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茂顺密封科技怎么样? 石川密封科技上班累吗?英文双语对照


茂顺密封科技怎么样? 石川密封科技上班累吗?英文双语对照


茂顺密封科技股份有限公司于1974年成立,法人是石正复,公司以生产型的模式经营油封; 气门室盖垫; 变速箱活塞; 方向机油封,加工方式为生产型,员工人数1000人,注册资本1000万人民币元,公司是一家股份合作企业,公司地址为广东省广州市白云区同泰路116号。




























多年来,公司一直秉持求真务实,开拓创新的精神,以客户为中心,以质量求生存。昆山泰洛克密封科技有限公司的主要产品:O型圈、平垫圈、骨架油封、管接头密封圈(ED圈)、组合垫圈、星型圈(X-RING)、四氟挡圈、高压水封、橡胶球、橡胶条、聚氨酯油封、混凝土泵车密封件以及各种特殊橡胶杂件。  产品广泛应用于液压工程机械、管道阀门、高压清洗机、水处理设备以及电子、半导体、化工、汽车、船舶、医疗、化妆品容器等行业,并为国内外多家知名企业、制造商配套,深得用户信任。法定代表人:张云和 成立时间:2013-09-11 注册资本:200万人民币 工商注册号:320583000631408 企业类型:有限责任公司 公司地址:千灯镇善浦西路151号内4号厂房







One, does Mao Shunmi seal science and technology how?

Mao Shunmi seals Inc. of science and technology to held water 1974, legal person is Shi Zhengfu, the company manages room of valve of oil seal; to build oil seal of machine of direction of; of piston of mat; gear-box with the mode of type of production, treatment means is type of production, employee number 1000 people, register capital 10 million RMB yuan, the company is enterprise of collaboration of a share, firm address saves Guangzhou city Bai Yun for Guangdong Ou Tongtai road 116.

2, is Ishikawa sealed does science and technology go to work tired?

Want to see the job that you are the respect that where to do, if be to belong to a logistics department, that is a bit tired, if be the white-collar of house of science and technology, or technical personnel is not bad, because if want to change mind,be given priority to

3, is Ishikawa sealed is science and technology a state-owend enterprise?

Fragrant humble rests go why needing hate, xiamu is in relief Yin Zhengke's person.

The country defeats the land of country to be in, city spring wood is thorough.

Fall red not be heartless other people, change Chun Ni more protect a flower.

The bright moon is in at that time, ever returned according to pink clouds.

Spring scenery does not close field completely, one branch red apricot gives a wall to come.

The country defeats the land of country to be in, city spring wood is thorough.

Level of willow Qing Qingjiang, sound sings on river famous man.

1000 hill bird flies absolutely, footprint of person of 10 thousand diameter destroys.

4, only does skill of 10 thousand sealed divisions appear on the market?

Shanghai only Inc. of 10 thousand sealed science and technology (company abbreviation: Only 10 thousand sealed) do poineering work board IPO application hands in place greatly to accept at will be being obtained on December 31, the orgnaization that protect Jian believes negotiable securities for the country.

5, is Guangzhou nation plane sealed interview of limited company of science and technology?

Guangzhou nation plane limited company of sealed science and technology is the company that pursues sealed product research and development, production and sale, if you have intent to undertake interview, suggest you can adopt the following measure:

In the inquiry on official website: You can visit Guangzhou nation plane the official website of limited company of sealed science and technology, examine the information of invite applications for a job of the company, understand the interview flow of the company and requirement of invite applications for a job. Generally speaking, the metropolis on the government-owned net of the company has information of invite applications for a job and connection kind.

Send resume: If you accord with the requirement of invite applications for a job of the company, can send the mailbox of invite applications for a job that resume goes to a company, attach resume and offer one's services are believed, the fundamental condition of brief introduction individual and relevant experience.

Interview preparation: Before interview, suggest you understand the business of the company and product ahead of schedule, prepare relevant interview data and query, make the preparation before good interview.

Interview flow: The interview flow of average company can be divided for first try and second-round exam, first try can undertake basic message checks normally related to post the interview of the problem, more can thorough ground inspects second-round exam criterion applicant's ability and quality.

As a whole, if you have intent to have Guangzhou state,the secret seals the interview of limited company of science and technology, suggest you had made relevant preparation ahead of schedule, the invite applications for a job of accurate knowledge company wants technological process of sue for peace, had done corresponding preparative work before interview, in order to ensure the success of interview.

6, what product do Kun Shanmao arranges sealed science and technology make?

Kun Shanmao arranges sealed science and technology is a dedicated Yu Mi seal a product create the company with research and development. They basically produce all sorts of weather strip, wait like balata weather strip, silica gel weather strip, polyurethane weather strip. These weather strip apply extensively at the domain such as product of car, mechanical equipment, electron, use at the function such as waterproof, dustproof, damping, sound insulation. Kun Shanmao arranges sealed science and technology to devote oneself to to offer the sealed product of high quality, satisfy the client's requirement, innovate ceaselessly and improve a product, in order to raise function and dependability.

They won reliant become reconciled of the client to judge with high grade product and professional service.

7, is Guangzhou nation plane sealed pay of monitor of science and technology how?

Make 6 narrow pass 2 gold, every monthly wages is in of 10 thousand Zuo or so yuan, go to work everyday 8 hours, you can the product company with new research and development has special stake. But must want obedient company management. Abide system of each company rules, allow to weigh company machine wanted blueprint anything but, data and data discharge leakage go. The bag eats encase 2 worlds abandon establishment of old changes in temperature all ready.

8, does Kun Shantai the name of a river in Shaanxi and Henan provinces restrain limited company of sealed science and technology how?

Brief introduction: The name of a river in Shaanxi and Henan provinces of peaceful of elder brother hill restrains limited company of sealed science and technology, be located in Jiangsu to visit area of economy of elder brother hill,

Come for years, the company holds all the time hold seek true deal with concrete matters relating to work, the spirit of development innovation, it is a center with the client, beg with quality live. The name of a river in Shaanxi and Henan provinces of peaceful of elder brother hill overcomes the main product of limited company of sealed science and technology: Sealing ring of oil seal of O circle, smooth gasket, framework, pipe fittings (ED is encircled) , assorted gasket, star circle (X-RING) , water of 4 fluorine back-up ring, high pressure is sealed, balata ball, balata, weather strip of car of polyurethane oil seal, concrete pump and all sorts of special balata are miscellaneous. The product applies extensively at the industry such as container of equipment of cleaning machine of valve of machine of hydraulic pressure project, conduit, high pressure, water treatment and electron, semiconductor, chemical industry, car, shipping, medical treatment, cosmetic, it is domestic and international much home form a complete set of well-known company, manufacturer, get user credit greatly. Legal representative: Zhang Yun and establish time: 2013-09-11 registers capital: 2 million RMB is industrial and commercial register name: 320583000631408 enterprises type: Address of company of finite liability company: 1000 lamps press down Pu Xilu of be apt to 4 151 workshop inside date

9, Chongqing all is benefit sealed limited company of science and technology how?

Chongqing all benefit is sealed limited company of science and technology is research and development of a market, make and the company of new and high technology that the sale is an organic whole. Be located in advocate to the south of the city 100 kilometers, be located in inside area of garden of industry of Li Du of Fu hill area, the management business of the company basically includes car balata sealed reach balata of damping goods, autocycle sealed reach damping goods, current mechanism balata is sealed with damping goods.

10, is Changzhou much closer limited company of especially sealed science and technology how?

Register capital 3 million, hold water more than 3 years, development prospect is good.

Limited company of much secretter especially sealed science and technology established Changzhou on January 23, 2017, register the ground to be located in river of the first month of area of Changzhou city new north to press down Na Lanling village appoint Yan Qiao 251, the legal representative is Liu Yun Jia. Scope of operations includes the technical development of sealed system and technical service; Sealing ring of form of lip of runner shaft coming back, water is sealed; Etc.

上一篇:深化文化体制改革 强调要?英文双语对照