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1. 自我认知:帮助幼儿认识自己的感情、情绪、兴趣和优势,提高自我意识。

2. 社交技能:培养幼儿的沟通能力、共情能力、合作精神和冲突解决能力,帮助他们建立良好的人际关系。

3. 情绪调节:教导幼儿识别和表达各种情绪,学习有效地调节和应对负面情绪。

4. 抗压能力:提高幼儿的抗压能力,帮助他们适应生活中的变化和挑战。

5. 自信与自尊:培养幼儿的自信和自尊,帮助他们认识自己的价值和潜力。

6. 解决问题和决策能力:提高幼儿的创造力、逻辑思维能力和解决问题的能力。

7. 道德与价值观:帮助幼儿建立正确的道德观和价值观,培养他们的责任感和社会责任感。




































1. 心理健康概述:介绍心理健康的概念、重要性和影响因素,帮助学生了解心理健康的基本知识。

2. 情绪管理:教授情绪识别、情绪调节和情绪表达的技巧,帮助学生掌握有效的情绪管理策略。

3. 压力管理:介绍压力的来源、影响和应对方法,帮助学生掌握有效的压力管理策略。

4. 人际关系:教授人际交往的基本原则和技巧,帮助学生建立良好的人际关系。

5. 自我认知:帮助学生了解自己的性格、兴趣、价值观和能力,并教授自我认知和自我管理的技巧。

6. 心理障碍识别:介绍常见的心理障碍,如焦虑症、抑郁症、强迫症等,帮助学生识别和预防心理障碍。

7. 心理咨询与治疗:介绍心理咨询和治疗的基本知识和方法,帮助学生了解寻求心理帮助的途径和方法。

8. 生涯规划:帮助学生了解自己的职业兴趣、能力和价值观,并教授生涯规划和决策的技巧。

9. 心理健康教育实践:通过心理测试、心理游戏、心理剧等形式,让学生在实践中体验和应用心理健康知识和技能。



One, which years to open mental health to teach a course?

Ministry of Education asked all middle and primary school offer mental health course 2015, provide mental health teacher

2, what does courses of education of cheeper mental health have?

These course include the following fields normally:

1.Ego acknowledge: Help cheeper knows his feeling, mood, interest and dominant position, raise self-awareness.

2.Gregarious skill: The communication ability that develops cheeper, in all spirit of ability, collaboration and conflict resolve situation ability, help them establish good human relationship.

3.Mood adjustment: Teach cheeper identifying and expression all sorts of moods, study adjusts effectively and answer negative sentiment.

4.Fight control capacity: Those who raise child fight control capacity, help them get used to the change in the life and challenge.

5.Self-confidence and self-respect: Foster the self-confidence of cheeper and self-respect, help them recognize them value and potential.

6.Solve problem and decision-making ability: Ability of the creativity that raises child, logistic thinking and the ability that solve a problem.

7.Morality and viewpoint of value: Help cheeper establishs proper moral view and viewpoint of value, foster their sense of responsibility and social sense of responsibility.

3, does college mental health teach curricular standard?

" undergraduate mental health is taught " it is academic union the theory of a market that executive student quality teachs a project and offers is intellectual education, individual seek advice, group mentality coachs and propagandist education activity those who be an organic whole is mandatory and optional the course that combines.

Open " undergraduate mental health is taught " course, aim to make the student makes clear the standard of mental health and real significance, master and use mental health knowledge, consciousness of the psychological quality with good education, self-confident spirit, collaboration and open eye shot, the ego acknowledge ability that develops a student, human communication ability, ego moves energy-saving force, raise accomplishment of student psychology whole in the round, for the student lifelong development lays good, healthy psychological quality foundation.

4, with what should be tax of mental health education given priority to?

Should give priority to with helping student mental health grow, let the student's correct understanding ego, apply concerned psychology to teach method and method, foster the student's good psychology quality, comprehensive harmony develops stimulative student body and mind and quality rises in the round.

5, little game of the warm up before mental health teachs a course?

Catch escape finger game can give birth to mental health class as middle and primary school round perhaps the warm up link of complementary activity, always come dynamic atmosphere, cheerful mood!

" crow and tortoise "

There is a small castle in the forest, there is terrible hellcat and his lackey crow inside, abrupt one day, the sky waves slowly black clouds, before you can say Jack Robinson is pitch-black and pitch-black, what is invisible also, differ ignore issued heavy rain. In violent storm, hellcat hears somebody to be in knock, open the door to look, it is a tortoise so, still have an ink fish. They ask hellcat lets them enter room. Hellcat agreed, but the crow does not agree, it and tortoise are old early in the morning enemy. Rain issues bigger more, everybody also makes a noise fiercer more, cuttlefish is pointing to black clouds to say to hellcat: Rain is so big, the crow does not let us go in however, I and tortoise can fall ill, or else opens the door, the castle that I can let you certainly becomes foul atomsphere. Finally, hellcat still did not open the door to them. Before long, rain stopped, the sun came out, black clouds also came loose, this ability opens hellcat and crow the door, see the tortoise has frozen shrink into oneself.

6, does mental health paper compose a structure?

Writing structure can arrange so:

One commentate problem: What is mental health (definition)

2 how to realize mental health

A few 3 problems that should note

7, what does the good point that begins mental health to teach course have?

Begin mental health to teach curricular excellence, have the following sides:

1, can help a student break up all sorts of dense fog in growing, coach its grow healthily. The nurturance of good psychological quality and volitional character is OK and perforative the development of person lifetime, make the person is benefited all one's life. Accordingly, begin mental health education to be born to middle and primary school can develop continuously very necessary.

2, what can promote a student to know a structure is perfect transform with affective. Adopt mental health education, let a student can make evaluation and choice to his behavior, solve the problem that learning and appears in the life, get used to new environment better thereby, keep as healthy as promotional body and mind ceaselessly, make life has all to close to develop with what abound, march toward self-fulfilment.

3, the psychological quality that is helpful for fostering student health. The school opens mental health to teach course, undertake dredge in time to the student of intentional grain issue. Cooperate to develop activity of group of mass organizations, interest, reveal the student's colorful individual character specialty, train large quantities of one students that have good psychology quality thereby.

8, how does undergraduate mental health teach a class to go up?

Education means basically includes the following kinds:

1, academic education: The method that the fundamental that basically tells about psychology, psychology adjusts, skill that handles all sorts of psychology issues.

2, what learn special subject with case discussion, undertake on classroom case analyses education.

3, watch movie: Constituent student watchs psychological movie, classmates let free make a speech after looking, express oneself view.

4, psychological activity: According to education content, the group mentality of 6 respects such as to apply for a job of job of creation of design self-awareness, study, human association, love, mood management, choose and career program activity, every special subject is needed according to education by teacher assuming a tax, choose 1-2 group mentality activity, begin in education.

5, individual psychology seeks advice: The room that tells a student the school to psychology seeks advice and timeline and everyday be on duty teacher list. Encourage need to have the student of individual help, seek a help to school psychology referral center.

9, how does mental health paper know ego?

In mental health paper, knowing ego is very important one part. It is below a few conduce to the method that realises ego:

Review oneself viewpoint of value and belief: Understand oneself viewpoint of value and conviction, can help oneself understand oneself better, find the operation of the viewpoint of value with oneself and belief conform to.

The reflection that records oneself process: Pass those who record oneself to ponder over a process, can know oneself thinking way more clearly, the problem that appears the trend that includes thinking kind, characteristic, easily.

Record oneself affection and act: Through recording oneself affection and act, can understand oneself be fond of, preference and behavior habit more clearly, and if why handle affection and behavior issue.

Seek the feedback of other: The feedback that seeks another person can help him understand his advantage and weakness, and the advantage that how produces oneself better and the weakness that resolve oneself.

Attend psychology to coach: It is OK to attend psychology to coach the thinking kind that helps oneself understand oneself and affection, learn how to handle oneself problem and affection better.

10, what content does courses of education of undergraduate mental health have?

Undergraduate mental health teachs course to include the following content normally:

1.  Mental health overview: Introduce the concept of mental health, importance and influencing factor, help student understands the basic knowledge of mental health.

2.  Mood management: Teach mood identifying, mood adjustment and the skill that the mood conveys, help student masters effective mood government strategy.

3.  Pressure government: The origin that introduces pressure, influence and answer a method, help student masters effective pressure government strategy.

4.  Human relation: Teach the basic principle of human association and skill, help student establishs good human relationship.

5.  Ego acknowledge: Help student understands his disposition, interest, viewpoint of value and ability, teach the skill of ego acknowledge and ego management.

6.  Psychogenic disorder identifying: Introduce common psychogenic disorder, like angst disease, depressed disease, force disease to wait, help student identifying and precautionary psychogenic disorder.

7.  Psychology seeks advice with cure: Introduce the basic knowledge that psychology seeks advice and treats and method, help student knows the way that seeks psychological help and method.

8.  Career program: Help student knows his professional interest, ability and viewpoint of value, teach career program and decision-making skill.

9.  Mental health teachs practice: Wait for a form through game of psychological test, psychology, psychodrama, let the student experiences in practice and use mental health knowledge and mastery of a skill or technique.

These content can help an undergraduate raise mental health level, enhance psychological tenacity, increase the capacity that answers pressure and setback, stimulative personal growth and development. In the meantime, these content also can help an undergraduate get used to an undergraduate to live better, establish good human relationship, improve study and work efficiency, for professional career ready-made of future.
