer and longer also. Song Dai is lengthened by 3 night to 5 night, smoke and fire still is put beyond colored-lantern making, perform all sorts of variety, the scene is more lively, ethical characteristic is stronger. Arrived bright generation, zhu Yuanzhang sets the 8 light the lamp at the beginning of the first month of the lunar year again, seventeen fall the lamp, connect Zhang Shiye, every family is pensile 5 kinds of colored-lantern making, festive lantern fireworks is beamed all night. Arrived clear generation, palace runs the lantern show no longer, although lantern show date of folk shortens for 5 days grand still however.

Sort of festive lantern of festival of lanterns is very much, or it is to follow the figure lamp that the figure of the thing weaves, if lamp of dragon lantern, tiger, hare lamp is waited a moment, or it is the mobile lamp that weave according to folktale and becomes, if cowboy Girl Weaver, 24 filial piety are waited a moment, behave faithful filial piety the ethos of section justice. Have the festive lantern that suspension views and admire not only, some places still have the day lamp that places good will or pray blessing to avoid the river lamp of disaster. The lamp is indicative light and hope, ignite lights to still have enlighten the meaning of future. In Taiwan, the lamp still has the meaning of the have a baby born into the family. Because platform language lamp and fourth homophonic represent unripe boy, because the woman meets this festival of lanterns to be in painstakingly,the light goes downstream, the hope can is fond of expensively child. All sorts of admiring the lamp is consuetudinary expect and wish what behaved people to live to happiness.

3. Guess riddles written on lanterns

"Guess riddles written on lanterns " cry again " hit riddles written on lanterns " , only then Yu Songchao, it is a kind of paronomasia that derive of festival of lanterns comes out. Riddles written on lanterns is a kind of rich mock the give up of expostulate with, compasses, humorous, literary game that laughs at banter, stick riddle in festive lantern to offer up a sacrifice the person is guessed shoot, sense of script of much with a view to of answer to a riddle, already formed a kind of distinctive folk-custom culture. Riddles written on lanterns has the demand of definitive format and ingenious mostly, guess riddle and union of the photograph that admire the lamp, lively, full of humour and wit. Be like: The guest below Campagna door 3000 (hit one idiom) -- Sheng Youru cloud; Miser (hit one idiom) -- miserly; Hind rumour of village boudoir pleasant to the ear (make one word) -- ... riddles written on lanterns is market knowledge sex, interest sex the recreational means at a suit, can edify wisdom to be full of interest again already, circulate get in the process so society the welcome of each estate. Contemporary guess riddles written on lanterns model voice has uncover all is in on the press, magazine, have television relay the congress of riddles written on lanterns of some cloister, also have the riddles written on lanterns that alternates in certain program, model voice diversification, can satisfy the people's different need for instance. What this also reacted too traditional part is celebrated in modern society is multivariate model voice, and people is born to be enjoyed alive to happiness.

4. Word light couplet

Yuanxiao the Lantern Festival is activity of a kind of amusement not just, more accumulate containing very deep culture connotation. In ancient time, common people of official of the gentleman when the festival of lanterns sees the light, guess riddle, civil people drinks, ode poem, answer sb's question. Of all ages, left the couplet of Yuanxiao chant lamp with countless full interest.

The Southern Song Dynasty has a secret of person guard the Huaihe River that makes Gu Shi (today Yangzhou) when, one year goes up Zhang Deng of yuan of the Lantern Festival, the somebody in a hanger-on of an aristocrat picks Tang poetry line to make door lamp couplet " the world night of 3 minutes of bright moons, yangzhou 10 lis of small red buildings. " allegedly, this couplet is our country's earliest lamp couplet. Be called " double bachelor of father and son, grown-ups and children 2 prime minister in feudal China " Zhang Ying of person of city of tung of Qing Daian badge, Zhang Tingyu, all can poetic kind is right. Have a year of festival of lanterns, be wounded in fight of Zhang Deng of Zhang Fu as usual, set off firecracker. Old prime minister in feudal China gives couplet to try child " high fever Gong Zhuying grows a day, bright, light bespreads the ground. " fireworks and firecrackers outside the door is being heard when jade of young the seat of a monarchical government ponders is noisy, comprehend immediately, to saying " earth of shake of low fireworks and firecrackers, noisy, gas is spat towering. " a matching of both sound and sense in two lines carefully and nearly, flawless, can says clever right. After this past dynasties somebody contends for photograph follow the lead of, set in gate or conspicuous post hang wall lamp couplet, door lamp couplet, increased festal interest for the festival of lanterns not only, also added the content of appreciation to admire the people of the lamp.

5. Admire lamp poem

Red-letter day of night of dollar of assist of guest of Chinese ink of past dynasties bookman fills the line of scene also without number, read nowadays come still gout is boundless. Those who be like Su Daowei of Tang Dynasty poet " the first month of the lunar year 15 night " in " fiery trees and silver flowers closes, astral bridge iron is locked up. Dark this world goes along with the horse, the bright moon chases a person to come. " depicted lamp month to hand in brightness, if tourist is knitted, lively and extraordinary setting. Will compare flowery lights and fireworks with fiery trees and silver flowers, refer in particular to go up yuan of section richly brilliant lamp scene. Be in concessionary wide after banning, common people people can stroll roam lamp city, all enjoy richly the joy of gorgeous lights picture is happy, effectively foil gives millennium put on a false show of peace and prosperity, common people lives and work in peace and contentment, enjoy the life first Tang Fanrong picture.

Be full of poetics and romantic colorific festival of lanterns, often also be together repeatedly with love. In word of past dynasties poem, what have the feeling that many poems lend express of festival of lanterns the love to the lover, lovesickness is bitter. Ou Yangxiu " unripe check child " the cloud: "Last year yuan when night, beautiful city lamp is like day; Tip of the branch of the willow on the month, after the person makes an appointment with dusk. " " beautiful city lamp is like day " extremely the lights of the night that keeps Yuanxiao is brilliant, date that, yue of two affection photograph. The environment all round, spend city, colored lantern, bright and beautiful as by day; The bright moon, liu Sao, it is the testimony that love each other. The scene blends, drew up shadow of lover moon willow leaves two feeling the picture with supple, unbroken lovers' prattle, create the artistic concept that gives soft beauty of hazy quiet and beautiful, graceful and restrained. Laborious abandons disease " gray jade case " write: "East wind night puts Hua Qianshu, more blow fall, the star is like rain, BMW carve car is sweet full grade. Feng Xiao sound is moved, jade crock light turns, dance of one night ichthyosaur. Moth fontanesia gold detailed, laugh language be filled with be filled with dark sweet go. Numerous in search it a thousand times, suddenly turn one's head, that person wanes to the close in lights however place. " the word rises from begin " east wind night puts Hua Qianshu " , do his utmost apply colours to a drawing the lively picture of the festival of lanterns: Full town lights, full street tourist, fiery trees and silver flowers, all night singing and dancing. However the author's intent is not being written scene, however for serve as a foil to " lights wanes to the close place " the extraordinary of that individual. This word depicts the lively setting that gives lights of all night of festival of lanterns, and the think of sb with respect to the person oen is in love with.

6. Dance lion

Dance lion, it is our country's fine folk art, whenever the festival of lanterns or assembly celebration, folk comes round with dance lion add to the fun. In development process of more than 1000 years, lion dance formed north and south style of two kinds of performances. Dance of boreal group lion in order to perform " fierce lion " give priority to, namely Northen Wei Dynasty of regius of emperor of fierce of the Kingdom of Wei " lucky lion " . The lion falls in the guiding of lion man, the performance is vacated break up, the skill such as wrestling, bouncing, uprise, pilgrimage, have table of wintersweet picket, change, step on the tall difficulty such as big-leaf hydrangea movement. Clique lion dance is performed south " article lion " give priority to, expression is stressed when the performance, have itching, shake hair, lick the movement such as wool, lifelike, rich love, also have difficulty bigger spit the skill such as the ball. The lion is 100 animal honour, figure is grand handsome fierce, give a person with august, bold and powerful feeling. The ancients regards it as mix bravely of force indicative, think it can exorcise town bewitching, bless person cultivate restful. So people was formed gradually in etc of festival of lanterns of lion of the dance in major activity consuetudinary, look at life good fortune as one wishes with pray, at every turn is restful. When dance lion, day of firecracker sonic boom, also bring lively atmosphere to the festival of lanterns. This one consuetudinary those who reflected folklore activity is festival and lively, what live to happiness with people is yearning.

7. Make fun of dragon lantern

In traditional idea of China, dragon is lucky luck animal, it is a kind of wonder that Xian Zuchong of Chinese ancient time does obeisance to, it is the totem of the Chinese nation and ancestor. Dragon is magical and august, can control the forces of nature assures golden harvests. Whenever beg rain sacred be about to remove dance imitate dragon, day of with the passing of time is long, this one ceremony evolves into the custom of the dance dragon of the Chinese nation of a kind of extensive consist in. In our country north, before there is an a ball made of strips of silk to be in before dragon lantern face tease, so bibcock can fly with fluctuating to break up neatly; And the bibcock of Hubei is commonly " Gao Long " , bulk is tremendous and disadvantageous at motion, so bibcock and dragon body just use belt of a cloth to be linked together, the bibcock when dragon body is waved just cooperates dragon body and make the left and right sides only swing. Make fun of dragon lantern the terrific imposing manner of the grand, dragon of the feeling our Chinese and dragon is united in wedlock cheek by jowl rise, symbolize thereby the disposition with bold and generous heroism of the Chinese nation and boldness of vision, show the emotion with blazing joy of the Chinese nation, become the culture heritage with very precious the Chinese nation.

3, similarities and differences of custom of each district of festival of lanterns

The activity with the mainest festival of lanterns of our country major area is to admire the lamp, eat lion of Yuanxiao, dance, make fun of dragon lantern, guess word poem, and festival of lanterns of a few places still has those who differ is consuetudinary. Shandong has outside in an attempt to of go for a walk in the country in spring always nurture takes old appearance greenly consuetudinary, hopeful drive disease goes of calamity take 100 disease, partial north area still has chase rat, greet door of violet aunt, hold a memorial ceremony for door of hold a memorial ceremony for consuetudinary. It is in a variety of this consuetudinary activities, of most interesting Sichuan wanting number " 4 steal " consuetudinary: "Steal stuffed dumplings masse of glutinous rice flour served in soup 2 steal blueness, the 3 lamps that steal brim 4 steal red. " besides stealing blueness is for powerful body outside, the others all is beg child consuetudinary. Sichuan opens a county to still have " call each other names " consuetudinary, the people when the festival of lanterns moves bench to outdoors go, ferial complaint, all all scold piece, the person that is abused must not be answered scold. As the elapse of time, the activity of the festival of lanterns is increasing, when many local joints are celebrated, still have step on stilt, delimit land boat do the yangko dance, dozen beat of peace and tranquility, ramble the traditional folk-custom such as temple fair is performed. This inheritance already had traditional red-letter day of more than 2000 years, not only be current at the two sides of the Taiwan Straits, the living area that is overseas Chinese also is celebrated joyously year after year do not decline
