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1规律饮食 : 要保证一日三餐适时适量的正常进行,根据自身的能量需求与饥饱情况来进行适量地饮食,避免暴饮暴食。

2、饮食多样 : 不同的食物可以带来各种营养物质,满足机体的营养摄入需求。比如摄入水果和蔬菜,满足机体对维生素的需求;摄入各种富含蛋白质的食物,以补充机体所需蛋白质的含量等等。注意,饮食多样但并不是多吃就有益,要注意适量地摄入。





































Does Xiaochang know health of food of Spring Festival preserve one's health?

1, must not eat too fast. The signal with satiate food needs about 20 minutes to cerebrum. If you ate a very big meal 10 minutes, at that time cerebrum still does not have reaction to come over, you had eaten not carefully 200% full.

2, control appetite. We are to use an eye to if you put two identical meat in the dish of different measurement,have a meal actually, the food of that outfit that cerebrum can think dish blank is much is less. And use a greater dish or bowl, what one not careful food puts is more. Can choose a size to suit his dish so, reduce the odds with bigger than abdomen eye.

3, the quantity of heat in ignoring beverage. The fruit juice on table, beverage and wine, it is to contain certain caloric. Everybody meets together, can drink a lot of drink, light light Song Song can absorb overmuch energy. Same, choose an a bit less container, and remember, must not take these beverage to be drunk when water.

Does Xiaochang know healthy diet?

1 rule food: Want to assure the on the rails with 3 timely and right amount eat one day, according to the energy demand of oneself and be hungry full case has food and drink of right amount ground, avoid to eat and drink too much.

2, food is diversiform: Different food can bring all sorts of nutrition matter, the nutrition of contented airframe absorbs demand. Absorb fruit and vegetable for instance, contented airframe is right the demand of the vitamin; Absorb all sorts of food that contain a lot ofprotein, wait a moment with what compensatory airframe wants protein content. Attention, food is diversiform but not be to eat more beneficial, want to notice right amount ground is absorbed.

Does Xiaochang know dietary health?

Draft fruit is gold in the morning, draft fruit is silver-colored midday, draft fruit is copper night. People often thinks fruit of the draft after the meal is good, actually this is a wrong idea, in anteprandial draft fruit it is good. Reasonable allocation the appetite of a day of 3 eat, allocate should get used to physiology state and working need. Best allocation scale should be 3: 4: 3.

Does Xiaochang know children food health?

1. eats all sorts of food, do not carry feed, partiality for a particular kind of food

All nutriment that human body place needs can be offerred without food on the world. Accordingly, be necessary to eat all sorts of food. Any carrying feed or partiality for a particular kind of food can prevent us obtain all nutrition. Some children just criticize individual food. Parents can choose other edibles and not be same food group. However, carry badly feed and partial solar eclipse, if do not eat leek or vegetable, must correct. Daily diet should include group of 5 nutrition food, and they are indispensable.

2. should eat all sorts of balanced food.

Different food has different nutriment, and the body is opposite all sorts of nutrition composition have mensurable demand. Doing not have more or fewer intake is likely. If we like to eat more more, although apparently food is phyletic very rich also, but can have deviation from the point of the angle of nurture quality, destroy the equilibrium of nutrient material. Answer to absorb food proportion in proportion, should take seriously same kind of food is tie-in, be like ply, brunet the combination with light color vegetable, the collocation of cruelly oppress and birds flesh.

3. should have a meal on time, snack does not want between two eat

A day of 3 eat are the main source that we absorb nutriment, this accords with the physiology feature of human body digestion. If you are between two eat snack, it can affect the food amount that you take when dinner. Some students often buy the food of roadside faker after school afternoon. These food not only nutrition is not rich, and still have food sanitation problem. Parents is preparing snacks for the child after school, but amount do not answer too much.

4. wants 3 food one day right amount

The total heat energy of a day of 3 eat should be daily time each 30% , lunch time is 40% . Eat more or eat the health that can affect you less, reduce your physical power and affect the normal activity of your cerebra. If lunch careless, dinner can eat too much. Additional, holiday and domestic banquet should take food moderately, digest a function what can damage gastric bowel to otherwise normally, cause vomiting or indigestion even.

5. should eat delicate food, do not like deepfry food, candied ice-cream and the high energy food such as the beverage that contain sugar

The total calorie of children of above of the half in a day should come from food, among them about 1/6 comes from protein, and have the calorie of 1/4 only should come from oil. If had absorbed much heavy oil or candy, can bring about caloric excessive to absorb not only. Children has high blood pressure, tall lipemia, fat disease, the risk of the contemporary disease such as coronary heart disease increases greatly, as a result of too sweet and digest hard, and as a result of lack prandial fiber and affect digestive function, cause enteron disease, be like constipation and gastritis.

Is the Xiaochang of healthy diet known?

Little common sense is as follows

Draft fruit is gold in the morning, draft fruit is silver-colored midday, draft fruit is copper night. People often thinks fruit of the draft after the meal is good, actually this is a wrong idea, in anteprandial draft fruit it is good. Reasonable allocation the appetite of a day of 3 eat, allocate should get used to physiology state and working need. Best allocation scale should be 3: 4: 3.

Does food of Spring Festival health hint?

Feed full nevertheless, the proposal eats 78 minutes only full. Be like some eat or one of these day " eat and drink too much " , other eat second but right amount control.

The table of the Spring Festival, assure the high grade albumen such as grandma of egg of flesh of birds of right amount fish while, cannot |contain a lot of fruit of vegetable of vitamin, mineral, prandial fibrous less.

Proposal meat meat has vegetable, brunet vegetable takes an in part, eat a fruit every day.

What healthy food little common sense is there?

Healthy diet should notice the following:

One, food wants diversity, everyday prandial should include fresh vegetable fruit, for instance the flesh kind, rasorial kind, the food such as egg, milk, soja, nut.

2, eating and should balance on motion, should make sure particular movement is measured every week, accumulative total achieves 150 minutes of above.

3, little salt, little oil wants on food, dominate sugar, do not drink even smoking, develop a delicate dietary habit, eat the food of tall salt and deepfry less, because the food of deepfry is bad to digest, and deepfry food also has the effect that causes cancer. The food of souse as far as possible little absorb, souse kind food contains many nitrite, it is harmful to the body. So, on food need notices delicate, have food crops food grains other than wheat and rice more, at the same time the attention strikes a proper balance between work and rest, exercise, have very big assistance sex effect.

South forefinger of drink of Spring Festival health?

Tie-in and reasonable, breed chooses prandial structure seek novelty of avoid by all means, purchase concentration to ask not carelessness, tableware is chosen not neglect security, cook food already ripe appear again, eat and drink too much hidden danger is great, special crowd cannot paralytic.

Above is to spend the New Year 7 proposals that food should value, advantageous health is spent year.

Little knowledge of fitness of Spring Festival food?

The Spring Festival came, round reunion circle takes every family together to spend good year. Very fish, seafood, flesh of flocks and herds a few feed capable person. What everybody does not eat is too full. Had better eat some of blueness but dot. The thing of raw or cold food takes less still. Do not drink too much.

Does Xiaochang know dietary safety?

1. keeps clean:

Before taking food, wash his hands with soap first, food often also should wash his hands in preparation process, hind wash his hands with soap please, in food preparation process, should wash work station face and maintain the cleanness of eat hutch appliance. Prevent the insect, mice and other evil living things enters a kitchen to be close to food.

2. gives birth to ripe departure:

Flesh giving birth to delicacy kind, birds kind and marine kind food wants to part with other food, treatment handles food giving birth to delicacy to want to use alone appliance, be like knife, chopping board and other appliance, content of unripe cooked food wants to be deposited apart with different containers esp. for use in the house, not unripe ripe mix put.
