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来电科技怎么充电? 来电科技解锁方案?英文双语对照


来电科技怎么充电? 来电科技解锁方案?英文双语对照







【坚持创新驱动,技术引领行业】 来电科技始终坚持以“创新”作为企业核心驱动力,每一次技术创新都走在行业最前端,通过产品不断迭代、软硬件快速升级,提升用户使用体验。来电科技业内最早开发信用租借免押功能,助力市场规模快速扩大,并推动了信用社会的建设。


创始人 袁炳松,人称“来电哥”,来电科技创始人、CEO,拥有十余年创业经历及电池行业丰富经验。 

2013 年,在全球范围内最早提出共享充电概念,被公认为共享充电宝行业的定义者与第一人。 袁炳松本人对共享充电行业的商业模式与软硬件的底层逻辑都有着独到的理解,其深厚的行业经验,为产品设计定义、硬件制造及供应链品质提供有力的保障。 获奖情况 2020年12月18日,荣获《互联网周刊》金i奖“2020年度最佳共享经济创新企业”。 2020年12月17日,荣获金网奖“场景营销类银奖”、“公益营销类铜奖”。 2020年12月10日,荣获《金融界》2020领航中国年度评选“杰出科技创新奖”。 2020年10月22日,荣获2020科睿国际创新节“年度成长价值平台”。 2019年12月19日,荣获《互联网周刊》“2019年度最具投资价值共享经济企业”、“2019年度创新品牌营销案例” 2019年12月5日,荣获《金融界》“2019领航中国杰出科技创新奖”。 2019年10月31日,荣获金网奖“年度最具成长价值企业奖”、“场景营销类银奖”。 2018年12月24日,来电科技荣获由中国国家知识产权局与世界知识产权组织共同评选并颁发的第二十届中国专利奖银奖。 2018年10月19日,来电科技荣获2018中国诚信网商大会“十佳品牌价值奖”。 2018年2月,来电科技荣获“腾讯云粤港澳大湾区互联网创新榜20强”。 2018年1月16日,荣获“2017年度中国青年喜爱新锐品牌”。 2018年1月16日,荣获“2017年度商业影响力新消费领域新锐企业TOP10”。









1 来电科技充电宝可以通过Micro USB接口进行充电,也可以使用无线充电方式。2 如果使用Micro USB接口进行充电,需要准备一根Micro USB数据线,将数据线的一端插入充电宝的Micro USB接口,另一端插入手机充电器或电脑USB口,即可开始充电。3 如果使用无线充电方式,需要确保充电宝和手机都支持无线充电技术,将充电宝和手机放置在无线充电器上,即可开始充电。需要注意的是,无线充电效率相对于有线充电会稍微慢一些,但是无线充电更加方便,可以避免数据线的纠缠。














One, how does incoming telegram science and technology charge?

Data line is inserted on Type-c mouth to be able to charge

2, does solution of incoming telegram science and technology lock up plan?

Incoming telegram science and technology charges if treasure installed password lock, need inputs right code ability to remove first the lock is decided. If forgot a password, can charge through join treasure presses power source to bolt 10 seconds to power source hind, until charge after indicator light twinkles, loosen, press power source bolts again, charge to treasure can restore to give factory setting and remove right now the lock is decided. Attention, this method will be cleared charge all data inside treasure, restore to leave factory setting condition.

3, does incoming telegram science and technology have many fierce?

Besides owning patent of industry ground floor, incoming telegram science and technology still obtained China to contain the patent prize with top Troy -- Chinese patent award.

[hold to innovation drive, the technology leads an industry] incoming telegram science and technology holds to from beginning to end with " innovation " as company core driving force, innovation of every time technology goes in the industry foremost to carry, through the product ceaseless iteration, soft hardware upgrades quickly, promotion user uses an experience. Credit of the earliest development is rental inside course of study of incoming telegram science and technology the function that avoid mortgage, dimensions of the market that help strength expands quickly, urged the construction of credit society.

Incoming telegram science and technology head promote product of strategy of machine of the 6th acting navigation, market navigation system and charge treasure system 2 syncretic, change a product to endow with with intelligence can commercial synthesis partner. Initiate of world of incoming telegram science and technology brushs a face to lease share charge treasure technology, because report of hand act on one's own judgment in an emergency cannot lease,solved an user thoroughly charge the historical difficult problem of treasure, be loaded to share charge treasure industry annals.

Father Yuan Bingsong, person " incoming telegram elder brother " , author of incoming telegram science and technology, CEO, have more than 10 years to achieve already all previous and batteries industry to abound experience.

2013, put forward the earliest inside global limits to share charge concept, by accepted charge to share the define person of treasure industry and the first person. Him Yuan Bingsong charges to sharing the rock-bottom logic of the commercial pattern of the industry and soft hardware is having original understanding, its deep industry experience, for products plan definition, hardware is made reach supply catenary character to provide strong safeguard. Circumstance of bear the palm on December 18, 2020, have the honor to win " Internet weekly " golden I award " 2020 year are optimal share economic innovation business " . On December 17, 2020, have the honor to win golden net award " setting sale kind silver-colored award " , " commonweal sale kind cupreous award " . On December 10, 2020, have the honor to win " financial " year of 2020 navigate China is chosen " award of innovation of crackajack science and technology " . On October 22, 2020, have the honor to win 2020 divisions section of farsighted international innovation " platform of year growing value " . On December 19, 2019, have the honor to win " Internet weekly " " 2019 year provide investment value to share economic business most " , " case of sale of brand of 2019 year innovation " on December 5, 2019, have the honor to win " financial " " award of innovation of crackajack science and technology of 2019 navigate China " . On October 31, 2019, have the honor to win golden net award " year provides award of growing value business most " , " setting sale kind silver-colored award " . On December 24, 2018, incoming telegram science and technology has the honor to win the patent of the 20th China that be chosen jointly by bureau of Chinese country intellectual property and World Intellectual Property Organization and issues award silver-colored award. On October 19, 2018, incoming telegram science and technology has the honor to win plenary meeting of business of network of 2018 China sincere letter " award of value of 10 beautiful brand " . In Feburary 2018, incoming telegram science and technology is had the honor to win " a list of names posted up of innovation of Internet of area of big bay of HongKong and Macow of Tecent cloud another name for Guangdong Province 20 strong " . On January 16, 2018, have the honor to win " youth of 2017 year China likes Xin Rui brand " . On January 16, 2018, have the honor to win " TOP10 of enterprise of new fighting spirit of domain of new spending of force of 2017 year business " .

4, how does incoming telegram science and technology charge in the home?

Not OK, because need appropriative charger to just can charge

5, does incoming telegram science and technology charge how does treasure remand?

Wait to block groove to play a power source, begin to charge freely? Remand power source: 1, in column of menu of name of small letter public [borrow still] choice [still charge treasure] .

2, the 2 dimension on electric box are piled up (use at selecting ark engine) .

3, power source of data line income, insert on openly face appoint calorie of chamfer.

4, after successful still clew, remand successful.

6, does incoming telegram science and technology charge how is treasure filled?

Science and technology of 1 incoming telegram charges treasure can undertake charging through Micro USB interface, also can use wireless charge means. 2 if use Micro USB interface to undertake charging, need plans line of data of a Micro USB, insert the one aspect of the matter of data line charge the Micro USB interface of treasure, another end inserts mobile phone charger or computer USB mouth, can begin to charge. 3 if use wireless charge means, need ensures charge treasure and mobile phone support wireless charge technology, will charge treasure and mobile phone are placed go up in wireless charger, can begin to charge. Those who need an attention is, wireless charge efficiency is opposite at wired charge meeting a little a few slower, but wireless charge more convenient, can shun data line pester.

7, does incoming telegram science and technology charge how does treasure charge?

Incoming telegram science and technology charges treasure can undertake charging through two kinds of means normally.

The first kind is to pass join USB to fill electrical wiring to will charge treasure and power source adapter or computer USB interface are linked together, will charge next the outlet of treasure is inserted charge interface. The 2nd kind is to pass wireless charge technology, will charge treasure is placed undertake charging on compatible wireless charger. No matter use which kinds of means, charge treasure fills electric control chip in-housely to be able to receive power source to input hand-in-hand travel batteries to charge. Charge in the process, charge to control chip can monitor batteries n and control charging current, charge in order to ensure process safety is efficient.

8, does incoming telegram science and technology charge how long treasure is full of?

Charge treasure time of 10000 milliampere full is decided by charging voltaic size, general need 5-10 hour.

1, the charger that uses 9V2A charges of 10000 milliampere charge treasure needs 5 hours commonly.

2, charge with 5V1A charger of 10000 milliampere charge treasure needs 10 hours commonly.

Mobile power source is not need head fills, after buying, can use directly, use when n remain 10% when controlling, want to charge in time to mobile power source.

9, does incoming telegram science and technology charge how does treasure collect fees?

This does not need to collect fees charge treasure oneself deserves to use. Expend a bit charge of electricity.

10, does incoming telegram science and technology charge does treasure have switch?

Of inchoate moment small-power have toggle switch. 20000mA/H is the following now is kiss switch, insert go in to charge automatically, unplug second of the 30-60 after falling is shut automatically. Have now nevertheless very of high-power charge treasure, have a share or have switch (batch move the sort of) .
