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陈伟霆国籍? 陈伟霆星座?英文双语对照


陈伟霆国籍? 陈伟霆星座?英文双语对照



陈伟霆(William Chan),1985年11月21日出生于中国香港,祖籍广东省云浮市[1],华语影视男演员、歌手、主持人,毕业于香港圣若瑟英文学校。





陈伟霆 背景?








陈伟霆(William Chan,1985年11月21日),出生于中国香港,毕业于香港耀中国际学校,中国香港男歌手、演员、主持人。

       2003年因参加唱歌比赛签约英皇出道。2006年成为Sun Boy’z组合一员。2008年组合解散开始独立发展 ,同年9月推出首张个人专辑《Will Power》,凭借该专辑获香港十大劲歌金曲颁奖礼“最受欢迎男新人金奖”、香港十大中文金曲“最有前途新人金奖” 。




中文名 陈伟霆

外文名 William Chan

别 名 靓仔霆,等等(Waiting)

国 籍 中国

星 座 天蝎座

血 型 A型

身 高 182cm

体 重 63kg

出生地 香港

出生日期 1985年11月21日

职 业 演员、歌手

毕业院校 圣若瑟书院

经纪公司 英皇娱乐有限公司



陈伟霆(William Chan),1985年11月21日出生于香港,祖籍广东,华语影视男演员、歌手、主持人,毕业于圣若瑟英文学校。


2006年成为Sun Boy’z组合一员。

2008年开始独立发展,随后推出个人首张专辑《Will Power》,并获2008年度十大劲歌金曲颁奖典礼最受欢迎男新人金奖、第31届十大中文金曲最有前途新人金奖。













1. "我觉得自信是最重要的,因为你有了自信,你才能够真正地去实现你的梦想。但是你必须要有一个目标,然后你才能够去实现它。"

2. "我觉得每一个人都应该有自己的梦想,并且去努力实现它。因为如果你不去实现它,你永远都不会知道你能够做到什么样子。"

3. "我觉得成功并不是你得到了什么,而是你付出了什么。因为成功需要付出很多的努力和时间,只要你能够付出你的努力和时间,你就能够取得成功。"

4. "我觉得时尚就是一种态度,因为你必须要有一个时尚的态度,你才能够去驾驭时尚。而且时尚并不是你去追赶潮流,而是你自己的一种风格和态度。"

5. "我觉得音乐是一种无限的艺术,因为它可以表达出你内心最深处的情感和思想。而且音乐是一种永恒的艺术,它永远都不会过时。"



陈伟霆的籍贯是中国福建。 因为在陈伟霆的官方资料和采访中,他曾多次提及他来自于福建,也有媒体对此进行了报道。陈伟霆也曾多次代言福建省的旅游宣传片,展现对家乡的热爱和认同。 除了籍贯,陈伟霆是一位活跃在中国娱乐圈的知名演员和歌手,曾参演过多部热门电视剧如《终极一班》、《逆时营救》、《花千骨》等。他也作为歌手发行了多张个人专辑并获得了多项音乐奖项。陈伟霆是华语娱乐圈备受瞩目的明星之一,也是不少粉丝心中的男神。


1. 陈伟霆的学历是本科学历。2. 这是因为陈伟霆在进入演艺圈之前并没有继续深造,而是选择了直接投身于演艺事业。3. 尽管陈伟霆没有继续攻读研究生或博士学位,但他通过自身的努力和才华在演艺界取得了很大的成功,并成为了备受瞩目的演员和歌手。这也说明学历并不是衡量一个人成功与否的唯一标准,个人的努力和才华同样重要。


Chen Weiting citizenship?


Chen Weiting (William Chan) , was born in Chinese Hong Kong on November 21, 1985, city of float of cloud of province of ancestral home Guangdong [1] , actor of Chinese movie and TV, singer, compere, be graduated from Hong Kong emperor to be like school of English of a twenty-five-stringed plucked instrument.

Chen Weiting constellation?

Scorpio, his disposition:

The person that will be born on November 21 has nature inherently not what correct makes is gentle as temperamental as grace, often be in language of their conduct behavior, limbs, or it is to pass through masterly in washing experienced idea and originality, send out come out.

This day of birth person to be interested very by the fancy and faddish thing in the environment, and never be in between billow take time old-style and inflexible think on. For all that, they still can be aware of exquisitely already forgot for the person, but be expected once more popular, join the technology of distinctive and contemporary originality and conception. So the birth November 21 person on the traditional and consuetudinary brim that often can discover oneself just are in deep Di of some kind of root to originally actually.

Chen Weiting setting?

Although Chen Weiting is born in Hong Kong, but ancestral home is Guangdong, small when his father becomes estate, family financial situation is rich, can die because of cancer of the liver in father of hour of old Wei thunderbolt.

Although lose father as a child,Dan Chenwei thunderbolt does not lack love however. Old his brother elder sister of more than 10 years old gave Chen Weiting this the least little brother a lot of care. Chen Weiting ever still disclosed in the program: "When just going out because not red, at that time besides drug taking, what bad habit has, later is elder brother for company his fitness just gradually better " .

When Chen Weiting is mentioning the care that is opposite to family, still say: "Especially my elder sister, she reads for me at that time, leave school from foreign school without graduation, hurried back will work. Their behavior, I look as a child in the eye. I have such feeling as a child, must bear the blame to the person beside. Must bear the blame to the person beside..

After father dies, family circumstances begins downfallen, the family circumstances spelling gain that passes elder sister of brother of old Wei thunderbolt later gift is nicer and nicer, even when Yuansheng's father is alive. The elder brother does boat Wu business, plate of factory of independent management clothing is in the elder sister enlighten do obeisance to have 5 companies, arrive again Chen Weiting is become inside the circle Gong Xiaosheng.

Still do not have in him red when, the elder sister helps him earn come each money uses investment estate, he ever still opened up endowment 20 million bought an a person of extraordinary powers to serve as birthday present curtilage to the mother. Can see, of family of old Wei thunderbolt arisen, basically rely on a few children namely, say Chen Weiting can call rich generation so.

Before going out, home of old Wei thunderbolt stays in Hong Kong's famousest summit a person of extraordinary powers curtilage -- ceremony of horse race ground pauses hill, here is only 8 a person of extraordinary powers curtilage, home Chen has two. Ceremony Du Shanhao curtilage floor price was judged to be the whole world 2009 the most expensive, every square metre exceeds 200 thousand. Before what saying to had not stepped to perform art circle in him, the belongings of his under one's name adds in be worth on 100 million asset, chen Weiting still entered Forbes a list of names posted up.

Does Chen Weiting introduce?

Chen Weiting (William Chan, on November 21, 1985) , be born in Chinese Hong Kong, be graduated from school of border of China of Hong Kong boast, male singer of Chinese Hong Kong, actor, compere.

     Because attend,sang 2003 game sticker makes an appointment with flower emperor to go out. Became Sun Boy 2006 ' Z combines. Combination was disbanded 2008 begin independent development, of the same age rolled out first pieces of individual special in September " Will Power " , by right of this special obtains Hong Kong prize-giving ceremony of music of gold of 10 old strong songs " gold prize of the most welcome male new talent " , 10 big Chinese of Hong Kong Jin Qu " have gold prize of future new personality most " .

     Began market of land of the home in marching 2013. 2014 because of " Gu Jianji Tan " in " hill is jumped over " one horn has his moment. Depended on suspense drama 2016 " old 9 " gain freeboard attention, and at acting the leading role in succession again ever since " drunk exquisite " " south has tree " " orange red time " wait for drama of much ministry movie and TV. On January 31, 2022, attend in the center of 2022 evening party of Spring Festival of broadcasting television total stage, show start program " happy and lucky year " .

Chen Weiting ancestral home?

Ancestral home of old Wei thunderbolt is Guangdong cloud float

Chinese name Chen Weiting

Foreign language name William Chan

Thunderbolt of alias handsome boy, etc (Waiting)

Citizenship China

Constellation Scorpio

Blood type A

Height 182cm

Weight 63kg

Birthplace Hong Kong

Give unripe date on November 21, 1985

Professional actor, singer

Graduate school emperor is like academy of classical learning of a twenty-five-stringed plucked instrument

Limited company of entertainment of broker company flower emperor

Chen Weiting birthday?

On November 21, 1985.

Chen Weiting (William Chan) , was born in Hong Kong on November 21, 1985, ancestral home Guangdong, actor of Chinese movie and TV, singer, compere, be graduated from emperor to be like school of English of a twenty-five-stringed plucked instrument.

2003, because attend trials of area of Hong Kong of global Chinese new show and enter perform art circle.

Became Sun Boy 2006 ' Z combines.

Began independent development 2008, roll out collect of individual head Zhang Zhuan subsequently " Will Power " , win 2008 year music of gold of the 31st gold prize of the most welcome male new talent, 10 big Chinese has prize-giving celebration of music of gold of 10 old strong songs most gold prize of future new personality.

2012, obtain new city interest to explode interest of prize-giving ceremony new city explodes the Asia jumps call singer award.

2013, chen Weiting shifts working focus land of the home in coming, depend on catastrophic film " fire fighting hero " obtain film festival of international of the 5th Macao award of optimal male costar. 2014, because of play of idol of a person adept in martial arts and given to chivalrous conduct of celestial being of main actor ancient costume " Gu Jianji Tan " by outback audience hep, win a state year of drama grand ceremony is the most welcome media of teleplay of all-pervasive actor award, year most expect an actor; Of the same age, because of,he is returned movie of Li Zhixi play " the man is not OK poor " obtain England actor award of 10 thousand optimal like international Chinese film festival youths.

2015, play of idol of the Republic of China " live scene is unripe sweet " reach drama of a person adept in martial arts and given to chivalrous conduct of ancient costume celestial being " Sichuan hill battle legend of Ji Zhijian a person adept in martial arts and given to chivalrous conduct " broadcast in succession; Of the same age,

2016, by right of drama of suspense of the Republic of China " old 9 " gain quite tall attention; Of the same age in December, obtain 2017 love to surprise art the award of nocturnal year figure of the shriek.

2017, the drama of tactics of ancient costume strange unreal of his main actor " drunk exquisite " broadcast.

2018, the city affection drama that Chen Weiting acts the leading role " south has tree " , demon imaginary motion picture " Ares discipline " reach drama of city punishment detect " orange red time " in succession televise.

August 2020, rank 2020 Forbes Chinese celebrity a list of names posted up the 40th; Of the same age, by right of the film " favorite " obtain the 8th Wengehuahua language film festival is the most welcome actor award.

Mrs Chen Weiting?

Chen Weiting has not married at present, the madam that which come to?

What nevertheless the hearsay passes now is fiercer is, his present girlfriend is famous model He Sui, and Chen Weiting is very intentional want to repair Cheng Zhengguo with He Sui. He now interact in order to marry for purpose and He Sui. The message that if came out one day really,they marry, I believe I can bless them for certain.

Chen Weiting ana?

 The popular singer that Chen Weiting is inland of a China, Hong Kong and Singapore and other places, actor and dance person, he is having excellent performance and success in the domain such as music, movie and TV and vogue. It is a few Chen Weiting's ana below:

1.  " I feel self-confidence is the most important, because you had self-confidence, you just can realize your dream truly. But you must want to have a cause, next you just can come true it. "

2.  " the dream that I feel each person should have him, and go hard come true it. Because if you do not go,come true it, you won't know you can achieve what appearance forever. "

3.  " I feel successful is not what you got, however what did you pay. Because need successfully to give very much effort and time, want you to be able to give your effort and time only, you can gain a success. "

4.  " I feel vogue is a kind of manner, because you must want to have a fashionable attitude, you just can control vogue. And vogue is not you go chasing tide, however a kind of style of yourself and manner. "

5.  " I feel music is a kind of infinite art, because it can convey an affection of your heart innermost and idea. And the art that music is a kind of eternity, it forever won't outdated. "

Above is a few Chen Weiting's ana, these ana reflected his understanding to life and career and pursuit, incentive also broad youth goes him angle dream, ceaseless effort and enterprising.

Chen Weiting native place?

Chen Weiting's native place is Chinese Fujian. In because be mixed in official data of Chen Weiting,be being interviewed, he ever alluded for many times he comes from at Fujian, also media had a story to this. Chen Weiting ever also took the place of for many times the travel of character Fujian Province is publicized piece, show the passion to home town and self-identity. Besides native place, chen Weiting is active the well-known actress that encircles in Chinese recreation and singer, be like,Ceng Can has performed many popular teleplay " culminating " , " when going against, rescue " , " spend 1000 bone " etc. He also issued many pieces of individual special to win multinomial music award as the singer. Chen Weiting is Chinese recreation the circle gets one of star that fix eyes upon fully, also be the male god in hearts of many vermicelli made from bean starch.

Chen Weiting record of formal schooling?

1.Chen Weiting's record of formal schooling is undergraduate course record of formal schooling. 2. Because Chen Weiting is in,this is enter before performing art circle, did not continue to take advanced courses, chose to be devoted into directly however at acting art career. 3. Although Chen Weiting did not continue to assiduously study graduate student or doctor's degree, but his effort through oneself and talent were performing art bound to gain very great success, became equipment to suffer the actor that fix eyes upon and singer. This also shows record of formal schooling is not to measure one individual success only standard, the individual's effort and talent are likewise important.

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