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世界心理健康日标志? 2021年世界科普日?英文双语对照


世界心理健康日标志? 2021年世界科普日?英文双语对照













①2021年全国科普日是2021年9月19日。 ②全国科普日历年主题

  2005年 科学发展,共建和谐

  2006年 预防疾病,科学生活

  2007年 科技促进环境友好型国家建设

  2008年 保护生态环境

  2009年 节约能源资源,保护生态环境,保障安全健康

  2010年 坚持科学发展,走进低碳生活

  2011年 节约能源资源、保护生态环境、保障安全健康、促进创新创造

  2012年 食品安全与公众健康

  2013年 保护生态环境,建设美丽中国

  2014年 创新发展 全民行动

  2015年 万众创新 拥抱智慧生活

  2016年 创新放飞梦想,科技引领未来

  2017年 科学破除愚昧 创新驱动发展

  2018年 创新引领时代,智慧点亮生活

  2019年 礼赞共和国,智慧新生活

  2020年 决胜全面小康,践行科技为民














2021年09月18日 星期六





















  为引导大学生关注自身的心理健康,2000年,“5.25全国大学生心理健康节”在北京师范大学拉开帷幕,健康节取“5.25”的谐音“我爱我”,意为关爱自我的心理成长和健康,活动的主题是大学生人际交往和互助问题,口号为“我爱我——走出心灵的孤岛”。 此后(2004年),教育部,团中央,全国学联办公室向全国大学生发出倡议,把每年的5月25日确定为全国大学生心理健康日。  “5.25”是“我爱我”的谐音,对此,发起人的解释是:爱自己才能更好地爱他人。心理健康的第一条标准就是认识自我,接纳自我,能体验到自己存在的价值,乐观自信,这样的人才能用尊重、信任、友爱、宽容的态度与人相处,能分享、接受、给予爱和友谊,能与他人同心协力。选择“5.25”是为了让大学生便于记忆,关注自己的心理健康。随后,“5.25——大学生心理健康日”在全国的高校得到认同,全国高校都利用这一天开展多种形式的心理健康教育活动,甚至认为这一天就是“大学生的心理健康节”。 北京师范大学心理学院院长车宏生教授说:“大学生心理健康活动周的举行,说明心理学受到老百姓的重视。社会的发展需要心理学,希望这个活动能推广到全国各地。”如今,“5.25大学生心理健康活动周”已遍及全国各地,成为全国大学生活动的一个著名的品牌,其影响力将会越来越大。


One, mark of day of world mental health?

1, have sufficient safe feeling;

2, understand oneself adequately, make the judgement of appropriate to his ability;

3, maintain a contact with outside ambient;

4, life aim suit is actual;

5, retain individual character complete with harmony;

6, have certain study capacity;

7, the human relationship that keeps good;

8, can proper expression and the sentiment that dominate oneself;

9, the ability that has limit ground him play and interest interest;

10, fall in the condition that does not violate social ethics, what basic need of the individual gets fixed rate is contented.

2, 2021 day of world popular science?

① 2021 day of countrywide popular science was on September 19, 2021. Theme of calendar year of day of popular science of ② whole nation

Develop scientificly 2005, build harmony in all

Prevented a disease 2006, science lives

Stimulative environment of science and technology is friendly 2007 model national construction

Protected zoology environment 2008

Natural resources of managing 2009 energy, protect zoology environment, ensure safe health

Insisted to develop scientificly 2010, walk into low carbon life

Health of safety of environment of organisms' habits of natural resources of managing 2011 energy, protection, safeguard, stimulative innovation is created

Food safety and community are healthy 2012

Protected zoology environment 2013, build beautiful China

Innovation expanded operation of the whole people 2014

Innovation of millions of people embraced wisdom life 2015

Innovation put flying dream 2016, science and technology leads future

Do away with development of ignorant innovation drive scientificly 2017

Innovation led a period 2018, wisdom illumes the life

2019 ceremony assist republic, wisdom new student is vivid

Decide the issue of the battle is comprehensive and comparatively well-off 2020, science and technology of carry out travel is civilian

3, little knowledge of day of 2021 worlds popular science?

2021 Beijing of day of countrywide popular science advocate field activity is mixed by activity of area of house of Chinese science and technology composition of activity of area of Beijing scientific center. House of Chinese science and technology advocate field activity includes " free-standing self-improvement establishs new meritorious service " " popular science division founds great exploit " " zoology civilization starts tomorrow " 3 big board piece the exhibition is revealed and " with the public face-to-face " science and technology is volunteer the activity. Exhibit through article of model of interactive item on display, objective, multimedia, graph board wait for a form, the popular science that develops party leader to fall and division achieve the job to develop course, broad Scientists and Technologists and social force to be promotion citizen science the positive move that quality place makes, and popular science job is in the composite value of respect of politics, economy, culture, society, zoology.

Carbon still develops the organization to amount to peak carbon to counteract popular science to combine the action, teenage science and technology to teach popular science of resource of associated operation, science and technology to transform combination inside countrywide limits popular science of the action, nucleus combines popular science of the action, irrigation works to combine the action, countryside to revitalize popular science to combine the action, wholesome health popular science combines popular science of the action, lash-up. [1]

4, cold knowledge of day of 2021 worlds popular science?

About 7 cold knowledge of the earth

1, the place with the coldest earth is Antarctica, make an appointment with 73.3 Celsius 0 times, but the world's coldest place is Russia, wosituoke stands, its lowermost temperature is 89.22 Celsius 0 times.

2, earthly core temperature, the exterior temperature that compares the sun is high still. Temperature of sun surface lowest makes an appointment with 5500 ℃ . Highest temperature makes an appointment with earthly kernel 6800 ℃ .

3, tellurian gold is not come from the earth, tellurian gold is by neutron astral happening collision is cast shoot and come. The age that this means gold is even older than the earth even.

4, the marine area that the mankind did not study exceeds 90% . The water of 1.3 billion five cubic kilometre is contained in ocean, cover an area of about 97% what total water measures on the ball. The area is not worth the blue ocean that the mankind has studied 10% . The species in ocean is very rich, at present we had affirmed 212906 kinds of marine biology, but the likelihood still has 25 million kinds to remain we go considering.

5, ursine bug of water of upper the most powerful living things, its vitality is very tenacious, in aerospace, can live in lava oar. Its life may be achieved 100000.

6, the earth is rotating quickly, the basis considers to discover, rotational speed of the earth is in imperceptible in accelerate, the time of earthly rotation a week has compared the past short several millisecond.

7, all sorts of aerospace rubbish were bestrewed on earthly orbit. Since from 1957 the first satellite blasts off, the artificiality body a total that rotates around the earth 38000. According to this speed, pass 300 years again, earthly orbit will by rubbish cram.

5, which is day of world popular science a day?

On September 18, 2021 on Saturday

Xin Chou year (ox year) August 12

Day of countrywide popular science by Chinese division assist initiate, countrywide various division assist organization and system are souvenir " science and technology of People's Republic of China popularizes a law " the activity of of all kinds popular science that promulgate and be carried out and conducts, be in surely annual the day of the 3rd general holidays September, focus the time that begin as activity of day of countrywide popular science

6, day of popular science of 2021 whole nations?

2021 day of countrywide popular science was September 11-17 day.

On June 29, 2003, fulfil to conduct propaganda is lifted to carry out in the whole nation " popular science law " upsurge, chinese division assist a series of popular science activities were developed inside countrywide limits. From this, chinese division assist organize countrywide society and local family every year assist activity of popular science day is developed in the whole nation.

The meaning of day of countrywide popular science:

Develop as the times of global unifinication, strengthen science and technology to popularize education, improve ethical science quality, already became the fundamental sex project that enhances national innovation ability and international competition ability continuously. Accordingly, beginning social science and technology extensively to popularize an activity is the main task that pushs work of our country popular science, it is to carry out science and education to allow a country energetically the strategy, significant move that drives quality education in the round.

7, does day of countrywide popular science mark?

1. decide the issue of the battle is comprehensive and comparatively well-off, science and technology of carry out travel is civilian

2. knowledge changes life, science and technology creates future

3. is inserted on the wing of science and technology, sow the hope tomorrow

4. science and technology creates wealth, innovation illumes the life

8, day of Chinese country popular science?

Day of countrywide popular science, namely on June 29, 2003, in " science and technology of People's Republic of China popularizes a law " promulgate formally during carrying out a year, fulfil to conduct propaganda is lifted to carry out in the whole nation " popular science law " upsurge, chinese division assist a series of popular science activities were developed inside countrywide limits. From this, chinese division assist organize countrywide society and local family every year assist activity of popular science day is developed in the whole nation.

Since 2005, to facilitate broad masses, student participates in an activity better, mobile date by former instead is annual June September day of the 3rd general holidays, focus the time that begin as activity of day of countrywide popular science.

On September 19, 2020, "Science and technology of travel of comprehensive well-off, carry out is decide the issue of the battle civilian " the activity of day of countrywide popular science that gives priority to a problem is synchronous inside countrywide limits start, the activity will last to September 25.

9, world fungus popular science?

Fungus, foregone fungus has more than kinds 120 thousand about, one kind big does not contain the thing of chlorophyll, different preserve one's health that cannot have photosynthesis. Without the become divided of root, bine, leaf, do not contain the light such as chlorophyll to add up to pigment (few number closes bacterial except solely) , cannot undertake photosynthesis, saprophytic lives or parasitism lives, namely different preserve one's health is vivid. Genital official is one-celled structure more, zygote not development becomes embryo. Bacterium (J ū N) kind be giant familial, its nowhere is absent. Fungus can be divided for bacterial door, mycetozoan door and fungus door 3 kinds of biology that each other do not have relation kissing a predestined relationship. Among them mycetozoan is interpose the biology between animal and fungus. It is in nutrient period is bare, the bioplasm that does not have cellular wall, much nucleus is round, weigh plasmodium (as similar as amoeba) .

But in breed period, it can produce the spore that has cellulose cell wall, have the character of fungus again.

10, is mental health day how long?

Pay close attention to the mental health of oneself to guide an undergraduate, 2000, "Section of mental health of undergraduate of 5.25 whole nations " heavy curtain is pulled open in Beijing Normal University, healthy section is taken " 5.25 " homophonic " I love me " , meaning the psychology that is care ego grows and healthy, mobile theme is an undergraduate human association and coadjutant problem, catchword is " I love me -- the Gu island that walks out of the heart " . After this (2004) , ministry of Education, in the center of the group, the whole nation learns couplet office to issue a proposal to countrywide undergraduate, annual was day of countrywide undergraduate mental health certainly on May 25. "5.25 " be " I love me " homophonic, to this, the explanation of initiator is: Him love just can love another person better. The first standard of mental health knows ego namely, admit ego, can learn the value that exists to oneself, hopeful and self-confident, such person ability uses esteem, accredit, friendly affection, lenient attitude and person to get along, can share, accept, give love and companionship, can with other make concerted efforts. Choose " 5.25 " it is to let undergraduate facilitating memory, pay close attention to oneself mental health. Subsequently, "5.25 -- day of undergraduate mental health " self-identity gets in countrywide college, countrywide college uses this day of mental health that develops a variety of forms to teach an activity, thinking one day this even is " mental health section of the undergraduate " . Professor Che Hongsheng says prexy of psychology of Beijing Normal University: "Of week of activity of undergraduate mental health hold, demonstrative psychology gets the attention of common people. Social development needs psychology, hope this vivid kinetic energy popularizes countrywide each district. " nowadays, "Week of activity of 5.25 undergraduates mental health " already pervaded countrywide each district, make a of countrywide undergraduate activity famous brand, its consequence will bigger and bigger.

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