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1. 猪皮一块,刮去猪毛,切成大块,水烧开,下入猪皮氽透后,捞出。猪皮冷却后,将猪皮上的猪油剃尽。

2. 将猪皮放入煲中,并加入适量的水、姜片、大葱段、八角、桂皮、盐、花雕酒、胡椒粉,盖上煲盖,大火烧开后,转小火煲20分钟。20分钟后,捞出猪皮冷凉,将猪皮卷成卷,再切成丝,盘装备用。

3. 小青椒适量,用刀拍扁,切成合适长短的段,入碗备用。小米椒适量,切成小米椒圈,装盘备用。大蒜子适量,拍碎后备用。锅烧热,去适量的油,光锅,下入拍碎的大蒜子和姜片,小火煸炒,再下入青红椒,大火炒均,加入适量的盐,一起炒香,炒香后下入猪皮,加入适量的老抽和鸡精,淋入适量的卤汤,翻炒均匀,即可起锅。

















胖妹的同学 ,具体的名字胖妹没有说,陈说美食也没有播出 。








冬笋 2个,腊肉 250克,青蒜 2根,蒜瓣 2瓣,姜片 2片,干辣椒 10个,生抽 15克









One, practice of pigskin of explain cate fat younger sister?

Advocate makings

Pigskin is right amount

Complementary makings

Jiang Pian is right amount

Duan Kuo measures green Chinese onion

Anise is right amount

Cassia bark is right amount

Salt is right amount

High-grade Shaoxing wine is right amount

Pepper is right amount

Small green pepper is right amount

Millet any of several hot spice plants is right amount

Garlic child right amount

Often smoke right amount

Gallinaceous essence is right amount

1.Pigskin together, raze pig wool, cut chunk, water is burned, after be being appeared into pigskin float below, fish out. After pigskin is cooling, the lardy shave that gets on pigskin is used up.

2.Put pigskin into Bao, join right amount water, Jiang Pian, green Chinese onion paragraph, wine of anise, cassia bark, salt, high-grade Shaoxing, pepper, the Bao on the lid is built, after big baked wheaten cake leaves, turn small fire Bao 20 minutes. After 20 minutes, leng Liang of fish out pigskin, coil pigskin roll into, cut silk again, dish equipment is used.

3.Small green pepper is right amount, pat with the knife flat, cut appropriate length paragraph, reserve into the bowl. Millet any of several hot spice plants is right amount, cut group of millet any of several hot spice plants, outfit dish reserve. Garlic child right amount, pat after breaking, reserve. Boiler burns heat, go right amount oil, smooth boiler, fall to pat broken garlic child with Jiang Pian, small fire stir-fry before stewing is fried, issue Qing Gongjiao again, conflagration is fried all, join right amount salt, fry together sweet, fry sweet hind issue pigskin, join right amount often be smoked and gallinaceous essence, drench right amount bittern soup, break up fry even, can have pot.

2, where person is explain cate fat younger sister?

The fat younger sister of explain cate is person of city of Chu of the Anhui province.

3, is explain cate fat younger sister An Wei's person?

Hello, explain cate fat younger sister is person of Anhui Chu city.

4, the person that which the fat younger sister of explain cate is?

Hello, the fat younger sister of explain cate is Anhui person

5, time of explain cate direct seeding?

The direct seeding when adventitious.

Explain cate, alias fat younger sister, person of Anhui Chu city, shake phonic a favourite by sb in power, when direct seeding time is errant.

Explain cate is rich of area of a risible cate advocate, the likelihood is her bodily form is fatter, do caption for a long time to profess with fat younger sister next, next vermicelli made from bean starch people follow her to call her kindly fat younger sister. The video of explain cate, probably 6 minutes or so, 1-2 minute tell oneself to plant dish to perhaps be in field scene, 1-2 minute stress family fun, 1-2 minute cook, the time that go takes.

6, does explain cate horse pull cake?

Flour 400 grams, candy 400 grams, egg 10. 3 beautiful weak grandmas a bottle (also go with milk without weak grandma) bubble makes noodles or vermicelli made from bean or sweet potato starch 30 grams, feed pink 3 grams, ji Shifen 150 grams, tall pink 100 grams, the yellow cream that turns 150 grams

~ of the method that make joins divide evenly of agitate turning over candy flour, ji Shifen, bubble makes noodles or vermicelli made from bean or sweet potato starch, feed pink, divide evenly of tall pink agitate joins the weak divide evenly that suckle agitate to join the butter agitate divide evenly that has changed to put back up beautiful bag finally, use back up beautiful bag to flog panada impact egg next in the mould (the egg puts cake oilpaper in whip mould) impact wakes 8 minutes next completely send 20 minutes to come 30 minutes, put evaporate box evaporate 12 minutes to 15 minutes next

7, is explain cate true?

It is true that you believe, do not believe she is false. No matter what true and false looks is happy the most important, anyway I like to see fat younger sister have a meal quite.

8, who pats explain cate?

The classmate of fat younger sister, specific name fat sister did not say, explain cate also did not broadcast.

9, practice of explain cate sheldrake?

Raw material: Clean fat duck 1, green paragraph 5 grams, jiang Si 3 grams, egg 2, flour 50 grams, arenaceous benevolence, fabaceous cardamom seed each 3 grams, lilac 1 gram, sesame seed 40 grams, biscuit is branny 100 grams, salt 50 grams, gourmet powder, yellow rice or millet wine, purificatory oil each are right amount.

Make a way:

1, egg fluid enters a bowl, join flour agitate divide evenly to become egg paste.

2, clean duck uses inside and outside of divide evenly of rub of salt, gourmet powder, wine, enter grail. Onion is put on duck paragraph, Jiang Si, arenaceous benevolence, fabaceous cardamom seed, clove, rot into basket evaporate, go condiment, get rid of goes bone, cut chunk again, hang egg paste. Stick in duck skin face on sesame seed, stick in duck flesh face above the bag is branny, into 6 maturity oily boiler blast fizzles out fish out, form piece installs Cheng Ling changing a knife dish become namely.

10, does explain cate winter bamboo shoots fry bacon?

With makings

Winter bamboo shoots 2, bacon 250 grams, garlic sprouts 2, garlic valve 2 valve, jiang Pian 2, dry chili 10, unripe take 15 grams

Practice measure

1, bacon section, the 5 beautiful cured meat that I use, itself is very soft, direct section can be fried. If be the sort of better cured meat, the proposal shifts to an earlier date first evaporate is soft again section.

2, winter bamboo shoots also flay section, the quick-boil in putting boiling water is ironed. This one pace is for purify oxalic acid, OK also take out acerbity flavour.

3, fry boiler to pour a bit oil to burn heat, put bacon stir-fry before stewing to give grease. Add ginger garlic again piece, dry chili breaks up together fry a fragrance.

4, can enter a bit water at that time, water quantity is made the same score together with bacon at most, not too much also. Medium baking temperature is boiled a little while, let bacon mouthfeel molten a few.

5, those who wait for water to close is about the same, issue winter bamboo shoots, transfer into 1 big spoon is born smoke break up fry even. Continue to heat, let Shang Zhishou use up.

6, some of garlic sprouts is added before giving boiler paragraph break up fry even OK.

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