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- 《认识自我》:周哈里窗将人的自我分为四个部分,即自己认识的、自己所不知道的、别人对自己的认识和别人对自己不知道的地方。请根据材料为高中学生设计一节心理健康教育活动课。

- 《应对压力》:初中生会面临比以往更大的压力,不过,只要正确地认识压力,合理地管理压力,就能够化压力为动力,顺利度过紧张忙碌的初中生活。



心理健康教育教师资格证是专门针对心理健康教育工作而设计的一种职业资格证书,其报考条件包括以下几个方面:1. 基本条件:首先需要具备心理学或相关专业的本科学历,并且获得相应的学位证书。2. 实习经验:需要有一定的实习或教学经验,一般要求在心理健康教育机构、学校或其他相关机构实习或工作满一年以上。3. 心理健康专业知识:需要掌握心理健康教育的相关知识和技能,包括心理咨询、心理治疗、心理测评等方面的知识和技能。4. 考试要求:需要参加国家或省级心理健康教育教师资格证考试,并取得相应的考试合格证书。5. 语言能力:需要具备一定的语言表达能力,能够进行有效的沟通和交流。6. 教育教学能力:需要具备一定的教育教学能力,能够胜任心理健康教育的教学工作。总之,心理健康教育教师资格证的报考条件相对较高,需要具备一定的专业知识和实习经验,并且需要通过相应的考试才能获得相应的资格证书。































One, does mental health education teach endowment interview feel well?

Teach relatively easily because of mental health education too endowment interview is main the teaching experience of check applicant and psychological relevant knowledge, compare other subject and character, thematic difficulty on the low side, inspect content relatively fixed also. In addition, at present mental health education teachs endowment person gift market opposite relatively in short supply, also rose to pass the probability of interview. Although mental health education teachs endowment interview passes relatively easily, but the applicant still requires serious preparation, master relevant knowledge adroitly, learn relevant teaching experience, ensure carry interview smoothly. In the meantime, the applicant also can pay close attention to mental health to teach the new trends of the domain and policy change, in order to enhance oneself competition ability.

2, what does mental health education teach endowment face to try on?

This interview wears be being installed is affirmation.

At the same time the attention combines interview season, want to reflect post distinguishing feature on interview post and the collocation that installing color.

1. is not black and white the panda outfit that match.

2. is installing color with grayish or medium spend gray to be main color fundamental key.

Why cannot wear black and white match or hide blue to wait brunet installing?

Mental health education is to be others to offer mental health guiding, mood conciliation those who be main content is professional the job.

Black and white match or the color of the brunet dress such as purplish blue, can give a person with depressing feeling.

And the gray of neuter color, grayish medium perhaps gray brightness can be compared brunet installing should shine a few, can give opposite party in order to carry brace up mental influence.

One looks not depressing psychological major teacher, can let the other side have the possibility that is willing to pour out.

The action of the exert a subtle influence on of dress color.

Professional mental health teachs a teacher or the dress of psychological advisory division seeks advice in mental health in the center, have the allusive effect that cannot replace likewise.

3, does mental health teach endowment what does interview take an examination of?

Mental health teachs endowment the content of interview may be mixed because of area, school of grade different and somewhat difference. List partial mental health to teach for you below endowment interview examination questions:

- " know ego " : The window in Zhou Ha is ego cent of the person 4 parts, namely oneself know, him place does not know, the place that others is known to his and others does not know to oneself. Design a mental health to teach mobile course for high school student according to material please.

- " answer pressure " : Unripe meeting of junior high school is faced than before greater pressure, nevertheless, want to meet pressure correctly only, manage pressure reasonably, can change pressure to be motivation, the junior high school that spends nervous business smoothly lives.

Mental health teachs endowment the inspects a key to basically be taught in mental health centrally knowledge of interview and skill, education is designed and carry out, the respect such as classroom organization and management. Suggest you pay close attention to mental health to teach the newest development trend of the domain more, master relevant academic knowledge and practice skill, combine particular education situation to undertake having the preparation of specific aim.

4, does education of elementary school mental health teach endowment requirement?

Card of qualification of teacher of mental health education is the qualification of a kind of profession that teach the job technically in the light of mental health and designs certificate, its enter oneself for an examination the condition includes the following fields: 1. Postulate: The undergraduate course record of formal schooling that needs to have psychology or relevant major above all, and gain corresponding diploma. 2. Exercitation experience: Need has certain exercitation or teaching experience, general requirement teachs orgnaization, school in mental health or other and relevant orgnaization jackarooes or the work is full a year of above. 3. Knowledge of mental health major: Need masters the relevant knowledge that mental health teachs and skill, include psychology to seek advice, the knowledge of the respect such as evaluation of psychotherapy, psychology and skill. 4. Exam requirement: Need enters a country or card of qualification of teacher of education of provincial mental health takes an exam, obtain corresponding exam certificate of conformity. 5. The gift of tongues: Need has certain language to convey ability, can have effective communication and communication. 6. Teach teaching ability: Need has certain educational education capacity, can be competent the teacher and student that mental health teachs works. Anyhow, mental health teachs those who teach case of persons qualified to teach card to enter oneself for an examination the condition is opposite taller, need has certain professional knowledge and exercitation experience, and need obtain corresponding qualificatory letter through corresponding exam ability.

5, religion endowment how is mental health education taken an examination of?

Religion endowment exam of mental health education basically includes written examination knead dough to try two parts to take an exam. According to circumstance of calendar year exam and relevant provision, examinee needs to finish the knowledge of the following respects and skill: 1. Drag in arrives religion endowment what the examinee that mental health education takes an exam needs to make clear is, teach endowment exam of mental health education is the examination that includes written examination knead dough to try two parts. 2. And teach endowment exam of mental health education is an important exam, exam percent of pass is inferior, because examinee needs to finish multinomial job, include to choose problem, brief answering question and discuss a problem to wait. In addition, interview link also is to teach endowment the main component that mental health education takes an exam, the quality of the respect such as knowledge of the education skill that asks examinee reveals him, mental health and truck capacity. Accordingly, examinee needs to undertake be reviewed in the round and preparative, include to be inscribed to of all kinds exam model what nod with exam knowledge is familiar, and the respect such as the promotion of interview skill and truck capacity.

6, does mental health education teach endowment how to sign up?

1, written examination enters oneself for an examination

Written examination of card of psychological teacher qualification enters oneself for an examination flow:

Written examination of pedagogic qualification card is held one year 2 times commonly, written examination time signing up is first half of the year January, examination time is March; Time of written examination of second half of the year signing up is September, examination time is November. Each specific time and item ask referenced place's newest announcement signing up.

2, interview enters oneself for an examination

Interview enters oneself for an examination flow:

Interview of pedagogic qualification card is held one year 2 times commonly, written examination time signing up is first half of the year April, examination time is May; Time of written examination of second half of the year signing up is December, examination time is January. Specific time and item ask the announcement signing up of referenced place.

3, mandarin enters oneself for an examination

Psychology teachs a persons qualified to teach style, mandarin asks 2 class second grade reachs above level.

Each district mandarin enters oneself for an examination time and enter oneself for an examination kind is different, examinee people can log onto net of local language character to examine a detailed information. Mandarin certificate should be obtained before the qualification is maintained only can, do not affect written examination of pedagogic qualification card and interview to sign up.

4, the qualification is maintained

Elementary school and qualification of teacher of mental health of elementary middle school by applicant census register or human relations seat (average college this year's graduates is read school seat) county (city, area) people government teachs service to maintain, qualification of teacher of mental health of high middle school by applicant census register or human relations seat (average college this year's graduates is read school seat) the city people government that sets an area teachs service to maintain. The pedagogic qualification of each district holds time different, grid of persons qualified to teach of the state religion in can loginning or local teacher qualification maintain an orgnaization to examine.

7, does elementary school teach endowment how does interview mental health for reference?

1, teaching material version

What examinee often compares kink when for reference is teaching material it is which one edition after all, little imagine had been missed in the process of kink a lot of for reference time.

Of course, if can decide version is good admittedly ahead of schedule, can the logic that beforehand is familiar with teaching material, if cannot, it is necessary and beyond the mark to also be done not have actually importune, because of the basis contrast to many version, when discovering actually complier is writing teaching material, still be a basis " compendium of guidance of mental health of middle and primary school " medium at 3 o'clock -- the requirement in the main content that mental health teachs undertakes weaving, just ordinal, title has some of difference, the activity that weave is differ, want to prepare teaching material of a kind of version first only so, master basic teaching method, promotion classroom designs ability, it is later period version changed namely so, to examinee for reference the impact is not big also

8, religion endowment is class of mental health of interview elementary school easy?

Opposite for pass easily. Because elementary school teachs endowment the content that interview mental health inspects compares a foundation, basically include the prevention and cure of characteristic of psychology of psychological fundamental, children and relevant disease to wait for a respect, the percent of pass after preparation is sufficient is taller. Additional, still need to note the integrated quality such as bearing of dress, appearance, words and deeds in interview process, this also is the key that gains tall cent. Of course, the demand of the person that the different area, different correspondence that take an examination of an official tries is diverse, still require specific condition concrete analysis.

9, does elementary school mental health teach endowment what content does interview take an examination of?

The basic idea related mental health mixes 1. academic knowledge, like self-respect, mood management, human relation, get used to ability to wait.

2. teachs psychology and the ABC that develop psychology, if the acknowledge of children, society, affection, body develops,wait.

The curricular design of 3. mental health education, carry out and evaluate a method, if how make choice of strategy of curricular target, education, teaching material,wait.

The identifying of problem of 4. children mental health, precaution and interpose method, if study issue of blemish of difficult, attention, behavior,wait.

5. psychology coachs and the basic technical ability of psychotherapy, if listen attentively to, expression, feedback, guide etc.

6. is other the legal laws and regulations related to education of elementary school mental health, policy and relevant case.

10, does Taiyuan mental health teach endowment does interview carry teaching material?

In the course such as whole family of IT of education of duty major class, mental health, elementary school, elementary school, Japanese, Russian, examinee wants teaching material of provide for oneself, in taking an examination of an official to will appoint teaching material some is paragraphic for interview content. Teaching material of provide for oneself refers time to ask to be with each city accurate.
