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这是一篇托物言志,借景抒情的,寓意深刻的散文,作者抓复制 搜索 小的事情,展开丰富联想,描绘了一些细腻、别致的感受,获得了一些深刻而富有哲理的启示。










1 大自然的文字介绍了象形文字和符号文字两大类文字2 像形文字是一种通过图画或形状来表示某个事物或概念的文字,符号文字则是一种通过抽象符号来表示某个事物或概念的文字。两种文字在历史上都有着重要的地位,例如埃及的象形文字和古代中国的甲骨文、金文等就是非常有名的象形文字,而现代的拉丁字母则是符号文字的代表。3 大自然的文字其实是一本关于全球生物多样性和生态系统的百科全书,其中收录了上万个物种的图像和描述。这些文字是为了帮助人们更好地了解和保护自然界而设计的,同时也是生物学和生态学研究的重要资料来源。









































































One, does the character of nature introduce simply?

This is annals of a character that ask thing, lend Jing Shu feeling, the essay of implied meaning profundity, the author catchs the business with duplicate small search, spread out rich associate, depicted a few exquisite, chic feeling, obtained a few profundity and be full of the enlightenment of philosophic theory.

Full text general is united in wedlock to the comprehension of natural observation and life rise, clever and chic. The article is worn with the emerge in large numbers in depict nature boundless vitality begin, with announcing the be pregnant with in life is worn new hope is terminal, conveyed an author the view to life and manner: The calm faces the wind storm rain in the life, clear how many pay ability to be able to have how many results, maintain the mind of straight-out modesty, experience the gout of life.

2, does nature have the introduction with which kind of simple characters?

Grass of tree of landscape day rock spends night by day thunderstorm wind

3, the simple character that introduces class area?

Horn of middle shift nature introduces: This semester in us opened two areas in natural part.

One is water earths up an area, the area is earthed up in water in, we raised a few green trailing plants, copper cash grass, duckweed. To facilitate cheeper observes, we raise this kind of vegetable in transparent vitreous bottle designedly.

Still having is earth earths up an area, the plant that earth earths up an area is appreciation mostly kind. Breed or pretty are much. Term begins first, we got the parent cooperate. Many parents brought greenery everybody is viewed and admire.

Besides, we still arranged cheeper administrator in plant area, ask they record floral change.

4, two kinds of big which characters did the character of nature introduce?

The character of 1 nature introduced pictographic with symbolic written language two kinds of big characters 2 resembling body written language is a kind of character that will express a certain thing or idea through drawing or appearance, symbolic written language is a kind of character that will express a certain thing or idea through abstract symbol. Two kinds of characters are having important place on the history, for example of Egypt pictographic wait with the inscriptions on bones or tortoise shells of the Shang Dynasty of archaic China, inscriptions on bronze even if very famous pictographic, and the delegate that contemporary the Latin alphabet is symbolic written language. The character of 3 nature is an encyclopedia about global biology diversity and ecosystem actually, collected the image of on 10 thousand species and description among them. These characters are to help what people understands better and protect nature and design, also be biology and the important data sources that ecology studies at the same time.

5, what is the character of nature? The character of what nature to still have?

" the character of nature " in have: A few kinds of characters such as limestone, boulder, star, cloud, bird. The author of this book is Yi Lin, 1896-1953 writer of writer of popular science of the Russia year ago, literature of engineer, children. Give birth to Yuwukelan. He wrote down a lot of popular science work all one's life, be like " 100 thousand why " , " a few bell " , " how does the person become giant " " black and white " , " the story of Five-Year Plan " , " hill and person " , " person and nature " and " transform a planet " etc, have certain contribution to literature of Russia popular science, and the development influence of career of modern to China popular science is tremendous.

6, the simple introduction character of human affairs business?

Human affairs, need to involve, into leave one's post deal with, employee concerns, KPI, groom, and invite applications for a job, still have labor contract

7, does character of order of azimuth of the Imperial Palace introduce simply?

Beijing the Imperial Palace should be orderly early or late after be being entered from door of midday of the door austral the Imperial Palace, go to li of face outside going to look around first 3 audience hall too with the hall, counteract hall and protect and hall, after 3 audience hall look around, toward in go, palace of male Qing Dynasty of large a note of the ancient Chinese five-tone scale of the Gong San after looking around, make peaceful hall and Ci Ning a note of the ancient Chinese five-tone scale, 3 large a note of the ancient Chinese five-tone scale look around to go immediately corridor looks around on the west on the west 6 palace, look around toward boreal order on the west after 6 palace from most north carries imperial garden to look around, turn back, of visiting the east east 6 palace, be in incidentally east the position to the south of 6 palace visits the Imperial Ancestral Temple, walk along Dong Hua door to give the Imperial Palace southward, if want to look around simply along in axes looks around toward north all the way, go out from divine fierce door can.

8, what does the character of nature have?

Boulder, fossil, terrane, glacier, stone, cloud, bird, mist, ant.

The expression of the character of nature:

1, boulder (L ì ) : The huge block that the deposit after glacier melt comes down, there often is glacier scrape above. Gravel, clastic rock. , the person does not move it, put those who move on the ice however. These glacier climb over from cold north, along the road smashs rock, and break the broken block that come down to be being taken away one case.

2, go up in construction site, the shovel of banker came up against gray stone. Look in you this is common stone nevertheless, but know the person of nature character to look, it is not common stone, however limestone. Change from broken conch and it is become, you know shellfish is the dweller in ocean. Visible, in very ancient times, the place that this now is a city once was a boundless ocean.

3, air man knows, anvil shape cloud is thunderstorm is bodeful. Should a few further from it gift is nice. If fly inside it, it is met a plane finish -- the wind over is blown so strongly namely.

4, " solar halo 3 more rain, wind of lunar halo the period of the day from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. . " the sun or moon are surrounded to be by halation reflex its light because of the ice crystal of earthly headroom and become. The damp that ice crystal dissolves and causes Gao Nong to spend can sink downward, form making love, so its can forecast weather well and truly.

5, ant moves, when weather turns bad, ant appears very busy, some moves at past altitude, some carry back and forth earthy base nest. Say commonly, nest base must be jumped over tall, precipitation is bigger also. Still have the check of base of a kind of big black ant, often be in of morrow wind will to partial base get some taller. Come millions upon millions years ant evolution arrives inductive air humidity, can baric the change that waits with ground temperature, when afore-mentioned conditions are formed, ant can feel need is transferred.

9, does the character of nature have those?

Boulder, fossil, terrane, glacier, stone, cloud, bird, mist, ant.

The expression of the character of nature:

1, boulder (L ì ) : The huge block that the deposit after glacier melt comes down, there often is glacier scrape above. Gravel, clastic rock. , the person does not move it, put those who move on the ice however. These glacier climb over from cold north, along the road smashs rock, and break the broken block that come down to be being taken away one case.

2, go up in construction site, the shovel of banker came up against gray stone. Look in you this is common stone nevertheless, but know the person of nature character to look, it is not common stone, however limestone. Change from broken conch and it is become, you know shellfish is the dweller in ocean. Visible, in very ancient times, the place that this now is a city once was a boundless ocean.

3, air man knows, anvil shape cloud is thunderstorm is bodeful. Should a few further from it gift is nice. If fly inside it, it is met a plane finish -- the wind over is blown so strongly namely.

4, " solar halo 3 more rain, wind of lunar halo the period of the day from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. . " the sun or moon are surrounded to be by halation reflex its light because of the ice crystal of earthly headroom and become. The damp that ice crystal dissolves and causes Gao Nong to spend can sink downward, form making love, so its can forecast weather well and truly.

5, ant moves, when weather turns bad, ant appears very busy, some moves at past altitude, some carry back and forth earthy base nest. Say commonly, nest base must be jumped over tall, precipitation is bigger also. Still have the check of base of a kind of big black ant, often be in of morrow wind will to partial base get some taller. Come millions upon millions years ant evolution arrives inductive air humidity, can baric the change that waits with ground temperature, when afore-mentioned conditions are formed, ant can feel need is transferred.

10, what does the character of nature have?

The Wen Chan in rain cries, premonitory sunshine arrives.

Early Qiu Wen Chan cries, late Qiu greets pluvial field.

Spadger store up is fed should fall snow.

Ant base nest should fall rain.

The fish dives, rain comes.

Swallow is low fly should fall rain.

Toad unkennel, rain lean firmly.

Tide of curvature of the spinal column, rain million.

The earthworm mounts a road, rainwater chaos is like hemp.

Loach is static, weather fine.

The pig holds grass, cold wave arrives.

Chicken lodges for the night behindhand, duck cries happily, harships arrives before long.

Rain makes tomb-sweeping day, work solstitial red-letter day.

Pure Brightness is early, grain Full is late, grain Rain is planted cotton timely.

Pure Brightness scraped grace mound ground, drop drop is pulled pull 45.

Pure Brightness wants a fine, grain Rain wants to drench. Grain Rain does not have rain, cry later rain.

Pure Brightness fine, domestic animals is promoted; Pure Brightness rain, caustic 100 fruit.

Grain Rain has rain Zhao Yu is much, grain Rain comes without rainwater late.

The Beginning of Summer does not fall, mulberry old wheat stops.

East wind of the Beginning of Summer arrives, in wheat water waterlogged.

The Beginning of Summer arrives Grain Full, kind what is not late also.

The Beginning of Summer blows flatus, wheaten all in vain.

Grain Full around, kind melon is planted beans.

Grain Full warm complacently, v hoe wheat is planted food grains other than wheat and rice.

Crossed Grain Full 10 days to plant, 10 days are not planted all in vain.

Grain in Ear is not planted, come to nothing afterwards.

Wheat of Grain in Ear comes on stage, on Qiu Geng follow closely.

Grain in Ear blows north wind, drought breaks young crops.

The Summer Solstice does not have heat of pluvial the three ten-day periods of the hot season, the Limit of Heat is god-given 10 days of shade.

The Summer Solstice does not have rain, rice is not had in store up.

Modao heats up solstitial future, solstitial future Mo Daohan.

The Summer Solstice has heat of wind the three ten-day periods of the hot season, heavy Yang Moyu one winter fine.

The Summer Solstice enters the day in volt, agrarian cropland resembles is water irrigates garden.

The Summer Solstice blows east wind, half moon water will rush.

Slight Heat is not planted potato, establish volt to be not planted beans.

Slight Heat wind is not moved, what frost comes is late.

Great Heat arrives the Beginning of Autumn, accumulate dung to arrive cropland head.

The Beginning of Autumn does not have rain, autumnal little rain; White Dew does not have rain, 100 days do not have frost.

Cloud of the Limit of Heat of the Beginning of Autumn hits grass, cropland of secant of White Dew the autumnal equinox.

The Beginning of Autumn has pluvial all, the Beginning of Autumn closes without rain half autumn.

Drench of the Beginning of Autumn drenchs, good crop of the coming year.

The Limit of Heat is planted high mountain, white Dew is planted level land, the autumnal equinox is planted outside the door, cold Dew is planted river bay.

Head autumn drought, reduce an in part, rain of the Limit of Heat, expensive be like gold.

White open air enrages a fine, millet is like silver.

White Dew is early, cold Dew is late, the autumnal equinox is planted wheat the right season or time.

The autumnal equinox is not cut, frost hits windmill.

Millet of the autumnal equinox is cut must not, cold Dew millet is raised must not.

Commissariat risks pointed cotton to pile mountain, cold Dew does not forget to cross the land.
