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1。寿州窑遗址简介 我国六朝至唐朝著名瓷窑之一。1960年以后经多次调查发现,窑址主要分布在上窑镇的管家嘴、余家沟、上窑镇医院住院部、外窑村、马家岗、泉山、三座窑以及凤阳县武店区的临泉寺、上刘庄、大刘庄等。窑址分布地跨古寿、濠两州,东西长约80公里,主要集中在高塘湖、窑河沿岸,寿州窑从南朝经隋于唐末,延续约350年。


釉下施泥质胎衣,釉层呈玻璃状。 在马家岗、余家沟发现唐代圆形窑炉,窑壁用砖砌或用窑棒砌成,直径约3米,匣钵上下叠置,匣钵相互之间留有8厘米左右的火路。匣内装一件或数件,皆仰烧。早期使用的窑具有圆形多足支托,隋初以后,多用三、四岔支托,支钉支捧三角支托等。






2。上窑森林公园简介 公园位于著名能源城淮南市东北部,他依托钟灵毓秀的上窑山水,横卧于美丽富饶的高塘湖之滨。北靠淮河与怀远的“白乳泉”、“圣泉”、“卞和洞”毗邻。东邻凤阳的“明皇陵”及素有江北第一洞之称的“韭山溶洞”、“禅窟寺”、“伏虎洞”。


忘情谷简介 据传,孙蟠在修建青琅馆后,读书习画,寄情山水,忘世间烦忧,见此谷清幽可人,遂于谷中一巨石上书刻“忘情”二字,因年代久远,原迹无可考。谷中有曲径小溪,水  声淙淙,如歌如吟。峡谷两侧,古木参天,树生石中,石立谷边,石柱群生,奇形怪状。

林间有奇花异草,鸟鸣蝶飞,确系旅游休闲及避暑的胜地。4。八公山风景区简介 八公山是大自然赐给淮南一块瑰宝。从地质学来说,它是大别山的向东隆起和延伸。在这里,它由大小四十余座山峰叠嶂而成,方圆达二百余平方公里,主峰并不高,只有海拔241。2米。






5。焦岗湖简介 焦岗湖生态旅游度假区位于淮南市西南部,北距毛集镇1公里,102省道沿境而过,交通便利。焦岗湖以“水”闻名,东与风景秀丽的八公山,南与历史文化名城寿县,构成独特的山、水、城旅游金三角。该景区环境优美、气候宜人,既有芦苇荡(鸟的天堂)、荷花淀、仙侣湖、渔业观光园、水上人家等水上景观,又有湖畔垂钓、芦荡探幽、荡舟采菱、湖中戏鸟、渔家寻乐、浪遏飞舟等休闲项目,兼有焦湖红心鸭蛋、醇香酒糟鱼、活鱼干吃、水晶贡圆、五香狗肉等特色产品,还有“仙侣下凡”、“黑龙遭难”、“神猴探宝”、“赵匡胤困南唐”等美丽传说,堪称“养在深闺八未识”的生态旅游处女地。



1. 6 Chao Zhitang face of our country of brief introduction of relics of kiln of life administrative division are famous one of porcelain kiln. Discovered via be being investigated for many times later 1960, kiln location basically distributings going up more than the chamberlain mouth that kiln presses down, channel, go up inpatient department of kiln town hospital, outside 3 hill of kiln village, Ma Jiagang, spring, kiln and Feng Yang the temple facing a coin of division of prefectural fierce store, on Liu Zhuang. Kiln location crosses Gu Shou, Hao distributingingly two cities, the thing grows about 80 kilometers, basically center in Gao Tang river of lake, kiln is coastal, kiln of life administrative division from end of Yu Tang of the Sui Dynasty of classics of the Southern Dynasties, continuance makes an appointment with 350 years.

Inchoate product has kiln of life administrative division bottle of coal tub, 4 departments, beans, small cup, glair of much gray of light greenish blue, green glair, the embryo is qualitative fine. Bibulous rate is low, the ribbon in glair lubricious blueness is green, the department uses reductive blaze firing, glair layer is thin and transparent, celiac bottom and ground are sufficient do not apply glair. Fill period the product has a bowl, dish, cup, earthen bowl, note child, pillow, toy. Glair color with oxidizing flame firing, have sallow, eel glair of yellow, olivine.

Slimy qualitative afterbirth is applied below glair, glair layer submits vitreous form. Furnace of kiln of Tang Dynasty circle discovers in more than Ma Jiagang, channel, kiln wall uses bricky step or with kiln club build by laying bricks or stones is become, the diameter makes an appointment with 3 meters, saggar folds buy up and down, saggar mutual between remain the igneous way that has 8 centimeters or so. One is installed inside small box or several, all admire burn. Inchoate use pit has a circle much more sufficient hold in the palm, after Sui Chu, multi-purpose 3, 4 fork are raised hold in the palm, raise a hammer hold trigonometry in both hands to raise hold in the palm etc.

The product of kiln of porcelain of life administrative division is divided roughly for 6 period. Open emperor 3 years with the Sui Dynasty (583 years) paradigmatic, kiln of the temple that face a coin burns the product of grey glair of light greenish blue that make to belong to first phase, the times is in about the Sui Dynasty of Chen Zhi of the Northern and Southern Dynasties; It is 6 years with Sui Kaihuang exemple, kiln of the temple that face a coin burns the viridescence glair product that make, and nozzle Zi, on Liu Zhuang comes up out of land green glair implement belong to the 2nd period, late person belong to the 3rd period,

Press a relation to conclude with ground cascade, green glair belongs to big Liu Zhuang and the incomplete china specimen that location of more than domestic channel porcelain comes up out of land the 3rd period, yellow glair implement belong to the 4th period and the 5th period, black glair implement belong to the 6th period,

Was opposite when census of city cultural relic 1985 the kiln location with be saved better, differentiate 5 groove guard, namely location of kiln of creek of Lin Dong of location of location of nozzle Zi kiln, tall kiln kiln, cypress, go up kiln hospital inpatient department groove guard of location of kiln of more than kiln location, channel.

In all fulfilled all round each groove guard " 4 have " safeguard (have protection limits, have protection mark, have protection group, have record record) . 1986, city people government is in on kiln presses down build " museum of pottery and porcelain of kiln of life administrative division " , completed first phase project 1987.

Civil administration government office announced province person to protect an unit for key cultural relic in September 1981.

2. Park of brief introduction of kiln forest park is located in on south the Huaihe River of famous energy town city, he relies on Zhong Lingyu to go up beautifully kiln landscape, the horizontal stroke lies of Yu Meili's abundant tall pond lake bank. North relies on river of the Huaihe River and Huai Yuan " white milk spring " , " holy spring " , " Bian He hole " border. Dong Linfeng is in relief " Ming Huangling " reach element to have river north of the first hole say " leek hill cave " , " buddhist hole temple " , " Fu Hu hole " .

8 fair hill face on the west " hole of cogongrass celestial being " , " pearl spring " reach " the Wangliu austral the Huaihe River installs a grave " . 206 nations line is worn condition and over- , kiln Gu Zhenhuan is held in the arms on among them. The park gives priority to body with silvan landscape. Gross area 10. 4 square kilometer, it is modes of life and relation to their environment of a market belief of travel, humanitarian landscape, religion, go vacationing what fitness of education of recreational, popular science, recreation is an organic whole is muti_function provincial forest park. She establishs peony like jade of graceful of graceful of one individual plant, be in bud to people with the charming appearance of her graceful 3.

Be indifferent cereal brief introduction as it is said, after Sun Pan is building green Lang house, read picture of be used to, lovemaking landscape, forget worldly irritated care, see this cereal quiet and beautiful but person, submit a written statement to a higher authority of the one megalith in satisfying Yu Gu is engraved " be indifferent " 2 words, because time is ages ago, former mark is not had can take an examination of. Gu Zhong has meandering creek, underwater acoustic gurgle, cantabile be like chant. Gorge two side, gu Mu is very tall, in cultivating unripe stone, by the side of Shi Ligu, stone column group unripe, grotesque.

Forest have a beautiful flowers and grass, twitter butterfly flies, fasten travel to lie fallow truly reach the famous scenic spot that be away for the summer holidays. 4. Brief introduction of beauty spot of 8 fair hill 8 fair hill are nature grants a gem austral the Huaihe River. From geological for, it is big fasten hill eastwards apophysis and outspread. Here, it by size rows of mountains of more than 40 mountain peak and into, circumference amounts to kilometer of more than 200 square, the highest peak in a mountain range is not tall, have height above sea level only 241. 2 meters.

However, the onetime capital Gu Shouchun as a result of country of its back Hunan (call birthday the county today) , so, its history is long, hill of ancient hill weighing north, the name of a river in Anhui Province, Zhijinshan. Since the Wang Liuan austral Han Chaohuai wrote immortal famous book here " south the Huaihe River child " hind, this hill also became the pride of the person austral the Huaihe River. When the Western Han Dynasty, 8 fair hill belong to the Huaihe River to the southern part of the country. The Huang Shuliu of Chinese fierce emperor is installed by the king austral Feng Weihuai. Liu An Shangwen weighs ability, prominent personage of wide action the world is scholarly person 3000 much people, among them most 8 of Liu An appreciate: Zun Wu, Li Shang, Su Fei, Tian You, wool by, thunder by, five by, Jin Chang is sealed to be 8 fair.

Liu An and a hanger-on of an aristocrat often write book end to say in 8 fair hill, study astronomical phenomena, work out calendar, refine of smelt metal red is sanded. According to legend one day, liu An becomes elixir of life with 8 fair refine, take the celestial being after feeding. " eaves of annulus of peace and tranquility writes down " in have account: "The king austral former times the Huaihe River buries gold with 8 fair mountain-climbing hereat, white day be raised to the skies. More than medicine is in implement, gallinaceous dog licks, all celestial being. What forces all shows after its are in is slash, still be in, reason hill with 8 fair for the name.

" this also is literary quotation " one person is gotten, gallinaceous dog be raised to the skies " provenance. 8 fair hill besides the important birthplace that is Hunan Chinese culture, because located " in the city is guttural, changjiang Delta protective screen " significant position, it accuses the Huaihe River of river front of a garment, the situation is arduous, have the power of hiddden talents, in cold enginery times, it is the ground that military strategist in ancient China contends for surely from of old. The battle of water of the name of a river in Anhui Province of advance of our country historic the Qin Dynasty happens here -- the Christian era 383 years, the Qin Wang Fu that holds boreal China firm, bring into play invade south hundred thousands of main forces, the Eastern Jin dynasty thanks stone, Xie Xuan rate army is taken in 8 fair hill with Fu firm launched a big fight.

Result the Eastern Jin dynasty with be being gotten the better of less much, get the better of in order to lose strong, defeat utterly Qin Jun. "A fleeing army's suspicion of danger at the slightest sound, a state of extreme nervousness " literary quotation results from 8 fair hill. 8 fair hill the history besides it is long, culture is bright outside, still have here geological the major discovery that go up. There is the place of 1 kilometer only in park gate, have 800 million old " the bug austral the Huaihe River " fossil, exist awesomely. It Darwin " species is genetic " the formulation that is not worth 600 million years about life origin is advanced ahead 200 million old.

Of course, if not be the expert's explanation, how cannot we also know the special place on that stone. So, since since Cultural Festival of Chinese bean curd is being held south the Huaihe River, of this full Shan Qingcui continuous group of hill, by the country relevant section is ordinal name for national geology class of AAAA of park, national forest park, country travels area, experience its magical and beautiful scene personally when you, rich and bright culture is fabulous, the temple architectural moment with magnificent lofty, what you feel here is true is a renown hill.

5. Travel of zoology of lake of anxious hillock of brief introduction of anxious hillock lake goes vacationing the area is located in south the Huaihe River city southwest department, northing Mao Ji presses down 1 kilometer, 102 visit edge area and pass, communication is easy. Anxious hillock lake with " water " famed, east as beautiful as the scenery 8 fair hill, county of famous city birthday is changed with historical article south, form triangle of gold of travel of distinctive hill, water, city. Environment of this scene area beautiful, climate is delightful, already bulrush swings (the heaven of the bird) , the landscape on the water such as the other people on garden of sightseeing of Lv Hu of lotus form sediment, celestial being, fishery, water, again lakefront go angling, reed swings explore home of bird of the deep and remote, play in swinging Zhou Cailing, lake, fishing searchs flying boat of check of happy, billow to wait for recreational project, hold Jiao Hugong concurrently fish of heart duck's egg, mellow sweet lees, live fish doing eats, the characteristic product such as meat of dog of crystal Gong Yuan, the five spices, still have " descend to the world of celestial being associate " , " Hei Long is castaway " , " treasure of divine monkey explore " , " Zhao Kuangyin strands Na Tang " wait for beautiful fokelore, can says " raise in boudoir 8 did not know " zoology travel virgin land.

July 2004, division of wool market test is obtained first " demonstrative dot of countrywide agriculture travel " title, in Feburary 2005, area of travel of anxious hillock lake is by assess " demonstrative dot of happy travel of farmhouse of the Anhui province " .

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