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水是生命之源,这的确是最中肯的评价,自从生命在水中形成的第一天起,水在生命体中起的作用就没有发生过改变。水是目前所知地球上和我们体内最丰富的物质,一个 8磅重的婴儿体内就有近6磅重的水,一个成年人体内75%是水。水仅仅在人体内含量丰富由于所有代谢反应斗发生在水介质中,因此水也是生命中所必需的物质。对于人体而言,它参与生命的运动,排除体内有害毒素,帮助新陈代谢,维持有氧呼吸等等。它的作用与功能是独一无二的。




  1. 运输营养:水将充分溶解的营养素运至细胞,水还转运折各种生物活性物质,如:激素、酶、血小板、血细胞等。水使细胞的代谢过程后化学功能顺利进行。

  2. 排泄废物:水是非常好的溶剂和悬浮介质,许多物质溶解和悬浮在水中,并可以通过各种反应形成新的物质。水的这种性质可以使体内的代谢过程产生的废物和毒素,通过各种方式排出体外,而这些排泄方式都需要水的参与才能实现。

  3. 润滑关节:水是人体关节润滑液的主要来源。水作为溶剂与各种粘性分之一起形成润滑关节的润滑液,并形成润滑消化道和泌尿系统的粘性液体,润滑内脏的浆液以及形成在食物通过消化时起润滑作用的唾液和其他消化道分泌液。

  4. 平衡体温:水在吸收热量后,自身温度变化相对较小,由于这种溶热能力,水通过吸收热量,产生和蒸发汗液释放热量以帮助机体调节体温,保持体温正常。

  5. 维护细胞:水是人体结构的重要成分。它促进细胞的新陈代谢,参与维持细胞的正常形态和完整细胞膜的组成。它还通过其缓冲作用保持整个脏器。机体结构的维持也需要它的帮助,保持皮肤的润滑和弹性,细胞的水合状态和机体的调节对于维护细胞正常功能具有关键作用。





Hello, very glad to answer your question.

Why to say water is the bearer of nature? Because,I think this is absolutely is not farmer spring. They are the bearer of clean water only.

Above all to nature:

Tellurian water not only in consist in hydrosphere, also in biosphere and group of consist in air, rock group. In nature, water is mixed through evaporating plant rising, carry, condense next precipitation, ooze and runoff (upper runoff, underground runoff) wait for link, continuous campaign is having between all sorts of water system, process of this kind of campaign calls boiler circulation.

Boiler circulation is a complex process, undertaking inside global limits momently, specific include the of great capacity the loop between land, maritime inside circulate and circulate inside land. In boiler circulation, evaporating is initiative link. Sea land surface, include marine, terrestrial, plant, ore even the moisture in the person's skin, can evaporate because of sun radiate enter atmosphere. Among them of marine water system evaporate take principal part.

After water system is evaporated, ocean enters atmosphere to form lunt, among them one part lunt is carried terrestrial in the sky descend to the ground with the form such as rain, snow. Descend to the water on land, the earth's surface of one part edge flows, form upper runoff, underground of one part infiltration, form subterranean runoff. Both passes river river assemble, return ocean again finally. The moisture exchange between this kind of Hai Liuzhi calls the Liu Jian that it is the sea the loop.

The lunt that after seawater evaporates, forms, fall in appropriate condition for the most part, condense form precipitation, descend in ocean, in the sky form ocean and ocean the moisture exchange between atmosphere, exchange of this kind of moisture is called maritime inside circularly.

The one part in the water on land or all (point to inside shed area) evaporate to form lunt with plant rising through road surface, surface, in the sky be taken by air current, refrigeration condenses form precipitation, still descend to land, this kind of land and land in the sky the moisture exchange between atmosphere calls the circulation inside land or inland circulates.

This shows, water is in the energy that the gravity of the radiate of sun of internal cause; that normal temperature and the 3 voice change that often press a condition to fall are boiler circulation and water forms boiler circulation and dynamical condition, for the external cause of boiler circulation. The result of boiler circulation establishs the close tie of the moisture in each layer not only, and make water is divided between each layer to undertaking tremendous energy is exchanged. Make all sorts of physical geography processes are able to continue so, also make the mankind bilks the water with living to resource gets updating ceaselessly and can be used continuously. Accordingly, no matter be right still to nature for human society, boiler circulation has the sense that is different from common.

Next to the mankind:

Water is the source of life, this is the most critical opinion really, since life since the first day when form in water, the effect that water has in life style had not produced a change. Water is at present place knows the earth to go up with the richest material inside our body, a 8 pounds have the water with nearly 6 heavy pounds inside heavy infantile style, inside a grown human body 75% it is water. Because all metabolization reaction is fought,water is abounded in the content inside human body merely in happening in water medium, because this water also is the material with the indispensible place in life. To human body, it enlists the campaign of life, eliminate put oneself in another's position inside harmful toxin, the help is metabolic, maintain breath having oxygen to wait a moment. Its action and function are unique.

We are right all sorts of water in nature (water of rainwater, seawater, river is waited a moment) the likelihood understands a lot of, but, what to us the water inside body knows is very little, it is utterly ignorant even. If we knew water the action inside human body and function, we are met suddenly be enlightened, and a lot of inherent ideas can produce complete change subsequently.

All sorts of different reason of water change character, make its are assuming a variety of crucial airframe functions, the action of life of water hold together, include among them:

Help aid digestion: We eat the food into the mouth, of classics tooth mastication and saliva wet hind, undertake arriving from esophagus intestines and stomach, digest the process that is recruited completely, and the participation that these link need water. The nutrient part that we need has sufficient deliquescent Yu Shuizhong only, ability is absorbed.

1. Carriage nutrition: Water comes the nutriment carry that dissolves adequately cell, water returns have a change of luck to change all sorts of biology active material, be like: Cell of hormone, enzymatic, plaque, blood. Water makes chemical function goes on wheels after metabolization process of the cell.

2. Excrete trash: Water is first-rate solvent and suspension medium, a lot of material dissolve and suspension is in water, can form new material through all sorts of reaction. The trash that this kind of property of water can make the metabolization process inside body arises and toxin, outside adopting all sorts of means eduction system, and these participation that excrete means to need water just can come true.

3. Lubricant and articulatory: Water is the main source of lubricating fluid of human body joint. Water serves as solvent and all sorts of agglutinant 1/0 lubricating fluid that form lubricant joint, form the agglutinant liquid of lubricant enteron and urology, lubricant and splanchnic size and form the saliva that lubricant effect has when digesting and other enteron exudate are passed in food.

4. Balance temperature: After water is absorbing quantity of heat, oneself temperature change is relatively minor, because this kind of dissolve heats up ability, water is passed absorb quantity of heat, generation sends sweat fluid to release quantity of heat to adjust in order to help airframe with evaporate temperature, it is normal to maintain temperature.

5. Safeguard a cell: Water is the important part of human body structure. It promotes cellular metabolism, participate in the composition of the regular pattern that maintains a cell and complete cell film. It still holds whole internal organs of the body through its amortize action. Of airframe structure maintain the help that also needs it, maintain cutaneous to lubricate with flexibility, the adjustment of hydration condition of the cell and airframe is normal to safeguarding a cell the function has crucial effect.

Water serves as the bearer of nature not just, it is the source of life more, what human Lai Yisheng puts is basic.

Ask each water in managing life, do not let last of the earth tear that who is the mankind. This word forever won't outdated!

The answer ends, hope to be helped somewhat to you.

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