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佳能EOS 80D是佳能首款采用全像素双核CMOS AF技术的2420万像素APS-C画幅CMOS单反机型,搭载45点全十字AF对焦系统。内置电子水平仪,支持Wi-Fi、NFC功能。


1、佳能5D Mark IV

佳能EOS 5D Mark IV,是一款非常均衡的产品,它的像素适中,画质、控噪、色彩和操控性方面都有着出色的表现。无论是拍摄风光还是人像,佳能5D4的出镜率都非常高。如果想要升级相机,这款绝对是不错的选择。

2、佳能6D Mark II

这款 单反相机 是佳能6D的升级款产品,像素上得到了很大的提升,而且画质、控噪、色彩都有很大的改善。还有非常重要的一点就是佳能6D系列便捷度高,特别是对于全画幅这个级别的单反相机来说,它的灵巧,轻便真的是非常受女性同胞的喜爱。

3、佳能EOS 1200D

佳能EOS 1200D相机在市场上有着很高的销量,这都源于它的高配置,它采用的是DIGIC 4影像处理器以及约1800万的有效像素APS-C规格CMOS图像感应器。





不是,是半画幅。佳能80d是单反相机,佳能的80D单反相机是一款中端产品,它采用了2420万像素的APS-C画幅传感器设计,DIGIC 6处理器设计,7张/秒的高速连拍,翻转触摸屏幕设计,WIFI和NFC传输机制。




80D属于残画幅相机,仔细观察更改镜头的地方有一个红点和一个白点,白点是更换残画幅镜头对准的,红点是对准全画幅镜头的,所以80D可以用全画幅镜头,我自己的80D接EF-70-200 F4 IS USM 镜头,完全可以使用,但是会不会影响到全画幅镜头的锐度这个就不知道了,因为没有全画幅相机可以对比



2.佳能的80D单反相机是一款中端产品,它采用了2420万像素的APS-C画幅传感器设计,DIGIC 6处理器设计,7张/秒的高速连拍,翻转触摸屏幕设计,WIFI和NFC传输机制。







传感器尺寸区别: APS画幅的传感器尺寸大概是23.4mm*15.6mm大小,而全画幅的传感器尺寸大概是36mm*24mm大小。


机身尺寸重量区别: APS画幅的机子更轻、更便携,而全画幅的则更重、更大。


画质区别: 全画幅的传感器尺寸更大,在画质方面更有优势。 特别是在高感画质方面,全画幅有着非常明显的优势。


镜头转换系数区别: 全画幅所用的焦段就是实际拍摄焦段,而APS-C画幅则需要加上转换系数才是实际焦段。 APS画幅镜头是无法再全画幅机身上使用的,但是全画幅镜头可以用于APS画幅机身。







One, beautiful can is 80d full frame be still half picture?

Half picture.

Here is to point to APS-C picture.

Beautiful can EOS 80D is beautiful can use the sheet of CMOS of picture of 24.2 million APS-C resembling element that resembles technology of CMOS AF of element double nucleus completely first times to return model, carry completely crossed AF 45 a little bit to be opposite anxious system. Inside buy electron gradienter, support function of Wi-Fi, NFC.

2, beautiful can what does camera of full frame number have?

1, beautiful can 5D Mark IV

Beautiful can EOS 5D Mark IV, it is a very balanced product, its moderate resembling element, the picture is qualitative, accuse a confusion of voices, colour and hold respect charging a sex to having outstanding show. No matter be to film scene still is figure, beautiful can the rate giving looking glass of 5D4 is very high. If want to upgrade camera, this is right choice absolutely.

2, beautiful can 6D Mark II

This sheet turns over camera is beautiful can of 6D upgrade paragraph product, go up like element got very big promotion, and the picture is qualitative, accuse a confusion of voices, colour to have very big improvement. It is very important to still have is beautiful can 6D series is convenient degree tall, especially to full frame the sheet of this level turns over camera for, its address, light true dispute often gets female sister love.

3, beautiful can EOS 1200D

Beautiful can EOS 1200D camera is having very high sales volume in the market, this results from its tall configuration, what it uses is DIGIC 4 video processor and of about 18 million resemble inductor of image of CMOS of element APS-C norms effectively.

Still embarked to be opposite automatically at 9 o'clock anxious system, even if is video films, also support highest in 1920 × 1080 the completely high-definition Gao Hua that issues implementation 30P, 25P or 24P like element pledges video is recorded.

4, fine can be total sheet turns over 6D

Fine can be total sheet turns over 6D to having superhigh sex price to compare, red circle still was included to prevent in configuration shake camera lens. This camera carried the 20 million full frame sensor that resembles element, there is outstanding advantage on function, still used DIGIC5+ image processor at the same time.

3, beautiful can is 80D camera full frame?

Either, it is half picture. Beautiful can 80d is sheet turns over camera, beautiful can 80D sheet turns over camera is the product is carried in the paragraph, it used the design of 24.2 million APS-C picture sensor that resembles element, DIGIC 6 processor is designed, 7 pieces / the high speed of the second is patted repeatedly, retroflexion feeling screen design, WIFI and NFC transmit a mechanism.

4, beautiful can is 80D of full frame?

Either, beautiful can 80D is not full frame camera. What it uses is APS-C picture, the sheet of half professional utility that is an introduction class turns over camera. Full frame camera is used at professional cameraman commonly, because they have bigger picture, higher resolution and better performance. If you are a professional cameraman, or the hope films more the photograph of high quality, so you may need to consider to buy full frame camera.

5, beautiful can does 80D mix full frame scene appropriate?

80D belongs to incomplete picture camera, the place that careful observation changes camera lens has red dot and a white spot, white spot is to change incomplete picture scene aims, red place aims full frame camera lens, so 80D can use full frame camera lens, the 80D of myself receives camera lens of EF-70-200 F4 IS USM, can use completely, but the acutance that can affect full frame camera lens did not know this, because do not have full frame camera to be able to contrast

6, is 80d full frame?

1.80d is not full frame.

2. beautiful can 80D sheet turns over camera is the product is carried in the paragraph, it used the design of 24.2 million APS-C picture sensor that resembles element, DIGIC 6 processor is designed, 7 pieces / the high speed of the second is patted repeatedly, retroflexion feeling screen design, WIFI and NFC transmit a mechanism.

Beautiful can 80D sheet turns over camera is the product is carried in the paragraph, it had the promotion of whole side instead than introductory sheet, upgrade to introductory user accordingly for camera, can consider this product. Film besides static picture besides, beautiful can 80D is filming video respect also has very outstanding advantage, so if it is oneself film program of a few video, also can use this camera to finish.

7, beautiful can is C picture full frame?

Beautiful can C picture is not full frame, it is APS-C picture.

From beautiful can in light of technical dot of the system, beautiful can the measure of image sensor area that the DSLR place of brand APS-C picture adopts is 22.2x14.8mm, had the focal length commutation coefficient of 1.6, can use beautiful can shot of whole set of EF and EF-S. And among them EF-S is beautiful can a general designation of system of APS-C picture scene.

8, beautiful can Aps picture and full frame distinction?


Sensor dimension distinguishs: The sensor dimension of APS picture is 23.4mm*15.6mm size probably, and the sensor dimension of full frame is 36mm*24mm size probably.


Airframe dimension weight distinguishs: The machine of APS picture child lighter, more portable, and of full frame heavier, bigger.


Draw qualitative distinction: The sensor size of full frame is larger, in the picture qualitative respect has an advantage more. Draw qualitative aspect in tall feeling especially, full frame is having very clear advantage.


Camera lens commutation coefficient distinguishs: What full frame place uses is anxious paragraph film actually namely anxious paragraph, and APS-C picture needs to add commutation coefficient just is actual anxious paragraph. APS picture scene can no more be used on full frame airframe, but full frame camera lens can be used at APS picture airframe.

9, beautiful can half picture and full frame conversion?

Beautiful can camera lens is used in *1.6 of the focal length on half picture machine times

10, beautiful can is the picture of 80D differred than full frame really character a lot of?

Beautiful can 80D is half range camera, the picture is compared character contemporaneous complete all but is normal. But noticing is this is contemporaneous complete will compare. Because of the development as the technology, new processor already very powerful, can fall a confusion of voices and right anxious do very well, the 5D2 before so 80D can be compared so that pass 10 years is not impossible.

Still 80D belongs to intermediate airframe, compare 6D to anxious system and shutter of class of this kind of introduction complete strong, also won't differ than 6D below certain circumstance so a lot of

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